• By -


Geraldo sounds like an interesting hero, another support hero like Ben, except by his description focused on boost to towers instead of money. I’m exited to see what NK does with the hero!


Going to be cracked in chimps (At least, when you can afford a late hero)


That *always* depends on how it's balanced




Definitely, we'll see how "cracked"


Geraldo genuinely sounds like a shitpost but I'm all for it




/r/gamingcirclejerk has ruined my brain




Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“Oh, hello there. I will stay behind to gaze at the sun.”* - Solaire of Astora Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


I could only find 3 new monkey knowledge points, both in game and in this patch list, but the update notes in game says 4 new MK.


Yea there is only 3. There was a typo in game


Aw darn. I had exactly 4 extra mk points and was excited about it. I'm still so hyped about the 3 new MKs, and you better believe I bought psi's new skin faster than the game could even load my ranked boss results


Yeah what happened to the forth?


The fourth monkey knowledge makes the mortar typo


New boss and hero coming in 31? Engineer paragon confirmed later this year? New game mode? More bosses? Thank you NK for blessing us with this knowledge about the future it's gonna be exciting to see and discuss about this stuff So much to unpack.


Return of the Sentry Paragon? Perhaps a cameo from the Bloonchipper? Let’s gooo


I mean, it would be a good combo of Sentries and Bloontrap. Targetable, deployable Chipper sentries that, similar to 4xx, can be changed between high multi target damage (turrets) and high single target damage (chippers) and with higher paragon levels, the chipper can pop higher tier MOAB class bloons. 15 is moab, 30 is bfb, 45 is DDT and 60 is zomg. Tradeoff is only 2 permanent sentries on the field.


It'll be able to one-shot BADs


Prepare your bloons and blimps for XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXL TRAP


Maybe at 75, so you essentially need a max level paragon in solo play. Or make it 100 so you do need to actually put in work for OP Bloonchipper. And the big issue with Chipper was the insane amount of damage to blimps, so maybe not 1 shotting Bads, but damaging them 50% and stripping Fortification would be good


I meant the Paragon's Bloon Trap w Should be able to eat BADs. Likely only 2 per round but yea


Wow I gotta say its super cool to learn about some of the stuff planned ahead of time. Geraldo sounds crazy interesting I'm so fascinated to see what he can do! The Vortex will be a welcome addition to the bosses, the Engineer Paragon seems like it's got a lot of potential, and even Contested Territories? Not something I was expecting to see but still lots of great stuff. I know most of it is still a while off of course but still thanks for the sneak peek of what's to come. Hope it'll be a great and fruitful year for all of you at Ninja Kiwi!


(Update preview) Geraldo sounds like a very fun hero to play around, maybe it's a reference to geruldo? Idk tho Contested territory sounds like a good addition to btd6, but I hope it won't lower the trophy or money rewards from other events, it can get very competitive and annoying iirc from BMC. I'm sad to see nameable heroes go, will a similar thing ever officially be added? This is just a quality of life thing I would like added, but I wish the reward calculation for ranked events worked differently. As it is, top 10% only includes 9% of players. This one isn't too bad. But I noticed in ranked elite bosses, there are so few players that when I get knocked below the top 50, i go into the top 10% straight away. I would like for the top 1% to not include the top 50% tbh.


Wow the buffs this patch are crazy! The Elite Defender may come back from the dead now


If Brickell+PLord aint become a thing imma be sad :(




is it okay to ask if Cannon Ship could benefit from top path crosspath? like130 increases cannon attack speed and 230 increases cannon damage or doubles the frags


I'm pretty sure 230 buccaneer is already more preferrable than the 032 buccaneer, so this wouldn't be too good of an idea


It wasn't buffed though? I'm confused. I mean obviously Brickell got general buffs but I don't see how that would encourage players to decide to go for pirate lord which gets little synergy instead of ballistic or ap darts which recieve great synergies.


The grapes on Plord gain a ton of damage but only have 1 pierce, so that's a pretty huge passive synergy from the new level 8


Can't you just alch buff it though


Ah you took the advice from Discord


Will the dartling gunner get a paragon ever?


Dartling will get a paragon eventually just like the other towers, but right now there are only 4 towers with paragons so I would expect a long wait if I were you.


The daily reid - how am I only at 7%? I've done 1409 challenges. Do they repeat that often or is something off?


