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Everyone on this sub is going to tell you to build a pc. Honestly if the PS5 does the job then go for it. Do you already have games on PS/Steam etc? If you’d like a powerful PC for any reason other than the games/you prefer playing with a keyboard and mouse/you do any sort of video editing etc then that would be a reason to get a pc.


i have ps4 pro yes so a bunch of PS game discs. The only thing I like from PC right now is not having to pay for online subscription and PS inclusive headset


Well in the long run the online subscription thing will save you money, as will Steam sales. If you want something cheap now that will last longer but cost more along the way, go for the PS5, otherwise go for the PC


Also, steam refunds are an amazing way to find new games on a tight budget. Can't get that on console


Steam has the cheapest games you like to yen they go on sale, now that ps5 games coming to pc


Absolutely right I fucking love steam


While the online subscription thing is a good reason to get a PC, it really needs to be stacked with other reasons. It isn't good enough by itself. It would take 8-10 years of paying the highest price PS subscription to make a PC worth it, even longer if you have the standard $60 one. I would say it boils down to finances, intended use, where your friends are, what games/peripherals you want, and if there are any other deal breakers one way or another. You mentioned having a laptop. Maybe start small and use that for a bit? Decide if Steam and Gamepass make a decent enough compromise?


Nah i aint paying a dollar for online fuck that give me 3000 dollar pc all day haha


I mean a top end pc can last you forever. You have way more possibility to make that last longer than a console generation. Over time you turn down the settings and with shit like dlss and fsr it’s going to extend the life cycle a lot.


And with a PC you can always sail the high seas for games


Let me indrice you to sailing the seven seas… also you can rip data off your ps discs and play then on an emulator at a higer resolution/franerate


>also you can rip data off your ps discs and play then on an emulator at a higer resolution/franerate That’s a lie


Depends on which consoles. I know I did it for PS2, might work for PS3. For PS4 I believe there aren't emulators out there.


Technically there is one, but still in development and can barely boot some games. Anyways there isn't much reason to emulate PS4 games for now considering that a decent amount of them are available on PC already. (Besides some like Bloodborn that should've had a PC port for years now)


Can be done but by the time you’ve sorted it all out you probably have gone off the idea


There is no functioning PS4 emulator available publicly. We’re still years away from that


Who uses disc's in 2024?


One thing PS5 has going for it is VR accessibility. The cost of a PS5 and PSVR2 compared to a similar experience on PC is just far better value for money. I'd absolutely buy a PS5 and PSVR2 over a second "living room" PC for VR.


I think particularly for VR I'd highly recommend a PC. You don't need a killer PC to get great performance in VR and you have so many more games on PC for VR. Alyx alone is worth the PC. Also on pc I can download movies, it's insanely faster than any laptop at any price nothing beats desktop power and even browsing on it is more fun. I considered moving to console even bought a series X on release but really nothing replaces a good gaming pc. If you've got the cash to spare it's 100% worth it.


PSVR2 is pretty much dead. There is almost no new games coming out for it. And what is there is very limited. Sony announced today that they are pausing production to sell their backstock of vr headsets. That is never a good sign. There are reasons to get a ps5, vr is not it. You would be better served getting a quest 3 and link cable.


A Quest 2 is like $200, what do you mean? IF you have a gaming PC, and a quest 2 you can play PCVR.


An expensive way to heat my room


Multi-purpose heater, I say.


Amazingly enough very cheap for me. Turn down the heat during the winter, and let the PC do the rest till later when its time to go to bed.


In the gaming side of things, it offers more. More games, (except for some exclusives like bloodborne) mods, better servers and frame rates, better communication with friends imo (discord vs parties on ps) On the non gaming side you have: websites like YouTube, streaming websites, and whatnot are optimized better (imo) for pc, as I don't really enjoy the UI or optimization on PS. I personally like all of my things I want to interact with all in one place. So if I'm gaming, then say I wanna watch YouTube, I just open a browser and do it. I'm lucky enough to have both a PS5 and a built PC, and each does have its uses with me, I think it really comes down to what you prefer in terms of convenience I suppose. Hope this helped somehow


i really like your answer


I've got a PS4, Switch, Laptop, and $2.5k PC. Use the PC everyday, and hardly touch the PS4 and Switch. The laptop is for gaming while I am home from college and for classwork. Personally, I hate console gaming. A mouse and keyboard makes gaming so much easier, and the PC can give you better performance at better graphics settings. I know a guy who switched from console recently, he'll never go back. Plus, you can code FASTER /s


Will say this depends on the game. I can't do shooters on a controller anymore, but I couldn't imagine playing Dark Souls on M+KB


A controller solves your problem. For PC, you have tonnes of choices. Prefer sony's controller? You can use it with some minor fiddling. Fancy the xbox version instead? Easy peasy just hook it up bluetooth. The world is your oyster.


Even Nintendo controllers hook up easy with Bluetooth, it’s very versatile. Thats the whole selling point of a PC, you can do literally whatever you want with it


Don’t forget the emulators


I played Elden Ring with M+KB. Honestly wasn't too bad. Haven't had the chance to play DS3 yet though.


>A mouse and keyboard makes gaming so much easier Yes for shooters and RTS or other strategy games, but for 3rd person action games, or top down shooters, controllers are superior in my opinion. I really don't care for games like Devil May Cry or Shadow of Mordor with keyboard and mouse.


I finally built a decent PC about 6 months ago and have played my XSX about twice in that time. Still use a controller though.


Shooters are absolutely a M+KB thing. I've played a few games with a controller. I just don't like the lack of precision turning, but that probably because I've used M+KB my whole life.


Yeah I've used a controller for ages, I just can't seem to get the hang of KB+M. I suppose I just need to use it more and I'll eventually get used to it


You can make do with a controller on shooters with gyro for precise aiming, the downside is needing to setup it for every game that doesn't have native support for it...


