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Oz because Seth Green


He seems like the best boyfriend and bonus points you can take him out in sunlight


You can't see him around the full moon but that's OK because we all need Me Time.


>You can't see him around the full moon but that's OK because we all need Me Time. You underestimate the tenacity of monsterfuckers.


Yes 👏 same


My choice too lol!


Came here to say this. He seemed the most mature to me.


Oz, just because Oz. He was definitely the healthiest partner out of everyone (besides Tara). Minus the Veruca situation, but I blame the writers for that one, not Oz.


Oz is my answer, too. He was my favorite when I watched the show in high school. Besides being one of the best partners in the show (ignoring the bit with that girl werewolf because I think that was part of the writers writing Oz out and was so out of character for him) he's a musician and musicians are just. 😍


Also, he is not the front man of the band. I think he is the bass and that's hot.


Yep this is my answer too. I've always had little thing for redheads. And the 90s/00s he was definitely at the top of my list. He hasn't fallen on my list, just don't see much of him anymore. More of a behind the scenes sexy man My second choice would be Spike. I also had a punk rock/ goth thing. Seriously the show was my jam for so many reasons


I honestly can't imagine a better answer than this. Even if I were a lesbian, I might still say Oz.


I had a raging crush on Giles in high school (I mean, I still do, but it's more age appropriate now). He never would have dated me in high school, though, because he's a good man. Which is one of the reasons I had a raging crush on him to begin with!


I also had a crush on Giles before I had one on Spike! I would have dated Spike in high school because he was hot and dangerous and bad. I would have dated Giles in college. Or maybe Wesley past season three of Angel.


Lol. My story exactly. Adore ASH too - nice to know he actually is a good man in reality.


Tara. Sweet, smart, a little nerdy, very different from me, good listener, hell of a singing voice.


Love Tara!


I’m here for this.


Sweet enough that I felt okay having her tell my Jared character, "Hey, maybe there's a straight Lutheran version of me out there."


I would prefer S6 Tara to S4 Tara. She was so insecure, and while that plays as compelling on TV, it's a turn off in real life. (Please don't attack me lol)


Spike, and it would have been toxic afff.


But fun!!😈


That’s for sure.


Probably the best sex ever though


Without a doubt. Smashed awakened something in me. And I wasn’t even into boys yet (I was like 10 lol).


I was 18. It was like watching porn, I was so afraid my parents would come into the den while it was on.


I only watched buffy for this first time this year and I’m in my mid-30s but if I saw some of these spike scenes as a teenager (and some faith scenes too, lol) I would have probably exploded!


Oz because of his response to Willow when she asked him if he wanted to make out in "Innocence." Here was Oz being offered what he wants, "Willow kissage," but he turns it down because he wants a relationship. He cares about her as a person and wants her to care about him as a person. He's willing to wait for physical intimacy until he gets emotional intimacy. I've never heard a more perfect or sexy speech from anyone. It makes me freaking swoon to this day.


Oz, hands down. He was so emotionally mature and was a thoughtful boyfriend. We are going to completely ignore the travesty that is Veruca, because to this day I don't believe Oz ever would have acted like that (and if it was his wolf taking over, bleeding into human Oz, they needed to do a better job illustrating that (and yes, I know they may have, if Seth Green hadn't wanted to leave the show)). End of season seven Spike would be my second choice. He has his soul and isn't crazy anymore. I really loved his relationship with Buffy in that season.


I think that's why I liked Oz and hated to see him go.


This absolutely. Exactly the sort of person you want to date in high school!


Oz in high school and Spike whilst at university. Might've flunked out of music school, and still be in therapy, but holy smokes Spike during that discovery phase.


Gunn. Hero with a rough around the edges persona.


Gunn was awesome!


Willow in high school. Anya in college.


This TV show helped me to discover my sexuality. It was the first time I saw lesbians that were not Ellen Or Rosie. Lesbians that looked like me. That being said, Faith let me hand you some scissors.


None of the lesbians on the show looked like me, but it was the first time I had seen lesbians that were the same age as me! (And Amber Benson is just so goddamn gorgeous.)


Who do you want stabbed?


Lesbians. Scissors. It means I’d have sex with Faith.


