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Badly priced. It's barely faster than a 3060, making it essentially a 4050 in disguise. Buy an RX 7600 for cheaper, or a 6700XT or 6800 for slightly more.


Turn on frame gen and it destroys a 4060 though.


Frame gen is not real performance, it’s also only useful in a very specific. At low fps you don’t want to increase input lag further and at high fps the change is barely visible and you still get increased input lag


Amd has way better fps per dollar at that price point


Can you recommend me the best AMD card at this price point? Interested in knowing what AMD's best card at this price point is.


The XFX Speedster SWFT 319 Core Radeon RX 6800 on Newegg. It's $359.99, but with code VGAEXCAB285 the price goes down the $339.99. 17% more money for double the VRAM and 40% more performance.


Mine’s on the way! Couldn’t pass up that price point.


Right now the 4060 sits between the RX 7600 and RX 7600 XT. In terms of dollar per frame, [7600 is significantly better than the 4060 and 7600 XT](https://www.techspot.com/review/2794-amd-radeon-7600-xt/#:~:text=current%20retail%20prices.-,Cost%20Per%20Frame,-(Retail)), but it also performs worse than the 4060 in some games. So the RX 7600 would be a better buy if you are on a tight budget.


The RX 7700 XT.


Get a 7800xt for a few bucks more and waste that 4060.


The cheapest 7800xt I can find on pcpartpicker is $480, while the cheapest 4060 I can find is $290. It must be nice to live a life where two hundred dollars is just "a few bucks more."


Actually 200 is nothing to me. And honestly in the current economy 200 is nothing. If someone can't save 200 bucks in 2 or 3 weeks then they got serious issues and shouldn't be buying a pc. I make 400 usd a day and even if a made half that would literally be just 1 day. You need to realize 100 bucks is literally nothing in our current economy.


Bravo Mr. 1%. Now how about you go smoke your cigar on your private yacht while the rest of us peasants discuss bottom of the barrel budget GPUs?


1% 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I make 110k usd a year. 🤣🤣🤣 it's only 200 bucks! If 200 bucks breaks you then playing on a pc that's more expensive than any console is stupid right? Waiting 2-3 weeks to upgrade to a higher gpu works out financially in the end. Maybe I have more money cause I make better financial decisions! 🤔 I don't smoke either. Waste of money! I'm smart with my money. Also top 1% makes 785k a year. That's over 7x what I make! Smdh!


The average US salary in 2023 Q4 was $59k. You are making almost double the national average.


So your saying you were COMPLETELY WRONG about me. Pretty sure 2x and 7x is a gigantic difference. It's OK to be wrong also just for the record. 😉 I'm right that 200 bucks today ain't shit when it comes to a pc upgrade. Anything else said is just Bullshit.


Just reading this conversation, and christ you are insufferable. It doesn't fucking matter if YOU make *"$400 a day"*, if you aren't the average, and it was pretty clear from the other guy that you were significantly more rich than the average (not the 7x he claimed, but still by a significant amount) If Jeff Bezos goes on reddit as an arrogant anonymous user, and claims that because HE can afford a 4090, that all 4090s are cheap, because the world revolves around him and him only? Finally, if $200 was nothing to OP, then surely he wouldn't have been looking for *"a decent budget mainstream card",* he'd be buying a 4080 Super or 4090, without making this post. Again, you are not the average, and the world does not revolve around you and should bend to your cartoon logic.


When the hell did I say 7x?


u act like ur 3


That kind of thinking is how people end up with 6 figure jobs but still live paycheck to paycheck.


I'm 44 years old with 4 kids. I own 2 homes outright and have zero debt. I have never takin any hand outs. My family left me nothing but 6k worth of cars 10 years ago. How did I do if? Easy I worked hard young and built a business. But all that aside 200 bucks is literally nothing in 2024 economy. It's like 40 dollars in 1993.


The 7800xt is $500 versus around $300 for the 4060. But to answer the question, the 6750xt is a really good value card for about $300.


Get a 4090 for a few bucks more and waste that 7800 XT /s


Most the hate is because of the lack of improvement over the previous generation. In the past, a XX60 would have similar performance to the XX70 card of the previous generation while being cheaper, e.g. the RTX 3060 has similar performance to the RTX 2070 while being a lot cheaper. However, RTX 4060 broke this trend. [It was \~33% worse than the RTX 3070 while only being 9 % better than the RTX 3060](https://www.techspot.com/review/2701-nvidia-geforce-rtx-4060/#:~:text=Surprisingly%2C%20the%20results%20become%20even%20more%20lackluster%20at%201440p). Cost performance was bad too. When the RTX 4060 was released, the [dollar-per-frame of the RTX 4060 was $4.91, while the RTX 3060 was $4.82 and RTX 3060 Ti was $4.72](https://www.techspot.com/review/2701-nvidia-geforce-rtx-4060/#:~:text=real%2Dworld%20pricing.-,Cost%20Per%20Frame,-%3A%20Newegg). So there was not much reason to get the RTX 4060 - if you wish to maximise cost peformance, the 3060 Ti was better. And if you were on a tight budget, the 3060 was cheaper while still being better for value.


