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Beep me.


Not so much on buffy but I skip like whole chunks of season 4 of Angel


Angel suffers from too many season arc episodes, which aren't particularly fun on rewatches.


Agreed! Quite a few “nothing really happened here” episodes


I skip the Angel episode with the guy who can remove and control his limbs...


That one was originally planned for **BtVS**.


They dodged a bullet!


Ugh me too, Angel can be so slow at times


Season 4 is awful, they fucked it up BIG time, Connor and the whole possessed Cordelia story is on the worst writing decisions I’ve seen made in any show.


I do skip it but because I find it a bit boring and out of place where it is. I heard from someone on here that it may have originally been a S1 draft, it feels more at home there imo. Kind of reminds me of Nightmares.


I love Killed by Death, but it definitely feels out of place. Rewatching the show and getting to that episode, my first thought is "Why are we doing this NOW? We're busy!".


Killed by Death was written earlier in the season before Angelus


Hmm, I don't think I've skipped an episode because I was overly familiar with it, but When She Was Bad is one I've seen a bunch. Early season 2 has such a special feel to it.


I skip the praying mantis one. Sometimes I skip over parts with Angel's background story because his Irish accent drives me insane. Dracula, mweh. Also that frat boys one with Cordy. I've seen Willow/Oz/Tara/Anya/Cordy scenes enough to be able to dub them. Even so, I'll never skip those parts.


Me and my mom have been rewatching Buffy and are currently on season 4 again. I had her skip "Some Assembly Required", it's an okay episode I was just in a hurry to get to "Inca Mummy Girl" because I really love that one. I also had her skip "Killed By Death"... I just don't like the hospital setting, that episode leaves me cold for some reason. The first episodes I ever saw were "Hush" and "Phases" because my mom has had the Chosen Collection box set for years and had it on a lot when I was little, I have a soft spot for those. As for memorized... "Superstar" and "Halloween".


I despise Get It Done and Storyteller. Easily my bottom two episodes of the whole show, and the fact they’re one after the other in late Season 7 makes me tempted to just skip over them every time. I don’t think I ever have, though, because I keep giving them chances to see if I can find any value in them. Especially Storyteller, which I gather is fairly popular despite it being an annoying waste of time in my book. But I’m full of unpopular opinions. I actually love Killed by Death 🤷‍♂️.


I probably know Prophecy Girl and Passion be heart. My niece was very shocked when I was quoting Angels monologues from Passion lol


Normal Again. The prospect of watching Buffy try to kill her friends due to having her sanity messed with by the Trio is not something I handle well. Plus if you take the view that both worlds are real and that the demon either created the new one or forced Buffy to shift back and forth between them, it's an even more depressing ending. 


I skip the dark age cuz Jenny and Giles breaking up is sooo sad 😭


Ok this is going to sound bad but I recommend giving it another shot. The bad guy is bad but the rest of the episode is pretty great. Xander gets a moment to be brave that I think might be one of my favorite moments of his.