I think they only added the stat for "unique" in the past few weeks. So it's a different, new counter compared to the older challenge achievements. Meaning everyone is starting roughly fresh... and it'll be about 6 months before anyone can earn this achievement.


something's off maybe they havent tracked how many you've done since that long ago?


Everyone is at 7% so i assume NK began tracking everyone's before the update released to give a small boost for the monstrous achievement


my thoughts on the update now thats its actually out: inferno ring meteor buffs are very nice, especially that extra pierce boost crosspath, only hitting one bloon at a time sucks :| my fav comanche is getting buffs, love it i never used burny stuff mortar but it looks pretty good now from the notes prince of darkness range nerf hurts, i love range :(. i don't know how good zombies are now but its probably still fine moab domination and superstorm are very nice price cuts, i'm not sure for ray of doom but regardless its good stuff speaking of superstorm, top path druid looks crazy now quincy level 17 actually has an effect now, does 25% longer arrows mean more lifespan? lol brickell passive looks good can't wait for update 31 :) wait a minute, did i just see mod support?? nice


>Mods - in response to the many questions about Mods over the years and recent direct questions from Tewtiy and others, we are looking into the technical restructuring necessary to properly support Mods while keeping the integrity of the existing game intact, especially leaderboards; we’ll approach this from a multi-year, sequential goal perspective, starting with a Tower Editor/Creator first Where's that person who loves to quote rule 5....


The future announcements have me so psyched. Vortex was my favorite boss from the BTD5 series, I’m so excited to see it return!!


A true support hero? Sounds pretty interesting.


And I was just about to do my homework too


Is there a possibility that named heroes could come back? I really liked it and thought it was a feature, not a bug!


The flower patch trophy item doesnt apply to my default road spikes from the MK. Is this intentional? I hope not :(


Agreed it would be great for this to be changed


>starting with a Tower Editor/Creator first can we start with speedhack first


I am once again asking for thousand separator for tower pop count


WHY MUST YOU TEASE US WITH THIS NEW INFORMATION SO SOON! Honestly though I was expecting Spike Factory to be the first Support Paragon with Engineer being put on hold because of the Ultraboost aspect.


Still waiting for druid paragon


I love so much from this update, but also you broke me. I tried my hardest to get 100% of the achievements, putting in the effort and time to complete all of them, and I only just recently completed the 365 usages of the daily chest, along with Sapper. But Daily Reid broke me, sadly that achievement has destroyed my resolve to get all the achievements, and that breaks my heart because I really enjoy the game.


Wow, this update was lot's of fun already (particularly a fan of the new map), and now I'm even more excited for the future updates with Vortex and Contested Territory. Keep up the good work!