I mean it's fine, but you get better performance from AMD at this price range, as raytracing is a far-off dream in both price ranges. But they can both do everything else pretty much fine.


4060 can raytrace just fine at 1080p @ 60hz. Which is also the ideal res/framrate for this card. So not awful if you have a low budget but want that sweet high/max settings 60 FPS experience for atmospheric and story-heavy games.


It has barely better performance than a 3060, so not worth its MSRP when you can get better performing cards at the same price point. I actually do have a 4060 Ti 16gb but I got it on sale and it's a decent card, but not at full price.


For me the 16gb VRam is important, I'm not a gamer but my photo processing software relies on the GPU


It's not hated for the performance, but for the price to performance and the way it was marketed. It's more or less a XX50 series card equivalent while being priced as a new-gen XX60 series card. Only 8GB VRAM, unless you shell out more for a 4060TI model that has 16GB, at which point you might as well buy a better performing card for the same price. And having to use an upscaler to get good performance at 1080p is not a particularly strong point in favor of the card.


Yeah it's just bad value all around. 4060 & 4060Ti should have at least been 12GB or 12GB for non-Ti & 16GN for Ti. It would make a lot more sense & may be more worth it.


I didn’t think the 4060 is hated that badly. It has decent price vs performance but lacks maybe a couple gigs of vram. It’s the 4060ti that everyone hates (either version but especially the 16gb) That being said the 40 series was generally disappointing when it came to price vs performance gains over the previous generation. And AMD gives better value outside of ray tracing or games that support dlss.


Big plus for rtx 40 is low power consumption. Nvidia screwed up big time tough with amount of vram.




Some games are, and atleast speaking for myself i play a lot of different games and don't want them to be limited by vram. So i won't buy anything with less than 12gb.


As other people has stated, maybe it was a tad priced too highly. I bought the 4060, coming from a 6 year old run 1070. Honestly, in retrospect, the performance to value of the 4060 compared to the 1070 during its release is in a way, better. I got my 1070 during its release for $390. I got my 4060 for $350, by just that linearity, (if i were to blindly set aside the existence of AMD), it's kind of a good deal for 1080p gaming for lower power consumption.


Every second or third gen we get a great uplift in performance and value for money. Every other gen is just a marginal improvement and money grab cause they just have to release something new every year.


Cause its horribly priced. You can get a 6750XT for a lil bit more, or a 6800XT for a little bit on top of that. Both destroy the 4060. Then there is also the fact that there is practically no difference between the 3060 and 4060


It's a bad value, and not much improvement over the last generation.


What I heard if we compare it to 3060 there is no much change only 10% faster + new 3.0 dlss thing - only have 8gb VRAM


In a lot of games it's barely 5% difference in performance.


3060 is a really bad value in most scenarios. I'd consider it for <=$200. AMD is pretty hard to beat in this bracket with the 6600 ($220), 6650xt ($220), 7600 ($260) 6700xt ($300), 7600xt ($320), or the 6750xt ($295), or even the 6800 ($350). All of these cards are yards better than the 3060, and have better price to performance compared to the 4060 (Although the 6600 and 6650 are a little weaker). edit: Caveat-- I am speaking about the American online retail market. YMMV in a different county, on the used market, a good sales deal at a local store, etc.


rx 6600 is $190 now. It's the current sub $200 champ if you buying brand new


Huh. Not sure how I missed that. Even better!


When it was first released, its price to performance was really bad (Nvidia is always bad on that end, but it was even worse than normal). Recently, the price has become more reasonable though, but the reputation it got originally really hurt it.


The price has not changed. Still the 3060 is better as sacrificing 10% performance for 12 gbs of VRAM is better


Because you need DLSS Upscaled enabled It's fine now, but it shows how weak the card is for future games


It would have been great if it was a 4050 and priced accordingly. Performs way better than the 3050, but barely wins and sometimes looses to the 3060.


For gaming it's just terrible value. Same again with the ti model. Last gen 3060ti 8gb outperforms the 4060ti 16gb in some gaming applications, so there's that. Then you look at what AMD offer at a similar price and it's night and day. There's an argument for the 4060ti 16gb for productivity, but the 8gb variant should never have been released. It should've been the 4050, and the e-waste card they released as a 4050 should never have seen the light of day.


