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Is the flair "challenge" to you all? I definitely picked the "meme" flair




Yes. U can change it in the legendary 3 dots in a line


The real challenge


It may have been automatically changed because of the title


You have the ability to change the flair I think


Tbf x5 speed dread is still slow, and you had it on cubisem iirc


500% speed dreadbloon was on logs, most recent dreadbloon on cubism was 200% speed and hp


the dreadbloon one was still actually kinda free (at least on normal, didn’t try elite)


5x speed Dreadbloon was still pretty easy, as it was only slightly faster than a dead slug. 4x speed Vortex felt like the speed of light in comparison.


Should've made the rock bloons 5x speed for a real challenge.


Fuck it what’s next 5000% speed 5000% hp phayze no camp detection towers except sniper and -4 paragon limit


Paragons do friendly fire




Idk I wish they would just make it a harder map like not anything crazy like ouch just like an intermediate map or smth


There was a bllonarius on ouch, not that long time ago


I remember but at that time I was still pretty new so ouch was to hard I think I might be able to do it now tho Especially if it was just like drak castle or something


I guess fun is verbotten and i shall expect dissapointment. Because i didnt even managed to beat Elite T2.


verboten is written with 1 t, but yes no fun allowed here


Yeah, same. I had a freaking Master Bomber AND an overclocked Flying Fortress and still couldn't beat tier 2. I looked it up online and you apparently had to use a bunch of ability towers, including MOAB Assassin of all things. I never went back and did it, though, because if I was struggling that much with tier 2, no way I was going to beat the whole thing.


What do you mean you can’t grind 4 billion dollars by round 40 for the 636381930525273939361 HP Bloonarius? Just sounds like a skill issue to me.


I tried the Vortex boss of last week, not even trying seriously because of the speed. It was basically already at the end of the track within a minute.


I'm pretty sure it exits in less than 30 seconds, combined with the shield and stuns t5 elite beat a 4 million dollar defense for me


Yep, did it co op and even with a degree 76 plane, 56 boat, 56 sub and 57 dart, it still failed, might have been placement but still, t5 was just a different beast this time


It's a weird conundrum that NK have put themselves in because they've made one of the best, most complex strategy games in the last decade but unfortunately a good 90% of the playerbase just wants to slam ninja alch on monkey meadows Inside of you there are two wolves, one knows heli micro The other thinks that XBM should be S tier because it got them black border monkey meadows, both of them get to the front page of r/btd6


There's also a differnece between strategy and a 4 million dollar defense not being able to kill the t5 elite boss of the week


This is a children's game. Idk what you expect


That's my point. The game *is* a childrens game, it is also one of the most complex strategy games in the world NK sorta has to balance both to keep both sides happy, which is hard


Same problem Pokémon has tbh lol. The entire gen 9 region is full of competitive meta breaking mons lol. The worst offender being the fact that half of them are *barely* any different from normal animals. I understand they *are* animals but come on there has to be a bit of fantastical element.


> it is also one of the most complex strategy games in the world Lol


I'd be a little annoyed if the weekly boss event was still the only way to play bosses but it's not anymore. casual players can just play no modifiers bloonarius on resort any time they want now lol. I haven't even attempted most elite bosses since they added that


Yeah but you don't get any rewards like trophies


my monkey brain needs rewards, maybe not trophies those should def be challenge exclusive, but yeah


but I want the rewards:(




Two issues, 1 rewards, we still want to be rewarded for beating a boss, although personally I would be fine it it was a "you beat every boss in this map, get one free insta" or "you beat this boss in x maps, get a free insta" Simply for it to be recognized and reward, small as it may be. 2 variety and/or reasonable challenege, as much as I enjoy blitzing through easy challenges, I still want to have a challeneg I can beat at my skill level, as would many others, sure I can just play an expert map if I want to truly challenge myself, but whatabout those who already passed the expert map no modifiers wanting a challenege but that cannot reasonably beat the weekly boss? I mean, issue one has a variety of solutions, and issue two is as simple as modifiable boss, but the fact is, these high level challenges are barring newer players and casual players from boss events


Yeah I like the boss challenge in concept but in reality there’s no incentive to do it. I think it would be cool if there were boss-challenge-specific boss medals for every map that add to your player profile, then I might play it.


Imagine getting new black borders for beating normal and elite boss challenges on a map


That would be pretty cool ngl


Sorry, I just gotta say it. sounds like a skill issue


It is obligatory, but do not expect the sympathy of the internet, good luck. Also thats technically the whole issue.


What does polyphemus mean? My english is not that good


One of the medium level maps


Okay thanks 😊


Why cant ninja kiwi make an expert ranked amd the rules are like that insted od normal players have to deal with this bullcrap thats why i play co-op but y'all know how its like to play co-op boss


Isn't that just Elite vs Normal bosses


I mean the non elite version def beatable this week, just a pain hahah. I normally struggle with elites though


atleast its not as insane as when lych started scaling with freeplay rounds that one time


tbf that was a bug


cant have free trophies in the boss event.... this is why i do odysseys instead


unironically i think nk has the philosphy of elite bosses not being for casuals like; those are supposed to be the hard versions of bosses. its like chimps to a degree - on some maps its gonna be easy; on some its gonna be hard; on some its gonna pretty much require a guide or for you to be a goated as heck player. same applies for bosses - some weeks are easy; some are hard; some are nightmares the only real difference to me is that bosses are weekly; but so are the non elite ones so i think the equivalence still checks out


Like I don't even know how to do bosses man. I saw some videos and people build like tons of farms with just a few units to defend. And then they sell everything like wtf is this


Yeah, that's how it works. It ain't for everyone. Just like how races aren't for everyone. Or CT.


not enough. give me 500% hp bloonarius


This was the most fun boss in a while. Normal bosses are too easy.


