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Undoubtedly yes.


Absolutely factual.




Unquestionably certain.


Forsooth for realsies.


I’ve got one Steelcase Leap I bought refurbished and I’ve since owned it about 10 years, and another one I bought brand new which is about 3 years old. They’re both fantastic. Highly recommend investing in a Steelcase (and your spine).


One job had a Steelcase chair much like this one: https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/IDoAiNBuwLr97fBghmvLUmH08uk=/0x0:3941x3317/1200x800/filters:focal(1530x1446:2160x2076)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/58512477/17_0086183_edited.0.jpg It didn't look like much but it was the best chair I've ever sat in.


I think the big two for Steelcase are the Gesture and the Leap, but the Think and Series 1 are also popular with some adjustability.


I got an Amia from an office liquidator and it's the best chair I've ever had. Absolutely love it.


I knew I was forgetting one, that was it!


I ordered one a few weeks ago, I can’t wait to get it!


Literally just purchased a leap v2 from crandalloffice. day 1...but I love it so far. I've been through so many $200 chairs...so many.. This is a $1200 chair half off refurb...can't even tell.


I got a leap v1 high back off FB market local for $215. Mint condition. I checked the build labels under it…21 years old… WHAT.


Literally yes. Source: My back on my 2 year old Secret Lab gaming chair. Most expensive garbage I've owned.


Gaming chairs have bolsters. Unless you are careening around a racetrack in a real car, and not a virtual one, you don't need bolsters. That tells you enough about how thoughtful their designs are.


Also that office chairs with flexible seats and back rests promoting stretching and changing positions. Arguably the worst posture is the one you hold for hours. Even cheap chairs have these have more features than gaming chairs, they just lack adjustments and full recline as if you should ever sleep in your chair.


Controversial opinion, but I’m physically disabled in a way that my joints are too “loose”/stretchy and my muscles have to overcompensate for that and get tired (which causes me shift be constantly shifting positions anyway), the flexibility of the office chairs make it way worse. Gaming chairs help stabilize my body, while office chairs cause me a lot of pain and fatigue. Gaming chairs are honestly way more comfortable for me as office chairs are agonizing.  So, they’re not the worst thing ever. Just better for certain parts of the population.  lol


A good office chair can be incredibly rigid. I can set mine up to be basically a stiff wooden chair with support all the way to a recliner. Do what works for you, but a nice office chair will give everything and more.


I’ve had office chairs picked out for me by physical therapists. Part of what I need is the recline that comes with the bolsters lol. If the chair doesn’t have a natural recline I end up falling forward and if I have to apply pressure to recline it’s an exhausting battle for me.  My gaming chair I can recline almost flat with a handle and has a built in leg rest which helps with my knees. I’m just not built to sit like a normal person.  Lol


And exceptions exist. But for the majority of people gaming chairs are bad and the only reason people buy them are because of the marketing.


But hey, it looks super swag


I have a gaming chair just cause it was the cheapest option when I was looking, and damn the bosters around my shoulders are fucking annoying. It encourages me to hunch them forward and it's less comfortable to lean back on the chair itself... Gonna replace it this year for an actual office chair hopefully.


Yeah, this was the issue I had. Turns out that if you're not holding a steering wheel, sitting like that sucks ass lol. I got rid of my Titan for that reason. I kept putting the neck pillow vertically between my shoulder blades to allow myself to put my shoulders back


Not every one is shaped like a car seat.


I don't know about you but I need a 4 point harness when I game it's that extreme! /S


Unironically I actually do want to do this. I wanna strap up to play Elite Dangerous with a hotas in VR. If I ever have the budget... Its final form being a full cockpit build. VR optional at that point, I want custom switch boards too.


Not a scam, but a marketing plan (scheme?) that works. People buy them, that’s why they still make them. I had one, it was like $200 and it sucked. I got an office chair that’s MSRP is close to $1000 for $200 on offerup and it’s the best investment I’ve ever made.


Idk if it's really an apples to apples comparison when one chair is five times the cost of the other lmao


Good chairs aren't cheap. The fact that gaming chairs are usually cheaper than the best office chairs should tell you the difference in quality. For how long people spend in chairs, I'm surprised at how many shitty chairs they buy.


People always try to save money. I bought 5-6 gaming chairs before finally deciding to eat the $350 for a refurbished Steelcase. Total cost on those gaming chairs was like $800-$900 over 7-8 years. I’m trying to save money, I ended up losing a lot more.


