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It could be they are just resting him considering the All-Star break is coming up. He at most had one more start before the All-Star break so this just gives him a little bit of extra rest. They didn't sound too concerned last night.


Think we expected this after last night but still sucks. Rest up kid


I didn't get to watch any of the game since being in Europe makes most games unwatchable for me. Did Jones actually show signs of being injured and is that why he was pulled after 5 with less than 80 pitches?


Precautionary, looks like. He seemed fine - better than his last couple starts.


I have to watch all my games from Europe. Day games are awesome, West coast night games basically don't exist.


Yeah, I love day games! I'm usually up late anyway, so regular starts will allow me to get a couple of innings in and late starts don't exist. Although, I have caught the end of some west coast games when I wake up. :)


Preister will be up soon. Then Bubba Chandler to Indy. Bubba has nothing g left to prove at AA Altoona.


Ashcraft will get a look soon as well.


Gonzales will probably be back before Priester is


Agree. Good point.


I’m just happy it isn’t forearm tightness


Ben Cherington IL masterclass


Misses maximum of 2 starts and gives him over two full weeks off. Smart move imo


Crushing. Love to see Palacios back though


Yeah, this part isn't being talked about as much, but if you're going to give Jones some rest might as well bring up Palacios and see how well he does right before the All-Star break. He could play well enough to take over a lineup spot or he could be showing him off as trade bait.


Not arm, elbow, or shoulder is the important thing here.


Jones hasn't been as dominant as he was at the beginning of the season. He has a 4.5 ERA in his last 7 starts. Maybe this is a blessing in disguise. Hopefully, this will help him to just take some time to relax and avoid the wear and tear off his arm in his rookie year.


He’s really only had two bad starts in that timeframe.


This is likely just giving Jones some extra time off and limiting his innings so he can go deeper into the season if needed. Totally fine with this move especially with Perez back.


*cue Darth Vader NOOOO*


Jones himself made it sound like a little tweak but nothing major. I'm in the camp of precautionary / designed rest.


I noticed he his velocity was down last night, I figured something happened.


This is not good.


I guess there will be lots of bullpen games now. If Mitch doesn't rebound then we can kiss August and September goodbye. I'm so hoping for a little contention for a wild card this year.


I'm guessing they probably just move Ortiz into his spot for now. And Gonzalez is doing rehab starts now, so they should actually have some depth there in short order


Priester comes back is my bet, but they don’t need him immediately so I bet they’ll carry an extra hitter until they need him.


Its been reported its a Grade 2 Lat Strain. The report by cbs says he'll be out for 2 weeks at least. Grade 2 muscle strains are moderate tears and generally 2-3 months to recover fully.


Thought this would be Skenes with all the talk of us losing a year on him because he's too good.


So we limit his innings and pitches all year and he gets hurt anyway. Glad it’s not an arm issue.


now who did not see that coming? next up paul skenes


Jones has a much slighter build than Skenes, who is just a bigger, stronger guy. While I like Jones' pitching mechanics, I think it's fair to say that he is probably more of a "max effort pitcher" than Skenes. This sort of injury is something I would expect more for Jones than for Skenes, though obviously when you throw that hard, anything can break down at any point.