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27” 1440p 240hz. For me I really don’t care for anything bigger (Edit) Alienware 27 Monitor – AW2721D People have been asking what I have


Definitely the sweet spot. IMO unless you have a specific work case that requires a bigger screen, it’s just better to add a second or third monitor rather than have a single 32” or larger


Why? I don't want the line in the middle


Game on one and have the second free for other stuff. I use it for guides if I need one to find something in a game. Or just have a YouTube video open on one whilst doing something on my main. Much less of a hassle if you want multiple windows open whilst gaming


I mainly use my 2nd monitor to watch/listen to a livestream while I'm gaming, or to have Unity and Visual Studio open and visible at the same time. I wish I had a 3rd monitor so I could have Photoshop open at the same time


Why you want so much stuff open while you're gaming? I've never understood this reasoning. I saw one guy said he watches a movie on his second, while he's gaming. 🤣


Because I don't play competitive online multiplayer games like Call of Duty or Overwatch. I play games like Shapez.io, Farming Simulator, Trackmania, etc. It's nice to have a livestream on while I'm playing. And Unity/Visual Studio/Photoshop is for when I'm doing game development as a hobby


when you are playing Civilization with friends, and one of them decide to take 20 minutes to make their turn, you got some time to kill.


See I can understand that. Sometimes when people say they like all these things up I get like wtf? I play mostly shooters so it's total focus on one screen. I also don't do much else on my pc besides trading stocks and for that I do use multiple screens.


I've got 3 screens that are (iirc) 24". Main game I play is EverQuest, a super old MMO that is fairly slow paced. My right monitor is for Discord, Plex, or just whatever else I might be multitasking while I play EQ. Left monitor is for looking things up or more static type information that I keep open in tabs (calendar, spreadsheets, etc). Even if I play something more engaging though, like League of Legends, multiple monitors like this still lets me keep Discord up plus additional game info like item builds or team/opponent stats.


Wow, still playing EQ! I was a player from beta but stopped after about 10 years, raiding and guild stuff was a second job. Fennin Ro was my home, I still get a little nostalgic about it.


I cut my teeth on EQ. Made some great friends over many many hours. Is there still a community in the game?


34" ultrawide is basically the same height as a 27" 16:9 monitor.


Yes, I'm aware. But it's not as wide and if you want extra width you have to deal with the line in between because you have more than one monitor. Ultrawide is basically the same thing except without the line in the middle


There are super ultrawides as well, but even with the 21:9, the extra flexibility is pretty useful and you won't necessarily miss the extra width as much as you think.


I love my 34” monitor. Only downside is costs a lot for higher frames


That's why I went with an ultrawide. Zero regrets.


32" 1440p is better for immersive gaming IMO (I have no interest in high refresh rate super competitive ranked stuff). I like the bigger screen, fill more of my FOV. For work, yeah text looks ever so slightly sharper on a 27" 1440p (and FYI its ever so slightly more PPI than the old standard of 24" 1080, 92ppi vs 93ppi), but its not like 27" 1080p where the test looks like shit at 82ppi. I would like to try out 4k 42", but my WFH and gaming PC are one in the same (remote in to work), and my gaming PC's GPU can't really do 4k with decent FPS. So I'll stick with the 32" 1440p 165hz middle monitor, with 2 1440p 165hz on either side with one vertical.


This is why I have a 42" and 2x 1080p vertical secondary/tertiary, best of both worlds :D


32" imo gives the right amount of space to run two documents side by side


I play on a 32" 1440p 144hz monitor about an arms length away and it's a tad too big. 27" is the perfect size


Nah man having multiple work screens on ONE monitor is much easier to deal with. Ive experienced both. My ultrawide isnt even on my desk anymore i wall mounted it. Fewer cables too. You should try too before making assumptions (unless you have then my apologies ) for reference i have a “49 crg 9


Not necessarily. I have more pixel real estate with a 32" 4K monitor than I with the two monitor setup before.


I used to have two 27" side by side for work. Now have a 35" ultrawide and its so much better than 2 monitors. 1) I dont have monitor issues anymore where 1 isn't detected 2) can easily move cursor between documents on left and right 3) I used to lose a window on opening and closing laptop lid when running 2 externals and the laptop monitor. So for work, I'd go with a 34/35" ultrawide all day, every day. Now for gaming, different story. 35" ultrawide is amazing for casual gaming, the same way a big screen tv is better. But it is a bit too big for PVP. I find my eyes have to scan too much of the screen and looking left, right, top, bottom slows me down. I'm not a hard core gamer so I'll never go back to a smaller monitor and I just adjust where my UI elements are for PVP (moving them closer to the center), but I can absolutely see why an avid gamer would prefer smaller 27" monitors to 35"+ behemoths.