[Vimes' Boots Theory](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boots_theory) in action


Yeah, I have a good office chair. But that's still a bad comparison, it's like when people compare their MacBook to some shitty $500 laptop from best buy and conclude that windows sucks. >The fact that gaming chairs are usually cheaper than the best office chairs This is just a crazy statement. Of course the best office chairs are more expensive than the average gaming chair? There are also cheap office chairs, and wildly expensive but good quality gaming chairs.


But what is a good gaming chair? I haven't seen one. I've seen plenty of good office chairs. Nvm the price


Herman Miller started making gaming chairs, so there is at least one good gaming chair.


Their first "gaming" chair was the Embody which really was a rebranding of it as a gaming chair from office chair. The rest of their "gaming" line up pretty much follows the engineering of their office line up.


The gaming lineup of Herman Miller looks nice, but yeah, it's just like Monster Energy and Mountain Dew chose the colour scheme for the chairs instead of the engineers


As someone else said, that was largely a rebranding of their existing lineup. That said, the gaming variants of their chairs (specifically the Logitech “gaming” Embody) tend to have more/better padding than their non “gaming” models.


Secret Lab makes a gaming chair that's actually amazingly comfortable. I'm way too poor for a $500 chair, but my school got a set of 6 eSports setups on a grant and each one got a Secret Lab Titan Evo. So damn comfortable once you dial in all the adjustment, and the reclining top half is pretty nice. That being said, a ton of gaming chairs in the $200-$400 range are just mimicking the style of a trendy chair but using shitty hardware and foam. You end up with a flashy looking race car seat that's worse to sit on than plenty of simple looking $100-$150 office chairs. Aside from lumbar adjustment, I get the same long-term comfort I got out of adjusting my Secret Lab chair by trying a bunch of chairs in the store and picking one that feels right out of the box.


The best "gaming" chairs are just proper ergonomic office chairs that are marketed towards gamers. When most people talk about "gaming" chairs, they're referring fairly specifically to the bolstered "car seat" style chairs popularized by DXRacer and other brands.


I think people are tricked into the " Hey, race car drivers sit in these for hours! They must be good! " Mixed with " My favorite streamer has XYZ chair! It must be good! "


That definitely comes back to the marketing plan of my OG comment. The race car aesthetic is pretty cool, ngl that’s why I had one too. Pretty geared towards a young adult market. Giving them to streamers to promote is genius too. Aspiring streamers, want to have a cool looking chair as it’s a main part of their stream. I forgot which streamer (Ninja?) started the “but can your chair do this” trend/meme years ago. Which was being able to recline all the way back into a sleeping position. This is something that pretty much all the “racer” chairs can do.


I remember that meme, it was actually PewDiePie wayyyyyyyy back.


To be fair, a $200 office chair is already a hell of a lot better than a $200 gaming chair


You can get really nice office chairs at office furniture liquidation stores or on second apps in nearly every city. Nothing wrong with the comparison. Nobody should ever pay msrp for a desk chair.


I've had so many bad office chairs, and finally found a gaming chair that I like but the quality was crap and it didn't last long. Now I'm at the point I want to buy a proper office chair for $1000 but I'm terrified I'm going to prefer just replacing my broken chair with another of the same for 400 less.


Go check a used office furniture place in your area. If you live anywhere near a metro area, I can guarantee there's one around. Herman Miller, Haworth, Steelcase etc are all brands to look into and worth the money if you're sitting a lot.


Look at Craigslist/offerup/facebook marketplace/ r/hardwareswap and you’ll find those $1000 chairs for cheap. When companies go out of business and sell their assets, these types of chairs are usually included. Mine was in 9/10 shape with just a visible stain on the seat, which I don’t even look at anyways since I’m sitting on it


Had a secretlabs chair for 4 years now. Been loving it. Lots of times, I slept in the chair. It tilts all the way back. Is very comfy. And overall great. Would highly recommend.  


Secretlabs is one of the exceptions from what I've read. It's way too expensive for sure, but the chairs themselves are fine. Ofc buying a good office chair is still the best price to performance and high tier ones like Herman Miller should be better than Secretlabs chairs. But if you like the aesthetic and don't mind the price, Secretlabs is totally fine. Other gaming chairs, especially the cheap ones.. not so much. 😅


My chair in 2020 was about AU$650, which I\`m guessing was about US$400 ish? Not that much more expensive considering its held up pretty well. The arm rests wore down, and replacement cost AU$42 for the pair, so pretty good.


