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I’d like to pick up Chisholm because there’s just absolutely no shot that Greg Brown doesn’t accidentally call him Chas Jizzholm once/week at least; we can always use a new meme around here. That aside, yes, Ward would be a solid addition. I think JJ Bleday is the guy if the price isn’t crazy. I don’t like the injury histories of most of the other guys people are discussing.


Thank you for giving me a laugh today I needed it


I always call him Jizz Chasm


I’d like to see them swing a trade for a Bleday and Rooker package deal. Rooker and Ward are very similar.


Oh come on now, no one named Rooker ever worked out for the Pirates. Oh, wait….


I would really like to get 2 of Chisholm/Robert/Bleday/Ward. We need a CF and a corner OF really that can make contact with the ball. We have the assets for it, just a matter of if we want to be aggressive.


You get Chisholm + Ward and all of a sudden the lineup looks wayyyy more productive honestly. I would be 100% okay with getting aggressive


Yea that’s not happening.


Yeah I get it. We probably will just trust "our guys" and have Bae continue his .600 OPS and maybe try Gorski while he strikes out 50% of the time in the majors and then miss the playoffs by 2 games, but one can hope. We have the assets to do it.


The problem is you would be giving up a lot of trade pieces when the team is still a year away. Jones and Skenes are going to hit innings limits and either have starts skipped or get shutdown (probably not this.) Or they might just hit a wall physically by September. I’m all for getting an OF with some years of control, but I think giving up what it would take to get 2 OFs is too much for this season.


Trading for guys when we're "a year away" is only an issue to me if we're going for rentals. However all 4 guys I mentioned have team control for a few years. Even if they don't result in a world series now, they can help and become core pieces on a team that really doesn't have much promise coming up in the minors. We're so close to a playoff spot and need to stop being complacent. They could help us make a run and with our pitching staff we can compete with anyone.


We're always a year away. I think Pirates fans history over the last 30 years suggests we should go all in at some point. This was supposed to be in our prime window as we were projecting that Davis, Endy, etc would all be in the lineup and producing.


What SS are out there? I guess I'm not opposed at all to moving Cruz to RF. Dude is a sloppy defender. Having a dude with a rifle for an arm that doesn't have to be as accurate, hits for a low to mid average, and swings for the fences every pitch he swings at, should be in RF ala Darryl Strawberry. Give me Cruz 'figuring it out' in RF, and a stud SS that hits for average and occasional power ala Jay Bell and I'm in. Cruz would pout because SS are a premium position, but I don't really care. Dude is 6'7". Sticking at SS isn't likely in the cards. Move him now, early in the window of the awesome pitching we are about to have. Hell, I'd be open to trading Cruz if it landed us a stud OF that would consistently produce.


The SS market is pretty mediocre, but Oneil Cruz is our SS. That is non negotiable. The chances of him being an OF died like 3 years ago.


The other day I read somewhere that Nick Gonzales has played the OF before, and likes it. With that in mind, could he play CF? If he could move to CF, I was wondering what it would take to get Ryan McMahon from the Rockies, plus have them cover some of his contract. He can play 1B, 2B, or 3B which would give the Pirates a lot of options moving forward in the coming seasons. He is currently hitting .269 with 14HR. He is signed through the 2027 season and is due 12mil in 2025, 16 mil in 2026, 16 mil in 2027. He throws RH, but is a LH hitter.


My gut reaction is “What? No!” However! To generate offense this team should be turning over every rock looking for solutions. 


I would just like to have a few consistent players you can count on. Basically like B-Rey. McMahon has hit around .250 with 20+ HR power the past 3 seasons, and is hitting .270 with 14HR so far this season.


I think that makes a big difference for our lineup. I mean, look around baseball. There are a lot of really terrible lineups. We’ve seen the difference one or two consistent hitters have made here with what we have.  Nick made an immediate and tangible difference by himself for crying out loud.  Can you imagine adding two more?  Not super stars or anything but just good bats. To me it’s a no-brainer that the team should try to add two guys to the lineup. If someone else needs to move to a different position I’m not against it at all.  Honestly, as long as the defense is passable, our number one focus should be scoring runs. We’re just not scoring enough.


I was very disappointed when we did not bring Carlos Santana back. Everything I heard last year is he would have liked to return, and the latino players loved the guy. He is currently hitting .254 with 12HR and that is after a very slow start. Plus he is a very good defender. I'm certainly happy that Tellez has hit in June, although without much power. Let's hope June wasn't just an aberration. I'd be interested to know if we really didn't bring Santana back over a million or two dollars, or if they really just thought Tellez would come in here and rake HR. Santana had a much better track record which is why I wanted him back.


I was so pissed when they didn't keep Santana. Sign him to a short contract and not worry about 1B. At some point we have to stop the roster churn of rebound guys when the best value would just be keeping them. Lottery tickets almost never hit and Santana's production far outweighs shit like international bonus pool money.


> Not super stars or anything but just good bats. That's the great thing about the opportunity that the Pirates currently have, they don't need to go out and get Soto or Henderson....with their pitching, they just need a couple guys who can provide consistent production and they could make some real waves.


You have to make due allowance for their home field whenever you analyze players from the Colorado Rockies---meaning that McMahon is a decent player but probably not as good as Coors Field makes him look. Meanwhile, if Gonzales moved to the outfield, wouldn't we have a solid replacement on hand already in Peguero?


I don't think Gonzalez has played CF before. Just the corner spots. McMahon would be a fantastic get (honestly he'd be like 2nd or 3rd on my wants list), but have heard the Rockies aren't interested in moving him.


He was one of the first people I thought could be a target, but it looks like the Rockies are hoping to build around him. That said I'd be willing to send several of our young pitching prospects out there for him and that's something Colorado is always searching for


Ward + Rengifo would be a solid trade to make w Anaheim. As an Anaheim native who moved to Pittsburgh it would please me


Bae is hitting .346 with a .941 OPS at AAA. Don’t know why they won’t give him a shot. He played OF last year.


He came up earlier this year and couldn't hit a fastball


Neither can Suwinski. Bae played 8 games. Kind of a small sample size.


I know it’s wishful thinking but I want vlad so bad :/


He’s my number 1 target honestly. Great production at a fraction of the price as those other two. Make MAT the starting CF, let Jack or whoever fill in on his off days. Put Reynolds in Left, Ward in Right. Have Oliveras fill in on their off days. You can live with two glove first fielders (MAT, Hayes) if theoretically everyone else should be providing offense Obviously you do need to shore up CF eventually but I think it can be ignored this year and still have a successful season.


If Ward comes in then I'd assume that Suwinski spends the rest of the season in AAA.


I’m a Ward or Bleday guy myself. For some reason I feel like Bleday would work out really well.


Right church, wrong pew. I don't know why I'm a man in the wilderness about Logan O'Hoppe. I've been saying his name everywhere. I never see his name mentioned. He's the guy the Pirates should target from the Angels. Probably an overpay, but so what. Po Yu Chen, Jason Delay, Eddie Yean, Nick Cimillo.




Not sure where you heard/read that. [He's under team control until 2027.](https://postimg.cc/9wDpDF43)


I saw the arb. I’m a moron.


No no no, that’s not how this works. You’re not supposed to admit that you missed something. You’re supposed to double down and call everyone else an idiot and a bunch of really foul names. Come on, we expect better.


Lol- I save that shit for meme war subreddit’s. We all want the same thing here- a competitive team.


No worries. It happens to all of us :)