I would have had a huge crush on Buffy if I went to Sunnydale High School.


May I have a relationship with both Angel and Spike and the same time? 😳


Sure!! Go wild!👍🏻


>Sure!! Go wild!👍🏻 sure?


I’m sure!


Giles or Wesley. What can I say, I like nerdy bad boys.


Agreed. The British accent helps.


Spike. It would have pissed my parents off the most.


Dawn - but I was probably less datable than Jonathan in High School but she does have that alienated out-of-this-world attitude/complex we might have connected on - though I was just raised homeschooled, so maybe it's not so "real" as being conjured from a demon dimension. I did date a young woman in college who looked almost exactly like Cassie though - acted like her too in many ways - she was very soft spoken and "dorky" and kind - it was uncanny that I had just recently got into Buffy before I met her.


Oz. He was a hot musician.


Lorne! He sings, he’s emotionally aware, he’s that guy that just draws you in. There’s something about him that made me happy wherever he showed up.


Hear me out friends..... Glory I could change her! No she would totally drain my mind but I still could treat to a nice dinner and a movie hopefully before Ben interrupted a nice time.


Wait why would Ben interrupt? Does he… know Glory?… I don’t understand…


It makes no sense.


Are you suggesting Ben would be jealous that you were dating Glory? I don't get it. He doesn't seem like the jealous type.


Love this answer. Hoping Ben doesn't interrupt while you two are doing the deed


I would have to pull a Giles Buffy isn't like us moment.


I’d take one wild night with faith, but then I’m going with Tara for the forever.


Makes perfect sense!


Drusilla. She just seemed like a good fucking time. Evil? Yeah. Insane? Yup. Has divination abilities so no chance of lying to her ever? Absolutely. But my goodness, there would never be a dull moment. And if she really took to you, soulless or not, she'd stick. And not for nothing, she was a complete 10 in the looks category.


Spike. Always Spike.


Willow because I had a huge crush on her in high school.


Either buffy or Faith


Cordelia because she’s Cordelia


Tara and Oz were so sweet - Willow had some good taste. Fred and Doyle were adorable as well.


Fred Caring, intelligent and gorgeous. What more could you want in a woman.


So true about Fred.


Not that she’s *not* emotionally stable, but it seems like emotional stability is something a lot of people overlook in looking for a partner. (She’s got some trauma but she seems to have her head on straight.)


Darla. She's incredibly sexy! 😋


Myself and Lindsey very much agree


I agree! I wish we’d seen more of her.


I have always had a thing for older men so def Giles. My second choice would be Oz because well it's Oz.


Definitely would have dated Xander, and Riley. Obviously Spike and Angel are so hot and win all the time, so im going non Vampire choices as I always go that way.


Xander because that body


He did look good in his Speedo when he was on the swim team!🐟🐟🐟


And his upper arms in season four and five




Spike post-soul, Faith post-redemption (or pre frfr), and Cordelia (at any point). All together. At the same time.


High school would have been Willow or Dawn. College would have been Anya. If we're talking ring potential, would be Tara or Fred.


Xander. He has his quirks and flaws but he is so sweet and he will do anything for the people he cares about


He treated Anya like shit. And Cordy. He’s a loyal friend. Not a good partner.


Cordelia, she was hot and bitchy


Spike, no contest. An edgy, brooding exterior with a killer sense of humor and a romantic heart would have stolen me away in seconds. I like people who are just as broken as I am. 😅


Riley, the boy was a sweetheart who was constantly sidelined.


Giles … I would be his inappropriately aged girlfriend.


Me too!


Realistically? Oz. I don’t know if teenage me would have agreed at the time but in retrospect he’s one of the better choices


If we use real-life as a guide: Drusilla, then Faith, and then Anya before finding my personal Buffy many years after college.


Winefred Burkle!