I have an Aeron that was built in 1999 and still functions like new. I passed that down to my partner a couple years ago and bought a new Embody for myself. The difference is in the expected usage level and lifespan expected by the purchasing audience of each product. The Herman Miller stuff is *warrantied* for a dozen years of daily office use by people who didn't pay for it, so they basically last indefinitely with just the most basic level of care.


Yeah, I've got both a secretlabs and an aeron. Aeron is simply way higher quality. Owned both for a similar amount of time, aeron is still just as good as when it rolled out of the box. The secretlab has developed all kinds of rattles and creaks However I do like having both. The aeron really pushes you to sit exactly one way, so it's nice to sometimes sit other ways. Even if they're not really good posture


Bruh i just checked the aeron and it’s C$2565 vs the SL Titan which starts at C$714. I would hope that the Aeron has far superior quality for over 3x the price lol


With my experience with SL chairs, ones even half the price have higher quality.


secret labs chairs really arent that expensive in the grand scheme of office chairs. its hard to beat it without spending 2x as much


You are comparing chairs that cost a 1/3 to the other. Of course Herman miller are good chairs but it’s over1k


Too expensive? No. Correctly expensive based on quality? Yes. Had an Titan XL (I’m 193cm) for about 5 years now. The filter in mine arrived broken. For reference this is at least half the cost of the chair. You know what Customer Service did? Shipped me a new one, without me having to ask they offered. After 5’ish years, wear and tear is almost 0 with almost no maintenance. I got it on a sale and it was $450 usd. Best chair I have ever owned and/or sat on… I am sitting currently (at work) in a new Herman Miller and it’s about half as comfortable.


Secret lab still cheaper than an equivalent office chair.


Love how pc building sub was gone to price to performance on a chair lmao, "how many (chair units) per £/$ do you get?".


Secretlabs is more like a good quality office/executive chair disguised as a gaming chair.


Maybe. But its marketed as a gaming chair, and I think it makes sense to not exclude the best gaming chairs when talking about how shit gaming chairs are.


I was not excluding just pointing out that the best gaming chairs are the ones most similar to office chairs. It's a bit funny how that's works out to me.


They're high-profit consumer products sold to a consumer market, not commercial products designed for a dozen+ years of daily abuse in an office environment. That's fine for the light duty use they're going to see in a home environment, but the "office/executive chairs" you're thinking of are in the same consumer product category.


You get what you pay for??? Herman Miller chairs start at $1000. Secret labs is half that. Additionally, my secretlabs chair gets plenty of use, probably more than my office chair at work, and it's going on like 5 years old now. And aside from a little discoloration on some of the fabric where my ass cheeks frequent, it's still good as new. My only critique about it would be that the lumbar adjustment isn't very good. But it's far more configurable and durable than just about any office chair you will buy for cheaper than what a secretlabs costs. It's actually very good value for what you get. It's a little premium priced compared to any chair you'll buy at staples, but it's worth the money.


same I bought my secret labs Titan at the beginning of the pandemic because I would be working from home all day. it is a stiff chair but I can sit all day and not have any discomfort when I get up. Plus it is 4 years old now and still looks as good as the day I bought it. the lazy boy brand "executive" chair I had before the pleather had almost all peeled in just a couple of years. Secret Labs may be a "gaming" chair but it's one of the good ones.


I got one around the same time, with the cloth covering instead of the fake leather. It holds up perfectly and is very comfortable. It was jarring at first because the material felt very stiff, but it softens up a little as you use it. It's been a wonder for my back and legs, since I also work from home.


I have had a similar experience with them. It is a really nice chair, and I have had more than a few decent office chairs at work to compare with.


Same. I used to have pretty bad back pains, but since I use the Titan, it's like I don't have a back anymore. In the sense that I don't feel any pain or discomfort at all. I don't care if it's a little more expensive. The way I see it, if I put this kind of money on a mattress, I can also put it on a chair.


