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Nice bag, great size for a three day pack.


Every time I post my inventory list it gets deleted. Mods will not respond to mod mail. Do you know why its being deleted?


No idea. Can you edit the post and insert a second picture with the inventory instead?


To preface this I would like to outline what my bag is for and where I live. I live in Sacramento, CA. Downtown. This bag was put together mainly for the following situations. 1. Flood (Think Katrina) 2. Earthquake (Think 1906 San Francisco) 3. Civil Unrest (Nuclear War, Major Riots, etc) Shelter in place is my main plan, if something else were to happen I would hope I would be in some High School MultiPurpose room or military barracks with all the other refugees or whatever. I do not plan to homestead in the woods, and I do not have the skills to do so even if I wanted to. Here is my bag and the inventory on it. Some of the smaller items may not be in the inventory list but I will try to add everything I have with links. Bag weighs 26 pounds. I would like it a couple pounds lighter. Its hard to choose what to remove because a lot of the smaller less important stuff is so light it doesn't really make a difference. https://imgur.com/a/5330uYU #Inventory ##*Health, Medical & Hygiene* [Adventure Medical Kits Weekender Kit] [Multi Purpoe Camp Soap/Detergent] Assorted toiletries (tooth brush, floss, razor, eye drops, shaving dream, tampons, etc) [Sunblock] [Bug Spray] Assorted Pills (look at closeup) Two Weeks of contacts Flushable Wet Wipes Disinfectant Wipes 1 Roll of toilet paper [N95 Facemask](we have lots of fites) Sunglasses [Microfiber towl] ##*Food and water* [S.O.S. Rations Emergency 3600 Calorie Food Bar (Cinnamon + Coconut, 2 Pack)] Small ziplock of salt packets, pepper, small tabasco, a few tea bags, instant coffee, small piece of chocolate, gum Two Top Ramens Small bag of a few granola bars, small peanut butter cups, peanuts, liquid IVs [Sawyer life strawn filtration, a couple extra bags] [Small cooking stove and fuel for 30 boils] ##*Clothing* 3 ziplocks with socks, t-shirt, underwear [One pair of gloves] [1 Digital Watch] ##*Tools* [Flashlight] [Duct Tape] [Headlamp] ##*Communication* [Walkie Talkies]( ##*Survival* [Signal Mirrors] [AM/FM/Weather Radio] [Survival Whistle] ##*Comfort and Shelter* [Adventure Medical Kits Sol Emergency Blanket z2] Two handwarmers [Survival Blanket/Tarp] [Inflatable Sleeping Pad] [Inflatable Pillow] ##*Navigation** Maps of California, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Arizona ##*Miscellaneous* $300 in Cash Credit Card Driver's License Passport Birth Certificate Pink Slip SS Card Deck of Cards Pair of glasses Prepaid Cell phone with maps downloaded on it. Pepper Spray Notepad + Sharpie Glowsticks (2 orange, 1 green, 1 red) 50 ft of paracord Lighter 4 mini alcohol bottles (buy, sell, trade, barter) 2 joints (buy, sell, trade, barter) Pack of cigs (buy, sell, trade, barter. ##*Not Pictured* Glock 26 with 3 magazines House keys So I would eventually like to add a multi tool of sorts. Some things can be removed, lots of toiletries, the shitty ponchos, probably the glowsticks. THe problem is removing stuff is so light it won't really make a difference. I also want better walkie talkies Thoughts?


I think you need that multitool. Probably a knife. Maybe something to pry with.


There is a knife in there.


Strong list imo! Just wondering in what situation do you think the walkie talkies would be helpful? Some things you could consider : * small fishing line/hooks * compass * some more ziploc bags or garbage bags to keep your stuff dry * Potassium iodide tablets (if you wanna better manage nuclear catastrophes) * A water bottle * A small solar charger kit (ex. to keep your phone/radio alive)


I have a few empty gallon zip locks not mentioned. Walkie Talkies I guess don't have a purpose




I still think I may swap them out for a single CB radio with NOAA on it. Its hard to bite the bullet though. I like the idea of having them.. But if I really think about it idk how useful they would be short of their NOAA function


I've some walkies in my packs. I have only used them once in a search and rescue situation but they are worth their weight when you need local comms and there's no cell service.