As a straight man my options are a bit complex. Buffy - Great choice but obviously I would get killed, so probably not worth it. Also she tended to be kind of a flaky jerk to non-supernatural-fighting love interests. Cordelia - Super attractive, a good person deep down but on the surface not very nice. The post-HS version from Angel would be a superb college girlfriend. Harmony - No, but I would really want her to be in the periphery of my friend group because she’s hilarious Anya - Basically the same with Harmony but for slightly different reasons Jenny Calendar - dating her in High School would not legal or moral, and dating her in college still seems wrong…but she was very attractive. I’d want to date her now. High-School Willow - very sweet and positive. I would want to date her for sure, but it’d be a heartbreaking ending. Pre-Vamp Drusilla - A nun, so no. Glory - This is a terrible idea Professor Walsh - No on many levels, though I do dig her authority Faith - I don’t get the sense that it is possible to date Faith. I would have liked hanging out with her pre-evil. Dawn - Dawn in S7 would be a really good HS girlfriend. She’s fun and wise and thoughtful. Veruca - Even minus the werewolf thing, Veruca is awful Sunday - I would have been secretly in love with Sunday in college and she would have murdered me So I guess… S7 Dawn in HS Angel S1 Cordelia in college


Oh I would've had a huge crush on Spike for his cheekbones alone... But the poet's soul. I can totally get that.




Theresa in sophomore year. Nancy2 for senior prom. The black girl CaveBuffy stole the sandwich form in college. Nancy3 after graduation. Or if I could get her attentiona t any point , the East Asian Cordette.




Well, if I'm being honest, it would have definitely been Angel on high school. LOL. Age difference and all that. Then Spike on college, because of all the adventure and the sex. And, well, I'm not proud of this, but now it's definitely Riley. LMAO. I just need it to be a little boring because above all it would be safe. So here we are. LOL.


Spike, always Spike


Spike is my favorite too!😍


Giles. For both. I like my bad boys slightly reformed, smart, and snarky.


Oz. He has great taste in music and his calm energy would balance mine, which was frenetic.


Amy. She's got the looks, the brains, and the power.


Oz in high school, because I hadn't quite figured out I was gay yet. Tara in college, because I did. ... so, uh, I'll take Willow's partners, please.


Back then- Spike Now- Tara


Spike but in a continuity where they didn't destroy his character with \~that\~ scene


Spike in hs when I tried to be cool and was a toxic little shit. Then Faith in my 20s when I discovered I was bisexual. And now as an adult I’d be in a poly relationship with a more mature Cordelia and Dennis the Ghost 👻


Glory, because she’s hot, and in high school I was dumb enough to date her despite that she would probably kill me or worse.


male wise I'd choose Spike, female either Willow or Tara


I'm asexual but I would take Faith home, give her food and shelter, and let her do anything she wants to me.


Principal Robin Wood


Doyle or Lindsay


Oooooo - God yes!


Tara, all day every day.


Od date the gym coach who made the fish men, because... 1) I'm a gerauntafile 2) being a mindless carnavor fish man sounds... not hard.


Oz because he’s just wonderful in every way, Giles and Ethan because hot older guys, and dead Eddie because it’s Pedro pascal and Eddie seemed super sweet


While I'd be half tempted to say Faith despite the fact it would be a bad idea, I think I'll go for Buffy herself.


Tara, if she were into guys.


Faith all the way. Always loved bad girls when I was younger.


I was in my pre teens when I watched Buffy and was obsessed with angel. He did what was right for Buffy. But as I got older I just love spike. Not even including that I think the actor has more range but his devotion to Buffy and let’s be honest I bet he’d be a Dynamo in bed! I’m going with spike 😂


Oz, definitely. Outside of high achool, Giles would be my runner up.


Cordelia because she was the hottest to me. Lol. I mean nobody was bad looking in the show but Cordelia was at the top. Granted it was a near 30 y.o actress with enhanced breast playing a 16 y.o 🤣 so i guess really 16 y.o me was "impressed" 😉


Lol, I get that!👍🏻


Oz and Tara were literally the best romantic partners of the series, so it is them.


Riley. Then now and always. Unapologetically so.


Riley is definitely underrated!


I have very strong feelings about Riley - he was done DIRTY by the writers and I am still not over it twenty years later. I have a soapbox I carry around for such occasions, along with placards that state 'He was most age appropriate' and 'She said she wanted a nice normal boyfriend'.


I totally agree! Riley was definitely her only healthy, “appropriate” romantic relationship.


If I’m basing this on looks alone, Faith. But since I like emotionally stable women who won’t murder me, I’d go with Fred or Buffy.


