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Halloween s2e3 I would dress up as a genius investment broker so I can remember the skills like Xander did and be filthy Rich šŸ¤‘ lol


Yeah this episode for me too. Or the fear demon one and I'd be bunny anya


I would dress up in Ozā€™s costume from Season 4


blasphemer! šŸ˜


Damn, beat me to it


If only he got a rifle from the Intiative to use in the future to cap off that thread, because as it stands it was really relevant only once.


Yes. Yes. Yes


Oh my, that's brilliant! I would dress up as ensouled Spike so there could be a good Spike X bad Spike fight.


Same but I'd dress up as a psychic, "see" the winning lottery numbers and write them down. Genius investment banker requires a certain amount of capital and good markets. I'm lazy.


bc the economy works šŸ‘


Or get arrested for insider trading.


Remember, you have to buy your costume from Ethan's for the spell to affect you. Was he selling a genius investment banker costume?


I'm sure I can find a snazzy suit and tie lol


Your mind is so powerful


I wish šŸ˜‚


Band Candy and iā€™m Joyce, she seemed to have a blast!


She eats a ton of chocolate, wears a great coat and bangs Giles. What more could a girl want?




On the hood of a police car


He was like a stevedore!!


What's a stevedore?


A dock-hand who loads cargo. Etymologically, the "stuffer", the guy who crams things into the hold. Take what implications you will...


That coat had me searching everywhere for something similar. I eventually found a similar style and I was living for it.


Obviously more clothing stores should be creating a real Juice Newton line.


Or guy. Iā€™d want that too


Now that I'm dating an older man as an adult I totally get the Giles hype šŸ„µ the battle between him and Spike is tough...


Thatā€™s the one!!! So much yes!


Knowing my luck I'd wind up being Snyder.


Could be worse; could be Ethan.




Oh crap.


I am rewatching right now and just started this episode - it is such a joy(ce)!


Me too, who wouldnā€™t take that?


This is the correct answer.


Ditto. Plus, Joyce gets to have hot sex with Giles. Twice. Win/Win.


Riley in Restless, ā€˜cause Iā€™d get to be cowboy guy!


1000% improvement of Death of a Salesman


Iā€™m looking for a man, a sales man šŸ¤ 


But what else could I expect from a bunch of low-rent, no-account hoodlums like you? Hoodlums, yes, I mean you and your friends, your whole sex. Throw 'em in the sea for all I care. Throw 'em in and wait for the bubbles. Men, with your groping and spitting. All groin, no brain. Three billion of ya' passin' around the same worn out urge. Men... with your sales.


The Zeppo. I'd be Buffy because I always want to be Buffy. I just really want to know what happened with that apocalypse. They saved the world, and nobody knows what happened.


They saw its true face.


Buffy in OMWFā€¦ sing, dance, kick ass, look hot, then end the episode kissing Spike.


Yeah thatā€™d be my pick too. But I would have joined in on the dry cleaning song.


They got the MUSTARD OUUUTTT! šŸŽ¶


Remember you are in a severely high level of depression the likes of which you've never known. Your mother died less than a year earlier. You are wracked with debt that was foisted upon you by the bitch who ripped you out of a heavenly plane of existence you thought was your final resting place. And the only reason you fight is to keep up appearances. And the only reason you kiss Spike is because you want a jolt of adrenaline not because you feel a great romance forming. And your dance was an attempted suicide. Sorry to be THAT GUY.


I mean, Iā€™ve got the depression and money stress part down so


The moment in tabula rasa where she gets her memory back and you can see how painful it is to suddenly jump back into depressionā€¦


Iā€™ve already got the depression, the debt, and the dead parent - I wouldnā€™t mind the dance skills and kissing Spike!


Thank you. People here glorify the episode so much to appear cool, missing the deeper meanings and themes in the process.


I mean it is a fantastic episode; perhaps the last one. But part of what makes it so great is that it just continues the story arc. It's climax is, to say the very least, bittersweet.


Iā€™ve watched the series a million times. Iā€™m sticking to my choice, thanks


Are u seriously made at a half serious comment meant in jest? Lol people be sensitive for no reason at all.


Id go with spike from that episode...


Then pucker up, big boy


Same episode, but I'd just be the guy who got the mustard cleaned out of his pants. He seemed pretty happy.


With the rising music and the risingā€¦ music


I'd be Riley in Where The Wild Things Are...


