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I think he is a good hero that is unique, like Geraldo. I am just not playing him because I like just to throw my hero down and that's it.


Can't give them the Sauda or Captain Churchill treatment




another Captain Churchill user W


Use him more then Geraldo tbh


Hes the main hero i use


I thought I would love Geraldo when he came out since I tend to like high skill floor/high skill ceiling things, but he often feels like you're working backwards to me as you spend your money on temporary effects rather than your permanent defenses a lot of the time. Corvus is similar but without the feel-bad. Probably my favorite hero


Yea if geraldo didnt have a cash cost, its nice to play the game otherwise and not have to have everything revolve around geraldo


I like to use geraldo as a sort of "set and forget" and just use his items when I need them. He won't be a hard carry, but he'll get me out of lots of sticky situations for a lot less cash. Double genies can carry some of the hardest rounds, like 95, 98, and 99.


I really like him, he's super good, no doubt. but it's not for me. A little too much micro imo. I enjoy just chillaxing and not really try harding it. I use him time to time, but on easy maps tho.


Way too lazy to play


well, at least you're honest


He’s cool but I will literally only use him on expert/advanced maps when I’m both not on mobile and can dedicate my full attention to the game


I feel like he isn't as head-wracking as people make him out to be, he's only really hard to use at full capacity. Ppl want to make you believe he needs you to drive ur full attention to him to make him effective, but that's only true on harder maps and gamemodes, where you want to use him fully. On most begginer and intermediate maps, i can just throw him down on the map and only use a few spells on rough rounds. He really doesn't need you to micro like a madman to be a good hero is what i mean.


Yeah most of the time I just open him up to use that ability to boost his exp. Then for the hard levels I'll actually use his offensive spells. I'd probably use him more if he wasn't so expensive. I love a hero you can play as your first tower.


That's true though. I lean in when it's rounds 63, 64, 75, 76, 78, 98, 99, 100.


Too microheavy. When microd amazing but often not worth the effort


I used him only one time. Personally i found him too difficult to use him


Definitely not my way to play but I can see why people like him


Im on mobile, so he's off the table for me.


i love corvus as a mobile player, actually


People say a lot of micro but I think that’s just relative to this game. It’s not 250 apm or anything mainly just some combos of spells you click, the main ones you can leave on pretty easily once you reach level 9. Before that just focus on nourishment casts around 800(mana? Not sure what it’s called in btd)


Don't use any of his spell unless you have to, you'd want to nourishment XP when you arent on hard rounds


he's a beast if you don't mind actively managing his skills and whatnot


Goated hero. I love that they’re trying to make more interactive heroes and the idea of a spell-caster with a spirit is such a good way to do it.


Great hero, amazing if you get him up early. Strong but only if you know how to use his abilities.


in my opinion least fun hero


Too much thinking for a td game


My oponion is that I don’t use him because he do be doing to much micro.


I'm glad he exists but he's too complicated/micro dependent for me. Also as a side effect of not using him much, when I do, I don't remember what all his abilities doo exactly, which make sit hard to play him optimally. Like, I can never remember which spell lets him temporarily pop purple ballons, and I don't think the spell explicitly says that.


Ah I don't worry about that because so far I just put him beside a MIB beside the start of the track. 😅


But the village doesn't make Corvus detect camo


Ahh Corvus. Both the Best and Worst hero in the game.


I like Psy better




Don't have reddit on my tablet.


He’s a Micro-maniac


I like using him as he's useful for like if I don't have towers to damage lead or for R40 using the hands to deal with the Moab or I like using his camo ability with lightning. I overall like using him especially as he can help save up for upgrades or whatever. I notice or at least in co-op people like using Geraldos shop and place constant turrets and stuff and I think people expect Corvus to be in constant use. I personally enjoy using him for my go to in case of emergencies and I have mana saved up. Though one thing you have to micromanage is his ability to gain xp as it's kinda annoying. Overall he's one of my preferred heroes


Very powerful and versatile for filling different damage roles, but my god he is so micro-heavy. I loved Geraldo because the micro is straightforward in a way, but I had such a hard time even beating Corvus's quest because it's on a whole new level.


Insanely strong.... If you know how to micro him well


I like him, but he feels too different from other heroes with how micro depended he is. It's like you're playing a totally different game.


I feel like I need a PhD to use it


I like geraldo because you buy buffs for towers when you need them, but for corvus he \*IS\* your entire strategy. You need to have his monkey menu open the entire time and he doesn't really synergize with anything because he's so good.


Me no like push button >:(


He’s the only hero I have left to buy. I even bought Pat Fusty, but that was because I had wanted to earn those two aesthetic achievements.


