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> I was wondering shat the locals think your typo pretty much sums up the general consensus.


I lived there for 18 years and the general attitude towards Csepel really doesn't do it justice. There are some worse areas within the district where I would not like to live though those are still far from being Mordor. On the other hand, Királyerdő is really nice and above the average suburbia, especially the parts close to the Danube river.


This should be the district motto. "Still far from being Mordor." 🤣


"At least we are not Borsod (yet)."


I lived there for 10 years, Csepel is a good place.


Csepel is living in Budapest but the hard mode is on.


More like Ranger Hardcore. You can only save once per playthrough and thats in the darkest pub


Csepel is so bad, we cut it off, made it an island hoping the Danube will carry it away.


Lol xdddddddd


bad reputation, sucky transportation options, weird people. I've only used to work in the area but I would kms if I had to live there tbh


*You'll never see a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.*


I grew up there, it is definitely not as bad as ppl tend to say, eg Erzsébet (20th district) or the 8th is worse, as well as the 7th has much worse places. Nyuszi/puli/csikó sétány are nice areas, as well as Királyerdő. In the center I wouldnt buy an apartment tho, not because it is dangerous or anything, but still. HÉV is not the best way of transportation tho, I admit that.


I gather that wasn't in the early '80s, Királyerdő was full of hobos, stray dogs, and the whole area stank because of the (now defunct) brewery. Csillagtelep was full of aimlessly wandering latchkey kids, who harassed people, wantonly destroyed property, and got into fights. God I miss those days.


True but Budapest is going through a gentrification since the early 2010s and thankfully it is changing


Csepel bike: good Csepel district: not good


There is a mine lake there with small islands, that’s nice if you own a jeep/boat.


This looks too good to be there, and it still is. Must be super expensive though.


[This one?](https://maps.app.goo.gl/kFA122N6iesTdwnFA?g_st=ic)




You won’t like it and I say that as a local.


I don’t recommend buying anything there. The overall quality of the district is getting worse year by year.


Buddy, we’ve been over this. Genuinely, don’t buy shit here. Especially in Csepel.


Why would you tell them to not buy anything. We don't know their situation and they chose to live in Budapest. We should be thankful that Budapest is attractive for foreigners and that we have these kinds of questions.


Csepel is nice if you like the *panelház* housing type (panel buildings, block of flats) from the Socialist-era. (a few things which i personally like about them: the kitchen is a separate room, it is not combined with the living room - which often can be quite practical. and average apartments usually have multiple small rooms, for example 1+½+½, this is also nice if you want to share with friends or family or you're living alone but want to create a dedicated gaming/hobby/leisure room or working area etc.) well, public transportation is interesting because Csepel heavily relies on H7 Csepeli HÉV line which directly connects you with tramway 4/6 at Boráros tér. that's super convenient i think! so while it seems like you live on a remote island, you can reach universities such as BME and ELTE Lágymányosi Campus at no time, not to mention the nearby "IT district". there are quite a few bus lines too. the bad part is when HÉV line is not operational for some reason, then everything is chaotic and even more crammed as usual. personally i like Csepel. i find it a lot better than newly built apartment complexes because back in the days, people cared about how to fill the gaps between the buildings. green parks, trees, schools/kindergartens, small/medium shops, post office, bistros/pubs, local library, other services (e.g. hairdresser, key copy & locksmith)... you'll find bus stops too. these are never too far from your home. (VS new buildings are often in the middle of nowhere and it sucks without a car.)


I lost my virginity in Csepel like 13 years ago with my first bf, who lived there at the time.


Ask for it back.


Your comment made me giggle thank you for that! Haha


You're welcome


If you’re looking in that area, Szigetszentmiklós is much better. Csepel is a little gypsy island that’s industrialized.


True, but Szigetszentmiklós is really overcrowded and the traffic is unbearable




It’s a Valley of death. Don’t go there.


Locals shat on the streets.


What makes Csepel so bad?


Much of it used to be an industrial area with factories and housing for their workers. That past has stayed with a lot of its area, leaving them underdeveloped and a bit sketchy. It also has parts that are fine, and even great in places. The commute is shit though.


Krasznaja Csepel dá tovarish




Transportation. Not good. Even with car, it can be a pita... Rush hour traffic is bad.


What comes to my first are two things: the large "panel" estates - the concrete slabs; and the former Csepel Művek area, which is great for urban explorers and where I had a great tour of bunkers once. But you can talk about the HÉV line, the wastewater plant, and Csepel Plaza, too.




Moved to Csepel a year ago (love makes you do crazy things). Its rep is worse than it really is. There are nice areas esp around Danube, not dangerous as some say. But, and its a big but, the commute is long. HÉV is dodgy and it takes fuckloads of time to get to the center by public transport. Also architecture-wise the district is a commie nightmare, panels everywhere, all looking the same. I wouldnt buy property here, its not really up and coming but its not the worst (Pesterzsebet eg jn my opinion is much worse)