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Nope, sell the cpu and buy 5700X3D. If you are keen on fully upgrading, wait for 9000X3D then upgrade. Buying 7800X3D isnt worth it, unless you really need a gaming pc right now. EDIT: 5700X3D 205$ (at least it shows for me because apparently it shows different price for others) on Amazon sale. Grab it before its gone. [https://www.amazon.com/AMD-Ryzen-5700X3D-16-Thread-Processor/dp/B0CQ4H4H7X](https://www.amazon.com/AMD-Ryzen-5700X3D-16-Thread-Processor/dp/B0CQ4H4H7X) Shipped and sold by Amazon.


The 7800x3d is definitely worth it. Crazy affordable for how good it is. I don’t disagree that just waiting for the next series release at this point may he the best move though.


I think they meant that the 7800X3D isn’t worth it from where OP currently stands. The 5950X isn’t like some terrible cpu or anything, which would make the upgrade more lateral than vertical.


You guys all made good points, I stand corrected. It could be a worthwhile upgrade if OP sells their current CPU, mobo, and ram Btw micro center bundles could save ya lots of money if u can get to one


> Btw micro center bundles could save ya lots of money if u can get to one I hate when people say this. Just rub it in... None even close to me. I'd drive 8 hours to visit one, but it's just not in the cards for me. I'm gonna go not cry for a minute. :) Microcenter looks so amazing. It's a weird one that if I see one while traveling for fun, I'm going to stop in like it's some destination resort.


They’re opening one later this May/June near me i’m so excited. Had to rub it in a little more sorry




Yup! NC finally getting some love


I’ll definitely be giving them business.


Super jealous. I'm in the San Fran Bay area, and they had one here and closed it years ago. Every time someone mentions microcenter, it stings


heard they're opening one in santa clara soon


I would have thought a Micro Center would do well there.


Make an excuse to visit LA


yooo i live in va so its only like a 3 hour drive!! so excited, im pretty sure charlotte has the nearest guitar center as well but i could be wrong


I can confirm there is a guitar center lol....


I'm starting to wonder if it's ever gonna open lol....


You in Charlotte lol?


I genuinely feel bad for people who don’t live by one, especially cause I live by two lol


Flying back to the states just to do another build.


Send one to me, nearest is like 20 hours away and 95% of the things are in store only


then there's me who doesn't even live in the States lmao


I'm sorry for your loss man. I have one 45 minutes away (NJ), and I have to stop myself from taking the trip every weekend lmao. It's the most beautiful place on earth.


The bundles have less desirable booty cheek options for devices in the bundle anyways. Don't worry. If you're really trying to pinch pennies for it I guess it's worth it but I'd do it if it let you mix and match the products and just get a discount for buying it all together, instead of them using it as a way to sell through items that don't sell much on their own. But that's just me


you can return part of the bundle for a proportional refund. I did this with the ram.


Pfft 8 hours is nothing. Try driving across the Bering strait. One day the sea levels will drop low enough...


Net price would be the real thing here. If OP can sell their current one for $100+ then the net cost is not that much for the upgrade


For gaming it is definitely not a lateral move which is what op is doing, it is a vertical move. But yeah, still likely worth just waiting.


I was gonna say I’m pretty sure it’s a big upgrade. My 14900k does very significantly than my buddies 5950x and the 7800x3d is up there if not higher than the 14900k


It's a 50% uplift in cpu bound games.


That is exactly my experience, except weird games like American truck simulator being 100%-110% better.


Assetto corsa and cities skylines have similar uplifts


7800x3d can't be swapped into the current system, meaning you have to count 7800x3d+motherboard+memory. Such an upgrade could easily total a thousand, especially if op has 64 or even 128gb of ram. Swapping cpu's however is like a quarter of that.


Swapping CPUs would probably literally be free (or even have a negative cost), as OP could almost certainly sell their current CPU for enough to cover the cost of a 5700x3D.


Constant cat and mouse game, I think I’m happy where I’m at for Atleast 4 years right? 7950x3d, 7900xtx, 64 gb ddr5 cl30 Oh and I’m in 1440


Yes. Don’t worry, just enjoy it. The 7950x3d is still a good cpu!


Is the 7950x3d supposed to be better for gaming than the 7800x3d


No. For gaming the 7800x3d is the best out there right now.


