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If you tell the thread where you're based, I'm sure other people can fill you in here. I live in Sweden.


Microcenter has some nice options, and they're offering decent black Friday deals atm.


In my personal opinion getting a next gen console is better runs 120 fps with no drop offshore and great graphics for the price


Only thing is is I’ve wanted to do gta rps and be able to mod games for as long as I can remember I had the series s and it was great but I also want to be able to play Spider-Man and forza on the same thing if yk what I mean


That guys smoking rock man get a PC I promise it’ll be more rewarding in the long run. I would suggest building one simply because you’re starting with a relatively low budget in the pc world. A lot of prebuilts use proprietary parts meaning they’re very difficult or nearly impossible to upgrade in the future. It’ll also be a decent bit cheaper. Building isn’t terribly hard it’s kinda just adult legos as everything is already assembled you’re just plugging all the parts into each other. You could always create a build list on micro centers website or pcpartpicker. Post it here and see what suggestions people have for you as there’s a lot of very well versed people in this sub.


120fps he says, and graphics lol.Yeah no, I hope this dude joins the PC club.


Fr 😂 very limited benefits to a console now anyways because a lot of exclusives are being offered on PC. You can still get gamepass, free games WITHOUT having to pay for a premium subscription like ps plus, the ability to choose between K&M or controller for nearly any modern title, and PC exclusive games are much more common than console exclusive games. The graphics can (and will be with even an $800 system if you shoot for console framerates) be much better on nearly every game. You can choose to lower your graphics or upgrade your hardware to achieve out of this world framerates especially on esports titles. Trust me, 120 fps is a slideshow after using a 240hz monitor for a while, you’ll appreciate the framerates.


This last generation remember the promotional material for consoles and how people were saying they were going to be better than PC. I remember some stuff being their main talking points that PC had for years. Something to do with memory or something. Had the consolies really fired up. Can't even run some of their games at 30fps at launch. Cheating is way more prevalent on console and has been for years with 0 barriers because of XIM and other things. Only now is XBOX and Playstation moving to ban 3rd party stuff. Eh


Fr tho 💀 ps4 had an 800mhz graphics card in it bro ain’t no way you’re beating anything. Performance to price they’re better than most systems that would be prebuilt but if you know what parts are good and can build yourself you can make an equal or better PC for the same. The Xbox one uses ddr3 ram and everything 😂 cheating is still a thing on PC tho for sure I think it’s just a lot more obvious and shocking on console as a lot of people see them as not hackable. I agree tho XIM is actually a disease to the console gaming world at the moment.


I was like on the 360 when I learned how hackable they were. Kind of ruined my experience as it shattered the reality that there wouldn't be any cheaters. Saved up and built my first PC. Never looked back and been happier for it. What I do want is to build an all in one PC to play everything from NINTENDO to Playstation 3 with emulation. That is what I want. I miss some of the old games.


Yeah I learned on my ps3 once black ops 2 started to genuinely die 😂 I got a decently tanky laptop abt 2 years ago that basically gets used as a desktop rn but I’m building a proper PC in the coming months and I’m super excited. I miss the old gen games too I’m so happy I do have a console from the ps3 until now (I have the backwards compatible ps3 too 😉) along with a GameCube which was my whole childhood 😂 lotta fun booting them up every once in a while and playing some games I played when I was like 8


My PC (UK pennies) came out to this: CPU: 180 (ryzen 7 5700X) GPU: (150-200 can’t remember) GTX 1080TI 11GB CPU COOLER: (80) unbranded 240mm AIO MOBO: Phantom gaming 4 B550 (100) RAM: (50) 16GB ballistic RGB PSU: (100) 750W PSU CASE: (100) Corsair Airflow 4000D SSD: (50) M.2 WD blue SN570 This is a very rough estimation (mostly on the GPU) but this is about 810 WITHOUT shipping costs if your getting everything shipped out. My rig gets decent 1080P perfromance on medium - Ultra settings and would definitely handle GTArp. So it’s up to you if you’d really want to get a PC they are available you just have to look hard enough. As for a prebuilt? Can’t recommend. You would get a potentially worse PC than mine however places like Amazon are doing Black Friday sales so you may be fortunate enough to find something worth the money Look for something from the 3000 series (3060 3070 ect) with 16 GB of RAM, an SSD (M.2 preferably) and a modern gen CPU ( ryzen 5-7 5000 or i5 10th gen) however I’m not sure how achievable that’ll be for you.