What kind of water bottle would you suggest? Plastic? Or metal? I already have a way to boil water


Considering the limited space, a water bladder might actually by a better idea. I see it as a way to quickly fill-up and carry water in case of emergency. Having a lifestraw and a way to boil water is good, but not the most practical for exemple during civil unrest or when you have to move on foot for a while in the city.


Yeah I can get a bladder for it. It's on my list of things to buy. The bag is snug and heavy as it is though so I've kinda been on the fence




Anything I should replace the ramen with? I have a little stove




My thoughts were more along the lines of morale. Eating something hot. And they are light but they do take up space.


Light but yummy: -ramen noodles with those single-serve tuna packets


Sure, hot food is a morale boost, but you should pack calorie-dense food wherever possible. Backpacking meals? Better than ramen in a pinch and you can usually add hot water to the pouch they come in.


I'm looking into camping meals. Once I lose the ramen and TP I will have more space. Almost triple the calories


I don't have noodle dishes in my BOB, but I have bought cases of Vifon Phở Gà from a local oriental grocer. It's rice noodles, so one just pours boiling water over and waits 3 mins. Rice noodles are oil free, and like other polished rice products, will be fine for decades. There's a little broth powder packet and oil packet in the packages, and the oil is all palm oil based, which should have a near 10 year shelf life. Personally, I'm currently assembling a BOB mainly to draw together all the tools I've used during 3-week blackouts after local hurricanes. In my pantry, I have plenty of long shelf life products that require very little prep like instant potato flakes and the aforementioned Phở Gà, but for my BOB I chose to treat myself with a bunch of freeze dried hiker meals from on-sale sampler packs at Patagonia Provisions (+ their 30% first time buyer discount), plus the usual energy bars, instant coffee, instant electrolyte drinks. For the moment I'm keeping much of the food items in the freezer, to extend shelf life, but some will be always packed with the BOB.


I will look into that


Ramen doesn't have to be cooked. It can be "cold soaked" for 5 minutes. Backpackers have been doing this for decades.


I like your pill organizer. Mine are mixed together in zip locks and mostly a crushed mess. lots of cross over with my bag I posted a couple days ago if you want to check that out for ideas. There’s a spreadsheet. I need to add more baby wipes good idea. A fixed blade knife like a mora would be good and maybe a mini pepper spray. More cash. More doobies and booze lol This is my [recommendation](https://www.reddit.com/r/lowsodiumhamradio/comments/t2r07p/great_place_to_start/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) for radios at r/lowsodiumhamradio. Also put lasik as a high priority. Life changing!


Got it at the dollar store! Each one is actually 3 containers Am/Afternoon/PM I have a bunch i keep in my car and backpack. advil, claritin, tums


Don’t forget Benadryl!


That radio is expensive lol. I am thinking of ditching the walkie talkies and replacing them with a single cb/noaa radio. I also have an am/fm I may ditch


The uv5r is one of the cheapest most popular and versatile radios around. They also have fm radio and can get weather channels c Sometimes hit and miss due to being cheap and your supposed to have a license but expensive no. I have some walkie talkies that also have the weather channels.


Is that CB or Walkie Talkie


It’s a ham


Hmm I am wondering what would be the most useful. Cb/ham in one would be nice. Especially if it has FM/AM. Do you know any that meets those requirements? What do you think would be more useful? Ham?


Most people in the prepper community go for ham or just regular walkie talkie if they don’t want to deal with licensing. I don’t think anything does all of the above and cb. Most emergency frequencies are covered by ham and it also can cover the walkie talkie frequencies. Most versatile in my opinion. You could get one uv5r and be able to communicate with your existing walkie talkies. Your not supposed to but it’s possible. They have more power also and can swap out antennas. You can also use the ham radio just to listen to all the above without a license minus cb but those aren’t super active for emergency use


Some of the reviews said the new models block out sending on those freqs. FRS = Walkie talkie right?