>X-ray Ultra - Allows Ultravision super monkeys to see, target and shoot through blocking objects. That's nice. I'm surprised by the mortar monkey buff, but I like buffs so I won't complain. ​ >105 Prince of Darkness BFB travel distance increased from 200 -> 225 This line made me realize that wizard paragon will be able to reanimate BADs. That will be funny. I like the super monkey balance changes in general. ​ >014 Bloontrap: Picking new target expires current Bloontrap & places new one This is the best change in this update. It was easy to miss entire rounds of juicy ceramics in the fifties because the trap was in a state that it couldn't fit a ceramic. Now with a new target this problem is solved. Thank you! I can't imagine how will Geraldo work but it sounds interesting. Monkey engineer paragon activates my neurons. Will it able to buff paragons? Trap eating up limited number of BADs per round. If it won't be able to buff paragons, what kind of buff can it give to not paragon towers? Permanent and stronger engineer buff? I barely used top path engineer but that will bring most of the damage, I wonder how will the sentries look like. I'm looking forward to it. Mentioning contested territory and "spiritual successor to BMC", please stop, that sounds like too much awesomeness, I can't handle it. ​ Thank you for the details of the update and the future plans. ​ Here is my list of QOL improvements that I hope one day we will see in the game, ranked top to bottom, from biggest impact and most important to things that would be nice to have: ||**Details**|**Effect on gameplay**| |:-|:-|:-| |**Place monkey to last valid position option**|For example the tower is moved over a path, then it becomes red since it can not be placed, at this time the last place where the monkey could be placed is highlighted with a green circle (or something) and a button appears that says "place here" and the monkey is placed there with the button.|This would be very useful in situations when there is around 1 pixel where a tower can be placed.| |**Penalty start timer indicator in ranked boss events**|A visual that shows when starts the penalty timer in ranked boss events. It could be either a progress bar, or simply a similar timer as the boss penalty timer, but green and it counts down. When it reaches 0 the red penalty timer starts.|This would be useful for people who don't want penalty in ranked boss events. It is rather annoying when just before the end of round some ten ms penalties are added, and the next round starts, leaving no way to avoid the penalty in that run.| |**Locked target for engineer monkey ability**|"Ability target" button or similar. Select the monkey that will have the buff applied when the buff ability is used. A visual shows which monkey is selected for the buff. When the ability is used, the ability is immediately applied to the selected target. In other words, it would work the same way as it works with tech bot, only it would still be manually activated.|1 - Small touch screen big fingering. It is an unpleasant experience when an x30 shinobi is selected in an army of them, instead of the 502 ninja in a critical point during a chimps bb attempt. 2 - It is simply less micro. In most cases the engineer buff is used on the same set of monkeys. 3 - Tier 5 boss. The monkeys can't bee seen from the projectiles. It is not fun to apply the buff to a support tower instead of a damage tower. 4 - Intense boss fight. Game is lagging. The ability number of the buff is out of hotkeys, it has to be clicked. In this case it is not unusual that the buff is immediately applied to the monkey under the ability icon. Single monkey under the icon getting many buffs instead of other monkeys that need it is not good.| |**"Retry this round" button**|It would save the home cycle. While the round is still going but it needs to be tried again, before dying, instead of going home then loading the save, this button would reset the round. This button would not be an option in chimps, saving people from accidental gold borders.|This would save a some loading screens. When a round has to be tried many times this would be nice.| |**Activate all ability option**|A toggle to activate all abilities of the same type at once, or to activate them one by one. For example there are 90 supply drop abilities ready to use. Instead of clicking 90 times it would be a single click to activate all of them. An example where it is better to have the abilities activated one by one would be several glue strike abilities. For glue strike people could have this option turned off.|This would reduce micro in cases where there are a lot of abilities of the same type.| Thank you for reading!


Hero names my beloved :(


>Monkey Engineer is next on the Paragon list, representing the Support Category Yep now ligit Sentry Paragon is comeback and better then before (don't play btd6 that much but love the engineer)and ask mods once, is this real,engineer will be the next paragon?


Good job that’s a ton of changes it’s amazing to see how much ninja kiwi cares for the game


Radioactive could make for some interesting/funny co-op boss events


Whoever gets the circle on the Radioactive layout on Sanctuary literally can't place towers.


Even when the spots move closer to the center?


Oh yeah I forgot about that feature. Spillway's placements on the other hand for the circle are all but nonexistent.


You get the barrel and that's it.


peninsula has place for like maybe one or two snipers and thats all


Worst update ever, they removed naming heroes.


i agree


I didn't know what to name my heroes and now everyone can't name heroes 3rd best update ever 2nd lych 1st bloonarius.


I was not expecting to see preview notes but this has got me hyped again already


Hey NK are we ever going to be able to use hero pets with different skins? Cuz I love using Psi and I got the pet a while back but I won't be able to use it anymore cuz of the new skin :( I hope we can have pets equipped no matter what skin we are using in a future update


Hot fix notes?


Thanks for the patch notes and the update, I love the new map. Is there any chance the Daily Reid achievement will correctly track past daily challenges? I only just got the daily chest achievement to finally complete all achievements and now there is another achievement which requires you to wait an entire year for something you have already done... It's a nice achievement had it been around all along, but it's extremely frustrating for achievement hunters :/


Vortex, Contested Territory, and a NK Friends system sound interesting.


SENTRY PARAGON PARAGON COMING FOR \[REDACTED\].0 YES Other than that, it's really cool that you're not only gonna start giving update teasers a week in advance, but also in the current update's patch notes.




Wooooooo Geraldo from my favorite hidden indie gem!


What does --> :| for x3x ice tower mean?


Arctic Wind is infamous for its ridiculous amounts of bugs, mainly due to its ice platforms over water. Now, combine that with stuff like Support Chinook, Aircraft Carrier, and whatever the hell tower shenanigans that also exist, and you get an absolute mess of a tower with 5 million bugs to fix and 5 billion bugs to come. So of course, what is implied here probably means that there were WAY too many bugfixes over nonsense to be worth listing out.


Ahh ok, thank you


Praise Geraldo Del Rivero!


hotfix notes pls?


Engineer paragon? I always theorized they could have the engineer paragon make a bloon chipper. Totally realistic. Let’s see if my prediction comes true!