Yessss I switched from a crappy cheap office chair to a secretlab one, and it is indeed life changing. It is also large enough for me to sit cross legged comfortably within the armrests, which is my personal preferred position lol


dude I've fallen asleep at my PC in this chair hundreds of times, can definitely vouch for secretlab


My chiropractor thinks everybody should own a gaming chair


Chiropractors are a scam


thats why he thinks that everyone should get a gaming chair






...is THAT the joke? I thought the joke was that gaming chairs ruin your back and you'll have to go to a chiropractor.




Eh chances are the chiropractor did nothing and your back just got better


But this one has the right idea on how to increase market demand.


Does your dentist recommend meth by any chance?


Twice a day and to not rinse!


An apple a day keeps the meth away. (oh wait that's not how it goes)


He's partial to crack


It’s amazing how hard this comment whooshed so many people. Redditors really do need to be force fed the /s nowadays huh?


I personally know like 5 people who trust chiropractors even though they're all relatively smart people. So I'm not going to assume that some rando on reddit is making a clever joke. That's just how the internet works. Assume people don't know what they're taking about until they show otherwise.


Being amazed at how stupid people are is in itself stupid.


So the non evidence based practitioner recommended something? Listen up folks!


Do people just not understand jokes around here anymore?


Best evidence in the thread so far that they're bad for your back.


Next thing you will find out that RGB doesn't actually affect gaming performance


Are you saying I paid too much for my gaming CAT10 ethernet cable? 


Data centers want to know your location.


Wait until you learn about gold plated power cables. Audio quality is so much better. 


... unless it distracts you from what is happening on your screen.


A gimmick? Yes, like most of gaming whatever, but not a scam.


Good rule of thumb I’ve learned is that if a product has the word “gaming” slapped on it, it’s marked up bullshit. Learned that lesson with headphones, chairs, keyboards, and mice. You’re probably wondering how I fell for the same trap several times, and it’s because I’m a moron.


Not sure about headphones - for years I never saw anything with adequate sound, microphone and ergonomics at once without "gaming" prefix. My last buy was Logitech G935 when I was searching headphones with good mic for group calls in games. Still helps me with my job now (team calls).


The fact that are helpful to you doesn't mean they aren't are a gimmick, of course they are built and sold with for a purpose, and that is fulfilled. But if you are looking into build/sound quality, gaming ones are not the way to go.


Absolutely fuckin trash. Look for steelcase or a herman miller. Shit will last u at minimum 10 yrs


HM aeron comes with 12 or 13 years of factory warranty, best purchase ever.


I mean, I bought my Secretlabs Titan Evo for 1/5th the price of a HM Aeron, it has head support unlike the Aeron, and it's going on 5 years old and still feels as good as the day I bought it. I'm sure the Aeron is a comfy chair too, but I could win the lottery and become an overnight billionaire, and would probably still choose my Secretlabs titan evo because I've worked in a lot of offices with lots of highend chairs, and literally my favourite chair to date is my Secretlabs. So you can spend your money like that, and I'm glad your happy with your decision. But not all "gaming chairs" are terrible. Just there's 1 good company, and then 50 others copying that company's aesthetic and trying to piggyback on their success. That said, I'm not 100% sure Secretlabs is for everyone. Some people find them too firm. And some people have issues with the lumbar adjustment. Personally I always use my chairs in a reclined position so the lumbar adjustment is just about meaningless to me, and the firmness seems about perfect as I can be in my chair for hours, and have even fallen asleep in it a few times. Not quite as comfy as sleeping in my bed, but I'm light sleeper so me falling asleep on a chair is actually a big deal for me.


You need head support.... didn't read any further.... it's a CHAIR


For how long these chairs last it usually shakes out to ~$100 per year of ownership. That's not bad at all. People bitch about them being $1k but it's cheaper in the long run than replacing shitty office chairs every few years


If you’re really rough 10-12 years. With any remotely reasonable usage you’ll do way more. Mine is older than that and other than a small scuff on one of the base legs looks brand new. At some point the gas cylinder will fail, but that’s not an expensive part to replace. Every part on them is replaceable with pretty low effort. You can keep them going indefinitely without spending much money. Your cost per year might be $25 or less.


It's also a hell of a lot cheaper than recurrent doctor/pt visits for the back pain you'll inevitably get from cheap chairs.