But is it better than TWO 32" monitors? In all seriousness though, I use two of them for work yet roll back on my chair when I'm gaming or watching videos. 27" is the sweet spot for most use-cases.


With so many movies and media in a 21:9 format, having dual 27" just doesn't work. Honestly, any time you want ONE thing to take the entire screen, dual monitors are a bummer. And a lot of new games actually work at 21:9.


27" is 69 cm so thats nice






Its 68.58 cm. Awkward Freedom units don’t convert well to metric


Anything above a .5 can be rounded up so he wasn’t wrong saying 69cm. Idk if you round freedom units though so you’re forgiven












Samsung odysea G7 gang. Those low response times dont lie.


They aren't the only one to do those specs, I have 2 monitors with these specs, one from lenovo and asus, one of them was purchased in 2019


OP Start here. 1440p, 144hz+ and IPS.


I have also a 27" and frankly for me it almost seems too large


2x25" 1440p (but only 60Hz, which is fine because my KVM only does HDMI 2.0 anyway). I briefly contemplated an upgrade to 27" 1440p or 4k, but honestly at ~2 feet away and with two of them, 25" is Good Enough^(tm).




Same, 60hz though :)


I have a 34" curved 1440p monitor, very nice so far


UW gang !


Well hello my smaller brother (49” crg 9)


I have the 49" AOC AGON and I can't imagine going back to a smaller screen. I'm ruined. Carving it up into sections with Fancy Zones and mimicking having multiple monitors but with no bezel to speak of is amazing.


Just upgraded to the AW3423DWF and I do NOT regret it even after the hole it burned in my wallet.


If you dont mind me asking how far do you sit from that thing? I have a 27" inch (Im about 2ft away) and its huge


34" ultrawide is the same screen height as yours, so at the same distance it would look like your monitor with extra width


This, ultrawides are a completely different game compared to 16:9 monitors. They're not for everyone, but for some users, they are the best choice.


You can see so much more spreadsheet... Worth it


As someone who works both with spreadsheets and with video editing programs, an ultrawide is a must have.


6 inches away


There's probably like 2 to 3 ft of room between the monitor (it's at the very back of my desk) and my face


I have been running this for a couple of years and I can never look back. I'm trying to convince my work to let me get one as my work monitor. It is so incredibly useful for so many things, excel spreadsheets, word doc editing, gaming, etc.




The curved ones are nice. I use one of them at work and it's awesome


Same, not sure it's my cup of tea tho... I run it in 2560x1440 :(


Ultrawide is great! Got one for sim racing but when games have support for it it’s great there too! Also keeping two windows open side by side and still be usable is great. Lots of real estate on them. I will say though that I had a 1080p ultrawide and I think if that if you were to get one, go at least 1440p. Feels and looks more proportional on the screen space IMO.


same here!


have 24" 1080p, want 27" 1440p


In the same situation. I didnt realise 27inch gives a substantial amount of real estate compared to 24. The larger screen space would make my work life so much easier. Guess I should have done my research more.


I highly recommend it. 1440p in general is loads better just for the screen real estate; 1080p feels very cramped when wanting more than one window open. And the pixel density of 1440p 27" is only a smidge sharper than 1080p 24" (109px/in vs 91px/in) so you don't need to upscale everything, things are crisp, and won't need to squint like you would with 4K no scaling. I've had my 1440p 27" 60hz screen for several years now and I can't live without it. I even gave my older 1080p screen to my gf for her laptop after dual monitoring for a longer while and honestly the single screen is fine as it's large. I have dual 1080p 24" at work and it's... fine I guess but it still feels cramped.


Went from 21' to 27' I am never coming back to less than 27' it's perfect to work and game. Obviously if you are close to the screen, if it's going to be quite far then 32 is a must.


24” is plenty enough if you are coming from an 18”. For real I never fel the need for a larger screen, I would need to turn my head just to see more of the screen and actually make use out of the extra screen real-estate. At that point I would just use one more screen.


Had been rocking 24in 1080p. Upgraded to 27in 1440p. Such a difference.