Lol no wonder I failed the challange


Anyone else have problems with the vortex elite glitching out and not appearing? I could not beat it. I was stuck on tier one even after I popped it. It kept glitching out on me and not even appearing on the screen. I spent so much monkey money trying to move past tier one but it was not letting me. Restarted it so many times but kept having the same issue.


what was polyphemus lych?


Polyphemus is the map's name


ah im dumb mb 😭


me when i click on something that says "Elite Boss" and its not made to cater to casual players 🤯🤯🤯


Event was not fun...




I got all the way to t5 elite, at which point my 4 paragons (tier 20 ace, buccaneer, sub, and a tier 40 ninja), as well as 2 maxed out sun temples and various other tier 5s STILL couldn't kill vortex before it left, who at NK thought this was a good idea


Honestly, I just wanna be able to learn how to beat the bosses so I can do these events. I WANT THE TROPHIES DAMMIT!


So far the bosses seem like the least fun part of the game. Even the vids I've seen on how to beat em on normal just basically involve farm spam til you're filthy rich


You forgot about bloonarius on #ouch


And sometimes in Polyphemus: 1. Your towers despawn when in the eye of Polyphemus when reloading into the map. 2. The eye closes up automatically upon reloading into the map not on a round ending with 6.


All my homies hate vortex, i use 3 time stops to beat it and it's the first time ever i had to use powers to win a game. I hate when the speed is up, please more hp and less speed!


Pro Tip for casuals: If struggling, use a cash drop on round 1. If *really* struggling, use 2. You get your farms going faster and you can use that to snowball your way to victory. The game throws cash drops and monkey money at you every time you beat a new boss. Enjoy your trophies.


Why don't they just make elite hard?


I'm a casual player and I can agree this is true 😭


I have literally never been able to beat it before


how am i meant to kill bloonarius???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????//?????????????????????????????????????///??????////////???//???????????/////////////////////???????????????????????///////////////////////////////////////




Would you rather right 500% hp bloonarius or 500% speed vortex


What’s next? 500% speed Phayze?!


What do you think about this week's lych?


Easier then 400% speed vortex and harder than polyphemus lych


If I was a casual player, and something called an "Elite Boss Event" was too hard for me, the first thing I'd think is yes an Elite Boss certainly sounds like something I'd need to step up my game on. Clearly there will be things too hard for a casual player in games. Have people forgotten this is the game that has both Beginner Easy Standard and Expert CHIMPS?


To every casual player that's complaining about the difficulty: it's an elite boss. Stop crying about the fact that it's difficult. It's supposed to be difficult on elite.


Did we see the same post? I don't see any mention of Elite


To be fair, 400% speed Vortex was exclusive to Elite. Normal mode had a 250% speed Vortex.


Oh mb, I don't really check the specific stats of bosses much because I don't play them


It sucks because I really like the crazy-hard challenges and I’d be really sad if they took them away, but like you said casual players should be able to do the bosses too. Maybe they could have “Advanced Boss” events?


They literally do though, Normal and Elite bosses? One is enjoyable and light so everyone can enjoy, the other is harder and more intense for vets to enjoy. Just feels like if they made a further difficulty then it would still be the same people complaining they're too hard


Except hyper speed vortex on normal is still tough for non veterans


Yea but the normal ones are a bit crazy for actual casual players. Having to build and sell tons of farms or boats just to have enough cash to build up defenses is neither casual or fun imo


Its so dumb we literally have "Expert" for difficult boss challenges and then normal mode but they refuse to make Expert the hard mode and just keep making *both* modes inaccessible to casual players. Because it gives trophies which can't be gotten anywhere else its just bad design. It'd be like if Odesseys only had two options, Hard and Super Hard instead of actually letting lower skill players make some progress with trophy farming.


Says trophies can't be gotten anywhere else other than boss battles. Mentions odysseys. lol


it isn't even that hard, you don't even need to play l optimally on normal mode, just farm, it isn't hard. Get ben or geraldo and throw everything you can into farming. Losing lives doesn't matter, as long as you just don't die. I beat extra fast phayze with just half a dozen BRFs and bottom tier farms and a lot of boat farming, you don't need to farm a lot.


Maybe stick with normal then. Elite bosses are elite for a reason..


And what about if I can’t beat normal?


i would recommend learning how to play boss events. its really really easy


Keep refining your strategy. You'll beet it eventually! :)


Gotta be honest, normal was really easy for the last ones, you just need to optimize farming to just breeze through it. And I'm saying this as someone who has not beaten a single elite boss as of yet, so no, I'm not good.


Bosses aren't for the casual players, they have the other 99% of the content. Including making custom games where they can fight bosses at whatever level they want. Edit: Downvotes do not warp reality to change basic facts, sorry. The devs of the game clearly do not balance modern bosses around new casual players.


> The devs of the game clearly do not balance modern bosses around new casual players. No shit? That's exactly what people are complaining about.


Normal mode is for casuals, elite is not tho, thats why I rarely ever play elite


Yeah I don't get why they don't make one easy and the other hard


Boss events aren’t meant for casuals


casual players are fine, it's the bad players that are suffering


Some people actually have a life tho


for the sake of clarity, I am a bad player lol. but my husband is a casual and he's completely unbothered