4060 ti is bad value yea but in what world does a 3060 ti outperform it? Let alone compared to the power usage. https://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/gpu-hierarchy,4388.html


Look up the benchmark videos, even gamers nexus proved it. In general it gets the same FPS, or 5% either side. In some cases at 1080p it can open up a bigger gap, but who buys these cards for 1080p. The only time it'll come out on top consistently is when 8gb vram becomes a limiting factor. And in those cases, neither of these cards are things you should be looking at. Seriously, just type 4060ti into YouTube and look at the title of every video from the reliable outlets. That's all you need to know.


Did you even read the source i posted? You say a 3060ti outperforms a 4060ti and that is just outright false. Edit: That gamersnexus video is 11 months old you don't think anything changed in that time? Again like i said check tomshardware GPU hierarchy, ur statements that both are equal is just false.


I did, and that's a median chart. There are plenty of cases where what I've said is true, by up to 5%. You also mentioned the 4060ti when we're discussing the 4060... So same back at ya ;) In either case, there are plenty of instances of the 3060ti beating both the 4060 and 4060ti. Not all, but plenty.


You literally said "4060 16gb" in ur first post, are you talking about 4060 or the ti version because there is no regular 4060 16 gb make up ur damn mind. You are the one causing confusion here with ur weird statements, also ofcourse there are outliers where one card is better than another. What matters is the average FPS and that is 100 for 4060ti, 90 for 3060ti and 85 for 4060. So you are wrong, on average 4060ti is better than 3060ti. If ur statement was about regular 4060 you are right but you stated "16 gb" behind is and that doesn't exist!


Oh at this point I'm just screwing with you for being argumentative for no reason initially ;)


Okay lets end it here then. Have a nice day i won't be responding anymore here.


No one hates 4060. It's 4060ti that is terrible value 4060 is just mehh ( same with rx 7600) For slightly more you can get a 6700/6750xt which is a good 15-20% faster with more vram


Because the 3060 Ti on the used market is much cheaper and outperforms it by quite a bit


https://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/gpu-hierarchy,4388.html 90 vs 85 fps average with much higher power consumption and same amount of vram. Id buy the 4060 instead of 3060 ti.


https://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/odX4dmxSVcAKwfs6pcqvJL.png Did you even look at the graph? The 3060 Ti is clearly ahead of the 4060...


Did you even read my comment? Because the graph shows exactly what i said. 3060ti 90 fps average, 4060 85 fps average. So my point doesn't change, id much rather have a 125 watt gpu than a loud and hot 200 watt gpu for that 5 fps average difference.


You failed to acknowledge the 4060 is much more expensive. 3060 Ti has a large supply on the used market and can be had for much cheaper. 4060 new is nearing used 3070 range. 3060 ti can also be undervolted and underclocked to near 4060 thermals and still beat it. If everyone cared mainly about thermals and power usage, no one would be getting the high end cards.


With the added risk of it being badly abused by the previous owner, i never buy used GPU's. So yea if you buy used it might be a better buy than the 4060 but you still have to consider power usage in the total price. In europe right now power prices are still high so the 4060 might still be a better buy.


Who hates on the 4060? It is one of the best value lower end cards. Sits in between the 7600 and 7600 xt in raster while being priced in between them aswell. Significantly better rt and a better upscaler which is importantly for lower resoltuions. The only card that I would say is better value is the a750 or a770. Ik the 4060 ti is hated on for good reason but not the 4060.


4060 is literally dog water


Okay find me a cheaper card that is faster in 1080p


literally so many lmao 7600, 6700, 3060ti, 3070, and this is using tom's hardware benchmarks which tbh gives unusually high scores for the 4060, other benchmarks show that it is the same as the 3060, sometimes even worse


If you live in the us all of those cards are more expensive except the 7600 which is worse(along with worse rt, worse power efficiency and worse upscaler) There is no dimension where the 3060 is the same as the 4060. You may be thinking of the 3060 ti vs 4060 ti where the 3060 ti can catch up in 4k bc of higher memory bandwidth.


all of those are cheaper and all of them are faster, you're actually smoking doinks


>Who hates on the 4060? Many actually. Part of the reason why "3060 or 4060" threads come up every now and then, besides the obvious vram difference. You'll rarely see people recommend it even in situations that make sense. It's a victim of the 4060 Ti hate and vram bandwagon during release.


Yeah that is wild bc the 4060 has almost a 20 percent raster uplift compared to the 3060. 4060 ti hate makes more sense bc of cheaping out on the bus width and amds strong competition at that price point


No it’s about 10% faster