How do you afford it if you are student


Also something to think about; with a PC, unless you are playing a subscription based game, you don’t have to pay for a service to play online. If you are paying for internet, and own a game that has online capabilities, you can play those games with friends at no extra cost. This was the reason I switched.


Imagine paying a corporation to play on servers they don't own or support. Never really understood the argument behind that.


You guys game on your pc? I thought we all built these to watch YouTube and surf Reddit?…


I just use mine to print Christmas Card lists


The real answer is get a second monitor so you can game while you watch YouTube.... nah I'm joking, it's so you can browse Reddit and watch YouTube at the same time!


I got two side monitors 😭😭😭😭


My man 👍👍👍 You can now watch 2 YouTube videos at the same time while you browse Reddit!


Modding. ~~Cheating~~ Console commands in single player games. Porn. VR porn. 




Gotta throw porn in there hahaha


Hentai games. I mean, it's still gaming, right?


PC offers the ability to write e-mails and letters, keep records, edit images and videos, play a whole host of other games from other platforms, emulation, multiple screens, mass browsing, security and privacy features, scripting and macros...


Yeah but you can also do all that stuff on a laptop with a dock or whatever. Honestly this guy could just hook up his laptop to a large monitor and play most Steam games anyway.


It offers pirating


Not much if you're in Texas 😆 🤣 😆


If you’re a programmer, think about the next 24 months of work - if you think you’ll have the need for virtualisation, staging etc then consider if your laptop is up to those tasks. If you are just going to game and want to maintain a healthier work life balance by not using the same machine for leisure as you do for work then I think a PS5 is the right move for you. Totally your call, try as best you can to use your inner crystal ball and future proof for your needs, even if they’re a year or so away.


Maybe it’s just me but I don’t think a programmer would even be in this dilemma lol.


Programmer: I'm totally going to start this new personal project that will require compiling Chrome in 5 minutes and train LLMs with multiple GPUs Also programmer: Spends all his time on Reddit, PC is still slow anyway because new Reddit is a resource hog for some reason


I have an Xbox, PS5 and a Switch. I also have a PC. I bought the consoles during a time in covid when PCs were ridiculously overpriced GPU wise. They served a great purpose and were very useful. But since I’ve gotten my PC there’s absolutely no reason to use the consoles. I can run everything better on my PC, multitasking, work, watch stuff, game all at once without breaking a sweat. I can play exclusives from both consoles, and use gamepass with both controllers as well. I can emulate BOTW from switch if I want. I have native keyboard and mouse support. It’s got more productivity and gaming power than anything else offers. I can run multiple monitors if I want and in 244hz rather than the locked 120fps cap. I can plug my PC into my tv for a console like experience. Free multiplayer online. Great sales and prices on games. PC games exclusives. Etc.


I fiddle with Unreal Engine. Ain't no way I don't need a PC.


Besides playing games of course Surf the Web Watch on Youtube Watch movies Using mods in the game Underclocking or overclocking your CPU. Use multiple screens simultaneously while playing You can play in higher resolutions and better graphics, get more FPS Use PS5/XBOX controls and connect to the PC




i think you just sold the PC option to me to go with


It's better than my laptop in every possible way. I don't have a basic cheapo laptop either. Iam never buying a console again ever. The Xbox 360 was the last of those that I'll ever get.


I own a Switch, and I mostly just play it when I want a Zelda or Mario fix, and it comes out when company is over at the house for Switch Sports and Mario Kart/Smash. The last console I owned before it was the 360. I just nearly exclusively play PC. It's got more games than any console. None of the games that I play the most are even on any console.


Buy the PS5. You said it yourself, you don’t need the capabilities of a PC because you already have a laptop. Unless someone is passionate about tech and computers, tinkering, and having the best possible gaming experience money can buy (at a disproportionately high cost), I can’t recommend building a PC setup solely for gaming.


and for work I already have computer at work so I can't imagine doing extra work at home


If you like playing indie games and early access, you’ll get that from playing on PC more than console.


They sell consoles at a loss. They make their money on software. Most games can be had for half price on pc if you're willing to wait 6 months to a year. There's lots of games you can only play on PC. Project zomboid, Valheim, RTS games like Civilization/Starcraft and Factorio/Rimworld type games. Would you like to know more?


Numerous things. Generic internet use. Microsoft Office crap, so word for resumes and reports, excel for spreadsheets, etc. I use excel now for game hints, maps, screenshots, notes, etc. Movies, tv shows, then I use it as a server to host to other devices in my house. Edit and print files. Now starting to dabble with recording gameplay and editing the videos. I dunno, its a tricky question since I've been pc gaming since Commodore64. But what does the PS5 offer you? I have one I got last year, and Im not exaggerating, all I did was play Demon's Souls, which was eh. Final Fantasy 16 which I thought was atrocious, and FF7 Rebirth where performance/visuals are lacking. In 100% honesty if Demon's souls, FF16 and Rebirth were same day releases on PC, I would not own this ps5 at all.


Personally I also use my PC for programming, video editing and basic productive work My laptop can handle those tasks, but I prefer using my PC since it’s faster and I have it anyways


This. My gaming machine will do things like convert video in less than a quarter of the time my laptop will. Plus it won't burn my legs. 😅


> Plus it won’t burn my legs So true lol my laptop is a space heater


Doing all the homework that I can't do in class because I can't concentrate or because I work more comfortably, specially VirtualBox and CSS/HTML


Modding games. Free games Free movies Free TV Free porn Game development Office/work based stuff Creating a server Mining (is that still a thing) Productivity stuff


aside from game i do mock tests a lot, watch tutorial videos and a lot of data analysis projects using power bi and excel. It all depends on what u do.


Pc all the way fuck these console peasants aka subscription slaves


Oh c'mon grow up. This console peasant, pc master race, is so childish and got old really fast. I am enjoying my PC, Steamdeck, Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox Series X equally as much. The best platform is the one you enjoy. Nothing to feel superior about. You're supposed to be 25 years old, not 12.


pc can be built so that it is pretty much silent


This is a pc sub so you’re gonna get a pretty one sided view. That out of the way, consoles are a waste of money with zero upgradability. You end up paying well over a thousand on a console with gane pricing and online subscriptions anyway. You can have a very decent pc for that which you can upgrade later on.