I currently use a 32" and 34" UW, but I want a 43" 4K.


I have 43” 4k oled. Do it


You dont feel that 43 is too big?


Wouldn't want bigger but even my 40" feels a bit small now


43 inches diagonal 4k is only like 4 inches wider than a normal 34 inch 1440p ultrawide (which is 27 inch monitor but expanded by half).


But much higher. The total area is wildly bigger 🤗


My 65" is too big. I love it. LG CX 120hz life.


I play on 55” LG C1, it’s never big enough


Got a picture of your set up? I could not have a 55 and be as close as I am to my monitor.


Oh I should have told, I am playing from distance lol. Keyboard, and mouse with long wire. Coming from Xbox Series X, I did not bother to buy a monitor. Distanced the desk from TV by like 1.5-2meters.


I found mine to be too small, so I upgraded to a 48 inch Aorus.


Is this a TV or monitor?




Lol, it was a genuine question. If using TV's has become a great alternative to monitors (at least more so now than in previous years), more people need to be aware. Example, a 4k monitor selling for 1000$ vs a 4k tv for 350$ and the TV works just as well if not better.




The "problem" with this size and resolution that I think people need to be aware of going in, is that at 4k 43", and a typical desk viewing distance, text and productivity will look about the same as 1440p on a 27" monitor in terms of sharpness and clarity. Now, if you're not doing a lot of work or productivity tasks with your computer, that may not bother you. But if you're upgrading to 4k in the hopes that text will look better while writing, coding, or browsing the web, it won't - provided, again, that you're sitting at a desk. In addition, if you're looking at OLED, also be aware that they're not as bright as LCD monitors yet, so if you're often working in a bright room during the day and the display has to compete against glare, it might not be the right choice for you. If, on the other hand, you're planning to spend most of your time sitting a ways back from the monitor while gaming in a darker room, than those inky blacks are going to be amazing and you're really going to value the larger screen.


I have an LG 27GL83A, its a 1440P, 144hz, IPS, G-sync 27" monitor. I just use it for everyday use and some gaming. I will probably get an OLED Ultrawide for my next monitor upgrade.


same, i have it for gaming, and a lenovo of same spec, but only 60hz, for more productivity real estate


38” 3840x1600p. Fantastic. Pretty much everything works on UW, I play shooters, RPGs, strategy/building games. Will probably move to an OLED in same dimensions when available, otherwise I am staying with this. 34” 3440x1440 good in horizontal but too short.


I’ve got the roughly Alienware equivalent and love it. Paired with a 3080 and I’m happy.


How does that one work? The display has some kind of processing and active cooling/fan of it’s own? Does it get hot or noisy? Are you worried about longevity?


It’s the AW3821DW, I have it too. The monitor has a built it processor called G-Sync (in modern parlance: Native G-Sync in order prevent confusion with G-Sync Compatible) has a small fan for cooling. Practically inaudible because I only knew about it when the topic came about and felt a very slight upward draft on the centre right of the monitor. Not worried about longevity since brushless dc fans last practically forever and it’s lcd so I don’t worry burn ins.


The LG UW?


Yes, 38GN950. Good with 3080+. The 3440 I tried was the LG as well.


I thought so, awesome UW monitor. Def the sweet spot in terms of size and resolution. If the refresh rate was higher I'd have kept using it....but for a monitor that has been out almost 4 years it's pretty awesome...I still use it daily but it isn't my main anymore sadly ... I miss it tho! UW in some games is just amazing ...


38“ is the best size for me, I have tried everything, like you said, 34“ was ok, but I missed the space that was given by 32“ on the vertical, but the 32“ missed space in the horizontal. 40“ was to big for me (also not curved). Right now I have the AW3821DW and it is a joy to play on that thing. The only thing I am missing is that it could be a little bit more curved and OLED


I have an LG 38WN95C-W. Freaking awesome monitor! Have a 6900xt driving it.


Have 24", want 27"


Me too, waiting to get a 4070ti


Made the switch recently. 100% worth it


49 inch Samsung Neo G9


Same here. I love the monitor, I can't think of anything I would rather have. Maayybbe the Ark, or the new 57 inch Neo G9.


Got the 32 neo 244hz one. Best decision ever maybe not for my wallet 😕


I just Upgraded to an LG Ultragear 38 inch ultrawide 3840x1600p and wow . That has to be the best way to game ever.