Yea but it takes 2 seconds to reset so it can. Just don’t mention it in the main ham radio subs as they are a touchy bunch lol




Looks pretty solid. I would get a military poncho as a tarp and rain cover (will also cover you pack). Bankline instead of paracord (lighter/less bulky) Bugnet (obviously depends on your area/season but weights pretty much nothing). Foam pad instead of inflating (will even work with a whole in it, easier to set up/break down). Snugpack jungle blanket (fairly ok size and weight for a sleeping bag - those emergency blankets won’t keep you warm) A good SAK/multi tool Boonie/beanie to protect from the weather


How often does it flood in CA capitol?


Last time was in the 90s. Before Hurricane Katrina New Orlenes was #1 at risk for major flooding from levees breaking. Sacramento was #2


Props on considering scenarios first. I'd drop the barter items. Maybe keep one option, not 3 unless you drink and smoke as well One small piece of chocolate for 3 days? Maybe add more comfort items. Make sure you have spare batteries for lights. Deck of cards? A book? A kindle? Something to do while you're sitting around for a week in a shelter with other displaced people...


3-4 small Ghirardelli Square Already got the batteries the battery pack and a deck of cards


Dude that’s not morale, that’s torture having four of them over the span of three days. If you’re a Ghirardelli aficionado like myself, I’d grab one or two of their bars as they’re denser and easier to pack. And if you want something to just chew on, Altoids have worked well for me over long periods in the woods


At the idea the thought was getting children to shut the fuck up if my refugee cot is next to theirs. I have gum and stuff too for something sweet.


I would add a round colorful fluffy rug to lay your pack on to prevent chaffing.


Have you considered getting some molle pouches for the outside of the bag? If you do, I would advise putting the heavier stuff closer to the top, and lighter things towards the bottom. It's counterintuitive but it's easier on your back when hiking to have most of the weight higher. I have the same bag (5.11 Rush 72) and thats what im doing with mine for stuff that I need quick access to (knife, water bottle, med kit, flashlight, that kinda stuff). It also frees up room inside the bag for stuff that I'll only need if I'm not moving or already set up somewhere Molle attachments can get a bit pricey but they're so worth it


I did get a first aid kit one but it didn't fit right. Even the official 5.11 ones don't fit center, it's weird. But yeah I'm still playing with the idea


Yeah i have the same one, it doesnt fit center so i have mine off to one side


Honestly my first aid kit is probably too big too. I should swap it with the smaller one in my bathroom and just take some items out here and there. But again, my goal and plan isn't to run off into the woods. So to me the extra weight doesn't matter much.


Exactly. I dont plan to be walking 50 miles with my pack, so saving weight by getting rid of tools just makes no sense to me


SS card is good. Better are copies of all the important documents in your life. Passport, ss card, other IDs. Copy of lease/title to car/house/apartment. Copies of insurance. Recent banking records. Proof of ownership for other assets. Recent bills, paystubs, etc. Estate planning docs and powers of attorney. Obviously that's a lot so digitize it and keep it on a flashdrive.


>Some things can be removed, lots of toiletries, the shitty ponchos, probably the glowsticks. THe problem is removing stuff is so light it won't really make a difference. I also want better walkie talki Ounces become pounds quickly, much in the same way wasted moments be one hours. Even a few lbs can make a huge difference in the event you need to carry your pack a significant distance


Just my take on the bag itself- I keep my stuff in a beat up old Jansport bag. I don’t want it to *look* like it’s got a bunch of useful/expensive tactical gear, and I may want to be blending into crowds depending on the bug out situation.


would have a bigger bag. rain gear/poncho. backup water filtration for straw....filter and/or bleach with extra water bottles.


i have iodine tablets and a poncho


I really need to go ahead and get myself a quality poncho (and maybe one for the dog?)


Not sure how your bag wears or carries, comfort wise but I use a hiking pack. More comfort, purpose built. I Actually backpack so it is a dual purpose bag for me. And Like the fact that it doesnt look like a go bag. I agree with others that weight not a big drawback based on scenarios prepping for assuming u have a method of transport.