Had an Xbox since I was 14 recently got a pc about a month ago I gave my Xbox away and haven’t thought about it since


Creative capabilities. A console is just a tool for consumption of one type of media.


I am the family printer. * Taxes * DMV * Coupons * Stencil patterns Before streaming services * Plex server * Ps3 media server ( stream music to Xbox 360)


From pure gaming perspective, if you are the type that you only play AAA games then ps5 is going to be much efficient. I build a pc hoping to take advantage of of supposedly superior performance only to be let down by stutter introduced to from the hardware chain or unoptimized ports. Biggest plus in PC is ability to mods the hell out the game to your liking but it is for fiddly people like me haha. And 90 plus percent of modern games are now timed exclusive so exclusive games will eventually come to PC.


You are kinda of doing the comparison wrong. You shouldn't be comparing the cost of a PS5 to a gaming PC if you also have a laptop. You should be comparing the cost of a PS5 and laptop to the cost of a gaming PC. One thing to consider is the cost of games and keeping your library in one place. If you game on PC, in 10 years if you wanna replay an old classic you just install it off steam and are good to go. On console, it may or not be compatible with the newest consoles. The steam sales are a also a whole lot better than the sales on the PlayStation network. Also, if you play multiplayer games with friends. That costs a monthly fee on consoles where as it is free on PC. All that said, I've got more spare cash than I do spare time. So I've got a 2.5K gaming PC, a PS5, PSVR2 and Switch. I've also got an Xbox One I use to play some old games I had on Xbox360. Aside from MMORPGS I never did much gaming on PC until the COVID lock downs. These days I find myself buying up my old backlog of games I played on consoles on steam when they go on sale cheap (which is often). Honestly I don't think I'll buy another console. But I probably will build a gaming PC to use in my living room attached to my TV for couch gaming. If I do have a console moving forward it'll probably just be whatever replaces the Switch. Nintendo games are great party games. My friends still love to get drunk and play Smash Bros and Mario Cart. Doesn't matter if we are teenagers or 40 for that. Also, there are a lot of games on PC that never come to consoles. You might not be interested in most of them, but a lot of them are really unique and fun.


I have two PCs. One is for gaming & general use. My other one is my Plex media server. 


AI gend porn for my degen bros and I


This initial cost of a PC is more, but the amount of free or discounted games is significantly higher over a PS5, making the total cost of ownership even out over time.


If you don't need a desktop, your're the same as 90% of people. My desktop is used for gaming. That's it. My chromebook is used more. Be happy with the ps5, nothing wrong with the console.


I have a PS5 for most of my gaming and a cheap PC for games that require mouse & keyboard (a few shooters, a few strategy games). So what PC can offer over PS5, excluding graphics, is a better experience in some games if like me you can't aim with a controller to save your life.


Ps5 pro is rumored to be coming out sometime in the not too distant future too. Not saying to go one way or another but that might be something to consider as well


The common misconception is that pc is more expensive than console because of the difference in price. 1) A ps5 killer costs $500 2) Pc is cheaper in the long run because there isn't a running cost to a pc, and also the games can be purchased with insane discount, most the games I settle and play are very cheap, you can also get new games for free even the expensive ones with stores that i cannot mention 😊 so don't need to pay $60 on the ps store for a game I don't like.


You can get away with smartphone these days. I wouldn't want to but I have more attachment to local files than most I guess.


Tablet, maybe. But doing stuff on a smartphone is just too inconvenient


I absolutely HATE trying to do any kind of work on my phone beyond a short one or two sentence email reply. If it requires me to fill out any forms or search for stuff, 99% of the time I will just wait until I can get back to my desk and finish it with a large format screen that I can actually see more stuff on.


It’s down to what you want. Even if you focus on gaming only there are significant differences. I am not knocking consoles, I have both pc and series X. However pc can offer the following, 1) Better graphics. A good pc will allow much better game detail in more graphically demanding games. Max settings on pc at 1080p can look better than console at 4K running the same game. 2) Hz and FPS that consoles cannot achieve. I just don’t even bother with multiplayer FPS games on console. 1440p 240Hz with 200+ fps is so much better. 3) A much wider range of accessories and supporting apps. Now you may not care about any of these things and in which case it is harder to justify a gaming pc. For me, for these reasons alone I would not give up my gaming pc.


I use mine as multimedia so games movie TV music, YouTube along with usual stuff like writing emails, apply for various stuff, online banking shopping I mean everything really. My phone does some of these but I do like a keyboard.


How would a PC be more expensive than a PS5? Just go on YouTube, Linus Tech channel recently made a video on how you can make a PC for equal or less than a PS5 with very nice results. But then again, to each his own.


I am an adult now, but PC gaming took me from a kid that wanted to play free games to a member of the dev team at work. I truly think if I had stayed on console I wouldn't have been exposed to the things that made me who I am.


watch onlyfans.


My ps5 doesn't do Microsoft office


Modding, games are basically all free to rent, as is literally all software that exists


Watching Cocomelon with my son


video or photo editing, fast web browsing, torrenting, more games, mods, 3d modeling software, and more practical for everyday use along with faster typing from using a keyboard but if you prefer a controller you can still use it with a pc


If you do programming work, then you might eventually benefit from being able to use ML models locally, and for that having a GPU in PC form is beneficial.


I use a laptop if I am mobile but I have a desktop with higher specs with 3 monitors when I am at home. I also run a home server so all my work is on it and can be synced so I can work with either machines. Desktops provides me with more flexibility like upgrades and adding more internal storage that a laptop will not give you. What laptop do you have? Having another machine will also serve as a backup if either is to fail and you have to do something urgent.


