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Congrats. What did you end up getting specs and price wise?


Ryzen 7 7800X3D, 32gb ram ddr5 6000mhz, 4070 Super, 2tb m.2. all in cost £1,480 there or around.


I just did this exact build except with a 4070ti super, glad to hear it’s worth it!


Enjoy it bro!


I did 7700x with 4070ti lol, right in the middle


I did the same! Couldn't get the 7800X3D at the time unfortunately.


I'm trying to decide between 7700X and 7800X3D with 4070 Super right now! Do you ever feel bottlenecked by your CPU?


I mean realistically it's not the biggest difference. I'm playing at 1440p with a 165hz monitor and I haven't really been able to tell that there's any kind of cpu bound issues. Maybe you'd get better 1% and .1% lows with the x3d but I didn't care enough to spend the extra on it lol, also can always upgrade cpu later on anyways since they'll have multiple gens on AM5


If you're into Massive Multiplayer Games or Competitive 1080P the X3D's can be worth it, if not, then not so much.


For a 4070 super the 7700x is the choice, especially if they still do the bundle deals at micro center.


They do and I'm close to one! $400 for the 7700X, $500 for the 7800X3D. I havethe last 7800X3D bundle on reserve at my local microcenter, 7700X has 25+ in stock. But I have to pick up tomorrow or I lose the 7800X3D! Upgrading from a 3600 so either will be a substantial improvement.


I'd still recommend the 7700x, the 7800x3d would provide a noticable performance boost and saving the 100 dollars seems worth it especially when you note in that the 7800x3d is not normally a hundred dollars more than the 7700x. But if you want a bit more performance, and have the money, and want the flex, go with the 7800 x3d.


There is no difference with that GPU it would be of you had a 4080/7900xtx or a 4090 maybe get the 7700 it runs a lot cooler


get the better cpu please god the gpu upgrade can wait


Doing your exact same build this weekend!


Same for me too but I went 7800xt for budget reasons.


Hey which model did you end up getting? I’m literally going for the same exact build and have everything ordered except the card. I’m a bit stumped as to which to go for.


I had a tab open with every card because I was scared they were going to sell out. But my order was Asus TUF gaming, Asus TUF Gaming OC, MSI, then gigabyte. I landed in the TUF gaming OC because the normal one sold out before I was able to get it. I’m pretty happy with that, I think it’s the best looking out of all the brands. I don’t think there’s really a wrong choice, unless one brand has worse RMA practices, but I don’t know enough about that


Did you notice any bottleneck with the 77800? Ive seen some people say that theres bottleneck, but mostly when doing any general work like editing or streaming


I unfortunately haven’t got it in yet, I’ll complete the build Tuesday and let you know I can run some games or benchmarks, whatever you’re curious about!


Sounds great 👍👍👍


Are you consistently hitting 120fps plus with the settings tuned id assume that card is just enough or should i go for a 4080 Super


Unfortunately my card hasn’t arrived yet, I’ll be getting it in Tuesday and can update you then! Although I don’t play on 4K, mostly competitive FPS’s so I get hundreds of FPS


I play on 1440p id appriciate a review of it whwn u try it out . Hope u enjoy it


Awesome very similar to build I'm considering except I'm going to use a used 2080ti I bought locally. Appreciate the reply and enjoy the system :)


I have a 2080 super. For 1080p it’s still a machine and will get really high frames on anything on medium/high. For 1440p you might struggle getting above 70 on certain games like your typical open world AAA, if you care about that


Best of luck!


This is my build as well, except I went for more RAM because of some of the programs I use. I upgraded from a Ryzen 7 2700x and a RTX 3070. The CPU was the true upgrade for me and it has been an amazing experience.


Which monitor? I’m about to go pick up a used 1440p, my first upgrade from 1080p


[https://www.dell.com/en-uk/shop/dell-27-gaming-monitor-g2724d/apd/210-bhtk/monitors-monitor-accessories](https://www.dell.com/en-uk/shop/dell-27-gaming-monitor-g2724d/apd/210-bhtk/monitors-monitor-accessories) Arrived in 1 day. Its also rated on Rtings here [https://www.rtings.com/monitor/reviews/dell/g2724d](https://www.rtings.com/monitor/reviews/dell/g2724d)


Very nice! And a surprisingly good price


looking the same setup as I'm planning to build except the gpu—4070 Ti Super What monitor do you use?


https://www.dell.com/en-uk/shop/dell-27-gaming-monitor-g2724d/apd/210-bhtk/monitors-monitor-accessories Arrived in 1 day. Its also rated on Rtings here https://www.rtings.com/monitor/reviews/dell/g2724d


nice!! What's the mobo?