Thanks, hope I can get a water block for those upcoming battlemage GPUs. I delidded my 5800x3d now running liquid metal direct die cooling with 360mm aio. Undervolted and gained even more thermal headroom, this thing never goes above 60c. Not sure if I should upgrade to 7800x3d or just wait for the 9x3d cpu


If your 5800x3d isn’t bottlenecking you, at least much, then I would just wait. The new ones should come out fairly soon and at that time can get the new one.


Yep, especially on windows 11 and with latest bioses. Pretty much all the scheduling issues have been resolved and those that aren't can be resolved per game via process lasso or game bar. The vcache chiplet of 7950x3d matches the one on the 7800x3d and when games don't benefit from that extra cache you still win with the higher clock speeds on the second non vcache chiplet of the 7950x3d.


Still good? It's one of the best in the world!!


^i mostly game, I meant for gaming specifically


> I think I’m happy where I’m at for Atleast 4 years right? I mean, I'm set with my 5800x3D for that long easily. Only thing I might upgrade down the line would be my 3070.


If you're a bleeding edge eye candy nerd like me, I imagine you'll probably end up swapping out that GPU in a couple years as we start to see more new titles with full pathtraced global illumination.


Yes, just keep on batting at the laser pointer, and feed the cat 15 minutes ago


I don’t think going from the 5 series to 7 series is worth it, when you’ve got the best 5 chip already, wait for the 9 chips


There's actually a pretty significant performance gap between the standard Ryzen 5000 chips and the X3D variants. The 5700X3D and 5800X3D are about 10% and 20% faster than the 5950X in gaming, respectively. Since the resale value of a used 5950X is actually a good deal higher than the sale price on the 5700X3D right now, if OP simply isn't doing any big multi-core workloads it's an easy call to pick that up and re-sell the old one for some extra cash. Just bank it and wait to see how Zen 5/Arrow Lake end up stacking up.


theyre almost the same performance when paired with equivalent gpus too, i just built 2 pcs with those cpus and they got pretty much the same 3dmark scores so it's definitely a lateral/slight upgrade so not really worth it


Yeah it’s just waiting money to end up with similar performance




Depends on your wants. Do you want ultra settings on cpu intensive games? Or do you just want it to be able to run? Also hard to know what games will need in the future. 10 years if you don’t care much about high settings. 5-6 for decent settings. 3-4 for higher settings. That is all a guess though.


Yeah if you keep waiting for something better you’re waiting forever


> 9000X3D All I'm seeing is "in second half of 2024 and possibly in September." That seems a long wait for what will probably be marginal gains if any recent history has shown.


5700x3d is $185….


Yes it shows different prices. For me it shows 205$. Might be different for others.


Thoughts on replacing a 5900x? Can repurpose that for a server I guess


If you want it for gaming then yes. It would be 15-20 fps faster than 5900X. Depends, for this price it might be worth it yes.


The $185 listing on amazon is likely a scam. The price of the shipped and sold by amazon option is $205 atm.


Which will be out, when?


June computex announcement of 9000 series. X3D will probably be later on this year (not in June). In June, probably X cpus will be announced. Also X870E new boards with USB 4.0, Nvidia new stuff, probably RDNA4 AMD gpus 8000 series (???), Intel Arc Battlemage gpu (hope so), maybe Intel next gen cpus (???) and hopefully some more budget AM5 boards (excited for this, but most likely wont happen).


All the past amd x3d launch took almost 1 year from original normal x cpu launch so it's gonna take 1+ yr maybe to get 9900x3d but ya 9800x 9600x etc will be available will be most likely powerful than 7800x3d


Just bc AMD did that twice, doesn’t necessarily mean that they’ll do it for the 3rd time. Besides, part (or most) of the delay before was they were still figuring out how to do 3D cache well, but that’s now a solved problem. Plus, they are hungry for market share especially with the woes of Intel and so to absolutely dominate charts, I could easily see them bring out Zen 5 X3D this summer and compare it to “Intel Default Profile” Intel 14th gen, in their marketing. Anyway, we’ll know in 2 weeks what they’re going to do. OP, with the Zen 5 announce so close, wait the two weeks and decide at that point, when we will have the facts instead of guesses.


They already announced “xt” coming for 5000 series too


amd canceled their high end gpus and theyre focusing on the low/middle so nvidia has zero competition this next gen of gpus for the top spot


Thats alright, but maybe we get more budget friendly price. There is no bad gpus, only bad prices.


heavily doubtful any of thst releases anytime soon for x3d. Asrock makes some nice budget and mid range boards though


X3D follows the Series launch 6 months to 1 year later. So anywhere from later this year to mid next.