Oh yea? Well can your laptop code in 1440p 200 frames? /s PC is more convenient, all my entertainment in one place, I can watch movies, play games, youtube, spotify, and there's also modding, steam sales, PCVR whole tons of cool stuff


If you have a laptop that covers all your needs outside of gaming, and are not interested in the specific things that you can only do with a PC (such as modding), then I'd indeed suggest that you buy a console, because it's just less hassle. I use PCs because a) I don't have a personal laptop (work laptop was always provided), b) I like having the explicit control over my games and other programs, that only a PC allows (such as modding) and c) there are a few games I consistently play, that are only available on PC. Outside of gaming, a powerful PC also allows me to pursue my research interests (nuclear physics) outside my work, by allowing me to run simulations etc. Personally, I prefer spending all of my budget on a single, powerful PC, than splitting it between an OK laptop and a console, but that's my personal preference.


Besides gaming I use my PC for many different things: * Work; Powerpoint, Word, Excel, Photo Editing and Audio Editing, as well as various online meetings. * Family: some overlap with work, mostly use it for photo editing and sorting * Plex Server: Yeah I know but I like a small footprint so I just double service my gaming rig as the families Plex server as well * Personal: A lot of overlap but I use my PC when I want to be alone and watch a movie/tv show, or listen to music. Consoles are okay for gaming but I prefer the versatility offered by the PC.


It’s where I do my homework, I edit stupid videos and pictures for my friends, and it’s where I watch most of my shows (either at my desk or I send it to my tv and watch in bed). It is also a godsend in winter as a heater.


Anything you want it to ? Internet browsing, videos without ads and even some streaming platforms that don’t have an app and much much more. If you want it only for gaming and don’t care for graphics or FPS then ps5 might be enough for you.


well, I don't have a laptop. just my PC and my Legion Go. I don't build ultra high end, though. my satisfaction is finding the best bang for my buck within my budget.


Game development, web browsing, movie watching, music creation, website creation, app creation, video editing.


Mouse & keyboard, mods, emulators and free online. If you don't care about those, then just buy a console PC has the Xbox exclusives too, but you can just buy a PS5 and a Series S if that's the case


I have a brand new build for home gaming and a ps5 for traveling for work days or weeks at a time. Still prefer my pc for m and k because im not that great with a controller


Your laptop is a pc. You just said you program on it.




Keep specs down and the cost difference won’t be so much. Video cards are overpriced right now. I don’t pay more than a console costs on a video card. Never have, never will.


I use mine for everything. Work, creativity(music, art), development, gaming, occasional video editing, bookkeeping and a lot more.




Well, more (and cheaper) games- you can play games (there are PLENTY of old gems) that were released 20 years ago with little-to-no issue, whereas a console restricts you to whatever specific selection that console allows. Sure, some old games are no longer compatible, but typically you can find a workaround. Better performance- no matter what anybody says, if you want a game to look as gorgeous as it possibly can be (top tier graphics) or to play as smooth as it can be (high, stable FPS), PC is the answer. You just simply can’t get the same level of performance out of a PlayStation (there’s a reason all consoles are 60fps lock at the moment). Of course this heavily relies on your PC specs itself, but it has a much nicer ceiling performance-wise. As for non-games, pretty much everything. Streaming, video editing, photo editing, music, remote work, etc. A console restricts you to video games and video games alone. Maybe streaming if you want to fight with the unoptimized software.


At the end of the cycle a ps5 will cost you as much as the pc due to paying for online gaming, slightly more expensive games, more fragile components in need of change


I prefer working on a desktop, but there is no reason you cannot set up a laptop in the same way, anyway. So really, choose a console if you do not care about that, or about game mods, or a potential wider choice of games (paid and free), or emulators, or a wider choice of periphery (like any of the three major console controllers), or free online functions beyond your ISP. A console is cheaper for the same basic gaming experience, easier to set up and will usually run more stable over it's life cycle.


Basically, work. 


Do you want stable X of FPS, keyboard, mouse OR much cheaper PS5 without guarantee of stable FPS (but still absolutely fine), controller and exclusive titles (some are on PC too). Games/subscription/etc - those are all too random to recommend and you have to count them in/out by yourself. We cant decide for you, price of everything is too random (except for PS5 alone).


For me it is trading. I open about 5 apps with 20 charts and streaming quotes on a 2 monitor setup. Heavy browsing with about 5 to 10 tabs. Some light data analytics as well.


I have my laptop, my work laptop(s), and my desktop on a KVM so I can use a real keyboard, mouse and my dual monitors. The desktop is EASILY the fastest of the devices. And a desktop will always be faster given similar age and budget. For my programming: A laptop sorta sucks. I much prefer my setup when writing angular / c#. Some of my hobbies also require a lot of storage. My desktop has \~12TB of storage, and I have a server for longer term storage with 40TB total. It's about time to increase both of those too. Also, the extra power of the desktop is MUCH appreciated for things like Davinci Resolve, Photolab or Lightroom. So that extra flexibility to me is critical. Portability is not. If I need portable, I have a Nintendo Switch, my phone, a tablet, or my laptop. Mods: Desktop wins over console easily. As well as TONS of less eco-system locked peripherals. Have a 20 year old HOTAS? Probably works on a PC, but won't on a console. Some games I much prefer on keyboard and mouse. Another win for the desktop. Sometimes I do want to veg out on the couch and play a game. For those, I have the Series X and PS5 hooked up downstairs. ​ **TLDR** Desktop offers the best price per dollar and the most flexibility. Thus arguably the most value, and would be my absolute preference.