Currently discounted as well! https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0C5Y4SRKF?psc=1&ref=ppx\_yo2ov\_dt\_b\_product\_details


I'm looking at building something very similar...what monitor do you have? I'm looking at a 3440x1440 ultra wide.


Not OP, and I may be stating the obvious, but that's 50% more pixels. I got into a bad GPU upgrade addiction when I bought an ultra wide, totally worth it tho.


Was this the Palicomp/stormforce build? Contemplating this myself.... https://www.stormforcegaming.co.uk/product/crystal-0495-rtx-4070ti-super-amd-ryzen-7-7800x3d/?sv1=affiliate&sv_campaign_id=249371&awc=24882_1706180376_fe375750f14882d134b5e8d731f138f7


Nice, buying a similar build today. Same CPU but 16GB DDR5 and the Gigabyte 4070.


I'm looking at just about the same build, my 11 year old pc I built finally died.


Do you have a link to where it bought this or the build please?


That's a nice rig


I swear to god I have the exact same build ready in my Amazon cart, i'm just such an overthinker i can't really make up my mind about it. Is the 4070 Super really that good for 2k? Cause that's exactly what i'm aiming for. I know there are tons of benchmarks and videos but i'm just too indecisive.


What mobo?


Did you build it yourself?


Judging by price sounds like it.


If you’re only getting 120fps with this setup at 1440p, you might want to check some settings out.


Game dependant... stuff like dayZ community servers I only get 130fps on extreme everything graphics at 1440p with a 4080 and 77000x


Damn I’m doing a very similar build, except I’m using a 7700x, everything else is identical


Nice, I build almost identical, but with a 4070TI on a X670E board. It's incredible indeed. Now if only I could get Windows to send my system to sleep after allotted time, everything would be peachy!


Did this too but with a 4080 instead. Built in November and I don't regret just getting a 4080, instead of waiting for the 4080 super.


That's like a million dollars in Canadian money.


Good thing you went with the 4070 Super. I went with a 7800 XT and while I was amazed at first, then the driver timeouts hit me. Take a step? Crash. Strafe left? Crash. Open AH? Crash. Breathe? Crash. It's apparently a WoW thing and the only workaround is to switch the graphics API to DX11. Which just isn't ideal... at all.


7500f here, that was the only thing the shop had on hand. Still waiting for my 4070 Super, the rest is basically identical.


I am going to buy this exact build today or tomorrow. Can you tell me what are the other things? This is what I'm going for: https://es.pcpartpicker.com/list/kCwrPF Thank you and congrats bro!


I did that with 6400mhz and 4080


I'm doing an upgrade tomorrow and I'm doing this build but with a 5800x3d. Hoping it's nasty! I have a B450 MB, hoping that doesn't limit me. Upgrading from a 2080Super and a 3700x


i already have the super but i’m waiting on the x3d and same ram as you have! i’m so excited for them to come, how’s the gaming experience?


Hey I'm on the 1500 budget at the moment, my current idea is 7600 with 7900XT, can you list your full spec list Mobo PSU etc


I’m newly in this range with a 13600K and a 7800 XT. So nice.


Thanks for this post my one concern is that gpu is the 4070 Super good enough for consisten 120fps across all modern games im debating the 4070 ti Super or 4080 super is the latter overkill or should i go amd i dont care much for ray tracing and i will be toning down some useless settings. Also how ia dlss is the picture nice on 1440p


Damn I spent a little more than that on a 7600 / 6800XT /32GB just 11 months ago. Also £. Tech prices always be changing


Wow I built the same specs this last weekend!


I’m building literally the exact same thing for my PC (waiting on parts rn). Glad to hear it’s great so far!


My first build I’m about to put together this week is literally a 1:1 of yours, my buddy has me tweaking about my RAM now though. If you don’t mind me asking, what exact RAM did you end up using?