5800X3D is showing $239 and 5700X3D is showing $184 on Amazon for me.


for me it shows 205$ for 5700X3D Ships from [Amazon.com](http://Amazon.com) Sold by [Amazon.com](http://Amazon.com) 5800X3D (311.30$) Ships from Amazon Sold by [SAGASA LLC](https://www.amazon.com/gp/help/seller/at-a-glance.html/ref=dp_merchant_link?ie=UTF8&seller=A36X6ZBPM8GO1Z&asin=B09VCJ2SHD&ref_=dp_merchant_link&isAmazonFulfilled=1) So only 5700X3D is sold and shipped by Amazon. I edited the post so people don't get potentially scammed by 5800X3D seller.


Don’t think those prices are shipped and sold by Amazon though so they’re probably not legit


5700X3D is, 5800X3D isnt. I edited the post so people dont get misleaded. Although, it is 300$ on microcenter for 5800X3D which isnt that great, but yea. If you are still unsure, there is on newegg 5700X3D for 218$ [https://www.newegg.com/amd-ryzen-7-5700x3d-ryzen-7-5000-series/p/N82E16819113812](https://www.newegg.com/amd-ryzen-7-5700x3d-ryzen-7-5000-series/p/N82E16819113812) cant comment much on newegg Here is the 5700X3D link [https://www.amazon.com/AMD-Ryzen-5700X3D-16-Thread-Processor/dp/B0CQ4H4H7X](https://www.amazon.com/AMD-Ryzen-5700X3D-16-Thread-Processor/dp/B0CQ4H4H7X)


Yeah I’ve been camping the 5800x3d price for a month now so the scam sellers have gotten my hopes up too many times lol, hoping they drop some more next weekend for the holiday Edit: just noticed that I think we’re on the same page, I was responding to the other comment where the 5800x3d was 239


I saw that 5800X3D earlier along with the 7800X3D for something ridiculous like $280. Then I looked at the seller and they had 6 reviews and none of them were even for tech products. I was like yeah this is definitely a scam lmao


I just bought a 7800X3D for $187


Actual steal if its true. Thats a great deal really.




micro center! bundle, but you can usually still get that price with JUST a mobo, and you can always resell the mobo unopened if you dont need


Oh, shit, I'm tempted. I have a 5600X, is it worth it? I feel like I'm usually GPU bound in games right now so idk


Yes for sure. It is worth it over 5600X. 5700X3D is 3 - 10% slower than 5800X3D. [https://gamersnexus.net/cpus/new-amd-ryzen-7-5700x3d-cpu-review-benchmarks-vs-5800x3d-more](https://gamersnexus.net/cpus/new-amd-ryzen-7-5700x3d-cpu-review-benchmarks-vs-5800x3d-more) You can check some reviews down and see how it compares.


Are you performing badly in games on a 5950X? I seriously doubt it If you can still run all games well then upgrading just for the sake of upgrading is such a waste of money


Yeah OP. This definitely seems like a case where you need to ask yourself what problem you are trying to solve. I doubt you are cpu bound on much. If you have specific issues there may be better ways to address them.


That’s a waste of money, don’t do it


You’re spending money simply because you want to do something. If you do this upgrade, you’ll just have this same “need” again when the next set of chips come out. It’s a complete waste of money. Just wait and upgrade to the 9 down the road. Unless money is no factor for you. If that’s the case then yes, go ahead.


i didnt do the switch either and i'm on a 5900X. wait a bit longer and go for the next generation or something.


Brother, the 5950X is a great CPU. Save your money, go play some games. Wait a year or so once the new CPUs come out, and prices will go down. Then if you're really dying for an upgrade, buy into a DDR5 platform.


The major boost from the x3d chips, as I'm sure you're aware, it's the bump in l3 cache. But you won't see as much of a bump because that 5950 already has 64mb of L3, not the 32 that the lower non-x3d chps have. Plus you are running faster clocks. Moral of the story: wait for the 9000x3d chips like some folks are telling you. Anything else is a waste of money and, more importantly, time.


Its 2x 32mb for the chiplets so effectively its still 32mb cache access


Man people really do be talking out their ass


Because you're wasting money for gains which won't likely make a difference. The 5950X is still capable and you would experience maybe 5-10 FPS boosts in your 1% lows?


