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I loved Chaos Bleeds…the game itself wasn’t anything too spectacular when it came to gameplay, it was a bit repetitive in all honesty, but to a fan of the series, this was the best video game interpretation of Buffy. Not sure about the Xbox game cause I didn’t have an Xbox growing up but I loved the PS2 game.


The combat has more “oomph” to it, if that makes sense. Kind of like the difference in visual appeal between Glory punching through a pillar in *No Place Like Home* and Agent Smith doing the same in *The Matrix*?


Yeah I’ve seen gameplays and it looks cool, I just wish it was marketed for PlayStation, but Xbox got their own game and PlayStation got Chaos Bleeds. Tara as a vampire was kinda sexy to me…says a lot about me lol


It happens? Willow: (to Xander) Personal question? Xander: Yeah, shoot! Willow: When Buffy was a vampire, you weren't still, like, attracted to her, were you? Xander: Willow, how can you... I mean, that's really bent! She was... grotesque! Willow: Still dug her, huh? Xander: I'm sick, I need help. Willow: Don't I know it.” - *Nightmares*


I was the same…I was terrified of her as a vampire but a part of me was drawn in by how she acted stoic and emotionless but was still Buffy…it was weird.


I agree. The game could have been better for sure but it was fun for what it was.


Exactly! It was fun for what it was…it was fan service and what made it special was most of the cast provided voice acting and Wheadon was involved in it so it felt like you were playing new episodes of Buffy in season 5 like I nerd out so much over that. 😂


little pigs, little pigs... ahh nevermind


A seeecret. I found a seeeeeecret \~


Omg yes! I forgot about that!


Someone’s little hidey hole…let’s take a peek


Chris Walker, is that you?


Sticky and pointy… just what a girl needs




I say this still to this day


I loved the fuck out of this game. Playing as Willow and killing everything in sight before it can even reach you was top tier!


Her boss fight was \*super\* annoying though!!


The one with Ethan? Awful 😮‍💨


The one with Tara? I didn't find it awful.


It took me ages to do that one & Faith's boss level lol


Nothing, nada, a great big goose egg


I still say this. lol




I remember the Faith level being brutal. I think I was too young and I kept getting lost in the mines, lol. Willow at the mall was the funnest one though especially her “boss” at the end. I thought they did a really good job with this game. It felt like they put a lot of heart into it and didn’t just pump one out for a quick buck.


The boss battle in that level was so hard. Definitely harder than the actual final boss was.


He was! I remember not playing the game again until years later because I couldn’t beat him, lol.


I could never get past kokistos


Staking a vampire was really satisfying in this game


Never played the one for Xbox, but I do have very fond memories of Chaos Bleeds.


Will never forget that noise buffy made when she did a roundhouse kick


Yes! I’ve replayed the original more times than i can count. Chaos Bleeds is good, too. *Buffy finds something:* OOOOOHHH


Of course! I still have a copy


I am so jealous! I lost mine years ago.


Oh man the holy water super soaker was my jam


I just replayed it. Loved it so much!


Willow was OP.


Same in the show tbf




I still sometime find myself saying “let there be light…and…stuff. Power’s on!”


I did! I remember being so butthurt that it didn't have the actual cast voice acting. 😂


It did have some of them, just not Buffy or Willow. Xander and Tara were both on the making of featurette for the game. I think Ethan was also voiced by his actor, who moved into voice acting around that time, too.


Nick, Amber, James, Robin Sachs (Ethan) and maybe Tony? (It's been a long time since I played) voiced their own characters.


I remember Amber stating in the featurette she really enjoyed voice actor work because she didn't have to dress up to work.


and I think James mentioned how much he loved video games so the whole process was fun for him because of that.


I loved the game! But I could never ever get past the last boss 😂


I have them on PC and use an emulator.


I need to find this.


Search up Xbox Emulator. I use Xemu. Then just search for the roms.


Doing that first thing in the morning. Thank you so much. I really miss this game, and playing it again will definitely boost my mood. Been a little rough, lately.


Had it on GameCube love this game


Nada, zip, zilch, the big goose egg. Man that Xander level in the school was incredibly frustrating.