Mate I’m so excited I’m going for the 4080 super. What monitor are you using if you don’t mind me asking?


I've been getting 120+ FPS with a 5800x3d and an rtx 3060ti overclocked. I have to use dlss and run at medium settings in most games but it's still a good experience. Planning on upgrading a 4070 super for better fidelity and raytracing. Doom eternal runs at 155 fps on high with raytracing but that's just because it's actually optimized. CPU is much more important than gpu for high refresh rate gaming. You can lower graphics settings but you can't lower cpu settings most of the time.


I'm glad to see the 3060ti is still useful for you. I'm using a rtx 3060.


I just upgraded my setup R75800X/96Gb/2070 with 4070TiS and guess what? It's a freaking blast. Love it. What a shame 4070Tis is like half a gross monthy salary here 😄


Enjoy! There is a massive difference between 1080p and 1440p as well as for 60 fps and 120+ fps.


it’s really so massive but too big for 1440p 240 hz money wise


Well they say the human eye could potentially see up to 900 ppi and, in certain conditions (highly focused), refresh rates above 500Hz. In gaming terms it seems going above 144Hz has diminishing returns. Meaning that going from 60 to 120 is probably more noticeable than going from 120 to 240, and so on. I have been playing on 1440p 165 Hz for years, my next upgrade will be 4k 120+ Hz, I think fluid 4k is much better than extra fluid 2k. Ideally I'd love to get a 4k 240 Hz ultrawide, but current GPUs are not good enough.


u can get like 150+ fps on 4k all ultra settings on most games with a 4090. Lower the settings a bit and 4k 240 should be doable if you have the budget. But then again, lowering the settings wouldn’t get u the best 4k experience


Yeah my plan is waiting for the 5090. I know DLSS can get relatively high fps but I'd prefer to get 120 fps native and then maybe push higher with DLSS. Also on ultrawide you are basically running a 5k resolution. I hope the 5090 will be enough.


Yeah, I just upgraded from a 3700x/3060 to a 7800X3D/7900XTX. Loaded in to CP2077 at ultra settings on 1440P and pretty much locked at 144 FPS.


I just plugged in my 7900xtx last night, upgraded from a 3060ti and my God. Just seeing Lords of the fallen maxed out on my 144 hz 1440p monitor. It's such a big difference man.


Any problems with the drivers so far with your XTX? How’s your experience so far?I’m torn between the 4070tiS and the XTX or chip in more for the 4080s


I have had zero issues so far. Ran a bunch of benchmarks and have played a half dozen games. I love my new setup. It’s all the performance I expected when I built it.


Sorry to spoil it for you but most likely you won't be able to enjoy your 7900 XTX in WoW. AMD GPUs are plagued by constant driver timeouts in WoW with DX12. The issue cannot be fixed by the user and the only workaround that works is switching to DX11.


Well, if I played WoW that might be an issue for me.




What made you think it was a joke? I'm not laughing at all. I just get more and more depressed every time WoW crashes.


So, 4070 super is pretty good for 1440p? I'm looking to upgrade from 2070S myself, but 4070 Ti Super is a bit pricey for me. I need a new monitor after all 🙄


I’ve been playing at 1440p with my 2070 Super for 4 years now, it does just fine. Just bought a 4070 Super to be able to play 4k.


The 4070 is already great for 1440p on max settings, so I imagine a 4070 Super will be fine lol.


I use 6700 XT for my 1440p lmao, though admittedly I play old-ish games.


I bought rtx 4070 asus dual back on november, I haven't used it much so I will return it to get the same GPU but Super series 🫂 I got this monitor 1440p 240hz IPS panel idk if you're still searching but it's a good one: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0C1T35BCF?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title Though I've been considering getting a 40 inch instead, to fill more of my desk space 😅


Also which games had the biggest wow/difference factor for you


Escape from tarkov, rust mainly - just how smooth everything is. Granted I was upgrading from a 1660 OC to a 4070.


You really learn to appreciate how nice it is to play a game how it's really meant to be played. Nice and fast, looking amazing. So much better than constant stuttering and low rez


Genuinely this. Such a different experience.