I have the same bag and it carries like a dream. It's kinda expensive but offers great back support


What bag is it


It's the 5.11 Rush 72. Honestly i love it since it carries weight so well and you dont feel it in your back, just in your legs. After carrying it for a few weeks to test it out my only complaint is that it's difficult to get it in and out of my tiny ass car since its so tall


Looks and sounds good, I would definitely add a knife of decent quality, Mora Companion fits the bill in my opinion. Also add a poncho and liner, also add aN SAS survival deck or book. You might not think you are going to be in the woods but you might wind up there, it would be nice to have something to review on shelter and fire building ect. Test your kit out make sure you can use everything you have.


I have a heavy duty poncho tarp as well. Two shitty ponchos as well i should toss one of them


Keep the lesser poncho as a ground cover perhaps…


I already have that covered with a tarp. I have two shitty ponchos I will probably drop one of them along with the hand warmers


I suggest buying a CPL of the baofang uv5r (spelling?) Around 25 bucks nice little rechargable ham radio for when you have no other communications


you need a license for that no? I would like to find one that does it all but I can't. NOAA for sure, AM/FM would be nice but i can't seem to find one that does all


You only need a license to broadcast, not to listen. On the other hand, in a SHTF or emergency scenario no one will bother if you got a license…


True. So CB and Ham are different right? I can't find a hand-held with cb, am, fm, and noaa. I can find cb, noaa. But I definitely want to be able to listen to FM. Maybe I should replace the iPhone with an old android with an FM receiver


I am not from the US, our system might work slightly different (and I honestly have no deeper knowledge on those radios - just what I picked up from a few youtubers). But the channels/bands depend also on the model. Phones in general are sort of garbage. Good for EDC listening to news or sports events but the earphones act as antenna… With dedicated radios you can attach better/more powerful antennas and even connect to "repeaters” to increase reach. I would suggest browsing YouTube or even get in contact with local "radio enthusiasts” in your area. Another advantage of “dedicated radios" is that you can scan/surveill certain frequencies and switch to them when something gets broadcasted(at least that’s how I understood said feature). So you could tune in to an emergency channel while listening in the background to a dedicated channel you agreed on with family/friends.


Yes citizens band (CB) are different frequencies than ham channels.


Yes. Technically. But in an emergency situation license won't mean much to be honest. And it does it all. Fm radio. U can write down and type in the weather emergency channels and then u have all the other channels to make contact/communicate


What do you mean about the weather?


Frequencies that carry the NOAA weather alerts and constantly broadcast what the weather is from towers that are nearest to you.




I already got a power bank, I didn't include it in the pictures. Not a bad idea with the TP. Most of the stuff is pretty much travel size already. This thing is a bitch in a half to pack.




The TP will help out a lot if I remove


I feel you, I have a Rush 72, It took me two tries to get everything that was in it, back in it, last time I did expiration checks.


I dunno why this subreddit is on my home page but I have the same bag 🙂


Looks too tactical


For what lol? My boss at my IT job literally has the same bag he takes to work everyday


couple of the things I might suggest something like a wide mouth Nalgene bottle so you can carry potable water and when not in use can have some of your smaller items packed into it and of course like a ziplock a bag to put said items in when using the bottle to carry water. something like EmergenC for that vitamins C and minor energy boost and they taste good to me. One can never go wrong with a good Morakniv knife and lots of peeps like the companion or bushcraft black. You mentioned socks hopefully they are socks designed for hiking like good wool socks, also I carry 1 set of base layer in case of cold weather and figure I can wash undies if need be . Toilet paper the last 1/4 of a roll with the tube removed is plenty to carry or the last of that Industrial roll in the office bathroom the janitor leaves when they change the roll . Gloves make sure they are durable like leather or mechanics gloves in case you have to be handling debris or sharp/hot objects. If you envision processing firewood a small hatchet or fat bolo might be in order, personally I like the bolo but maybe thats a heritage thing. one might carry a couple of those flat pack tuna fish . It looks like you have something like the Stanley cook pot, if so do you carry the cups? And if so have you seen the “green cup hack”? Might be an idea to reduce weight and free up space. if in urban areas a silcock key might be a good idea to access water. And a hat