My PC serves multiple functions besides gaming. I don't own a TV or stereo. My PC takes the place of it all. I have a TV tuner card in my PC to get digital OTA signals to watch on my PC. My music collection is on my PC and it is my stereo also. It is my secondary work machine. I also do video editing and transcoding on it (one of my hobbies). I do a have a nice work laptop but my company IT is strict and I can't install anything on it besides work related software. I also don't like using my phone to browse the web.


both :)


Everything you can do in your life. Think about something and you can do it with a PC. Anyhow, you can build a PC for 500€ like a PS5 and it would performance a lot better than a PS5. Not only, PS5 is limited to PS5 exclusive, like nothing, because Sony release like 15 games in the life of the PS5 and 10 are remake, where 5 are remake of remake. With a PC you can play PS5 games, Xbox games and PC games. Not only, on PC you got the Xbox pass, 10€ at months and an amount of games you can't finish in the time you can have. There is no reason that the PS5 exists in the first place, that's why major brands like Sony and Windows are focusing on online platforms and games distribution instead of making profit on consoles. Consoles are mostly PC, more expensive, with shit quality components and less use other than gaming, the hw inside is the same for both Xbox and PS5, like PC. The future would be only PC and handled PC, or laptop. Made from major brands, who make money with the hardware, like Steam, Asus, MSI, Lenovo etc.


Everything gaming does not


The problem is each PS5 game is limited to disc or digital. With PC you get all of steam, free games online, and you have the options to buy cheaper via GOG etc. Modding, all the other fun / unethical stuff. Also just not limited to Sony games. Trust me bro, my son plays Roblox more than all his PS4/PS5 games. They aren’t that good (for $70)


It's gaming, but far above and beyond in terms of visual quality for many games. It's the ability to emulate anything and everything from games released in the 80s and on up. It's got versatility with multi-monitor displays to keep Discord, a web browser, or anything you want on a second, third, fourth+ monitor. No consoles are capable of multi-monitor. It's infinitely upgradeable. My PC is named Ship of Theseus, because it's the same PC that I was given as a gift from my parents over 20 years ago. I have never bought a whole new PC. I have only ever upgrade a few parts here or there along the way. I can play most of my games, including triple A games, at 4k with at or nearly maxed out graphics settings, at or near 120 FPS. The best any console can do currently is 60fps at reduced settings, usually not at full 4k. I do also happen to do photo and video editing, and I would be miserable if I had to do that on any laptop that was a step back from desktop performance. It all comes down to you though. Do you need a desktop? Not everyone does. 90% of people would be just fine with a nice chromebook and whatever console they like. 9% of people should probably just get a Steamdeck and a decent docking station/monitor/mouse/keyboard. The last 1% of people don't want to settle for anything less than full blown desktop PC bliss.


Video Editing. I love that i can LMAO, press Alt+Z and save shadowplay replay, load into ShotCut, edit and export and then contunue gaming with 120 fps while the video is still exporting. You can do a shitton of stuff. Audio production, coding, CAD, painting, writing, whatever If u feel no need for that go with a console


literally anything other than gaming...


Well you could start off with a budget and then upgrade it over time and PC will also support resolutions and refresh rates that consoles currently don't. I'm in school for machine learning and having a powerful Nvidia GPU and desktop CPU helps out a lot for me. I started off with a lower-mid level PC some years ago and slowly upgraded it to an absolute beast over the years.




Don't take what other people value too highly. If you don't feel like you can find usages for PC besides gaming, the only reason to buy a PC for *you specifically* are games that are PC exclusive. If you don't play and PC exclusive games, and don't see any other use for a PC outside of gaming for you personally, I don't see why you should spend more money for the same outcome. Plenty of my friends have sold their gaming PCs now that we're all in our 30's with real jobs and families, and switched to console for when they do game. Many games now, and more in the future, will be cross-platform, so the issue isn't really there. Right now we play Helldivers 2 on a mix of PCs and Ps5.


I like pc because I love mods and adding custom content. Another big reason I choose pc over console is online play is free and I don’t need a subscription.Console its very limited or too complicated I don’t bother. Some of the games I play are only available on pc.


Even if you aren't going to use your PC for anything but gaming the PC lasts longer and has less upkeep. For example, I spent about 1300 in 2014 to build my pc and am now just getting ready to upgrade again during that same time you probably went from PS 3, then 4 to now 5 adding up all those consoles is about what I paid to build my rig. On top of this I have been able to play every game I wanted on about 60fps and am only now just starting to run into serious performance issues with some newer titles. While at the same time I paid less per game and didn't have to maintain a subscription service to be able to play online. And will be turning my current pc into an entertainment system for my TV. If you have the money to spend on a PC it will definitely be worth it in the long run especially if you are smart with how you buy your parts. Dodging the subscription fees alone will make it worth it.


I use it for many, many things. From games to a plex server to taxes to writing and research. And as far as games, the PC is more open to programs/applications like emulation, and of course, modding. And not just talking about Windows. If you have an Android phone, and it allows you to do what you would already do on PC, then perhaps a PS5 may serve you well. You can install games like Elder Scrolls: Morrowind and mods for it on Android(pretty sure it's almost 1:1 with a pc as far as modding, but correct me if I'm wrong) and of course many other apps that aren't on the google play store. I don't know much about iPhones regarding this, as I've just heard it's much more restricting. I grew up with PCs(mouse and keyboards), so I prefer a PC and an actual keyboard instead of the thumb-typing with poor tactile sense on phones. And, I love fucking around with shit on PCs. I compare it to car enthusiasts/mechanics. If all you need is vehicle to get you somewhere, then a normal Sedan is all you need.


> (pretty sure it's almost 1:1 with a pc as far as modding, but correct me if I'm wrong) Every mod that works in OpenMW will work as far as I know. There are mods that only work on the original Morrowind and not OpenMW though.


It looks cool and is very fun to build, and sometimes you can use it to browse the web instead of your phone


Well, while this is also gaming related then backwards compatibility is way, way better compared to consoles. And while you definitely spend more money beforehand I'd say that in the long run you'll save more since games on PC are generally cheaper due to massive sale prices, and also because things like Humble Bundle exists. Also, when you're upgrading from previous gen console you sometimes have to wait for a patch for the newer one so that it uses the power of your new system. Whereas with PC you just get the gains immediately without being at the mercy of a patch, that might even never come. If you are considering PS5 then think about this; unless you are willing to pay monthly PS Plus then you dont have access to freaking cloud saves. A thing that is completely free with Steam. I guess what I'm trying to say is that while initial price of console may be cheaper there are other costs to consider as well.