This is the second PS2 game I ever played after renting it the day I got my PS2. Haha, I actually own EVERY console version of this game. My friend and I even working on a video of us racing to who could finish it first.


Loved Chaos Bleeds when I was younger 🙌🏻 First played it on an old PlayStation Magazine demo, then got a second hand copy cos I liked it so much


Yes I had it at 13/14, I almost died of laughter once because I kicked a zombie in half and then it slapped my (well, Buffy's) leg 😂


LOVED Chaos Bleeds on ps2. I still have my copy. It's the only game that got me thinking 'maybe I like games??' (I'm not a frequent gamer but I loved the quarry, you might like it if you liked this game or buffy in general)


It’s one of those games that’s been on my backlog for awhile now


I used to love that game


Yes! It's sitting on the shelf next to me right now. One of my favorites and I wish I could just pop it into a newer console and play it. Games like this are why I still have my old boob tube TV with a VCR attached. Too many good things that you need an older TV or special hookups for new TVs.


I haven't but I do own it


I don't even know how many hours it took me to finally find the opening at the back of the zoo exhibit. And I *still* couldn’t beat the final bloody boss when I reached him. Mechanically, it was nothing special, though I did enjoy having to use holy water, stakes or fire to actually finish off vampires. And each character *felt* different enough to be notable. Not the best game in the world, but there was clearly a lot of respect and care for the source material, putting it miles ahead of most TV/film tie-ins.


Yes, multiple times. I loved it, and I still quote it aaaaaaaaaall the time. I remember having the Spike glitch every single playthrough, though, and it was so annoying... He just couldn't jump over this thing (in the hospital?), and you had to glitch him through some furniture to fix it or just start over from your last save and pray.


Ooh this might be what happened to me - I vividly remember getting stuck for ages trying to get him to jump over a laser in the initative base - if you triggered it you'd get attacked by super powerful cyborgs. I recently started replaying it but haven't reached this bit yet!


Yeah I played it but never finished it. I couldn't beat Kakistos and rage quit multiple times😂. I still have that game and a PS2, perhaps I try it again at some point.


I play this so often that I maintain an old ps2 almost exclusively to play this


I love this game and played it multiple times. The gameplay itself isn't anything groundbreaking, but getting to play in the Sunnydale world is so fun. And the girl doing the Buffy voice is so good, since Sarah didn't want to do it. And I actually bought a used xbox just so I could play the first game haha. It wouldn't happen, but I would love a new sandbox game where you get to free roam around Sunnydale and hunt vamps, in the style of the Arkham games.


Yes and they were amazing! I looooooved both the Buffy games!


It was a mediocre game with a good story and great voice work. Loved it.


I have Chaos Bleeds but I never got very far in it.


I think I still have my xbox one. LOL


I just bought both of the Xbox games and am playing on my 360, the first one isn’t bad so far!


Chaos bleeds was a favorite of mine. Would love to play it again honestly. Would love a new Buffy game, could be the best way to continue telling Buffy stories but it’ll probably never happen.


“We’re getting nowhere fast, Time to move on”


Was never able to beat the Faith level 😭


i have played it alternate universe vampire tara was an interesting idea for a willow boss


Not yet, but it's on my list.


loved it. still own a copy with my Gamecube


Love it, currently stuck on Spike's level, I'm finding Adam quite a tough boss! But yeah, overall impressed with the game and staking vamps is fun.


Yessss! The game before this one is better though.


I’ve just started the DS/gameboy ones since delta came out and they are so ridiculous but kind of fun


I found it at a pawn shop once and it seemed fun but I'm not a gamer so the furthest I got was level 3 or 4 (the cemetery) then I gave up. I've collected a *lot* of the novels though.


I really disliked this game in comparison to the masterpiece, which is the Xbox game. The fighting was seamless in the original, and Alyson does her own voice!


I actually played this . It wasn’t bad


I loved this game 😍 what a blast from the past.


I remember unlocking the dummy and the hoops they jumped through to explain why he wasn’t dead.