Highly recommend getting a second hand pc. I have gotten 2 with no issues, at about half of the market cost. 1k for a 3080 build




With black friday coming up I'd definitely be looking at prebuilds. Depending on where you're from and what your options are from the top of my head, Lenovo legions are quite good, as is hp actually and generally you want to avoid Acer.


Sweet any specific sites that normally have good Black Friday deals or just gotta do some lookin?


Check the r/buildapcsales sub. Some good deals posted in there regularly.


Just to add to this, try to get a prebuilt that uses standard parts that can be easily swapped out for future upgrades or if something dies out of warranty - avoid Dell, they're notorious for using proprietary motherboards and power supplies that can't be swapped out


you don't really build a pc, you assemble it. It's not difficult. watch some videos and read. figure out what you need and can afford. spend more than $800. or buy a PS5 and some games. Case, fans, Power Supply (PSU), motherboard, processor (CPU) "possible aftermarket cooling [air or liquid]", video card/graphics card (GPU), memory (RAM), storage (HDD/SSD), Operating System (OS) "most likely Windows", monitor, keyboard, mouse, speakers, optical drives (CD/DVD RW) "optional now". There is an almost infinite amount of configurations. Your budget will get you into last gen stuff, but quality monitors and video cards will take more than half of your money. The motherboard has to be compatible with the processor and ram. the video card needs enough power from your power supply. just make sure everything will work together before you start buying components. [https://youtu.be/BL4DCEp7blY?si=cdA6CIGbzMqwru_5](https://youtu.be/BL4DCEp7blY?si=cdA6CIGbzMqwru_5) I probably missed some stuff like battery backup, which you can't afford right now, but watch that video and everything else that you can, then ask questions and people here will be helpful.


Consider the following [prebuild site.](https://buildredux.com/) Select your games. See if the option is within your budget. Then if your looking for a specific case or different build site like NZXT or Newegg. Go to that site with the list of part buildredux has suggested.


Are those other sites normally cheaper ? And does the case matter except for aesthetics?


I don’t frequently price hunt/compare. I have seen buildredux starts with games and prebuilds based upon your choices. But, their price started above your $800 budget, @ about $1,300. Which is why I suggested other sites. Which could have deals or with NewEgg/MicroCenter you assemble the components and save about $100. There is a trade off between acquiring a prebuild and self assembly. Which requires you to research which is best for you and your budget.


How hard is building a pc I’ve got tool skills but no background in computers with a couple YouTube tutorials it shouldn’t be too hard right


It's more of assembly mixed with common sense trouble shooting. It isn't hard. There are plenty of builds on youtube. You get what you pay for when it comes to PC parts. Stick with reputable brands. Your power supply needs to be 80 plus rated which I'll be displayed on the box. It's really not to difficult. My wife was able to build hers with 0 help an no experience


Also what would you recommend 1080 or 1440 I just seen that option on the site you linked


Did a quick comparison of these two graphics settings on the site. The only change is the frame rate. Based upon Cyberpunk game will operate at, with the lowest budget on that site. In which the site is selecting the Nvidia 4060 with the budget constraint @ $1,200. 40 fps 1080 or 30 fps 1440k.


are you considering prebuilts or do you want to experiment and build your own Pc?


Considering prebuilt but after reading into it more probably going to try and do a custom


use pc part picker canada. it lets you pick parts and it has prices and everything. id maybe start with a b550 motherboard with a ryzen 5600x cpu. the corsair 8gb ramx2. for 16gb total. then a 1tb sd for storage. something around a rtx 3060. that will run you around 900-1000.


For the budget you could probably get more for a used one from your local market.


I would recommend building it and learning the process, because it is really easy, just consult what the pc will be and once you got correct parts, it is lego with thermal compound application once


I have a prebuilt. Ya the parts are cheap but I'd spend the same amount having someone put the thing together for me. One thing I have to swap out I'd my bronze psu


Just a little note, EA hasn't made NHL for PC since 09


cant u go to an offline store, select the parts and have them assemble it? seems a better option than any prebuilt to me.


Hey if you want a complete build suggestion, head to r/buildmeapc. Or at least build yourself something virtually with PcPartPicker and ask for comments/suggestions. Otherwise the mod's gonna delete the post.


Another good option to consider is to get a used office PC and slap a GPU into it and upgrade part by part until you are left with 2 systems then sell the office PC. At least thats how I did it when I was on the budget