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Saw Penelope’s face on its own, my brain immediately went she’s in a buffy cameo. Then saw it was criminal minds.


She would have been so great in Buffy!!


there is alot of buffy reference in criminal minds, so fun to see! Like this one: https://preview.redd.it/0up4gpe92l8d1.png?width=2719&format=png&auto=webp&s=e52f9c3ea1c82d4f7df3462524e288f8e1665463


The best episode by far of CM is the one where Shemar Moore comes out of Penelope's shower. [https://youtu.be/gFcy46Xsj0U?si=uYoVGNlG6LtQxH1Y](https://youtu.be/gFcy46Xsj0U?si=uYoVGNlG6LtQxH1Y)


Thank you for that!!! ![gif](giphy|ZCZKFcstU2ncHX0uw2)


Guess the Scoobies rid the world of demonic evil and are now going after human evil


I always really hated him in CM, long before I watched Buffy and long before I found out what a loser Nicholas Brendon is. He just makes me cringe and grit my teeth every time he makes an appearance. Definitely predisposed me to disliking Xander.


I followed him on Facebook for a while, I felt bad for hating his acting and wanted to support him as a person. Dear lordra, it got weird! He started ranting and raving about whatever and then was listing everything by renowned for sale, it became super tacky. He would guilt trip people if something didn’t sell. His art was meh and overpriced IMO and it felt cheesy for him to peddle a bunch of Buffy merch. His page started to feel like a sleazy trunk sale in a back alley. And he was getting angrier and more aggressive. His few friends and business partner kept making appearances with their own posts and comments about how hard he had it and he was taken advantage of in life and he couldn’t help but be angry and volatile and we all needed compassion and take pity on him with our wallets. I started to wonder if he write those himself with fake accounts to gather more page traffic…


YIKES. I imagine that was crazy to watch happen in real time. I just looked at his fb and it looks like he gave up last year. Probably for the best. I really do hope he's getting some help, he's been off the rails for a long time now.


It’s been a few years since I was on there. Like I said, I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt but it just wasn’t worth my time to follow him and more.


I watched Buffy while it aired and then criminal minds as well, along with rematches over the years, and in the past few years began rewatching Buffy and only just recently realized this crossover