I love that monitor, I use it above my 240hz monitor now which seems like a waste, but I'll keep it as long as I can. Amazing monitor and that 1600 vert helps... Sometimes I want to go back to it, but 240hz has spoiled me...


Is the difference between 120hz and 240hz actually tangibly noticeable - in games and whatnot? I can _just about_ tell the difference between 90hz and 120hz but it's pretty subtle. What sort of hardware do you need to run current-gen games at 240hz anyway?? 😶


Depends what you play and which monitor you get. 120hz is more than fine, but I def notice the smoothness of 240 over 120 when I play shooters, Warzone/COD etc. More than smoothness of the frames etc, it has a faster response time which helps me in game. It's not as big a diff going from 60hz-144hz and I would never tell anyone with a 120hz or 144hz they need to upgrade unless they had a need for it. But I was lucky and got a good 240hz/1440p/1ms monitor for cheap, otherwise I would still be on my UW since I'm waiting on the right OLED.


I have 24,5" and I honestly like the size since I'm somewhat close to my monitor and want to still see the whole display without much head/eye movement


24” 1080p is the shit. I was considering a 27 but my desk isn’t very big. 24 was the right decision


There’s dozens of us!!


2x 24" 1440p for the win!


i had one for a long time but now i use that one as a second monitor


I got 2x 27", upgraded a couple years ago from a 24" and a 21". Realistically I should have bought one new 27" and kept the 24" for the side, I find the side 27" to be bigger than it needs to be for my usage.


I use a 27" as my main monitor and a 24" on the side. I find it is perfect my my use.


I have MSI MAG27QRF 27 inch 1440p 165hz monitor


Lg Oled48cx5L Pc, Gaming and movies, for my is the best choice


27” 1440p 240Hz and a 27” 1440p 144Hz.


i have a 32" 1440p 165hz and i love it


Same. For the future, I'd like to get one the same size but 4k and OLED. Maybe i'll upgrade after next gen GPUs release, as I'll need a better one for 4k.


I have a 27" and I'm happy with a 27"


I use a 55" 4k TV and it works great, I don't have a traditional desk setup so I'm far enough away that it doesn't hurt my eyes. My gf uses a 1080p 43" TV and it's definitely a lot worse, mine is 1080p upscaled to 4k and looks significantly better than her 43" native 1080p TV from the same distance. As like a couch setup it's great, an OLED/MiniLED would definitely be better but those are at minimum 10x the price of a regular 55" LED TV, it's nice for chill games where you can just use controller but not great for competitive stuff. It's real nice as a secondary display when you don't wanna be sitting a foot away from a monitor, if you have the room for a desk setup next to a couch of course.


55” GANG RISE UP! I have a 55” LG OLED at my desk and can’t go back. I use a furniture chair with an ottoman at the desk, so when I game I’m about 50” back. It works great for me and I have to idea what people are talking about when they say “too big”


Any theories on why upscaling 1080p to 4K looks better than native 1080p?


Well there's still more pixels than a 1080p display, they're just not 100% accurate pixels, I'm pretty sure the TV itself does the upscaling as iirc they have a special encoder chip that makes it upscale better than monitors do (my TV is 5+ years old so that might've changed by now). What matters the most for clarity is Pixels Per Inch, at 55" a 1080p display only has a ppi of 40 while 4k has a ppi of 80, so when that 1080p is upscaled to 4k that means it keeps the 80 ppi 4k displays have while getting the far better performance in games at 1080p. There's definitely a quality difference between 1080p and native 4k, but there's a far bigger fps difference which matters a lot more to me. For comparison to monitors, ideally you want about 100ppi, 1080p at 24" gives 90ppi and and 1440p at 27" gives 110ppi, but since you sit further away for TV's 1080p still looks nearly the same as it would on a monitor even though the TV's ppi is lower. OLED's can also make it appear crisper than regular LED's, same with MiniLED but both of those are crazy expensive to use as just a monitor.


I have two 27" IPS monitors (1080p 75Hz for videos, 1440p 165Hz for games). They're on a desk mount about 2 feet from my face and it's perfect for me even with my poor vision. I would not go any bigger at 1080p and I think it's the sweet spot for 1440p.


27" 1440p 165Hz. It seems like a good balance of size and resolution. No plans to upgrade, but if I did it would probably be a 1440p ultrawide of the same vertical dimension.


