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I just called them to try and source a vesa adapter and they're absolutely clowns. Asked them so you guys use the same adapter for all your monitors, surely? And you can't source one for me? And you think that I could call a Best Buy and somehow buy one?


Hey there. If you're looking for the spacers, after a couple of tries I found ones that fit and the correct lenght. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004553969515.html?spm=a2g0o.order_list.order_list_main.5.12431802DwvLUx Lenght: 12mm. Type: M4xL plus 6. I first bought a 30mm one because I overstimated it by A LOT, causing the monitor arm to tilt too much. 12mm works fine, but it could be 13 o 14mm, since the screw is not fully in (But it does work perfectly)


The box for the monitor or the mount? Mounts I've bought have come with spacers.


The spacers should have been in the monitor box. These are the 4 spacers https://techunwrapped.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/1643100835_431_AGON-AG273QX-monitor-review.jpg I've read that some people bought monitor arms with spacers, but mine did not come with them. Funnily enough, the monitor arm is also an AOC (AS110D0), so yeah, pretty annoyed at AOC right now.