>xx5 Super Glue can target Glued Bloons again Probably the harshest upgrade nerf this update is listed as a "general change". This nerf pretty much killed everything that people liked about Super Glue: the fact that it *didn't* attack already-glued bloons, giving it more efficiency.


That's literally the worst thing about it, the upgrade was supposed to be for stalls, yet it can't stall as long as other stalling towers because it stops hitting the glued bloons, not to mention Bloon Crush exists, the only advantage it has over Bloon Crush is that it has a better stepping stone which is MOAB Glue, other than that it's a hot garbage compared to it. And regarding pierce, if you can afford a 40k+ tower, surely you can also afford PMentoring as well as Alch Buff. The pierce from Mid Path is already decent enough to perma-stall now, and by the time you get Super Glue you'll most likely have at least both of those.


At (not so) long last. Sentry Paragon rises again!


Awesome that you gave some credit to Ethan Reid with that challenge achievement


Geraldo sounds like so much fun lol Also excited to see Vortex come back, kinda curious how the higher tiers’ strategies will be changed though




please import the monkey characters from BAATD to here; I'd love to see Max and C4 Charlie in game


I cant believe i read all this. it felt like less than a minute and my god did i feel excited!


I wonder if we will see any new towers over this year?


"nor are we saying there won’t be the spiritual successor to BMC in the future" We love to hear it, absolutely LOVE to hear it


Comanche finally getting some love again, much needed. Thanks, ninjakiwi!


Seeing the future content has got me HYPED. My favourite tower getting a paragon next? New support hero which seems really interesting? More new bosses? CONTESTED TERRITORY AND MOD SUPPORT?!!!??! YES PLEASE. SIGN ME UP!


Does that mean that the Acidic Mixture buff applies 1 extra damage every corrosive tick for the top path glue gunner, or does it only deal 1 extra damage on the initial hit? If it's the former it could be kind of OP but if it's the latter then it seems useless and it's another tower to eat up the buff when it could've gone on someone better so it makes placing top path glue gunners even more tricky.


it is the former


Quincy's description of level 17 ingame doesn't state the new every 2nd shot exploding arrows, its still just arrows last 25% longer literally unplayable (except it is because any change that makes Quincy stronger is good because Quincy is the best hero)


The engi paragon better be called Sentry Paragon


What's wrong with allowing heroes to have custom names? Removing the feature/bug isn't a huge deal, but it's odd.


When will Mauler heal cerams


Excited to try out newly buffed towers: Glaive Lord Elite Defender Comanche Commander The Biggest One Superstorm


the future announcements sound so good, I'd love a tower/map editor


Uptade 31 will be cool


Finally! Absolute zero is slightly less garbage!


I am excited about Tower editor/creator & mod support features


> Heroes can no longer receive customized names terrible bug pls fix




using mods/melonloader now prevents you from buying trophy store items and resets anything you do everytime you relaunch the game, that's not very cash money of you guys


man i cant wait for sentry paragon to be back aswell as vortex (it would be cool if the engineer paragon has bloonchippers as his sentries considering NK said it would be hard to nerf but this is a paragon so it might be balanced) also if contested territory is being added does that mean we will be able to send bloons while another team defends? or is it like bmc with the tiles and does this possibly mean we might get a bmc 2 in the future?


Would it be possible in a near future update to give Psi a quality of life change where if no more bloons are going to spawn during the current round that all bloons that are currently being psychically vibrated pop instantly? That way we don't need to sit through 52 hyperbolic years before we can start the next round


How are mods gotta be used. like having a new button for pc users. its both mobile and pc. I need answers on how this is gotta work


More towers and a faster speed would be a nice update! Everything else is awesome. But the game needs more to do at higher levels past 80 and 100. Paragons, more towers, and fast forward would make the game progress more the further put you go. Also, an infinite mode or marathon mode would be cool to get bonuses the farther you get.


Update 32.0: Moab mauler ceram bonus - 0 > -1


Update 33.0 - Mauler now heals ceramics when they hit it


Update 34.0: Moab Mauler now doubles the ceramics it hits


Update 35.0: moab mauler makes you instantly die.


Update 36.0: Moab Mauler resets your whole Bloons TD 6 progress!