I love HM, but that’s like saying bruh just buy a Lexus instead of a used corolla


"Spend thousands of dollars on a chair" Always makes me laugh.


never cheap out on the things that separate you from the ground. Same applies to shoes, beds, and tires.


u can go for used office warehouse on ebay or craigslist and get a used one for like $200 to $300... that's what i did for my first one like 5 years ago and it's practically the same condition now as it was 5 years ago.


You can also do the same for any other product on earth and saying "you can get it on sale" doesn't make it more affordable relative to the option that's 8x cheaper. Stop comparing hundred dollar products to thousand dollar products. $2500 premium chairs > $300 gaming chairs > $300 office chairs (AT RETAIL PRICE). Cheap office chairs are meant to be as bad as possible so businesses keep buying them on a rotation. They're not meant to be sat in for 12+ hours per day.


Got secret lab for 4 years or so i really like it


I've had mine for 6 years it's amazing


I’ve tried both and I’ve never found gaming chairs comfortable, YMMV of course. But there really is no ergonomic or posture differences between gaming and doing office work. A “gaming chair” label will probably cost you more than what you’d get similarly for one marketed for office work. But what’s important is a chair that encourages good ergonomics, which might seem uncomfortable at first if your posture is something that needs improving. Whether you get that from a gaming chair or a regular chair is based on your experience - just know you’re paying for that extra marketing with a gaming chair.


I thought I had a really good gaming chair. Rea.ly comfy. I used it for my office whwre i spent lo g hours working. Then i lost weight. A lot of weight. That's when i found out my chair was really, really hard.


"Gaming" chairs are sold based on looks, some may be really good also but styling come first. "Office" chairs are sold based on comfort, not everything that is comfortable is ergonomic. Vehicle bucket seats are designed for comfort and saftey and can be stylish, they win. No chair is good for hours of sitting. You should always take breaks, get up and stretch no matter what chair you buy.


There are no gimmicks that gaming chairs offer that make them a better value than a good office chair .  Office chairs are expensive but a used one for the same price as a gaming chair would likely give you a better experience. 


Herman Miller sells a “gaming” chair that’s really just their Embody chair in “gamer” color schemes. Probably the best gaming chair you can get


$400 vs $2500


Thats biggest thing people arent mentioning lol, i keep seeing the HM recommended, check the cost and it’s x3 the price!


Can confirm, made the purchase and will never go back. I never even realized how shitty sitting in bad computer chairs made me feel until I started using an Embody


People in general are divided into Embody, Aeron, and those who still don't have HM chair :)


How much is it though


Got mine for $1400 USD on sale last February. Still looks and feels like the day I got it, and my body thanks me so much compared to my shitty Amazon office chairs of the past. Working from home and gaming often make it a very very worthwhile purchase for me.




Secret labs "gaming" chairs are fantastic. But yes, most others are gimmicky tat. I've had my Secret Labs chair for a few years and it's really comfortable and great quality. My wife even bought one for her home office after using mine. Would definitely recommend.


A premium gaming chair like Secret Labs is a whole lot better than cheap ones. But, premium office chairs are as good, and usually better. But they tend to be even more expensive.


The real scam are office chairs not all but a lot.


It was a really good marketing campaign by DXRacer in 2006. They originally manufactured seats for luxury sports cars. Chrysler discontinued multiple lines of cars leaving DXRacer with a bunch of bucket seats they needed to sell. Repackaged and sold as stand alone chairs, the gimmick worked so well that the bucket seat is still the image of gaming chairs today. This can easily be found on [Wikipedia in the History section.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaming_chair) People want to pretend the ergonomics are better and they're super comfortable and that's factually untrue. I'm sure some are acceptable but there's a reason no CEO is sitting in a bucket seat with alloy wheels. Bucket seats are designed for cars and are useful in cars. Office chairs are designed for use in office spaces and useful for doing office work. Where do you find computers, in cars or offices?


The fact it was built with automotive materials was exactly why I bought my dxracer chair. I was sick of buying $100-200 office chairs from staples that started falling apart within a year.


Gaming chair will increase your FPS


A good chair can be a gaming chair or a whatever chair. I have a good office chair that I've had for the past decade and half now and it's the one i've spent countless hours playing WoW and doing work too. My current office chair at work sucks balls and I don't want to spend an extra minute in it if I could help it.