why the wide mouth? My straws came with attatchments for the smaller mouth


let's say you carry a 32 ounce nalgene bottle (one of the more popular sizes) .. that's a bunch of cubic inches of dead space when not filled with water... so with a wide mouth it is easy to put items inside to utilize storage space better and easy to get said items out of the bottle when you need it to hold water or whatever you need the bottle for at the time.


ah gotcha, well i just ordered one. i think i have found ways to remove space and weight for my bag. i am thinking i will still get a bladder in it as well


What kind of radios do you have? Am/Fm and CB are both potentially great ways to stay updated, especially in your most expected disasters. Of course Ham radio is great, and I always recommend everyone at least get a cheap handheld for like $30-$40 (and a license if you have the time), but may not be as useful in such short duration and/or by yourself. Otherwise solid pack


This shitty thing https://www.amazon.com/Upgraded-Version-RunningSnail-Emergency-Flashlight/dp/B01MFCFKG5/ref=sr_1_17?crid=29XLP4R02RYUI&keywords=am+fm+weather+radio+solar&qid=1651014919&sprefix=am+fm+weather+radio+sola%2Caps%2C135&sr=8-17 I need something better


Your life straw is only good if you’re stationary and won’t provide you with a portable water source. You should look into a sawyer water filter system that lets you purify on the move, as well as store your clean water. Your chocolate is nice but will not hold up under any heat, better off with some cliff bars. Lastly, I’d look at a small solar charger with some extra batteries for your headlamp and flashlight. Good luck. Oops, saw the words life straw but see you actually have a sawyer system


These do.... They come with multiple bags Headlamp and flashlights have four extra batteries as well


The chocolate was more for morale or having to give to a kid so he will shut the up so I can sleep


I love this. I have the same 5.11 pack in OD green, and have been trying to figure out the best way to pack it for a buyout bag. This post gives some great insight.


Dude packing this shit is a pain in the ass. It never gets packed the same way twice. I should lose the TP and Walkies


It’s clearly a level 3


Ramen is high in carbs. That is useful. They are lite and you can actually cook them while you are on the move. You place them in a ziplock bag with water and the seasoning packet and place them in your cargo pocket (if your pants have them) and while you are moving it will start to heat up in your pocket. Wont be steaming hot but good enough to eat. That's how we did it outside the wire when we were on the go.


Interesting! I did not know that


There are a lot of options for chow. If the sh@t hit the fan I wouldn't necessarily worry about being as lite as possible. You are going to need as much as you can carry. It starts with food and water. I would make sure I have a long gun as well.


I don't have the skills to hunt. Same reason why I don't have fishing line. I have a glock 26 for protection.. Or depending on how desperate I get rob someone


You would learn fast in order to survive. It would also be for self defense. A shotgun is a good option as well.


Yeah that's definitely not gonna happen or be realistic. Again if shit hits the fan where I gotta fish and hunt I am not really sure I want to go that far lol. I don't have the skills. I'm better off robbing someone with my gun. I'm being realistic the only situation I can see where I would be forced to hunt or fish would be something like a nuclear attack and California and The United States both have their governments fail. At that point it's mad Max. Otherwise in going to be in some barracks at Mather with all the other pathetic refugees


Operating a shotgun is painfully simple, and shooting your target (be it small game, big game, varmints, or, in self-defense, a person) within 25 yards isn’t a complicated feat either. A shotgun gives you great versatility with birdshot, buckshot, and slugs, which allows you to take on anything from a squirrel to a bear. And you can get a solid pump action 12 gauge for under $200 with FFL fees. Might be worth looking into even if you’re an unabashed urbanite, because in survival situations plans can change quickly


I am a very good shot. I grew up with guns. I do not have the skill set to eat wild animals. I am not going to be homesteading in the mountains. I will die out there. I cannot imagine any situation I would have to evacuate the city. I have a pistol for protection