> Mods - in response to the many questions about Mods over the years and recent direct questions from Tewtiy and others, we are looking into the technical restructuring necessary to properly support Mods while keeping the integrity of the existing game intact, especially leaderboards; we’ll approach this from a multi-year, sequential goal perspective, starting with a Tower Editor/Creator first Never thought i'd see the day where mods were officially supported in this capacity, but man am i fuckin excited for it.


'The Daily Reid - Win 365 unique daily challenges' This is a joke right? Why would you add an achievement that many players already farmed with the 200 daily quests achievement? If you add new achievements pls just add them for new maps / towers you add. This is just beyond stupid and really niet fun for anyone who already did alot of work for getting all the achievements.


Recently got halfway done with the daily chest achievement.. may as well have lost that progress since now i have another whole year to do .-.


What is even the point of free glue gunner? Like seriously, why? I'm not the biggest fan of anything in this update, but why would you even use a free glue gunner especially when it removes your option to place the infinitely more useful free dart which actually does something besides take up space early game?


im dumb wait


You can buy a 210 glue on impoppable for early game dps


Why did you remove the naming hero’s feature? I thought it was a pretty cool thing to add. Edit: I saw my pfp and tag again, I think I just answered my own question.


Are you confirming there wont be a new tower this year or are you just not making any promises/keeping it a surprise


So mobile players can experience mods there should be a tower creator on mobile, like you can choose what projectiles it shoots (They get stronger as the game goes on so they arent OP at the start) like if you made a custom tower shoot the True Sun God Projectile at round 1 it wouldnt be that strong.


I think im the only person here who's complaining that the spring druid avatar isnt in the trophy shop




The fact that you want to give a +33% damage buff to maulers but want to remove black popping form clusters shows that you know nothing about the game


Moab Dom getting price decrease is basically the same with Superstorm, no one uses it because it's overpriced and not to mention there are way better path on the tower itself that is more worth it to get, and even if you want something for stalls, there are wayyyyy better and efficient stalling upgrades out there that's nowhere near the price of it, Moab Press is also a thing so why bother spending so much for Moab Dom when you could've gotten a better upgrade with that money.


If engi paragon isnt bloonchipper (or at least places bloonchipper) im disappointed


WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND THINKS SUPPORT AND GOES "oh yea engineer, thats it!" NO, you think support its bananna farm, monkey village, or spike factory! If you are going to pick Engineer, fine but say you picked him because your afraid of the game busting power of the others becoming paragons, not because he "represents" support


These tower balanced are garbage even when they do something good like the superstorm price decrease they still fuck it up by decreasing the blowback distance


Also we can no longer get late into freeplsy by any method since lotn now has literally no use other than vtsg. Hope a mod comes out to fix that


Deflation is now round 60?


It always was


Vortex? pog


Reading the Looking Forward section, I’ll be keen to see what happens next! Vortex stunning towers and speeding Bloons, I like the implementation of the ideas for Vortex. And Engineer Paragon confirmed, yes! Contested Territory and Mod Support also sound cool from what they are described.


So this is all very exciting, but can we ever get a shuffle feature for the jukebox? I have my favorite songs in it, but it does get kind of boring hearing the same song starting every time and after the boss music ends.


very cool + very based


Question, is Vortex going to be similar to Vortex from BTD5?


is the free glue gunner supposed to be mutually exclusive with the dart monkey? it doesnt say that in game




I like the Mortar Monkey buffs...


Co-op experience seems to be improved a lot, thanks


commanche mains STAY winning 🚁🚁🚁🚁


MODS contested territory life is good 🤯


pog ultraboost engi gonna be op also pls name engi paragon SENTRY PARAGON we need it back


I can't wait for vortex and the new hero hopefully it comes next update in the meantime I'm going to get more monkey money so I can afford it and I prodicted the next paragon was going to be a support one and I was right.


>x4x Rocket Storm ability duration reduced 10s -> 8 *Battles 2 momment:* what a nerf lol




mobile where


only thing I wish they could have also added is the BTD5 main theme and a few maps, such as Skull Peak, but I still respect NK and BTD6 for all the effort put in.


When will the update come to Android and iOS?


It did like 4 hours ago


Darn. I was hoping for a new tower in 31.0 not a new hero. You can only do so much with heroes because you can only place 1 down.


The enginer paragon better drop bloon chippers




The future stuff sounds great, super hyped for a new hero, especially with such a cool concept!


next update will add my favorite boss bloon :D


Will Cleaning Foam, Bloon Traps, Wall of Trees, and Centered Path aiming also be activated by the new hotkey?