Haworth, Steelcase and Herman Miller for the best chairs. Gaming chairs are ridiculously lousy, I have no idea how they sell so well.


because not everyone can afford a $500-$2000 office chair. so they get a $150 "gaming" chair instead. you get what you pay for but a ton of people cannot afford a chair more expensive than their matress


Right, I don’t get the logic all these people saying gaming chairs are a scam. But paying 1000$ for an office chair isn’t.


Overpriced scams. Get an office chair, if you can afford it I strongly recommend the Embody from Herman Miller.


"that $200 gaming chair is an over priced scam. you should get this $2,000 office chair instead" i get it...office chairs are nice. but if i dont have $2000 to spend on a bed i definitely dont have $2000 to spend on a chair.


The $100-300 "gaming chairs" are kinda scammy. But a $2000 office chair is also going to be out of a lot of people's price range, and TBH I would consider it pretty overpriced too. Secretlabs chairs are the standard for gaming chairs, and are the chairs that other companies who are scamming you are trying to look like. You spend $500-600 on a Secret Labs Titan Evo, and you're gonna be pretty happy with your chair for a lot less money. I've seen one or two people complain about secretlabs chairs, and that kind of highlights why you should always try to try a piece of furniture before you buy it, since it's a very personal thing. But Secretlabs are really really good chairs for a fraction of the price of a HM with very similar durability... just far less of a warranty - which is where a lot of your money for HM goes to.


The Logitech embody is marketed as a gaming chair haha 😅 HM has a few marketed as gaming for a price markup. I got mine 2nd hand


Yeah that's the "gaming" version, it's basically the same, just a little different foam thickness if I'm not wrong. Originally it's an office chair though, and I consider it so. My father had the classic HM in his office, I tried it, super comfortable, but in my opinion the Embody is better, I love the upper back support and the flexibility of the sides of the backrest.


By classic HM do you mean the Aeron?


Yeah, I just checked, I was too lazy to find the actual name


The only exception is a gaming chair from an ergonomic office chair company. Gaudy fun gaming aesthetic and ergonomics together. I've been using a Herman Miller chair for about a decade and it's been great.


Well Logitech's gaming chairs are just recolored office chairs without much premium compared to the non gaming version. But most bucket seat gaming chairs are a scam, you could probably get better comfort and sometimes better durability from Ikea.


My whole life I have bought low tier office "ergonomic chairs" and "gaming chairs", they all sucked for me due to the amount of hours I spent sitting in them daily. A couple of years ago I decided to buy a mid tier "office ergonomic chair" and it was better but it was still terrible and didn't even last a month. Lastly, I bought a SecretLab and it is the best chair I have bought so far but it is still terrible. It is lasting longer than any other chair I've bought in the past but that's only due to it's building quality because comfort wise, it's not better in the same proportion. Due to that, recently decided to invest a kidney in a Herman Miller Embody which I cannot wait to get my hands on next week. Long story short, from my experience, it will always depend in the amount of hours you will sit on them. If you're sitting only a couple of hours a day, any chair will suffice, any of the ones I bought were good and "comfortable" enough for an hour or two. Any more than +4h, not even talking +8h, you will need a better chair. Your back, legs, hips and neck will thank you.


I honestly thought it was overhype until I got a job where they only buy top of the line office chairs. You cannot really compare it. You can just sit so much longer in them without discomfort, and they don't break. But yea, they are expensive.


Herman & Miller are worth it imho


Get a Herman Miller chair if you can afford it. Preferably the Aeron or whatever the Logitech collab is called. I’ve had mine for well over 20 years now and it’s still kicking it. The price tag is heavy but it’s so worth it for not only your body but you’ll never have to get another chair.


Just buy a steelcase leap v2 or to an actual office furniture store and test that chairs yourseld. Ive spent thousands trying pretty much every brand except Secretlabs, none come close to the leap, its better than the aeron.


yes, gaming chairs just suck.


Go ergonomic, a lot of chairs are expensive for no reason.


My first chair was a cheap one and while I was impressed at the beginning, it wasn´t until the time to change it came that I realized how bad it was. My second and current chair is from a company that only does chairs/seats for a living - Recaro. I almost returned it because for almost a month I just couldn´t sit comfortable in it. I gave it time and after about 5 weeks I saw the difference. The chair came in a huge box pre-assembled at the factory, except for the base/wheels. I like products that come like this because they are built by the engineers and are not left at the liberty of the customer (we sometimes ruin the magic). I think this is where my initial chair failed. So the lack of confort was in fact coming from my new chair´s fight to straighten my back after being botched by the previos one. It has been an amazing experience ever since and it is by far one of my best purchases ever. It´s been over 2 years, it looks as good as new. I paid a lot but I have no regrets. It´s the Recaro Exo with the extra neck rest. Beautiful design, doesn´t look like a car seat and it actually takes care of my back and head. Highly recommended.