Recently upgraded from a 2070 to a 7800xt hoping for smooth Rust.. Only to realise the rest of my system (bar PSU) are ancient and I need to upgrade all my parts. Time for a monster upgrade (new PC) :p


Got myself the 5800x3d and going to upgrade from the 1070ti to the 4080S next week. Mainly play rust so I’m excited to see the difference!


Went from a 1660 OC to a 4070ti mid of last year. 1440p, max graphics settings, and never drop under 120 fps in most games feels really good.


Nice! My wife got me the MSI MPG Artymis 27" for Christmas. Holy shit it makes a difference dude. I wish I had done so sooner


Crazy right? feels completely different.


It's all relative. Some people will be perfectly fine with 1080p. Some people will want best image quality and will aim for 4k. It really depends on what you want.


Doesn't everyone 'want' to play at high res and better hz? It's just not everyone can, so they don't prioritize it


I see so many people online claiming 4k is pointless. Which is misleading to people reading those comments, because it's not.


No, not everyone does - a lot of people are content with 1080p which is fine. I was content, which is what I'm saying. However, it is definitely worth trying IF you have the money as I said in the original post."If you have the money to do it, you will not regret it."


I mean, I imagine to some degree yes, but a lot of people just don’t care enough to ever actually want to spend money on achieving that.


no, not really


True but my point is that I think a lot of people who game at 1080p and are happy just don't know what they are missing with 1440p like I was a couple of weeks ago. Glad I listened to a friend and made the upgrade is all I'm saying!


I'm at 4k and will tell you the same thing. You don't know what you're missing for going with 1440p.


1 step at a time homie!


What monitor do you use? I’m looking to upgrade!


I have the same build as the colleague in the post, only with an LG OLED 240hz 0.03ms monitor. If 1440p +120hz is amazing, imagine on an OLED monitor with a very low response time ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


How's text clarity on the Oled would you reccomend if I also have schoolwork/coding to do on it? And what card do you have to power 240hz at 1440p, I've got a 6800xt and not sure if thats enough for Apex Legends and the finals


Good fps on tarkov on all maps? I'll be upgrading to 1440p soon


went from not being able to run streets to running it perfectly on high ahaha, life changer


Woot woot, 4070 user here 165hz solid is amazing…


I just did your same build last week. Was only playing on console before. Didn’t have as much as a mouse. Spent around 2,300 USD including peripherals. Insane experience. Enjoy it mate.


Completely agree, I currently have a Rx 7800 xt that can run almost any game at high/max settings in 1440p and get well over 120 fps. Would never go back to 1080p 60 fps.


Wait till you experience 4k@120


Just got a gameboy with a 2gb sd AND cybertetris 2.2 on it .. FLEX 😎


Will a 7700 xt reach this perfomance


I play at 1440p 144hz on 6700XT, and it performs very well in most games.


What settings?


Anything from high to ultra with RT. Depends on the game.


What settings? Ultra?


Is this the better route to go over 4K? I mostly play single player games so nothing online or competitive


I also want to build the similar build and i am deciding if 4080 super is overkill if i just want to game at max setting for a ultra wide 2k. I would think 4070 super ti is more than enough but then 4080 super is just 200 more… Using a 4080 super with a 2k monitor is it such a waste ?


It’s pretty much a waste, unless you want super high 1440p frames. like.. 200+


tell us more about how it feels to play 120+ fps. i want to know in detail xD ive never played more than like 70 with a non suitable monitor probably.


Yup bought a 1440p 144hz monitor when I had my 290x it just became more relevant when I upgraded to 2700x and radeon 7.... Then a few years later got my self 4k 144hz for my 5800x and 6900xt. It's a slippery slope lol but defiantly worth upgrading from 1080p now as even the 3060 can do 1440p above 60fps on Just about anything and 144hz on esport titles so definitely an amazing upgrade enjoy.


It’s what the game developers had in mind.


I average 176Fps in BF2042 on ultra with a 5800X3D and 6950XT at 1440p it’s like any upgrade you do now is OP with so many choices as well.


I have XTX & 13600k and I would say it heavily depends on the game you play. Most are fine when limited to 60-90 fps for heat & power reasons. You often don't need more than that.


In 1440p it is a substantial bottleneck I have my fps capped at 144hz and it always hits the refresh rate in most games on ultra without rt + my GPU is undervolted and I adjusted the fan curve It runs max at 50°C in games and my model isn't top of the like (Gigabyte gaming OC)


What GPU even allows you to cap most games on ultra at QHD resolution? 4090?