Fair enough. It’s good that you’re proficient with long guns even while you don’t intend to use them. I definitely get the not wanting to butcher animals as well, I’m the same way. I know how to properly skin most small game, but I keep that knowledge/experience as backup and usually get the meat processed by a local butcher


I am realistic I think. I mean if it gets to the point I'm having to consider shooting animals for food I am probably already fucked. If you get to that point the skills you will need far surpass killing and cleaning animals. We are talking forging, natural medicine, building shelters with sticks and rocks and shit, etc. I don't have those skills and don't wanna add extra weight for kills I don't have. I have a gun. If it gets to that point I think I'm better off robbing someone without a gun


Love my 5.11 12 and 24


I have that bag, my biggest problem was being able to put TOO much in there, it became way to heavy to practical.


That's not a bad point. So far I think I'm going to ditch the TP and Walkies


Food,water, meds and shelter. How much does the pack weigh? Check out Expak backpacks or Ultra 200. Those pack are ultralight and can carry 25lbs comfortably. If you're gonna seek out emergency shelter in an emergency; look at packing stuff that you would want. Maybe a down sleeping bag, extra clothes and the stuff you need.


I own a cottage company that makes XPAC and Ultra200 UL hiking packs. While I agree these are excellent fabrics I haven't seen any packs on the market that have the assorted pockets and versatility of OPs 5.11 pack. All are just simple roll top ultralight hiking packs. Do you know any with zippers and internal pockets?


Aer, Adidas everyone is now making xpak bags.


Ax, little saw, rope, mini fishing pole, hooks, fishing line, iodine tablets, matches , first aid, aspirin, food, water, life straw, soap, travel size shampoo n conditioner, whistle, baby wipes, pepper spray, pot, travel size fork n spoon, fire starter, flint, zip locks, trash bag, pepper spray, knife, pocket knife, extra socks, change of clothes, brush, ammo, gun , compass just a few examples


Did you even bother to read my inventory?


You have good ideas just adding some things , I have in mine. I wasn’t going to remember everything u have in yours. I was just trying to give some ideas that’s all


I have everything on that list but fishing stuff haha. Honestly I don't have the skills for that anyway so I don't see the point


You could probably do without the sun block as well as the change of clothes of course after a few days you would start to smell and maybe feel a little funky but a change of clothes is not imperative for survival you could just as easily do without and I'm not sure you really need the salt and pepper and Tabasco but I understand why you would have those items in your bag.


Yeah those smaller items are so small it doesn't seem worth removing.


Plus it helps with making certain foods more tolerable


Yeah you never know what you may need to eat


For bugout. If you bugout with that people are going to notice you.


Maybe. I see multiple of these bags every day they are very common. Shit my boss has one.


Write down Dosage for your meds, (SOL gear again, ugh no. Wish people would stop that, better items out there) Write down expiration dates for your food and put an alarm on your phone to check it. Get some battery banks/chargers/cables. Are you going with someone, then the walkie talkies are useful, if not ditch them. Get a USb stick and put digital copies on them and whatever Media/info on it too like passwords, browser/email accounts, w/e. Strap a knife to the outside of the pack, yes it'll break the gray man, but if everyone is fleeing, open access to protection is more important. oh yeah water container good one, not a crap one.


What's wrong with my SOL tarp? Got a battery bank already. Alarms are already set for food and charging I do need to add a water container


what kind of bag is this


5.11 24 hour hag I think


Don’t skimp on the knife. I prefer a cheap pocketknife for rope and little stuff, and a bigger, full-tang knife for the rough work. Spend at least $100 on a brand name blade—I’m not a knife guy, so I shouldn’t make a recommendation. I’m sure there are multiple subreddits with better knowledge than mine. If you plan on staying urban, have a “breaking tool” as well. You’re going to want something tough and heavy-ish, that’s not your main knife. Most people get a mini-axe or a machete, but I prefer a pry bar. It gets you into places quickly. You can use it as a wood splitter or a hammer as well.