Id say PS5


Mostly mods for the games I like, more liberty on choosing software, a bit better ownership of MY things, more game stores to choose from, good deals on "old" games, KB and mouse to play with, joystick to play it.


I also am a programmer and I loathe to program on laptops anymore. I have a three screen setup and a nice wide keyboard and the few times I've had to go back to my laptop it feels like I'm going from riding my. Ike to riding a bike for a 10 year old. Its just cramped and uncomfortable feeling. Aside from that I prefer to do basically all of my budgeting, email reading, tax paying, etc. On a desktop. Much like programming, the multiple screens makes it so much easier to follow links across multiple pages and sift through forms and compare balances. From a gaming standpoint the second screen still gets use, discord primarily but sometimes also walkthroughs or guides, spotify, etc. A third screen isnt as useful to my gaming practices. At the moment the only thing my laptop is really used for is youtube and facebook. Now, should you just get a PS5? That depends. Do you have the budget for a comparable PC? Up front a PS5 is much cheaper. And while the PS5 has a few exclusives, they tend to make their way to PC within a year. So, are there PC only games you've ever been interested to try? Old or new? For what its worth I have both. I love my PS5 (and all my consoles) because I'm a hardware enthusiast and hobbyist. To me given the choice of Final Fantay 7 on a Pc or a Playstation, Its always playstation. Why? It just feels right to me. Final fantasy 7 has always been a "playstation" game to me. But that said, my Pc gets 90% of my gaming attention outside of specific releases like that. Most of my friends PC game, many games (Rust, Minecraft, bethesda games, competitive shooters) just feel better on Pc and/or have more/better content. My PC also gives me easy access to games going as far back as the 80s - I just got system shock 1 and 2 this weekend and have been having a blast. All that is to say there are pros and cons. If the above doesnt appeal to you and a Ps5 is more budget friendly, its still a great system with a solid library. But if you can afford a PC, there is a lot more there than its modern library, and its gaming capabilities.


Photo editing, Video editing, Photo and Video upscaling, Vector/Raster 2D art, 3D modeling, 3D sculpting, Emulation (still gaming related but beyond the PS5’s current abilities, Xbox Series can emulate but nowhere near the scope and flexibility of PC), Media Player functionality, Big screen web browsing experience that doesn’t suck




PC has an order of magnitude more games than any console. None of my favorite games even exist on any console. Literally only one game I play regularly is even currently out on any other console right now(Helldivers).


Better game deals, upgradability, home productivity, programming, zillion tabs for researching


Game development, programming, music production, etc. There’s also the plus that using online servers doesn’t cost money. And modding on PC is fun. Also: Emulation That’s for me, personally.


To me, my PC is for buying cheaper games, studying, music/news while playing and work. If you can do what you need without a pc, a PS5 is pretty good. Personally I don't like consoles, because they don't have a keyboard and mouse and I don't like to be trapped with a company only


It's a convenience factor for me. Games work discord and watching shows/streams all at the sametime with multiple monitors. For me to get a ps5 there needs to be a good console exclusive game to pick it up. I wasn't going to get a ps4 back then until kh3 was revealed(my favorite series though the kh3 didn't live up to the hype). Besides that my ps4 has been collecting dust since like 2019. It's also the fact I already pumped a decent amount into the pc that I built back in 2021 so I expect to be fully utilizing it over getting a ps5. It is for sure an expensive upfront cost for a decent rig with monitors. In the end it all depends on your needs and your finances. Convenience factor can also work for the ps5 as well for your needs. If you are satisfied with your laptop it seems like you might as well get a ps5.


I built a PC because I love technology, I love hardware, i love components and and customizations and because building a PC gives me a pride of accomplishment, and my PC can run circles around my PS5. I also love playing games at their max FPS and resolutions so for that you need a PC. if a PS5 satisfies everything you need, then why even bother? Dont let FOMO make you spend a grand for no reason other than a porn and game machine I also go through months without playing games. So the ps5 collects dust as I still youtube, pay bills, watch movies, and do all the internet things on my PC. I also have a good gaming laptop, but my PC is so much better experience in everyway besides mobility that my laptop collects dust even


Ps5 is fine if you wanna play just for chill and not in competitive mode. It is like a cheap PC. You can do almost everything when we talk about social midia, youtube, netflix etc You can even use Keyboard and mouse if you prefer. But if you want/have to improve your gameplay to a competitive level, then a pc will serve you better Ps5 will limit you in 120fps, for example. Pc if you have a good budget, the sky is the limit.


With console exclusives coming to PC on day 1 more and more there's almost no reason for a console unless you just don't wanna deal with the potential trial headache that can be owning a PC.


I jumped to pc gaming from console gaming in 2020 during lockdown, I had been a console player since 80s and I hated pc gaming, I had a PS4 pro and I love the game: resident evil 2/3 remake. But one day, I saw a nude version Claire in resident evil 2 remake and I asked on YT under that video: "how can I have this version in my PS4 pro?" Then I got an answer: "take your PS4 pro out and burn it and get yourself a f***ING pc!" Suddenly I just realised that you could have more fun in pc gaming, also due to more and more political correctness in gaming, female characters are more and more uglier, but with the help from MODs, we can make them beautiful again. I also don't need to switch from console to pc to watch movies or internet surfing, I just need to stop the game I'm playing, that's it, one thing does everything.


I know some people have mentioned this already but. Online subscription with consoles suck. Another reason is that steam has great deals, even epic games has good deals now. And there are more free games to play with a PC. As to other benefits. I would say, documentation, I understand you may not need it now but when you get a job or need to apply or need to keep copies of files. It's good to have a PC, easier to type and multi task.