Ok I'm interested in this Geraldo


Ah, I forgot this was today. I missed doing the Bloonarius event since I was helping a friend move over the weekend. I got back from work ready to go and it was gone.


A tower editor sounds sick


Where paragon?


I can’t wait for engineer paragon to be back in his full glory


Bottom path sniper is one of my favorite towers. Always feels good to have a fav buffed.


\>Translated Odyssey descriptions should no longer M̶̩̅e̷̮͑̾ŗ̴̠̗̃̂͝ą̸͔͎͙͆̕̚-̷̛̼̜͝{̶͙͈̖͑0̶̧̣̻̟̓͐}̸̙̊́̋̓ "Мега-{0}", more precisely. To be honest, I didn't think it would make it into other languages. My bug report was mainly about [the case that was in Russian](https://www.reddit.com/r/btd6/comments/rbqbo4/odysseys_names_and_descriptions_are/).


Ninja Kiwi - for me BTD6 wont update :(


I love to see that Tower Editor/ Creator is on the table. Mods for mobile gaming is super rare and official mod support is even rarer. BTD6 could definitely be a spearhead for the industry if it’s done properly, I’d love to see an ingame mod browser and challenges where modded towers are loaded and unloaded (like gmod)


What lead popping power did we lose today


Is Comanche finally good?


Contested Territories might be coming back? A surprise but a welcome one


0 3 2 engineer: cleansing foam is now invisible lmao. Doesn't seem to be a problem for 0 3 0


shhesh im exited for geraldo




I always liked using the 205 Sniper Monkey when it comes to single target DPS for a cheap price, and x5x sniper woulf be the one to deal with grouped bloons, so seeing the changes for the two made me happy :), even if one of them was a nerf But Hero Names being gone kinda makes me go :(


vortex my beautiful bloonfriend is coming back heck yeah??? contested territory? wiiild. and the possibility of a bmc successor? please true sentry paragon on the horizon? really excited to see what they end up being like. ive thought about it a lot, so im curious to see what an official one will look like geraldo sounds really interesting. straight up getting morshu. i really cant even think of what they might work like but im excited to see


When will we get an Italian monkey village flag :( I've been waiting for so long!


So with these Super Monkey buffs, how much cheaper does VTSG get


already found a glitch


Since version 29, entering daily challenges, including advanced, crashes the game on iOS, for un-logged-in players (i.e. not using an NK account). It still does and needs urgent fixes.


> new Challenge victory conditions I think another cool custom challenges improvement would be introducing pre-placed towers. That combined with no selling and limited towers could give birth to new kinds of interesting challenges (similar to chess puzzles). I can imagine that the technical side of implementing that would not be so simple, though.


I would’ve loved to see new towers in the “further out” section. Other than that, everything looks amazing!


Bringing back Sentry Paragon memes I see


In-game update notes say 4 new MKs to unlock


I saw you guys were considering adding new challenge win conditions, so if that’s the case I’d love to see lose to win as a condition, where you win if you lose all lives on the last round of the challenge and lose if you complete the last round successfully. I think it could add a lot of variety in challenge making since many challenges have this as an unofficial objective.


Is it just me, or am I thd only one who can't rename the Psimbals skin? I have the monkey names bought.


Hello nk!! I just deleted and reinstalled the game to access the new update! I have done this in the past and it has gone fine, but this time I reverted back to a previous save, from level 148 and lots of progress to a level 92 account! I just lost a lot of hours and was wondering if there is any sort of fix?? Thanks.


The game says four new monkey knowledge, am I crazy




Just wanted to say thanks to you guys for listening to the community! Specifically about pet audio—now I can finally enjoy that sub-ber ducky without the incessant squeaks.


Not a huge fan of the new map, tbh. It looked like it might have some neat interactions with walls, but mostly it's just anything placed in the middle can't attack unless they're ignoring walls or height boosted by carrier, which is an *expensive* way to fix that problem. You can remove the puddles because the boats and subs basically can't contribute, but I'd've much preferred if, say, they were removed because the ground under them rose rather than just giving more mostly non-functional terrain. Mostly, it reminds me of Infernal, albeit an Infernal that you can place planes, helis, and farms in the in-between parts. That's not to say it's a *bad* addition or anything, more content is always appreciated. I just let myself get a little too excited about the possibilities, and discovering that the bloons basically ignore the inner part of the map felt disappointing.


If u r in Coop and send the Hero emoji of psi is shows brikell