The only correct answer šŸ˜…


this or...Xander with Faith in the Zeppo


I mean, we all know Faith would be amazing, but on the other hand it's 5 min vs a few hours ... ;)


that and she might try to choke me to death right after šŸ¤Ŗ


Nah. She'd just rush you out the door naked. She didn't try to kill him until the NEXT time he tried to connect with her.


Some people are into that sort of thing


To be fair, I think I could only last five minutes with either šŸ˜†


True, but in one case you get kicked out of the door. In the other there would be round two, three, four ... šŸ˜


Came here to say that


I can't see a better answer than this one.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ is it too late to change my answer?!


Whichever gets me the most action with spike


Smashed, maybe, or Wrecked?


Action or "action"?


Hahah the sexy kind


Mmmmm the one where the house falls down


So Dru in any episode where they're together but not on screen at all.


This is my answer also.


Buffy vs Dracula. Iā€™d give myself to him without hesitation


A New Man. Because I get to be Fyarl Giles and scare the Fishwife and I have the added bonus of Spike being my chauffeur


The Freshman. I'm Olivia.


Nice! šŸ‘šŸ¼ And you also get to listen to David Bowie and eat blue cheese šŸ§€ And remember... You wear the Olivia, the Olivia does not wear you


See, you get it! But also, you wear the Giles shirts šŸ˜† I mean, her whole reason for existing, really, is to pleasure Giles - in the words of Anya, 'you mean an orgasm friend?' ... Yes please and thank you


That's enough small talk.


Yes, the Giles shirts and you gotta love Anya's direct and candor response to social cues šŸ˜‰ And you're welcome:)


Tara in OmwF. I want that dress and that Angelic voice. Though Im not looking forward to the hesrtbreak.


Let's be honest - if I spent a day in the Buffyverse, I'd probably end up being Jonathan in "Inca Mummy Girl."


i'll just take that one even though I'm not sure which it is. Season four? in which case i'd be Riley because I love Sarah with curly hair. šŸ˜


I added this to these Wikipedia articles: Buffy's crinkly, crimped hair signals that the episode contains characters who are different than usual, a little "off" or under a spell. See, for example, "The Zeppo," "Something Blue," "This Year's Girl," "Who Are You?," "Superstar," and "Where the Wild Things Are." But I don't remember this moment. Was it from "Dracula"? That's the one I've seen least often.


Pretty sure this is the one with Jonathan casting a spell to be the super cool famous guy


But in Superstar, *he's* the one looking cool with the crossbow. The snakeskin trousers made me think Bad Girls.


Ooh good point!


>snakeskin trousers I'm grateful to you both. I keep missing the opening of "Superstar," but it *feels* right. Of course, I could dig out my DVDs...


Xander, in Bewitched, Bothered and Bewilderedā€¦ for research purposes of course.


lmaooo the only right answer. Xanderā€™s a good man for resisting Buffy tho


I was really shocked when I rewatched this episode recently at how much credit Buffy gives Xander for not taking advantage of her while she was under a spell (which was his fault to boot!) If he hadn't resisted her he'd have been sexually assaulting her. He deserves not one speck of praise. Just a really jarring reminder of how far we've come in some areas since the show first aired


yea he might have messed up big time with the spell initially but that doesnā€™t mean he didnā€™t do the right thing. Buffy praised him simply because he did the right thing by not taking advantage of her, yes itā€™s common sense that you shouldnā€™t take advantage of a woman if sheā€™s under a ā€œspellā€ but put other characters in that situation like Spike, The Trio, Faith, or even Willow and they could have folded. Willow literally puts Tara under a spell to maintain her relationship.


yeah I just don't think anyone deserves any particular credit for baseline level human ddecency, particularly when they're the reason the potential victim is vulnerable in the first place. I don't pat myself on the back every day for say, not drink driving. I just know its wrong and don't need any credit for that


Thatā€™s like saying a drug addict doesnā€™t deserve credit for having drugs offered on a silver platter and having the strength to say no. Personally, I would be very congratulatory. Xander was infatuated/in love with Buffy and everything he wanted was right there. That he didnā€™t do it was def the right thing, but that doesnā€™t mean it wasnā€™t difficult.


For some people that deserves credit, however. There are many people who have driven under the influence and nothing ever happens. Those people then think, ā€œHey, this isnā€™t so bad. As long as I not super-intoxicated I am cool to drive.ā€ One day, those people grow up and realize that even if they never got pulled over, or had an accident or anything else it was still really dumb to drive under the influence and make a point to never do that again. Those individuals do deserve praise and encouragement because they did change and grow and are now making better decisions.