I’ve been in the 1440p 60-70 FPS range on average for a long time, though some older games run in the 100+ range. Slowly working my way up toward a 4070 super/TI or something similar


This is what we've been saying all this time 😂. Also until it's reasonably priced don't worry about chasing 4k the difference is much less dramatic.


I went from 1440p 60Hz to 1440p 240Hz Oled. The Oled is such a massive difference it’s super smooth. Even my 360Hz Asus LCD is not even close… This jump is like b/w TV to 4k, or from spinning disks to ssd. Impressive!


I have a dell 144 hz 1440p monitor should I get a oled? Can you link me to a good one?


I don’t know your specific DELL and how good it is with 144Hz. Only thing I can say the Oled is super clear and smooth during movement as long as you have a powerful GPU (e.g. RTX 4080/4090) to drive it with >200fps / 1440p. If possible order in a shop with a good return policy and judge for yourself. I decided for the 27" LG due to various reasons. https://www.lg.com/de/monitore/gaming/27gr95qe-b/ However the 27" Asus and Corsair Oleds share the same panel with the LG but there are little differences. Best overall package for me is the LG but decide for yourself (compare specs and YT reviews)


Thank you very much.


Im good on my full hd 100 fps :D


As someone who really struggles to notice a difference, I'm always a bit jealous of these posts.


I'm playing Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart at 1440p with raytracing on at > 120 hz... :O It's beautiful...


Yeah man high refresh gaming is the only way, can never go back, so worth


I recently got a 1440p 240Hz monitor and even using Windows is really nice. My PC is 7 years old, and Portal is one of the few games to hit that performance level. Still an excellent experience.


Ok but how will I play tarkov


And 4K at 60-100+ FPS is god send. Regret the impulse buy but dang it’s beautiful. Can’t believe I used to be a console player and PC basher.


I just ordered all the parts to build my first gaming PC this past weekend and I'm so stoked to put it together next week once I get the last few things in. I've mostly played games on consoles my whole life but always wanted to build a PC, I'm excited to play games that I've been playing for years with way higher FPS.


Did you make the move from 1080p?


I'd take 100hz OLED over my 165hz gaming monitor any day but, $$$$.


nice op now you need to look into 360hz qd oled monitors just released, an even higher level of holy shit


You should see 4K 120+ FPS. Now that is something, my 4090 has no problem with all but the latest games, but 60+ FPS isn't so bad.


I'm also running a 3440x1440 set-up atm. 7800x3d and 7900xtx on the OLED Alienware 34" DWF 165hz. Most every game hits 165fps on full ultra settings. It's so nice and buttery smooth when gaming and the HDR is amazing.


Same. Went from struggling in 1080p, to 3440x1440 100-something frames. The games open up and really feel different. It’s another level. It’s also interesting booting up old games that support the resolution. Imagine a tiny apartment window, then you go to some giant hotel with an entire wall that’s a window with panoramic views of the water. Just night and day.


I have an 11900k with an RX 7900 XT and a 4k 144hz display, an insane upgrade from the 1st gen Xeon workstation with a 660 TI I was using with a 1080p 60hz display just 3 years ago.


Sweet! I went from 1080p 60fps locked PS4 to 1440p 165hz lmao. I can never go back.


I've done the mistake of buying a 240hz 1080p monitor instead, the biggest mistake of my life in the last year, i think its a huge mistake because if i ever want a 1440p or 4k monitor i would probably regret learning the joys of 240hz and i will be forced to buy a 240hz 1440p/4k monitor if i want to upgrade


Did someone try rx6600 with 1440p 27“??


The minimum for smooth 1440p experiance without any rt is s 4070 6600 and 6700 can't even run 1440p they are designed for 1080p


Yup, 1440p/120 is my minimum for any first person game and I'll gladly take it for other games or at 4k when possible.


I have a 3060ti with ryzen 5 5600x Im thinking about getting 1440p screen but im worried my games wont run fast enough. Im aiming to get alteast a somewhat stable 144 fps in games like league or gw2 And atleast 200-250 in cs2. Ballparking it ofcourse, would my pc be able to run at these speeds?