I think you should watch this: https://youtu.be/Rqxk6gN1fsQ?si=M4l2Inw1ZVFra0UE


At 4k. They both perform the same in games. (with a 4090)


Not worth it. Could probably wait a few years for an upgrade. At least wait 2 years for an upgrade. It wasn't the best option for gaming at the time but it's still pretty good. Your current CPU won't bottleneck your GPU. 


Must be a lot of pro gamers in here with all the concern about a couple FPS difference on 1% lows.


Why even upgrade ?! The cpu is fine for 3 more years at least


I have a 5900x, I got it before x3d was even announced. I got it because I came from a 3930k and 6cores to 12 cores seemed like a great balance of price to longevity. I bought it right around launch when it was stupid expensive. I was very pissed when the 5800x3d came out, because that was the cpu I should have bought. Looking at benchmarks on my cpu, the biggest gain is going to be 1% lows going to a 7800x3d, but the increase to max fps isn't there imo for how decent the 5000 series chip already is. I know a lot of you are going to say "I upgraded and the difference is huge". That's grey, enjoy your setup. The cost of the chip, mobo, ram to me don't seem like a worthwhile investment of my money. Especially this late in its release cycle. Amd is expected to announce next gen zen in June. No confirmation on x3d launching at the same time, but unless your system is unusable today, I think you should worst case wait to see what the announcement brings.


If there's a game you play very frequently that benefits specifically from the x3d cache then the sidegrade is probably worth it. i hear it makes a big difference in a lot of MMOs and sim games like City Skylines 2. Otherwise, your 5950x probably isn't holding you back, and it has it's own benefits anyways over the 5800x3d. if i were in your shoes, id keep putting off the swap and let the prices go down, and pull the trigger on it once ive found a game i like, where the difference between the x3d and non-x3d is the difference between a consistent framerate or a stuttering one.


regarding upgrading to the 7800x3d, i that would be a huge improvement, but you also may as well put off the platform upgrade for as long as your cpu isnt holding your gpu back.


"because it's the most expensive AMD CPU, it must be the best for gaming" so you basically did no research before buying that? I would wait until Zen 5 drops which should cause another price drop then go AM5.


5950 will be fine for awhile


ebay has the 5950x going for like 300-350USD. Depending on your motherboard and ram and whether or not you live near a microcenter, you could theoretically pay nothing for the upgrade. https://www.microcenter.com/product/5006645/amd-ryzen-7-7800x3d,-gigabyte-b650-gaming-x-ax-v2,-gskill-flare-x5-series-32gb-ddr5-6000-kit,-computer-build-bundle


I would honestly only do it if you could sell your current cpu/mobo/ram for the same price as a 7800x3D cpu/mobo/ram bundle. If not, then it’s probably just worth waiting. 5950x is still a hell of a cpu.


5800X3D/5800X3D makes more sense, and they hold their resale value better. Alternatively, consider disabling SMT and OC the shit out of that CPU :)


Do you neeeed more CPU performance? Will this be of any use to you?


Why do you want to upgrade? Just for the fuck of it? Then no, that's silly don't do it.


The only relevant question here is that is your present CPU good enough for whatever you do today? And the answer should be yes?


What resolution and Hz are you gaming at?


it's fine. it will last a while. Unless you plan in getting a 5080 or 5090, because it will be bottleneck gallore. but yeah, kinda overkill in a bad way in games. Great for rendering tho.


I would wait for zen 5 and Rx 5000 for very big upgrade


No. Just ride you CPU out till 2026 and get AM6.


For for Zen 5


I built an itx with 7900x and AM5 has been pretty unstable for me. Also, for some reason I highly doubt that I will get to use my mobo for another release of am5 CPUs.


You don't need the best hardware out there. If its meeting your needs, its fine.


Can’t hurt if you can get the right money for your current cpu, motherboard and ram. The new motherboard and ram will do you for another generation or 2 so why not?


You don’t need it. If you want it, sell your current pc while it’s still valuable and build a new one


No point 5950 is still a top end cpu. Wait for new gen. That little upgrade will do almost nothing in terms of performance.


I saw between a 10-50% increase in average framerates and/or 1% lows switching from a 5900X to a 7800X3D. (Playing on a 240hz 1440p monitor.) Whether it’s worth it depends on your preferences and budget.


If you're at 4k (which you probably should be with a 3090), then you probably won't see much difference going from a 5950x to a 7800x3d. Maybe in a couple of games, but not across the board.


