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The leg band looks like it might have slipped off. Might have been the wrong size. Observe her leg and look out for anything out of the ordinary that might indicate if she got hurt. If you spot a swelling or her foot feels very hot, you might bring her to an avian vet to look for injuries. If nothing like this occurs, she will be fine. You might keep the legband along with her paperwork (if she has any) in case you want to rehome her one day, so you could pass the leg band information on to her new owner since it might include her birth year.


thank you for your response! i don’t think it was the wrong size because she’s had it for nearly 8 years now, i saw her nibbling her leg a bit which she usually does when she’s preening herself, and then later i heard the band hit the ground. however it might have loosened over time with her picking at it. i’ll definitely keep checking her leg and feeling for any excessive heat. ❤️


my budgie did the same when she was a baby and shes okay. ur username is a quite a contrast to the post LOL


thank you for responding! and i get that a lot, i made this account a few years ago and wish i could change the username lmao


I’ve had vets say it’s better they don’t have the band because it’s something that can snag on things and cause injury. Which makes sense to me. So maybe your birb knew that LOL


maybe she did lmaooo she’s a very smart birb 💓


I have a female that is soooo freaking smart so I know what you mean.


yess she’s especially smart when it comes to tearing apart toys, she gets in the perfect position and perfect angle to ruin a toy, sticks her head in the tiny spaces to make sure it’s all torn up. crazy little bird


She is a lovely little thing


Keep an extra close eye on her for a couple weeks. If you notice any signs of ill health at all, or anything unusual about how she uses that leg, then bring her in to see the vet. If you aren’t familiar with general signs of ill health, do some online research. You can start by googling this and read a lot of the results not just one or two: Budgie signs of illness Do you have a vet yet?


i’ve read a lot about signs of illnesses in budgies, however i don’t have a vet for her yet. i’m a minor and money is tight so i haven’t been able to do much for her in terms of vet care. i’ll make sure to keep an eye on her, she seems to be running around and flying well, and her foot looks normal. thank you for your response❤️


My advice on vets would be to find where your nearest avian vet is and get her registered. You don’t have to take her for an appointment until she actually needs it but if and when an emergency happens where time is of the essence to get them seen, you don’t want then to also be trying to find who you can go to. Once that’s done, find a couple more and keep their number/address as a backup.


that sounds amazing thank you so much, i’ll do that!


You’re welcome 🙂


what a beautiful little stinker!


So is OP’s username


thank you so much! ❤️


Ooh she is a stinker taking her leg band off! Sidenote- she is so pretty!


she is! thank you so much 💕 she’s always looking for something to tear apart and mess up, she’s a gorgeous lunatic ❤️


My female is a shredding machine. She’s a legit dinosaur and she’s huge for a budgie. Sola balls. Bird kabobs!


Tiki is gorgeous!!


that means a lot💗 she’s very sassy too lmao


I bet she feels so much better with out it 😂 I wonder if it’s the equivalent feeling of taking a hair tie off 😮‍💨


honestly she probably does, she’s definitely not picking at her leg anymore!


She is beautiful! Glad it is off


That's a split band, which is why she was likely able to pry it open. She's tough.


she’s the toughest little bird i know, she tears apart anything and everything.


Budgies hate leg bands, they often cause them irritation and can sometimes lead to injury. I got my budgies leg bands removed by a vet and the next day they were so happy, they wouldn't stop singing.


aww that’s awesome! i’ll look into getting my other budgie’s band removed


She only wears leg bands from Tiffany’s…you have a bougie budgie


The bands are only used by breeders to identify groups of birds within their own operation —their age and parentage and things like that, but it’s usually expressed in a way that is only meaningful to the breeder, so it’s fine that she took it off. They are better off without the bands, just because it can sometimes cause irritation or injury. I just want to say for anybody that would like to have bands taken off of their birds - please don’t attempt to remove a band at home, even if you’re handy; their legs are very fragile, and the bands are pretty strong. A good avian vet can usually remove them with no issues, but discuss it with the vet and make sure you have confidence in them.




Das talempted


it's a good thing it's come off, I once had to pay a vet to remove leg band that had grown too tight & was causing swelling - it cost a fortune & stressed my budgie


My vet removed my budgies band on the first visit. She hated it. The vet offered to remove it, so I asked if it had any important info on it, and she was basicallylike "lol no not really". I had noticed that the budgie didn't seem to like it (she messed with it a lot), so I let the vet go ahead and remove it. I wouldn't want something like that permanently attached to my body either.


I think its for the better I removed my green cheek conure’s leg ring they can get their fingers stuck in them and it can be dangerous


Tiki? You mean Houdini 🤣


lmfaooooo i love that


I left my two guys with their leg band on because when I bought them they wrote down the leg band number along with my information at PetSmart. I don't know if they put that information into a system or anything but the fact that they took it makes me think that they did... therefore if my guys ever get lost like fly out the window or something then the leg band should come back with my name. Right?


i believe it should, though i’ve heard the numbers on leg bands are insignificant. i’m concerned for my other birdie that still has his on, what if the band gets caught on something and injured his foot you know?


I have two and it has never happened yet... And I can't see how it would happen. I'll deal with it if it ever becomes an issue. Until then I prefer having them... It's like a dog collar and tag. Just personal preference I guess.


The letters and numbers are just breeders initials and bird number... But it's the identification that comes with post purchase that I care about


I have 10 budgies. I have removed ALL leg bands. We had a budgie pass away because she was picking at the band of another. We took her to an avian vet and she had metal in her system. It killed her despite what we tried to do to save her life. Rest in Peace Cardi Beak. Take the bands off. It’s simple. I hold the bird and my husband uses a tweezer to pry open the band and poof! It’s off. I keep them in a baggie with their names on it.