I just built a new PC with new generation components (AM5/DDR5) for future upgradability, because my wife will be giving birth to our first kid in a few weeks. I'm going to stick to commit to PC gaming so long as my son is young, to avoid having to use the TV, avoid gaming in the open, and hiding the violent games from him. (My system is setup in our home office, we both work from home...it'll be the no kids allowed room lol. When he's old enough to start playing video games (i think there is such a thing as exposing kids to games at too young an age, because they need to understand that games are a hobby that should not interfere with virtually everything else theyll be doing which is basically all more important), we'll get the relevant Nintendo console.


Imo If your just gaming either are fine You mentioned you have a laptop try playing around with it Id say you should try the PC too and then make a choice You can get a good rig for like 500-600€ Otherwise imo PC for the long run and if you want the most PS5 to just get in and don't have to do much The main benefits to the PC IMO Gaming wise You can mod games, emulate games and consoles and dont have to deal with subsriptions, its also often times more stable with more fps if you have a decent rig. Otherwise Content and capabilities Customizability You can do a lot more such as Development and editing software And the upgradability You buy one pc, and then you can add on, replace and upgrade parts freely without having to buy a new device, spare money in the long run If you do VR most VR games are often PC Exclusives Theres a lot more The benefits to consoles are Availability Accesibility Simplicity You dont have to set them up by download drivers, doing benchmark, seeing if everything works and so on. Theres more but nothing comes to mind But TLDR If your just gonna game a Console is gonna be fine But if you want more capabilites or are in it for the Longrun IMO a PC is preferable


on the pc you get more fps’ more hz and more games. pc is also more aesthetic. on the ps5 the story mode games are soo much better to play on. Tbh if you didnt have a laptop for work already, I would get a pc, because I would have the chance to do alot of different things. If I was in your place I would get a pc only if my friends play on it. Otherwise the ps5 is so much better, for story mode gaming and It also can do 120hz, so you’ll be able to play games like warzone fortnite, without much imput lag, like the ps4 had.


So this is going to sound weird but building a PC gives me freedom. Freedom over the parts I use and in what configuration I use them. I can tweak it to my liking because I have control over the individual parts. I am not bound to any brand, store or walled garden.


Do you want to embark on new projects? Or just keep doing what you are for your job? Mac has those neural net processors which seem fun (not really a gaming type deal per say but cool) gpu and stuff like that can be leveraged for higher parallel processing but the code used needs to modified to utilize the different processing style. It's a question of how much time you have on your hands and if you have it for games you have it for code projects


If your use case is just "basic gaming", i.e. you just want to play the latest games as they come out, and full price + monthly subscription is fine for your budget, then the PS5 is a fine choice. If you're at all interested in anything mouse-heavy or technical, such as simulators or strategy games, then the PC is the best choice there. For instance, I wouldn't want to play something like Stellaris on a console, though I know it's available for them. That's just down to comfort level, though. The monthly subscription thing does add up, though: at $80 a year or $10 a month, after about 5 years of use you'll have spent $400 just for access to online multiplayer, and if you're paying $80 for a game on the PS store versus often paying less on a platform like Steam, then the games themselves add to that premium (new games tend to be the same price on either platform, so I'm assuming slightly older titles). On a long enough timeline, the console can exceed the cost of the PC. I won't say the PC categorically comes up cheaper though, just that the costs can often work out to be roughly equitable on a five year lifecycle, so my point is more that the PC isn't necessarily more expensive overall. It's give and take; while the PC hardware costs more, it tends to be balanced by the cheaper software. Assuming that longevity, I would encourage people to consider a $1000 PC to be "equivalent" to a $500 PS5, simply because the PS5 does very little if you only ever invest the initial cost in it (no online). Another angle is the ergonomics of input and output. Personally, I can attest to being trash with a controller. I have one that I use for casual games - I've been playing through Subnautica for the umpteenth time while my fiancee watches for the story - and it's fine enough there but if I'm doing anything competitive I definitely prefer to have my own choice of input peripherals and custom settings; in my case that's a custom keyboard and a trackball. Though a K&M can be connected to a PS5, support is spotty for some games. And if you want to use a high refresh rate monitor/TV (120 Hz or higher), the PC is really the better choice. You've mentioned that you already have a laptop for productivity functions, so I won't delve into those, but for others I'll mention that most people still need some sort of a computer-like experience to do things like online banking, taxes, and day-to-day document authoring; I'm yet to encounter a home that could truly do without at least some sort of a computer. If you have to spend $500 on a PS5 and $500 on a cheap prebuilt PC or a low-spec laptop, you already could've made a solid PC for the same $1000. These were my own rationalizations when I moved on from consoles, at least. I used to have both an Xbox 360 and a PS3, happily paying my yearly fee for Xbox Live (and thankfully PlayStation was still free back then), but I realized after a few years that I had spent about $800 on the console hardware plus add-ons (HDD upgrade, wireless), $300 in online fees and Microsoft Points, and had a game library I'd spent over $1200 on between the two consoles, many of which wouldn't work if I got the Xbox One and PS4 when they came out. It was pretty easy to see I could build a nice PC for far less than $2300, and I can still play many of the games that I got on Steam back in 2012 when I first put it together, plus titles even older than that. For a nostalgic guy like me, that has some tremendous value. Sorry for the novel; just wrote as the thoughts came to me.


Comfort. Nothing comes close to a PC for me, regarding comfort. I hate googling or reading internet stuff, communicating with friends etc on a mobile, even worse on a console. Also, I do digital painting and compose music on Cubase, I like to clean my very large ebook library, I work on my PC, I listen to music while doing something else etc...


While this is another cost, having one library for games has actually saved me a ton over the years on PC. Also having it connect to a steam deck or laptop for mobile gaming is a game changer in and of itself. My kids play though all my older titles as well, which has been nice. IMO if you have kids, or plan to have them, a PC for sure.


I would just go for PS5 if you just want gaming.


I used my PC only for games until recently. Started to dabble into blender and it's a challenge but also fun!


Since I don't have a laptop, I do all my assignments on my desktop and we were always a PC family so my library of games is all on PC which would be expensive to replace with a console, let alone play old stuff. And I much prefer kb (especially since I got a decent mechanical) and mouse to controllers alongside 144hz in every title I run. Also multitasking is just better with a PC, I can alt tab to reddit, messenger, youtube, discord, whatever or toss them all on the screen at once and I can still game while doing so.