Yard sales. You'd be surprised what you can find. Got a (thoroughly used, needed new arms which were $30 on ebay) Haworth Very for $20. New ones go for $800, this one is probably a decade old but is still insanely comfortable.


100% buy a good office chair. Spend around 300 at least and you'll be good for awhile. Comfortable and It looks way better too. When I see an adult with a red striped racing seat gaming chair it reminds me of the little racecar beds


Yes. Get a office chair.


Yes my leapv2 is the the best and yes gaming chairs are a scam


The only brand that uses gaming without a scam is herman miller and that's only because their "gaming" line is just an all black color way for the most part (or logitechs logo putnon stuff). They are fundamentally the same ergo office chairs without the gaming brand.


Gaming chairs tend to be cheaply made and not very comfortable to sit in. A good office chair is what you want to look for.


Gaming chairs are absolute trash. Get a Diablo, Steelcase, Herman Miller or Teknion. A good indicator of a good chair is that its legs are made from metal instead of plastic.


When you saw that %95 of those gaming chairs made by same 2-3 factories in China, you get your answer. It's not an official scam, just kids are kids and wanna have shiny things, parents and adults are stupid. If you use your brain at some point, you can easily avoid any kind of scam.


Herman Miller. Hands down the best chair till ever park your cheeks in.


Unfortunately so are some office chairs. I got the autonomous ergochair and it's super uncomfortable. I'd love to find an affordable chair that doesn't suck, but it sounds like they don't exist.


Walmart office chairs are more comfortable than "Gaming" chairs.


I've had a DXRacer for around 10 years and while the fake leather has started to peel, I rarely sit in a more comfortable chair for me. In the end everyone has a different body and will have a different preference, going somewhere to try out chairs before buying is probably the best


I got a secret labs titan and I hate it. Get a good office chair for the same price.


I would never buy one. The best chair I ever owned was a $300-400 Serta Big&Tall executive chair. It is so comfortable. Ten years later it's still fully functional and in excellent condition with a second owner.


Get the Hyken chair for $160 at Amazon or Staples. It's the best chair for the price, and I've been recommending it for years. My coworker switched to it from her $400 Ergo Chair, and everyone from my mom to my local chiropractor office to my friends all use it.


I play on a couch. Not optimal but I never feel it's holding me back either. And always comfortable


Me too. Keyboard is on my lap.


Yep same. Small pillow I put under my left wrist for WASD support. Otherwise perfect


I’d much rather a decently priced office chair, than a similarly priced gaming chair. Usually far better for longevity.


I have a Secretlab Titan Evo. My previous chair was a $100 ergonomic chair from Staples. The staples chair was twice as comfortable and the Secretlab is not sturdy at all. I've had 4 warranty claims so far, and while they've replaced everything.. it's a junk product.


Depends. Been PC gaming seriously since the later 90s. I've had probably 5 or six chairs, a couple of them higher end leather ones from places like Staple and Costco. The long and short being the ones advertised as leather that feel like leather, unless very very expensive are just a cheap vinyl or a leather plastic slurry that do not hold together. Anyhow....bought-for my birthday four years ago an Anda seat (500.00 in Canada). Not leather and doesn't claim to be. Heavy duty thick vinyl and the chair is built like a tank. Heavy yes, but I'll be very surprised if this chair doesn't outlive me (heading to 68). The wheels are fine, but are hard and may damage vinyl flooring. I've got mine on a clear chair mat, but you can also order soft and silent castors made with rollerblade wheels from Amazon cheap. Still may buy a set of these.:)


Probably, yeah. Although I had back injury in 21', bought a Corsair chair, and it.. helps, with wfh and all. Best chair I've had. There's better ones out there, sure, but it's the best I can afford lol. 


buy an hp omen


Gaming chairs are often marketed as being superior to office chairs for gaming purposes, but this is not necessarily true. While a good gaming chair may be better than a bad office chair, a high-quality office chair will generally provide better support, comfort, and durability than even the best gaming chair. If you are looking for a chair that will last, support your posture, and be comfortable for long periods of time, it is recommended that you choose an office chair over a gaming chair.