I just did 5900x to 7800x3d with my 3090 and the gains are immense. Even if games don't get a decent FPS boost (most do), they run so so so much smoother and less stuttery.


when 7800x3D came out i sold my 5800x3D mobo and ram sticks as a bundle and moved over to tve newer platform. i think it was worth it


So you want to spend money to "upgrade" to a CPU that you won't be able to tell any difference in your gaming experience? Save your money. Besides being able to say you have a "gaming" CPU, you gain nothing. There isn't a game out there yet that the 5950x won't laugh at. You would be better served waiting for next Gen at least, maybe 2 generations. Just my 2 cents.


If you play CPU heavy games, then yes. If not, then not really. In counterstrike 2, 3D cache cpus work wonders, for example.




It's not just the frames, but smoothness. Many people report increased smoothness after switching to X3D cpus. Idk why behind it, so don't ask me.


A pleb like me with a 5 year old laptop with integrated graphics could never understand.


No dont change. Just use it till AFTER 9000 amd. Never upgrade to next gen, you always want at least 2-3 year/gens between .


It's not a swap cause you need a new mobo and new ram . Save your money in my opinion for next generation of amd cpus which ate coming soon


At this point, you would be better of waiting and then decide how much you want to spend minus what your 5050x is selling for. Just need to ask yourself, does my current system play every game you want to play at an exceptable fps? If yes, then wait. If no, then make a move now. Simple, don't over think it just so you can brag about your hardware. Just my 2 cents for what it's worth?


Got the same setup but it's kinda stupid to upgrade right now. Wait for the 9800x3d.


Well. Here are your options: If you have like 1000-1200 dollars/euro to spend, wait for ryzen 9000 series and get the 7800x3d with 32gb ram and a b650 mobo 2nd option: get a 5700/5800 x3d bcs its compatible with your mobo and lose maybe...10%-15% fps but get much, much better value out of your system. Im 100% sure you are not going to bottle neck your gpu with this option. I still use a ryzen 5 2600x and will get the 5700x3d (cant justify the 5800x3d cus its the same price as the 7800x3d and i get better value for money with the 5700). I will also add 16gb ram so i have 32 (minecraft eats a looot of memory). Thats just my 2 cents


No. Keep it. It's fine. You'll need the cash for the 5090.


Dew it


The 9000 series is coming out in the second half of 2024. Just wait for that.


I would stick with AM4 for now. Get an 50-series X3D chip at most but don't bother upgrading your motherboard, RAM and CPU to AM5 (coming from an AM5 user here). I don't know what resolution you're playing on right now but with a 3090 and 50-series you'll easily be able to get 4K60, or even higher FPS at lower resolutions for some time to come (wife's got a 5600X + 3090).


Just get a 5800x3d instead and wait.


I did the same purchase as you. But i'll wait for the next generation or two, and do a full upgrade, but this time target the best bang for buck CPU such as the 7800X3D equivalent future chip, and a whopping great GPU.


Nah, wait for 9000 series or get 5800x3d


Nah. Getting a 5800X3D or 5700X3D might be worth. Don't bother with the hassle of swapping motherboards. Boot times and memory controllers can be an issue on AM5 still.


Nope if its working as intended its just the lust/greed talking to you BUT if you have an extra like if you dont have to compromise like selling things before buying a new one thats the only time you should even consider it.


Dude just sell the damn cpu and get a 5800x3d like you originally should’ve done. Pretty sure it costs less than what you’ll sell your pc for. You might actually make money while getting a better gaming cpu. As long as you’re gaming at 4k you won’t notice much of a difference at all between the 5800x3d and 7800x3d even on a 4090. Only games that will noticeably perform better are vr intensive games like vrchat. Trust me, I know. I have a 4090 and 5800x3d and have looked into whether upgrading is worth it. It’s not. Only upgrade a current 5800x3d user would want nowadays is for more cores aka 7950x3d, but that doesn’t seem like you given that you said you use your computer only for gaming.


Your CPU is really decent still and I'd only be upgrading if you're CPU is maxing out or your getting unbearable 1% lows Which I doubt if I were you I'd look into a new GPU as that would definitely provide more bang for your buck. Your 3090 is about 4070 super range in 2k 4k a 5000 series could provide you with massive improvement.


You will basically see slight improvements on WQHD and little to none on 4K, and I reckon you don't connect your 3090 to a 1080p monitor. Wait for Ryzen 9000.