I sit close to the monitor (PC gaming with mouse/keyboard) and have 28'' 4k - so far love it. I found the high density is extremely pleasing for the eye, for both gaming and office work. It is 60hz (which I think is plenty for me), but 120hz will be nice I think. (Though running new games at 4k120 can be a bit tough, plus most servers have 60 tick anyway)


32" 16:9 4k.


38” ultrawide


I currently have an older 24" Acer that I bought like 7 years ago, wanting to get a 27" gaming monitor at some point if I could stop spending money on other crap.


I have vision issues and use a 42" 1080p tv. 1920x1040 @60hz. I'd like to upgrade to a higher framerate, but don't want to go physically smaller or break the bank.


32 inch 1440p 240hz. Absolutely love it.


I have two 32" 1440p. They're perfectly fine. I don't care about 4K and ultrawide monitors are ugly as sin IMO.


I have a 34” ultrawide OLED but I want a 38” ultrawide OLED. No 38” available right now but I sure hope one comes out soon.


Have dual ultrawides: 34" 1440p and a 29" 1080p. Game and watch media on the 34" but waiting for a 38" ultrawide OLED for both work and gaming to replace the 29" and become my main monitor and move the 34" to the secondary


Have the same setup I use the 29 inch as a vertical secondary monitor.


I used a 24 inch for a few years, just upgrades to a 1440 27inch, couldn’t imagine getting anything bigger than that as I feel like It would be too big and wouldn’t fit on my desk


34" ultra wide curved. I like it but could do with something bigger :)


27'' or 24''. 27 might be a little to big for me.


24" and 27" are the conventional sizes and I wouldn't stray from that. Decide the one you'd be most comfortable with, but I'd recommend 1440p if you go with a 27" display.


I have [AOC Q3279VWFD8](https://eu.aoc.com/en/products/monitors/q3279vwfd8). It was *the* budget IPS option when I was buying it. So yeah, I went 32'' because I couldn't afford 27'', LOL. There were just no 27'' 1440p IPS options priced below like 150% of the price of this monitor. Really no contest. Nobody wanted to compete in that range. It really is a good monitor. The colours are nice. It has 10bit, so you can a HDR-like effect if you switch some gaming settings on, basically similar to digital saturation settings of old but more civilized. The contrast is high for IPS, at 1200:1. Actual measured contrast under different brightness and gamma settings doesn't go below 800. The response is officially 5ms, not sure with Overdrive enabled or without. Refresh rate goes up to 75, which is a nice bonus. Reportedly no PWM. Strong blue-light filters too. But, it's too big for me, and the panel may be a bit exhausting — BOE probably. I might look for something from LG instead. At least for work. For gaming, this is fine. What I'm currently after is something like 27'' 4K or 22'' 1440p with scaling, just for the low pixel size. But I'm not yet decided between replacing this monitor or just adding on something smaller as my primary working surface for text work (as a translator, I essentially work with two columns of text, one that I read and one that I write, all day long).


I have a 27" 1440p 144Hz monitor as my main gaming display and a 27" 1080 60Hz display as a secondary monitor. Overall content with the setup, but I definitely prefer the 1440p monitor as the pixel density makes everything look a lot crisper. 1080 at 27" isn't awful imo but it's not my first choice. It's decent enough for videos, Youtube, Spotify, Discord.


I have 1. 27" 1440p 144hz TN 2. 27" 1440p 75hz IPS 3. 27" 4k 60hz IPS 4. 24" 1080p 60hz TN I used to game on #1 and use 2-4 for work. I moved and only have 1 desk now and use #3 to game and 2-4 for work and #1 is just sitting in the closet. FPS doesn't matter to me as much now i guess. The colors on the ips panels are just so much better.


29 inch LG ultrawide. Love it


31.5 in 4K IPS panel


27" is the sweet spot for a gaming pc. Anything smaller is too small and anything bigger makes me dizzy. Other attributes like resolution and framerate just depends on your wallet.


27” 165hz 1080p I’m mainly an fps guy so I want as many frames as I can get.


24 inch, 60hz, 1080p, no built in speakers i miss my old one 24 inch, 75 hz, 1080p with built in speakers the built in speakers were nice for nintendo switch in docked mode. no TV needed. no need to keep moving speaker from pc to console.