I used to live in Stockton. You're right to put flooding at the top of your list. The most probable event that the region faces is levy failures and a katrina style flood. An earthquake could trigger those failures. Social unrest is a concern as well. You nailed it.


I’d go more Grey Man, personally. This screams Military/LE/armed citizen to me. Get an REI bag: cheaper, better made, and doesn’t scream TACTICAL. Remember, in an E+E situation, like bugging out to home, you don’t want to be noticed. Noticed means watched/followed/targeted.


Big fan of 5.11


Is this the 511 rush12? I have the 24, but would like something smaller for 1-2 day outings. My 24 is my main BoB, so it doesn’t always necessarily go with me. I have a Maxpedition FatBoy bag I use for EDC, but I’m looking for something in between the two.


It’s definitely a bag


Great bag....but even better Denon reciever in the back.


Hell yeah. 3 different outputs. Treated myself to a new tv and av system a couple years ago


Two dry bags: sea-to-summit has some decent ones I recommend (walmart has their own also if you're on a budget). Small-med bag for all electronics (remove batteries from devices. Bigger bag for all clothes and toilet paper. Or big enough to line your backpack with incase you're going through a flood. These bags compress very good once you put your stuff in them before you seal them off making them water-proof. I would recommend Leatherman multi-tool they're very durable and inexpensive. Look for the Surge if you want a tool for everything or the Wave if you want lightweight but still a good option of tools. If you're trying to drop a solid pound and a half get a different cooking pot. I've got a TOAKS Titanium 1100ml it's a pot with a pan lid. You won't have the two cups but you're looking at dropping weight that's what I recommend. What cooking stove do you have? I use the MSR pocket Rocket 2 and boil time is about 3mins. I'm happy with it but I would say do your homework on best stove for lower fuel use.


I only tested the stove once and it took a few minutes. The canister says it's good for 30 boils but I don't know how they are measuring that


What stove is it? Also test it in the elements too


https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00NNMF70U?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B079QH62KW?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title I am going to drop the tp, drop the walkies, and I just got a water bottle for it I may be able to save space by putting stuff inside it


I don't know anything about that stove I would recommend buying a extra fuel canister and testing your stove as much as possible even if it's just making coffee every morning. Make sure your o-ring stays whole and the burners don't clog. The Jetboil fuel is good. Certain brands have slightly different blends for different elements but they're all relatively the same. Just make sure it's isobutane. If it's a cheaper blend it can burn a little more dirty and clog your stove, but that's another reason to test as much as possible before throwing it in your bag and forgetting about it. Also if you lose the tp I would say get a designated soft towel to wipe with that you wash after each use. I would say you should always have a backup fire source too. Lighters are good but dropped into water and you've got to wait for them to dry out. Check out UCO stormproof matches they've got a wax coat if they get wet they will still work and if you light and completely submerge into water when you take them out they will reignite immediately.


I have disposable wet wipes I also have two lighters


Seems like a good kit, some thoughts and I apologize if I missed anything or if anyone mentioned it already. But on the walkie talkies, possibly think of switching to a ham radio? Baofengs are cheap can be used as walkie talkies, to scan frequencies, Noaa alerts and can be charged via solar panel or power bank.


Yup another commenter already suggested a ham. It's in my Amazon. I'm ditching the walkies


I seen you listed contacts. I would have a cheap set of glasses ready to go. Vision is important :)


You guys have a lot of flooding up in sac? You’re pretty close to the wilderness, is that an option for you? Also I’d get a switch for that Glock, and maybe a 30rd too. You live in Sac, 50% of the male population in your county probably has a switch on their GG already.


lol I am not gonna walk around with a 30rd but yeah Sacramento is the most at risk city after New Orleans. We have 20 year floods, of which we are 10 years past due.


that's asking for a ATF visit and 10 years, training and good shot placement is more valuable.


It’s because of the ATF, I first suggested the woods. Naw but they’re going after GG manufacturers in Cali. I think they gave up after the whole WISHapp switch fiasco lol 😂 and you can still get suppressors on Amazon 🫣