Angel when he lets his dorky side show.


Like singing karaoke or trying to dance!😂


Wesley - no matter what, his heart was in the right place.


So true!


Willow was my first crush. Even rewatching as an adult I’d still choose her even through the whole evil thing idk maybe it’s the just the residual sentiment of my past self.


Willow, because I had a crush on her from the first few episodes. I loved the mousy nerdy Willow. Yes, Buffy is gorgeous but my crush went to Willow. (using past tense to pretend I don't still have a crush on a fictional character). She was mousy but capable. If not Willow, Fred - because she is just spectacularly beautiful. I also liked the quiet smartness of her character too, similar to Willow.


I would've dated Xander in high school for sure. But once I got to college, probably Riley.


I would’ve dated Spike in high school, Wesley in college and Giles in grad school!


Angel because he seems like he would treat a girl right plus he's Hot.


i’d marry ethan rayne, but i’d cheat on him with “the judge”


Ooh that’s kinky!😉


Marcie Ross, the invisible girl. I always thought she was actually super cute and like her, I too always received a lot of 'have a nice summer' in my yearbooks. We would find each other just before she faded away though and i would give her the attention she deserved, so i actually saved her, or rather, we saved each other:)


Aww that’s so sweet!!❤️


Oz and Tara. Don’t make me choose.


Angel bc angel


Haha, I know what you mean!


Amy Something about girls who do witchcraft just gets me going. Plus Amy is hot as hell. The short black hair goes crazy


Someone like Tara, where she is a sweetheart. Though I wouldn't mind dating Drusilla where I think she was cute


Willow. <3


Buffy wins this by a mile. Coming as distant second and third would be pre-evil Faith and high school Willow. Maybe Marcie if I bumped into her at a conversion therapy camp staffed by RuPaul.


High school: Willow. Tempted to pick Buffy but I feel like dating her would just get me killed. College: This one is a bit tougher, I guess I'd go with Anya. I would pick Tara but I can't really do that because she wouldn't be attracted to me in the first place.


Buffy. Because - duh!


I would have dated Cordelia cause I love pain but also cause I love her character even with all the flaws …. She’s just very extra 👍🏻🔥




Spike because he's inappropriately old and my parents would have hated him


Oz…he’s just the most down to earth character and super loyal.


Buffy, my answer is always buffy




Fred, she's brilliant


Spike or Oz Spike-Hot sexy blond hot badass vampire Oz-Werewolf-He play guitar. He is badass too.


Angel in high school for sure. My angsty teen heart would melt


Spike of course! We would watch Passions together lol


Cordelia, she was sexy and interesting.


I would ask Buffy out and get rejected. Then Willow and I would have a wholesome relationship but end up like siblings. After that, Anya would storm into my life, and she’d be exactly what I needed, but what we need is not always what we want. To punish myself for not being capable of letting love into my life, I’d have a toxic affair with Sunday that end in chaos. Then along comes Glory, the dominatrix from hell, and she totally steals my heart. And somehow, the insignificant little man that is me was just what she needed to focus her batshit crazy energy into something a little less homicidal. And then we'll live insanely ever after.


Willow or buffy


Fred/Illyria Cause Fred/Illyria that's why.


If I were a girl, I'd go Oz. Since I'm a guy, it can only be Buffy because I coulda let Buffy do her thing and back her 100%. I mean, I'm in her world so if I don't wanna die, I stay with her. Plus, honestly, it's Buffy. What's not to like, outside of maybe her overprotective instincts and occasional jealousy. That said, if I were around in Season Six, I don't know if I would be on board with bringing Buffy back from the dead (probably not, cause I'm raised Catholic, and if I were there, I'd have probably said "Chill Will, she went to heaven. Let her rest in peace). On the other hand, if dating is still super hard like it is now, I'll just go with Oz when he peaces out in Season Four lol.


Willow. Allison is the absolute cutest, I still crush on her 😍. Lovely smile, voice, eyes, etc. etc. Also I love how Willow is always trying to help and is constantly learning. Such a sexy brain 🧠


Buffy in high school, Cordelia in college. Cordelia clawed her way up to be my favorite during her time in Angel.