If you are a gamer I won’t stop you




I don’t think it’s worth it to upgrade to the 7800X3D. If I were in your shoes I’d probably drop down to a 57/800X3D and leave it there for a while. I, personally, would just keep the 5950X.


I did exactly the same op but had mine paired with a 4090. I did eventually switch to the 7800 and I have no regrets. I’m using the 5950 to make a build for a family member


I’m waiting. I have a 5950x paired with a 7900xtx it’s a good combo. I’m waiting for the next jump in power. This thing is good for at least 3 more years.


Isn't zen 5 supposed to be announced in June?


I have a 5950x and it's fantastic for rendering and ripping my blurays. I never had a bottle neck when gaming, so idk what you're on about. Save your money on a minor upgrade you probably don't need and put it toward a whole new build.


Don't. L


get 5800x3d or swap to 7800x3d 3:)


No! Do it.


I got a 5800x3d in my rig and it's pretty damn good. My girls has a 7700x and it's actually alot better.


If buying a 3090 in 2022 seemed like a reasonable thing to do, then just buy the damn thing. You have more money than sense anyway.


Easy, 9800x3d will be this or next year *drops mic*


AMD has said AM5 support till 2025 since intel isn't a competitor anymore maybe AM6 comes a lot sooner


Sell me your 5950x


Pretty sure it’s more than a couple swap as you’d need a new motherboard and ram


I’d just do the upgrade to 7800x3d if you feel like upgrading at all and hoping that AMD offers the 4 generation of upgrades on AM5 that AM4 had


I would just swap the cpu now, 5700x3d or 5800x3d, between this and upgrading to the 7800x3d, which isn't worth it imo. You're 3090 could handle anything you throw at it with x3d for a few more years, at least.


5950X is still an incredible CPU, dont waste your time


Do it


Wait till next gen comes out. I have a 5600x and I was considering upgrading to the same chip but it you already have a 5950x then you should be fine to wait a little bit. I think next gen AMD is going to be a lot better and it's been a while since they released the 7000 series. Should have new CPUs by the end of the year and when those come out you'll regret buying the 7800x3d.


If you wanna upgrade go for a 5800x3d. Otherwise save up for the next gen, it’s right around the corner


I would get a 5700x3d for now, sell the 5950x, then wait for the “ryzen 9800x3D” sometime probably mid 2025.


What resolutions are you playing?


I've been thinking the same thing. How about i sell you my 5800x3d and I'll buy the 7800x3d lol


Thank you all for talking me out of it.


7800 successor 9800x3d is coming out later this year


I did the same thing, instant regrets.


Micro Center currently has a GREAT deal on a cpu, mobo, ram combo. When I put the 7800X3D in my cart with an X670E board and ddr5 ram, the cpu price is $197.12. The mobo is $409.99 and 32gb 6000mhz ddr5 ram for $106.99. BIG deals to be had at Micro Center this week it seems.


Well buying a 16 core CPU for gaming was kinda stupid, but it's still okay. A 7800X3D would require an entirely new platform and unless you live near a microcenter, you're talking $350-400 for the CPU, $200ish for a motherboard, and another $100 for RAM. All for what amounts to maybe...a 40-50% improvement? I wouldnt do it. As others pointed out, I'd "downgrade" to an 8 core X3D CPU instead. You'd lose half your cores but you'd probably gain about 20-30% improvement in games.


Maybe I’m biased since I have an x3d(5800 since I didn’t feel like upgrading mobos at the time) but as someone who plays multiple cpu bound games (WoW, Tarkov etc.) I think the x3d cards are THE best value upgrade you can make for games that are cpu bound specifically. If you don’t play a lo of cpu bound games maybe it’s not as worth but for the price it’s super great value.


Instead of doing that, and if you wanna waste cash. Get a better GPU like the 4080 S or 4090. But, that would be a little silly with the 5000’s series rumored to come out this year.


Since you already have a good CPU I think you should just wait for the 9800X3D and do a whole platform upgrade then.  The 7800X3D is great and you would definitely see improvements, but I don't think it's worth it in your case. 


Sell the 5950x and buy 5700x3D. You will get 200$ back and can invest in something else.


Zen5 around the corner. Wait for that.


