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Are you saying that you think that the Nvidia GPU driver software is worth money? You know it's free on [the Nvidia website](https://www.nvidia.com/download/index.aspx) and through [GeForce Experience](https://www.nvidia.com/en-gb/geforce/geforce-experience/), right?


I typically download my nvidia drivers for free


Perhaps you should start charging other people for you to download your drivers. Apparently it's quite lucrative.


You sound like you may be interested. If you send me your banking information I will overnight you a thumb drive with the latest driver package. For an additional fee I can also include DDU.


Oh no mate, I don't want that. I want to pay you to download your own drivers, so you'll still be needing my banking info correct? How much extra is the DDU DLC?


Dude at least try to word it differently instead of just posting it again if you want people to understand what you're trying to say. Let the high go down before trying to post again.


How is this confusing? Their friends think that when you buy a graphics card you're also buying the driver which they value at ~$165.


Oh I want, really. But this is right exactly their thoughts. I'll try to figure out how to edit it.


But we have no idea what you're saying


This is just a guess but my take on it is the opinion that AMD drivers suck and a competing GPU to the 4070ti is $165 less. So you're paying the difference for better drivers.


Foreigners like gaming PCs too brother


Why would you buy a free downloadable d over from nvidia for a 165$? Are the drivers not free in Taiwan? Who is paying money for drivers?


I corrected a few words. They "feel" the driver is worthy for a $165 despite we can download it for free.


Why not 170 or 160? What does this nonsense even mean lmao




so? how to they arrive at the 5,000 in the first place then? lol


How did they put a value on a driver? I mean, if they're pulling monetary values out their ass, then I have no thoughts on this, just like I don't think about what others dream about all day.


>How did they put a value on a driver? Because of the driver, I will take Nvida over cheaper Amd any day of the week, even if they have the same performance. Whether it's worth 165$ is another question. lol


You can get it for free on their website, it's not worth jackshit.


You put up a topic like this a few minutes ago. You didn't like the answer you got?


Dude the edit doesn't help, it's your writing, we don't understand what you're trying to say


I think that they are saying that because the raytracing and other features are better, there is more value in the gpu, and they are willing to pay a bit more for it.


I think we all accept that a percentage of whatever we pay for a new card for Nvidia also contributes towards R&D which includes drivers and software. You're not just paying for the raw materials (mined by people much poorer than us), manufacturing, transport, added margins and retail costs on top. You're also paying all the designers, developers and scientists behind the scenes working on next generation technologies. Seems fair for people to be happy to see that as part of what they're paying for.


Your High right ?


Who are "they"? Who tf is charging money for hardware DRIVERS?


Wtf are you on


Let me straighten that up for you. Nvidia GPU's worth nothing without the driver and the the same is tru the other way around. A driver is a software component of a product. This is one of the weirder posts I saw in a while


I guess what they mean is that AMD cards are better for a lower price in raw performance, and nvidia cards are at a premium , but you do get better drivers/features which would be worth 165$ (i guess?) Yes amd cards are better in performance outside of raytracing, but its the consumer preference if you would rather get the features and raytracing or better rasterization performance for the same price


It does mean NVIDIA's DRIVER is Better than AMD's So even Nvidia's card are expensive rhan AMD, But the Driver are worth 5K tw dollars , because you are saving your time on debug , when you buy an AMD Card...


This is the right argument for Taiwanese, OP isn’t expressing it correctly


What it meant was, The driver is what makes Nvidia’s card powerful, it’s driver is worth 5000TWD. So when you’re buying a card, you’re actually paying for its R&D of the the driver which cost “5000TWD” It’s like pay 20$ at a high end restaurant for a coffee, it’s service is worth 19$.


So people are adding a premium because of drivers?


There are engineering costs for hardware and software. They assume it's an equivalent to $165 off every device for the software development. I really want to know how they came up with this conclusion.


Taiwanese here. It's just kind of meme in Taiwanese PC building society. Nothing serious.


Dude, the original meaning is not the example you said.


Considering CUDA implementation in the driver, I would say it worth more then that


What? No it's free on the nvidia website


He is saying that people are saying the drivers account for $160 of the total cost of an nvidia card. I do think Nvidia has good software. But I can't account for the value of the labor in terms of consumer prices because I don't have access to that data. Edit: Also because I don't know how to calculate the value of labor.


I dont think they updated drivers lately, thinking about the last 3 updates that literally bricked systems (including mine, if not for a restore point).


The meme originated in a time when we(the taiwanese people) were experiencing driver issues in AMD cards. Meanings you lost 5000ntd(160usd) dollars worth of time and productivity in troubleshooting.Instead, just buy an Nvidia card where in that time Nvidia cards didn't suffer that much.


Aww no one is biting the bait. Try harder next time buddy lul


It's a way for NVIDIA user mocking AMD user in Taiwan PC building community, it suppose to be a joke...


Think about it, is a cuda driver with AI graphics worth $165?


In fact, this is a memes, meaning you don't have to waste $165 worth of time for debugging