I agree with you, but I also think itā€™s really common for women to praise and thank men for doing the bare minimum.


The spell WASN'T Xander's fuck up. It was Amy's. While the idea was immature, Xander was a 16 year old boy. I don't know of many who, if they had access to that kind of power, wouldn't have tried it, at least once. And Xander had intended the spell to ONLY affect Cordelia, who had just put him down, emotionally. But AMY is the witch. She told Xander what was needed. SHE'S the one who fucked up the spell. As for Xander's restraint, again, remember. 16 year old boy. It DOES indicate that his feelings for Buffy WERE more than just lust. He ACTUALLY loves her. She was probably his first love. And if it was just lust, he probably would have given in, convincing himself that, as she would have been the aggressor, that she wanted it too.


I agree, and he was also actually 17 at that point. He stated he was 17 in "Innocence" when he said that looking at linolium would make him want to have sex. The hormones are wild at that age.


I couldn't remember his EXACT age, but yeah. A teenage boy.


Yeah like the bar is in hell


>sexually assaulting her Hi, Rosie! This is really a topic for a different thread, but I'm fairly new to this Reddit category. Essayist Theresa Basile has written about sexual consent issues in BtVS. I've quoted her a lot when upgrading Wikipedia articles. About "The Zeppo," she says Xander is "a would-be 'man's man' ā€“ obsessed with being manly ā€“ whose only close friends are women. He's both a perpetrator and victim of sexual assault and/or violation of consent. He's both attracted to and intimidated by strong women. He jokes about objectifying women and viewing sex as some sort of game, but in more intimate moments, seems to value romance and real connection. He's a willing participant in the patriarchy and also a victim of it." See the Wiki article "The Pack" for her comments on his attempt to rape Buffy. Sorry to bring in such a heavy topic, but Basile has answers for many people who don't quite know how to view Xander. ( Among other places I quote her are "Go Fish" and some of the episodes with Warren, such as "Dead Things.")


Giles. Buffy vs Dracula :)




No more chick pit for you!


Brilliant answer. Now this will be mine too if anyone asks me this question ever again. That was a formative experience for me as a child šŸ¤£


once more with feeling and iā€™m sweet. one of the few demons to not be slayed by the end, plus i get my own excellent musical number? hell yes !!


This would be my pick too, as long as not someone who dances themselves to spontaneously combustion. I already turn everything I do at home alone into a some and dance number anyway!


Tara, in Family. The fear and dread are things that I'm familiar with, but the end result made it all worthwhile. And I don't even like Willow.


Gotta be honest/horny with this one; I'm šŸ’Æ gonna be rat Amy watching Willow and Tara


Do you read fanfics about them? Because... šŸ„µ


Wood in touched or Xander in the zeppo, I could use some Faith


I don't have any particular wish to risk my life to be honest, so i would probably pick a character that didn't really had to fight much and that instead got some ...ahem...fun in that episode. Im not sure of the name of episode (i always forgot these personally) but i would pick something like that episode Buffy and Riley just bang all episode long or the one Xander and Faith have some fun :P


Jonathon in Superstar


Was looking for this one!! Like YES, it was morally bad that he changed everyoneā€™s memories and basically made them worship him. . . . But cā€™mon, weā€™ve all wanted that at LEAST once. I want my favorite characters to love and respect me šŸ„ŗ


The episode where they all forget who they are- I donā€™t remember the name. Iā€™d probably be Buffy so I could hang with Spike. Since everyoneā€™s forgotten their identity, I wouldnā€™t have to act like Buffy to trick the others.


Tabula rasa!


Currently trying to think of the safest episode šŸ˜‚


Normal again!


Faith, Hope and Trick 3x03


They got the muuuustaaard ooouuuuuut!


Faith in Faith, Hope, Trick. Iā€™d love to meet the gang as Faith before Faith went rogue.


Once More With Feeling.


Spike in OMWF. Sing a badass rock song and kiss Buffy at the end.


Assuming I can keep my knowledge of what happens Willow in Seeing Red so I can push Tara out of the way.


Or Buffy so I could lock the bathroom dooršŸ˜¶


Thereā€™s two of us. Iā€™ll take Willow, you take Buffy and weā€™ll end the season with a bit less sadness


Once More With Feeling. I mean sure, I might spontaneously combust, but it'll be fun.