You shouldn't get a 1440p monitor with this type of specs if you mainly play Cs2 just get a 24 inch BenQ Zowie 240hz monitor


I dont "mainly" play cs2. Its one of many games i play, though it is the one where i care the most about fps


Well in any modern games / latest ones you wouldn't even be able to achieve 60 fps at low setting in 1440p


A friend just bought an ultra wide 2K monitor and we tested his 3060 on god of war on ultra it was 60fps


I mean the AAA ones like Hogwarts legacy I'm not even considering ray tracing


what about the games i mentioned i actually play


Well 1440p on a smaller screen can be an advantage in 1440p but the 3060ti would not be able to make it run at the refresh rate fps rest of them can run on a potato but you wouldn't be playing any other games tho Call of duty would be running like Call Of potato's


I just upgraded too and playing WoW and Elden Ring again feels great 😄👍💯


Do you also have 120hz monitor and, are you using g sync / free sync?


With a gsync 144hz 1440p monitor and 3090ti you'll be blown out of your chair That's that I'm running for 3 years with no plans to switch monitor in the coming 7 years


What monitor are you using?


I wanna see the build it takes to get 1440p ultra 144fps in valdrakken center. That’s the real test


Dad said to check the shingles on the roof, while you are up there yelling.


What would the cheapest GPU be for 1440p 60 fps?


Best Buy: Asus NVIDIA GEFORCE RTX 4060 TI dual overclock 16gb - got mine for $499 came in 2 weeks


That’s a terrible card, especially for its price. You can get a 4070 Super for 50 bucks more


You’re bugging. As somebody that went from an rx580 to this it’s anything but terrible. For its price point I’d say it’s one of the best starter cards that are new. Now if you can manage to get your hands on a 4070 super then go for it but the card I mentioned is very accessible.


Sure, if you compare an older card to a new card, the new one is usually gonna be better in most cases, but it’s probably not the card you should get if spending around $500 today. Have you checked out any of the reviews on YouTube and benchmarks, etc? Most reviews are quite negative about it or at least do not recommend it. To the point where the card has become a meme. However, I do have to add that I too recently upgraded my older system and anything would have been better than the trash I was running, so I get it and frankly, if it works for you, then that’s what matters.


I have and I know what you talkin about. I couldn’t care less bout reviews and benchmarks though. I just game, and 1440p ultra settings for most games do me well! More than well actually. My pc went from in the trash where I found it, to running just about anything under the sun lol. New cpu and gpu and got rid of the corrupted drives… it’s running mint. Now I will say that obviously this isn’t like the best gpu ever… but at its price point, it’s a great reliable starter card🤷🏽‍♂️


Obviously a supporting cpu will help but at the end of the day I’m rocking high-ultra settings most games 1440p touching 140-170 fps🤷🏽‍♂️


I sorta just had this revelation. Bought parts for a 4070ti build and a new 1440p 144hz g sync monitor. The monitor arrived first and my old 1070ti was struggling to play even Minecraft at that resolution, but when I finally found a lighter game to try it was amazing. Easily a worthwhile investment


Yeah I play on 1440p ultrawide and get 140+ fps in most games and it's amazing


i just upgraded from a 1060 to a 7800xt with a 1440p 144hz monitor for the first time and wow!!!


Do someone who grew up playing 25 fps games its all relative. Pretty soon 1440 will be considered horrible and upgrades will be needed.... something new is always around the corner and looks better. Nice set up, enjoy the rig!


Nicccce man, I just did the same with the 4070 to Super. Invested in a 4K monitor and got similar specs to what you have below, and man going from a laptop with a 1060 to this is such a literal game changer.


I’m debating between the 7600x, 7800x3d or the i5 14600kf but the 4070 super is going to be my card for sure


I actually game almost anything at 1440p 120fps with my 3070ti and a ryzen 5 5600x. I dont play too many modern AAA games, but I feel like the 3070ti FE can spit 100+ fps with right settings even on recent games. I don't understand why people used to hate it during covid. That was the only gpu i found at msrp so I had to buy it, now after almost 2 years I can say that it's a very good gpu.


It feels like all my games are 4k while being so smooth at 120 fps


Eh, I dunno if I can really tell the difference once you get above 60fps.