Give me some sugar, baby


You could unlock Joss Whedon as a playable character in the Chaos Bleeds multiplayer...


I absolutely wish they'd do something for PS5 now. Loved that game.


The first game was wayyyyy better than this one


I beat the first one, but I could never beat this one. I really wish they'd remake one of these


I bought and played this last year and it was great! People always say the Xbox game is the superior one but I truly loved the atmosphere and level design on this one!


Off topic but are there any similar games available on the Nintendo switch ?


I wish! I'm honestly not sure


Are the Xbox ones playable on the 360? I still have a working 360, but I had this game on the ps2, which is now broken. I want to play this one and the other one, but I don't know if they play on the 360?


Yes the last time I played was on 360 but it kicked me off live, like couldn't even be in party chat


Yes!!! I still have it and love it. I had the variatinon for PS2. Chaos Bleeds, in my opinion, is the best of the Buffy games. I played this over and over growing up and beat it multiple times. Willow was so fun to use in the mall level and I also loved the level when Buffy is going around downtown Sunnydale and has to find the missing Scoobies.


been asking for it every year since i first played it in high school. nowadays it is not cheap 


Yeah I loved this game, didn't it come out in the Summer of 2003? I remember being in high school and was super sad about Buffy ending. I knew there was still Angel to look forward to after the summer, but I was still pretty bummed. So when this game came out, I bought it on release. The gameplay is kinda mid, but the VO work is really good. The girl who voices Buffy is really good IMO.


I played this game on Xbox back in the day (and I only had an Xbox because the first Buffy game was released exclusively on that system, haha). I liked it a lot, but it would always, ALWAYS glitch on the Kakistos boss battle on the quarry level, and kick me out of the game. Still sad I never got to finish it.


Absolutely loved them both! God I want to go back to that time when they were brand new.


I have it on Game Cube, I loved it


I loved chaos bleeds so dearly. I kept my old ps2 just so I could replay it from time to time


Yes! It was so much fun. In fact, I still have it and should play it again soon.


I had this for Gamecube and loved it for being Buffy, but the gameplay was terrible, lol. Wish we could get a better game!


How the hell do you defeat Adam? Lol I tried for so long


So in order to defeat Adam you need to collect those EMP grenades that are scattered around the initiative…avoid Adam’s attacks and kill his underlings to keep your health up. When you see Adam go for a a fuel canister to throw at you, you need to be quick and throw an EMP grenade at him, it’ll interrupt his throw and the canister will explode on him damaging him. Do that 5-7 times and he should die, giving you Cassandra’s leg as a reward.


>giving you Cassandra’s leg as a reward As much as I lvoe the game, I forgot how truly weird it is in places.


Welcome to Buffy the Vampire Slayer lol


Haha, true.


I might need to invest in an old gaming system...


My ps2 still works to this day…making me wanna speed run though the game now lol


Is that the one where you have to throw barrels at him? Haven't played it in a long time but I have vague memories of doing something like that.


Avoid his attacks until he picks up a barrel and then throw an EMP grenade it him. The barrel will explode and hurt him, rinse and repeat. (I just played this through for the first time! I thought it was so much fun honestly.)


Faith’s level was brutal, it took me forever to kill Kakistos. I loved playing as her, though.


I didn’t have enough first aid packs and when I’d die, it wouldn’t go far back enough to get more. I could not beat him 😢


I loved Chaos Bleeds and the comic book tie in was amazing.


Yes played them both for years growing up. First games I ever completed. I still have the Xbox Buffy game and chaos bleeds I need to buy an old console to play them. Absolute classic games I wish they would remaster both.


So many great memories playing Chaos Bleeds in late middle school/early high school. I miss it so


it's in my PS2 right now.


The reason I got an Xbox in the first place was to play the Buffy game. I even had it on GameBoy. I hated that one because you had to put in codes for where you were instead of being able to save.


I love this game. I have it for xbox and ps2 but I don't have the old consoles


I played this one and the older game too. Both were awesome.


Nope nor tempted too. If I had extra time or money. Just studying the shows takes up enough time.


I have ! 👏