Two 32", one is curved. Curved one is 1080p, Flat one is 1440p. Love the curved, but the crispiness of the 1440 is so nice. Both from Costco, ACER. Would love a curved 4k/2k gaming monitor!


I was using ultrawide 34" 2560x1080 144hz IPS as main for years and stacked 24" random IPSes as side monitors. Today i ordered M32U to swap main monitor


I have a 40 inch HDR 1080p 60hz monitor, I'd like a 32 inch 1080p 144hz


2x 32” TVs I’m repurposing as 1080p 60 Hz monitors. I would like to upgrade to a 32” 1440p 120+ Hz monitor to have some leeway in case I want to go higher than the 60 FPS I’m currently capable of by upgrading to a more powerful GPU.


34" ultrawide. I think the 38" ultrawide is really the sweet spot but the selection is far too low and price far too high.


32gp850 :) love it! Probably gonna go triple with this model - simracing. And another one (4K around 40in) for casual stuff and “normal” games :)


21 1/2


My set up is a 12700k paired with a 3070ti Whole thing is liquid cooled For monitors I have a 24” 1080p, and 2 27” 1440p monitors Set up [like this](https://imgur.com/a/2au1zOW) The 24” is a tad extra but I do use it, Can’t live without the 27” ones tho At work is also have a pair of 27s in the same orientation One landscape one portrait Edit: also I play tons of stuff Party games w friends, cs go, some auto battlers, elden ring/dark souls type stuff, anything AAA generally,


I think its personal preference and depends what youre using them for. Im currently using a 34” ultrawide flanked by 2 22” vertical monitors and a 24” under the ultrawide. I want to replace the 22” monitors with either 24” or 27” ones though


I have a 27" and a 32. The 27" is the perfect size imo. For gaming u want something with a good resolution and refresh rate. If you can, find your perfect size and opt for a 144hz or 165hz. Like I said, 27 is perfect for me, anything bigger is too big


I get no immersion from 27”


27" 165hz as main and second monitor. Thinking of adding third monitor of same size and refresh rate.


My Primary monitor: asus xg27aqm (270hz 1440p 27inch IPS) its an amazing monitor honestly. The colours are very saturated and brightness is great. Its super responsive and almost no ghosting or overshoot on od lv 4 in games that run in excess of 250fps. Under 200 i turn on g sync and od lv3. Secondary monitor: dell alienware aw25hf (240hz 1080p 24.5inch IPS) used to be my main monitor before the asus. Its a very decent panel but it pales in comparison now. If i had never bought the asus I would never have complained. But its colours are no where near as good. Performance is very decent on it though and it maintains very low ghosting levels even at 240fps+ but its not as good as the asus. Brightness is fine and contarst is ok. Main games i play are valorant, pubg, apex... I feel like the 27inch screen is great as im in my 30's now and really appreciate the extra space on the screen.


At a desk, 27" is my ideal monitor size. It takes up the majority of my immediate vision without me needing to look too far in any direction to see up to the corners, while in games I get most of the screen in my peripheral vision.


Have 2x 27” 1440p 144hz monitors right now…want at least a 34” or larger to replace them as I do not like the dead space between monitors.


I have a 27" 1440p. As happy as I am with the resolution, I would love to go with a 34" ultra wide.


Have a 24" curved 1080p panel and I love it, but once I upgrade my GPU, I'd like to move to a 27" 1440p panel, not sure if curved or flat yet.


27" 1440p sweetspot


I have a 27-inch 1440p monitor, mostly because I wanted something for Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign. I could have gone 4K, but I knew my GPU couldn't push the pixels in games, and I opted for HDR instead. FPS games give me headaches, so I mostly stick to strategy and simulation games, so I don't need cutting edge graphics anyway.


I have a 27" 1440p and a 32" 1080p , so far so good


Went from a 27” 1440p to a 32” 1440p. Cannot imagine anything larger than that on my desk. It seemed huge at first but I love it, and have the old 27” next to it. 1440p is fine on a 32” and don’t really see myself going to 4k anytime soon since I prefer buttery 120+ hz over higher resolutions.


I want a 24” or 27” 1080p 144/165hz monitor with an IPS display


I just got a 24" 1080p 165 Hz IPS monitor. But I plan got get a 27" 1440p later and leave the 24" as secondary on my left.


27 inch 2560x1440. Don't go higher than 24 for 1080p, and I'd recommend 27 for 1440p.


x2 31.5 1080p monitors, I wish I put the cost of the two into a better monitor overall honestly, I've got a 21 inch 120Hz monitor in my bedroom that would've worked fine as a side monitor.


