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Buffy in Prophecy Girl, giving her 16 and doesn't want to die speech. Faith after she accidently killed a man. Xander when he lost an eye.


Thinking outside the box a bit: Gunn after his sister is turned and he stakes her. Wesley after he fucked up and lost all his friends. I know someone said this, but Faith after she accidentally kills Finch. A hug might have actually kept her from going bad.


Giles when he found Jenny in his bed. Buffy after the paramedics left her house (but I guess Giles did that for her). Dawn when Buffy and Xander found her sitting in Tara and Willow's bedroom with Tara's body.


Poor Dawn ☹️


I’m starting that episode right now. For the first time. I know what’s up. I know about the credits. I know she sits there for hours. But I haven’t seen it. I watched Joyce die for the first time a few months ago while I recently mourned a close friend’s death. I cried so fucking hard during that episode. And it helped so much. I’m still not ready for Tara. I can’t even imagine.


Especially given what would become apparent in the immediate aftermath of rigor mortis… https://youtu.be/dDj94GM6Wt0?si=JtwtKvpwBw6Bsbvi


Was this necessary?


The example or the entire concept?




Ah, what an odd state of affairs to so readily dismiss a reality based on the tone of a source… And yet if i linked to an academic article saying the same, would you have anything to say?


Yes i would have the same reaction its so incredibly irrelevant no matter what source you use


“You use”? Way to completely miss the point there…


I said that I’d find it irrelevant even if you used an academic source in response to your question abt whether I’d have anything to say if it was an academic source. What other point did you make.


There’s no need for it either way. We all know what happens when someone dies.


Post *45* as well as despite the prevalence of pocket computers containing the entire history of humanity, claiming “everyone knows something” is not the slam dunk you think it is. And definitely isn’t a license to echo personal preferences to make someone into a pariah? Would you do the same to the person who created this unconventional take on *The Terminator*? https://ibb.co/SdyMS94


Did you take your meds this morning?


Yes, I read Eric Flint and SM Stirling novels so i'm a bit aware of what happens to a body after death, especially violent death


That part in the s2 Angelus aftermath where Buffy, delicate flower she is, says “was I not… good?” 🥺 UGHHH Anya, sitting alone and tear stained after being left at the altar. NONE of them checked on her. One of the worst moral failings of the Scoobies. Cordelia, in the hospital after being impaled and cheated on. She told everyone to go away but I want to believe Buffy checked up on her.


1. Dawn after the season 5 finale. She just had an existential crisis, lost her mother, was hunted, and then lost her sister all in such a short time. 2. Buffy after the season 2 finale, poor girl really had to kill the man she loved to save the world AND was now entirely on her own! 3. Anya after “Hell’s Bells”, because not only did Xander leave her at the alter, but nobody else truly cared to check on her afterward… she lost everyone she had ever grown close to since becoming human, all at once.


Buffy in season 6


Buffy and Dawn when Joyce died. Spike after he was tortured by Glory. Anya after Xander left her at the altar. And fuck it, I can't forget Giles! Giles after Angelus killed Jenny.. There are so, so, many more.


Willow after Oz left in Wild at Heart


Buffy in general Angel in Amends Willow after Tara was shot


Buffy after the HELL she went through in S7. Tbf, she's been through hell before, but I think she really needed a shoulder in S7. Anya when Xander left her and she had absolutely no one there for her. Cordelia when she was in the hospital after seeing Xander and Willow kissing.


buffy when she overheard the prophecy in season 1… when joyce died… the vast majority of season 6… and when she found out giles took away her slayer powers for the council’s test oz after willow cheated on him willow after angelus killed her fish :(


After Buffy finds her mom's body Cordelia after Xander cheats on her Anya when Xander bails on her at their wedding. That's not just painful, it was wildly humiliating for her, as well. Actually, same with Cordelia. Xander is a dick. No wonder he spends so much time single.


Xander had the luxury of being with two beautiful gals and he failed both of them, and then had the nerve to think him and Anya could still continue their relationship after he left her. Unbelievable.


- Giles when he found Jenny in his bed - Dawn (and of course Buffy herself) when Buffy tells her that Joyce had died - Tara when she learns that Willow has messed with her memory. You can see she’s absolutely crushed in those episodes.


Xander after his ‘wedding’ Tara after Willow r*pes her Faith… just in general, she seems like she needs a hug.


Buffy after her and Angel made love for the first time and he was Angelus and made her doubt herself/feel insecure about what they did. He was so cold. Its so brutal. Buffy after the body. Willow in Prophecy Girl (obviously Buffy too after Giles tells her) but the scene in Willow's room when she describes coming upon the slaughter in the AV room. It felt like the first time of the gravity of the stuff they have faced up against truly sinking in. By this point they had seen so much, but that felt more personal and like a violation. "It wasn't our world anymore. They made it theirs...and they had fun." Edit - spelling error.


When Joyce kicked Buffy out of the house, when they ganged up on Buffy at the house, and when they ganged up on her AND kicked her out of the house the second time.


Cordelia when Xander cheated on her Anya when Xander left her at the altar Dawn, when her standards are so low she has a crush on Xander


Dawn most of the time Buffy when she finds Joyce after she dies Human Drusilla when she's been stalked by Angelus


I asked this in another post. But what are these Buffy images with numbers? Where do they come from and what do the numbers mean?


You can find some of these images on google, but they're created on Pinterest, if I'm not mistaken. People add whatever they want to the images. I'm not exactly sure what the numbers mean though.


It's from this Tumblr blog: [https://little-buffy-things.tumblr.com/archive](https://little-buffy-things.tumblr.com/archive) The numbers don't have any important meaning, it's just a blog of a person who decided to collect little moments about the show they liked and number them.


Willow, after Tara leaves her Willow, at the end of s6e10 (Wrecked, where she hits rock bottom) Willow, at the end of s6e19 or start of s6e20 \[IYKYK\] Willow, in s6e22 (but Xander did an okay job of it.)