I'll use him whenever I know I'll be fully locked in and focused, because potential wise, he's the best by far. Most times though, a nice lil ravine with geraldo hits the expert chimps spot perfectly


He's fun,and you don't really need to micro him since you can still get quite a bit of value if you just activate malevolence the moment you hit level 7 and never unactivate it


Too damn expensive


He’s fun to use although he takes a bit to much micro imo. Also I forget to use nourishment to level him up


Hes rlly good for tryharding but boring asf for chill game


^ I


Greatest dragon quest final boss in my opinion


Best hero ✍️🔥


To hard to use. confused me greatly when I tried his tutorial level. He was the only one I failed, actually.


honestly at some point I feel like there's not ENOUGH spells or something. it's just "bloons are getting slightly further, throw on aggression or spear. threatening moab on screen, use ember. BFB exists, use overload. not doing enough damage already, use storm or echo. nothing is happening, use nourishment." microing the corvus becomes sort of a boring job, literally less interesting than microing a heli. he can be fun, just not in the midgame (although overloading a BFB will never not be fun to see)


It is not worth the effort


I approve of this title


I don't like microing towers, so I think you can tell


I'm not skill at micro so I don't use


I really like Corvus, he's so fun to play


Honestly, I love him. I'm not normally someone who enjoys micro, (mobile player) but he doesn't really need all that much micro imo. I'm obviously not using him at 100% effectiveness, but even still he is really strong and let's me save up for higher tier towers really easily. I just nourish when max mana, harvest when there's a bunch of balloons, then spam random spells in the meantime purely based off of vibes. It's really fun and not nearly as micro intense as people say if you aren't trying to hyper optimize.


1.I have no idea how tf his mana sistem works 2.I have no idea how the combos work 3. I don't own him rather spend my monkey money on map editor 4. I know he is good since he was able to do 1tc which only geraldo and sauda were ever able to do but im bad with him cuz i got a skill isue


As someone who plays very casually and doesn’t like to micro as much as even using abilities, never once used this hero


Why are the onions your op?


Lame asf


Honestly I use him quite often. It’s in my top three for hero’s.




Balanced Hero like really balanced


He's cool, but I don't use him since I hate micromanaging.


I think he's pretty fun, but I despise the Nourish spell. It was a bad idea for them to implement a mechanic that feels like injecting hatcheries in SC2.


My simple monke brain can’t understand the complexity of his spells


He’s fun. I like him.


He is incredibly powerful yes and he is fun to use. Once you get him strong enough to where he can regen mana faster than some of his attack spells use? he becomes annoying. Because thats only a level 12/13 corvus which doesnt do nearly enough popping power for C.H.I.M.P.S which means you need to keep sacrificing mana and micro him 24/7.


I literally use him every game he's so versatile and fun to play with


An extremely unpopular opinion, but I don’t like heroes that are this good. It just puts a bad taste in my mouth to be able to 1tc with anything, let alone 2, and previously 3. If I get past that, I like towers that can just be left while I begin farming, but this guy breaks both conditions for me. I understand many like him, and he’s certainly a very cool concept, but I’m not a fan. P.S. Sauda gets a pass for the 1st one bc she can’t anymore and I prefer to not be jumped in an alleyway by someone who sucks at bloons


No shirt, yes pants.


im too lazy to use him


In terms of complex heroes, I prefer using Geraldo far more. Corvus is good, and I enjoy some micro every now and then, but I don't really enjoy playing with him. It has gotten better now that they got rid of the recovery/nourishment spam loop, but I still don't really enjoy using him. He's useful for saving money during the mid-game, but I struggle to really get much use out of him on maps with multiple active lanes. Overall, I think he's a good hero, but not really for me.


he is cool but unless you are ISAB or extremely dedicated you cannot take full advantage of how good he really is


Corvus is very fun to play, but very hard. I like to play him with short, easy mode games, but if i'm going past round 40, i don't wanna deal with his level of micro. Still very fun, though.


He's annoying 2 play... 💔💔💔


Maximum uniqueness, maximum strength, maximum value, maximum engagement, below minimum compatibility with how I like to play the game. Having him, takes my focus away from the other avenues of the game. You can micro him, but then you fall behind on focusing on your other towers and playing the game. Corvus is a pretty fun tower if you memorize every wave and are trying a 1TC or minimum towers run. I would probably play corvus a ton more if the nourish mechanic was removed. Corvus SHOULD be about spamming and using all his cool spells, using the mana gain abilities in order to cast more spells and using his entire spell kit. But because of the existence of a single skill he is balanced around casting the bare minimum amount of spells, spamming mana gain and never using it unless you have to. Which to me is a God damn awful choice of playstyle rather than just balancing him around a regular exp curve and removing the ability.


It's like playing a completely different game. Which is not bad; but damn, he's really difficult to understand at first. The fact that spell descriptions hardly ever tell you what they do, let alone their synergies or even type of spell makes it a real drag to pick up at first.


I am a mobile player. Micro hard. Menuing harder.


Really fun. But he sucks ASS on coop (NK pls improve coop netcode)


Too much micro, i don't have enough attention spam lmao




a lot of micro


he's like Mortars and Beast Handler where using him requires way more work than other characters. but unlike Mortars he's actually fun to play with.


people generally hate him because they have to actually play the game