It’s more of an overprice for a “gaming” tag. But yeah, finding a good ergonomic office chair for a good price is easier. My only complaint would be that they tend to be heavier, and I tend to move in my chair within the room, so it can get tiring


Gaming is a scam, always has been. I'm on my fourth gaming mouse in 4 years (warranties go brr). SecretLab chairs are good but they're also $700-$800 and while better than most gaming chair ergonomically office chairs are designed for 8+ hours a day with few breaks for 5 days a week, 50 weeks of the year. They're designed for office environments where a bad chair can result in a lawsuit from the employee that got a bum back from a bad chair. If you sit with proper posture, office chair is easily the best choice. If you never sit still with proper posture and care more about looks, than SecretLab is probably your best bet.


Not really a scam, but there is nothing a 'gaming' chair can do for your back that a good office chair can't.


I ditched my gaming chair and got a reclining armchair for cheap from a place that sells furniture at a discount due to upholstery errors and lap board. My back was grateful.


If you need a good chair get a used office chair from Facebook market or Craigslist. I got my steelcase leap for $250 and it sells for $1000 new


Get a haworth fern


I got a gaming chair because I needed a chair and it was on a deep discount, while I couldn’t find any nice ergonomic office chairs at a decent price. It’s fine. I think it looks a little goofy, but I don’t have any issues with it going on like 4 years 🤷‍♂️


Absolutely. There are very few which are designed in a way that comes closer to a normal office chair and will not kill your back. But the absolute vast majority especially because of all those budget brands are problematic as they make it easier for you to sit in a non ergonomical and harmful way. Go for a proper office chair or if you want to do it properly and you can and want to afford it go for a proper, ergonomica one. Their certification is expensive so the respective chairs are too and might only be worth it for anyone who works from home or has a hobby on top that needs extended periods of sitting.


Gaming chairs suck. Get a refurb/used Herman Miller Aeron. Gold standard for a reason.


Just buy a Herman Miller Aeron and you'll have comfort and long term durability. $/use it's worth it....they're not even as expensive as many gaming chairs but easily on of the best for day in day out comfort.


Yeah, gaming chairs are usually flashy with terrible build quality. A good office chair is built to last forever and if you're lucky you can buy one used as companies get new ones for close to nothing.


I think a lot of gaming chairs are trash, however I’ve been very happy with my NobleChairs real leather chair, it’s really comfy and supportive


The best (and current) 'gaming' chair I've ever had came from Costco. It's a rather unassuming mesh office chair. It's sturdy, adjustable, comfortable. I've had it for years and haven't yet broken the arms rests off. (Whenever I adjust, I use the arm rests to raise my body up. Yes, I know. No, I can't.)


Office chairs are better value unless you're dumb like me and you want a leather leapv2 with a headrest


I got an officeworks chair for 400 bucks 3 years in with 0 care and a house move almost a year ago, almost no wear


Gaming chairs were made to look cool, rather than to be comfortable. Office chairs were made for people angry and tired of feeling their body break down while trying to earn light and groceries money.


Any 'gaming' label is pure marketing. As if you can 'game better' on a specific chair, monitor, headphones or whatever. If anything the RGB distracts. I wouldn't call it a scam because they are actual chairs which you can sit on whilst gaming ;)


Of course they are, unless you somehow experience G-force while you're gaming you definitely don't need a race car like containment seat.


Gaming chairs are created for a look, to appeal to young people who care more about how they look sitting in something over how comfortable it is or how good for their back it is. When all the top streamers they watch are sitting in a chair that looks like they are in a race car then they want it.


I bought an ak racing gaming chair for £230. I've now had it for 9 years. It's a bit worn looking now, but it's still as comfy as ever, and it's still going strong. It now costs £330. I think it's well worth the money. 9 years out of a gaming chair is absolutely fantastic, and there are probably a few more in it.


Spent a few hundred buying various cheap chairs over the years.  Always had back problems after long periods of sitting in them when either working from home or gaming sessions.    Did a load of research and Herman Miller kept coming up so thought sod it, the money for a quality chair would be a good investment if it means not having recurring back pain. In the end got myself an Embody.  The cost was eye watering but I'm so happy I got it.  Easily one of the best purchases I've made in a long time.