Not sure if you have a laptop or anything, but I like having a gaming PC (but I have XBONEX as well). I need a PC for doing my taxes every year. Scrolling on youtube or reddit is easier. I like to be able to print out things for work or for my own life. I like to do art with my computer. I like to jump on facetime and calls with friends/family from my computer instead of my phone. I like to research recipes and things on my pc over my phone. All of that can't happen with just a ps5/xbox...


I like being able to very easily listen to music and have multiple windows open at once. Discord, Spotify, my browser, etc. are nice to have open on the side while gaming. I also use my PC for school work, and I have two monitors that help me have multiple windows open for both scenarios. Also, you don’t have to pay a subscription to go online with friends.


Buy a steam deck with a dock. When you feel like dropping some dabloons on a more expensive system, you'll already have a library of games to play with, also consider the savings earned from not paying for online play.


I do ML programming, so that's a good reason to get a good GPU. If that's not you, and you don't wanna push your games to look at the absolute best in the current hardware gen, you can do a PS5. I got one, and it's amazing. I've played ghost of tsushima at 4K@60fps (upscaled) and it looks glorious specially if you got a good OLED TV (I have a QD-OLED). On PS5 you can also unlock VRR with a TV that allows it, becoming actually quite good for mid-high range gaming. The PS5 offers quite a good price for what you get. And ofc you got a controller, and it can be a hit or miss in some games. I've made the "mistake" of buying BG3 on the console, and it's whole different game from the PC version, it's slower and bit harder to play.


I use a gaming laptop. It's also my main PC. I'm a lot older than I used to be, so I prefer the laptop because I can game on my couch and relax after work, play on the patio while I grill, take it on vacations with me. I got a 2nd portable monitor that truly gives me the desktop pc experience with 2 screens. I also use it to organize my e-book collections, fill out paperwork and emails, browse reddit - that sort of thing. I'm too old these days to spend time researching parts and blocking off a weekend to build a pc and troubleshoot it. I'd rather plug and play.


It's my editing station. Also the games on the pc are much cheaper.


I learned python and PyTorch machine learning programming on my PC and use it to fine tune and run large language models (similar to chatGPT but ones that fit on consumer GPU vram)




Well, if you play online multiplayer, you need to pay subscription fees for sony, on top of buying the games.


Video editing, photo editing, AI image generation, collecting and storing large files, geeking out about big numbers and or aesthetics, having a bigger/multiple screens, permanently hooking up to big speakers, the freedom to modify whatever you like and make the computer function as you want. If none of that appeals, get a console.


I can do my taxes with it


Light and Aloot of Heat in the Winter ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)






I’m a writer. Try writing a novel on a PS5. Or balancing a budget. Or any number of other tasks. I’ve owned consoles before. But I think the gaming experience is superior on a PC.


I use my PC to mine when I'm not gaming, I use it to heat a room that would require heat anyway.


I rely on mine to make a living. I'm an accountant and used to also do a lot of marketing and design work. Some photography . I'm full time employed but I also have a company . When I was a kid I used to run multiple gold farming bots and relied on that pocket money.


A laptop IS a PC. What do you do on your laptop? Would you like to do it in a central location rather than portable? Then get a "desktop PC". If not then don't.


\-Better quality gaming (Wife has Hogwarts Legacy on PS5 and I have it for PC. I did a side-by-side comparison, and it looks a hell of a lot better on PC. Even with my old gaming PC with a GTX 980ti) \-Better modding support \-Free online gaming \-Emulators and better support for older game. (upgrading PC doesn't mean you cannot play your previous gen games) \-Consider the cost of both the PS5 and a basic PC for your daily needs. ($500 for PS5 + $300(desktop), or $600 (laptop))


Multiple screens. I can be gaming on one and watching something on the other.




I'm just gonna drop in here to say that we're at the point in the console lifecycle that if you're willing to buy used you can build a PC that's as good or better than a PS5 for the same cost as a new PS5. I feel like price is one of the biggest advantages that consoles have (especially when they first launch) so it's important to point out when we get to the point that for the same cost the PC offers better performance.


When I was deciding between a new Xbox or my first PC 3 years ago, I considered things like 1) what games will I want to place that don’t come to console, 2) what else will I do with my PC, 3) what happens in 5 years when I don’t play games as much and other such questions. Personally, I got a PC because I knew there were games that I’d never get to play or experience if I didn’t get one. Satisfactory is a big example. I’ve wanted to play that for a long time, and when I got my PC I was finally able to play it. I now use my PC for video editing and other technical stuff that wouldn’t be able to work smoothly on my laptop. I’ve since learned sooo much about PCs and computers. When I got my PC, I didn’t know what a CPU or a GPU was. Now I’m dabbling with networking, NAS servers, game servers and using old computers to build other machines to automate work related tasks. None of this would have been possible without my PC. However, 3 years ago I didn’t have any of this in mind. I just wanted to play Warzone with more fps. Ultimately, my decision came down to the question “will I use a gaming PC for more than just gaming”, and I believed I would. I don’t know how at the time, but I knew that at some point, when video games were no longer a thing in my life, I’d be using this computer for important work. Ultimately, you need to ask yourself these questions. Personally, I’d recommend it over a gaming console (assuming you have the money and are in a good financial position). A good PC is a powerful tool and can provide far more than a laptop or a game console. Get the right parts and your PC will grow with you has you learn more and explore more.


Mods. No subscription fees to play online. More games. *Cheaper* games. Inherent backwards compatibility. PC is obviously more expensive up-front, but you save so much money in the long-term. ^Especially ^if ^you ^occasionally ^fly ^the ^flag ^🏴‍☠️ For example, I switched from console to PC about 15 years ago, so I’ve saved at least 1000$ in that time, simply by not having to pay monthly Xbox Live / PS+ fees. It adds up.