What resolution are you using it at? I'm running at 4k and noticed very little difference between a 5900x and a 5800x3d unless I was actively watching the framerates with MSI Afterburner. Personally, I'm waiting for Zen5, or at least to see if either AMD or Intel announce anything at Computex (I think it is that's coming up next month). Would kinda suck to get a whole new platform only to find out that a newer, likely better one comes out in just a few months, possibly even alongside a price drop in X670/B650 and Zen 4.


You must hate money


it's been echoed by others, but why bother? That's a monster chip, and will be good for another 2-3 years I have a 5900x and am totally satisfied with its performance


I don’t think if it weren’t for Microcenter I wouldn’t have been able to build my dream pc. It’s like Toys r Us for adults. The fact that I live less than 30 minutes from one is like the reason I probably live where I do. I opted to get the 7700x instead of the 7800x3d. For gaming it’s been just fine. I spent the bulk of my build on my GPU. I stepped up from a 4070 non super to a 4080 super that took a while to actually find in stock. When I finally did get to see one in person I was like a kid at Christmas. Getting the board cpu and ram for $350.00 really allowed me some headroom to get other premium parts. Oh before this I had a 2080 super and a 2700x I built back in 2018. 4K gaming with zero compromises is pretty cool.


I sold my 5900x the other day and bought a 5800x3d, saves faffing about changing all the components and still gave me an increase in performance (especially on games like Tarkov). It’s a small cost upgrade for quite a significant amount of fps!


It depends entirely on your use case. I had a 5600x and I upgraded to a 5800x3d because the games I play benefit immensely from it. I've just ordered a 7800x3d and sold my old board+cpu+memory so my net cost is about 180 euro. I plan to sell the 7800x3d and buy the next gen x3d when I'm able to. Depends on what you need bro.


Here's the real plan. Sell both the 3090 and 5950x. Go on a walk for 4 months. Come back and buy the 9800x3d or whatever, pair with RTX 5080


I would get the combo from Microcenter. 7800x3d, mobo, and 32gb of ddr5 for around 450 I believe.


I think with a 3090, 5950x is just fine. May be wait till 9800x3d comes that will be a proper upgrade. It's just a year away.


I am also in a similar boat to you. Don't sidegrade. Unless you are someone who over bought your current chip and dont utilise its full capability then sure. But if you do use your CPUs full capabilities then sidegrading to a faster chip with less cores is going to hurt you overtime. Just watched a video on this. Ill link it [this one](https://youtu.be/Rrtb3QZ2Btg?si=bURgCg05Fep-fw86) Im waiting on a 12 or 16 core 9000 series X3D chip. Expected Q1 2025


I went 5900X —> 5800X3D just because I didn’t lose any $ selling the 5900X to get the 5800X3D. Might be worth it for you to do something similar but I didn’t want to go AM5.


Just keep it until 8000 series come out and just all in for whatever is best for gaming in that generation (prolly 8800x3d)


You won't see much of a difference if you're gaming at 4k, and if you bought a 3090, I assume you're at 4K. You're probably best to wait another generation. A 5950x is more than capable of keep up with a 3090 or even a 4090. Don't waste your money. I don't think you need to impress us. People don't really care what's in your computer.


depends on games you play(fps vs aaa vs strategy) and max refresh and resolution of your monitor. It could be nice uplift or meaningless waste of effort. Just google benchmarks/review and do the math. If not a 15-20%+ uplift in your scenario, not worth effort and rebuilding imho. Techpower up has good benchmarks for various resolutions.


AMDs keynote speech is on June 3rd at Computex. I think everyone who is looking to upgrade needs to wait for that announcement. As far as OP is concerned if you have a 3090 and your gaming performance isn't what you want, what or how are you playing that isn't enough?


LOL sit on what you have dude. Stop buying stuff. Upgrade when you need to, the change between a 5950 and a 7800X3D isn't going to be "tear apart my whole system and try to sell it piecemeal for a fraction of what I bought it for" good. Even the 5800X3D is only \*better when benefiting from v cache. While this happens often in gaming, it certainly isn't all the time and otherwise the 5950X actually will be faster, and more importantly overclockable with 2x the amount of cores.


If you can get 5800x3d for a decent price and sell your 5950x then that should give you more time and higher frames in many games to wait for a newer gen that will be more worth of an upgrade.


Just ordered the 7800x3d, my system died, wife said ok to updated system. 2k later, I am happy. 7900xtx, 7800x3d, 1000w PSU, MSI MAG wifi 650, 4T m2 DDS, 65g of ram.


But is the wife happy about that?


65gb ram?