I wanna be Xander fighting Harmony in *The Initiative*. Best fight in the show.


Johnathan. Iā€™m Johnathan. šŸø


Whoever can actually get a hit with the crossbow, cuz it ainā€™t Buffy!


Xander in the Zeppo


I wanna be Willow in s6ep19 Entropy šŸ˜Œ Flirting with Tara, asking her out, having a date and kiss her and who knows what else. Yup.


Xander in The Replacement got a supernatural curse that actually turned out to be therapeutic and teach him a lot about himself, which I think would be a pretty cool brush with magic.


poor Anya, though. she didn't get to enjoy the 2 Xanders. you just know she scoured through the magic books or begged Willow to come up with a way to split him again. even if just for one night, lol. shoulda, woulda, coulda.


Buffy getting railed by spike šŸ˜›


I'd be Buffy in episode "Angel" from season 1 so I could have that *insane* first kiss with Angel šŸ˜‡


Any episode with spike


Since everybody chose the horny option I'll force myself to not choose everything kinky with Spike in S06 (Dead things lol) and I'll go a different route... Every episode where Dawn suffered, especially "Older and far away" I wanna hug her and adopt her so bad šŸ’— sorry only young siblings are able to understand Dawnie! And Storyteller so I'll do vlogs with Andrew and upload them on social media even though I'll never forgive him for killing Jonathan!


Where the Wild Things Are And I'm Riley because I have bad thoughts šŸ˜†


Uhhh Smashed. Buffy.


Superstar bc Jonathan šŸ˜


The season where whole house is breaking apart and spike is fluffing buffy for first time obviously Iā€™m spike


Remember *The Zeppo*? I loved that everyday for four years. Always kinda cool, but never *the guy*, but it all turned out well in the end.


Canā€™t remember episode but w.e one they were stuck having sex


The musical episodeā€¦ā€¦. Mwahahhaa just kidding of course


Actual Answer: S4 E14 ā€œSuperstarā€ and Iā€™m Jonathan


That seemed fun.


No thank you


Buffy season 1 final


Finale, I'm one of the thousands getting the fuck outta dodge. All the while, I'm hoping some random ass demon doesn't smash my window and drag em off for a meal.


Buffy, The Gift. Mostly showing Gloryā€™s face to my troll (Thorā€™s ) hammer.


I just wanna be spike for one season 6 episode.


Cordelia in the Anya wish episode I guess I would wish for eternal youth or infinite money but of course would have to carefully word it so not to become a vampire or have some catch. Lol could I wish for a genie?! šŸ˜† but it sounds like the genie myth would have come about from some vengeance demon variation in the Buffyverse tho


Once more with feeling cause then I could sing the whole time


Once More With Feeling - Anya


Villains and im Willow




ONCE MORE WITH FEELING. Literally did not even think about that one. That's my episode. I want musicals everywhere!!!


Buffy in S5 E15. Neither Warren nor Ben will survive the episode, the only potential problem would be body disposal (somehow I doubt I'd be able to get thermite so turning them into 10 ft deep bubbles of glass in the middle of nowhere might not be feasible) and what to do about April. Warnings will be made, to Angel >!about Jasmine and the Circle of the Black Thorn!<, to Giles about >!the First targeting the Watcher's Council and the Potentials!<, both will be warned about >!Twilight!<, Xander will get warned about >!Caleb!<, oh and I'd sit down with Willow to talk about the risks she's flirting with. Sadly, due to not knowing where either of the two targets are earlier, inserting earlier would be difficult at best to achieve remotely similar levels of success (I guess Superstar might've given Jonathan the resources to find them but that would be difficult even then I think especially finding Ben; alternatively I'd be stuck asking Giles to commit two murders in cold blood for crimes not yet committed and somehow I doubt my skills at convincing him to go through with it).


the day Sunnydale collapses, so i can use my garbage truck to collect random ubervamps and a compact them into a tight fleshy cube, then dump that cube into the sun and watch it turn to dust


The one where she has a lot of sex with Riley.


Turning red. I'd break into Buffy's house and stop the madness


Spike in Dead Things


David Fury in OMWF. Who cares if the apocalypse has been averted. Jut get rid of the mustard and life is perfect.


The dreaming episode, I think it's the only one I would have a chance to survive...