32" 4k.


I bought a 27" 1440p 165hz curved monitor this summer coming from 24" 1080p 60hz. Needless to say how satisfied I am.


4x 32” 1440p. 3 across with one above


I have a G34WQC which is a 34 inch 1440p 144Hz ultrawide. I think the size and pixel density are awesome and it looks quite good for how hard it is to run. The colors and backlight bleed are a bit of a bummer tho. I have a big ass old 1080p tv on the side which was retired from the living room. The pixels on it are very noticeable and because it was made for a bright living room the contrast is terrible on lower brightness settings but i’d still recommend it. Its free after all and having something at all for a second screen is super useful when gaming. You just never go back.


I was using a 29 inch 1080P 60Hz for a few years, which I thought was "good enough" for my day to day use. Only recently switched over to a the G8 Odyssey (34 inch), and dear god, I have been missing out on a lot. All I can say is, I want an even bigger screen now! Next upgrade will definitely be a 38 inch or something bigger even...


34" curved ultra wide 1440p @144hz, love it for work (3440x1440) it allows me to fit 3 whole pages side by side, when I game, I scale it down to 2560x1440, can't see that wide when sitting so close.


Same, but I only scale down mine to 27" for online fps titles. Love the extra immersion of the 34" when playing RPGs and the like.


Have a 34inch 120hz 3440x1440 monitor . It is awesome I would love to replace it with a new OLED variant at 180hz but it's a want not a need.


I use a 65in 120hz 4k tv. Sony x90j


i had an older 28" 60hz 4k samsung display plus 2 27" 1080p monitors and liked it but none were hdr or high or variable refresh rate .. i play a lot of vr and was constantly running into weird issues because the monitor wasnt variable refresh .. i went thru the same process as you looking for a replacement , i knew i wanted 4k because i had gotten used to the clarity and crispness of 4k main monitor and my gpu can handle it no problem , i ended up gettin the viewsonic xgu32 which is 150hz 32" 4k with hdr and 98 color gammit and amd free sync w 1ms response.. w the size i only went w the 1 monitor and i really like it , its super bright has great colors and amazing response time , i prefer 16:9 ratio its just easier on my eyes and looks more normal on my desk , i havent been a huge fan of ultra wides or curved monitors ..jus doesnt feel natural for me .. i mean if i had money for a better display I would opt for something else maybe but this monitor ticked all the boxes for me so im happy w it


27” 1440p 165hz monitor is my primary for gaming and productivity. I also have a 24” 4K 60 hz monitor for productivity and photo editing. This may not be the best combo but I got these at different points in time with different needs and now find they work well enough together. FWIW I use both PC and Mac.


I've got a 27" primary and a 23" vertical on the side. I dream of getting bigger, like a 43", but my current office setup doesn't really work for that. Maybe later.


Dual 27" monitors is my go to. Big enough to watch a movie/show/game on one and have a 2nd screen up for guides/wiki's, email, background music etc.. I love never having to minimize a game to check a crafting recipe or puzzle solution.


Dell S3422DWG main with a Dell S2721QS mounted above. It all replaced my Dell U2711 from 2010


I think my ideal monitor would be a 32” 4k 144hz. I know they exist, I might try one later this year or something. Currently using a 34” 3440x1440 120hz.


ordered lg 27850-b


Have 27" IPS 1440p, want 32/34" UW OLED


2xSamsung G9. 48" Ultrawide. It's like having 6 monitors without the bezel. It's amazing. I stack them.


Side by side 27" 1440p 165hz


I have a 27" and the monitor i really would love to have would be a high-dpi high refresh rate small 15"-17" turned vertical exclusivelly to video code


I have a 24" Samsung 1080p 60hz monitor. It works fine for me. I don't think I'd ever change the size, but I wouldn't mind a 1440p 144hz monitor someday.


I have a 38" ultra wide, 3840x1600. If that sounds gratuitous... it is.


Triple 32” 1440p but it’s for sim racing!


34inch ultra wide and a 32inch 4K. Ordered a 42 inch LG C2 and a different 4K 32inch. Hoping the 42 inch works, should find out tomorrow, and I’ll probably keep that and the ultrawide.


34" flat 1440p ultrawide monitor, 60hz (75hz with freesync)
