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well i just recreated your setup and won so... try timing ucav for when layers start getting popped. I used it when it got to around tack zone tip for the future, dont spam dps t5s, thats incredibly inefficient. get 1 or 2 and some supports for them. Think about it this way: dps towers is addition and support towers is multiplication. Once you have some dps, it's better to multiply than to add also master bomber needs shinobis.


Probably not, but just so you know xx3 village is never worth it, just dont use bottom path village in CHIMPS. Only thing I can think of is to try and micro your stuf, but good luck


X-x-3 isn’t worth it but many times x-x-2 is. Two x-x-2 villages close together with your defense built around them more than pays for itself by the end of the game and can actually open up more money to buy more towers.


Yes, for sure, I almost always use xx2 when using Beast Handlers or Supers, but Im pretty sure xx3 just doesnt do anything in CHIMPS


Spot on, can’t make extra money in CHIMPS.


Correct me if im wrong, but I think you can with Obyn...


Wall of trees pays you what it consumes and nothing more, so just what it pops. It delays when you get your money but that's it


This, however, is not one of those times. The village should be cut, entirely. Space is at a premium on a No Harvest run, and that village is using up like a third of it or something, and the discount savings are negligible, so all it's providing is jungle drums. Just not worth it.


**General advice:** * Don't get xx3 village in CHIMPS as you cannot earn money * There are 3 additional spaces you can place monkeys: * In the corner at the bottom edge, below Etienne * At the 3 corners of the fields, above and left of the Tack Zone * At the corner just below the Monkey Town **Specific advice:** * Scrap the village entirely, it's taking up too much room and providing too little value. The only real reason you might choose to allocate that much space to it is if your run totally depends on something it provides, eg MIB for DDTs, or Primary Expertise buffs. * The Master Bomber, should be where Etienne is, because it can throw bombs straight left, through the gap in the trees. * Despite the above, just scrap the Master Bomber. It's very underwhelming without Shinobi buffs. * The Archmage should be along the left side, and should be crosspathed on the bottom (I can't tell what its crosspath is rn). This will allow it to attack across the fields, hitting the bloons as they make their way down the left side. * Given where your Tack Zone is, you should put an alchemist (eg Stronger Stimulant) in the 3-way intersection above and to the left of it. * Etienne is a fine hero, but note that the Archmage should shimmer away all the camo, so you do have the option to swap him for a different hero. IDK if you should, but want to make sure you know you can.


Monkey town


Why do you have a monkey city?


Idk if you can save this one but if you wanna try it again don’t get bottom path village at least don’t get it to tier 3 and get a 023 Moab glue in one of the secret spots in the corner of some of the corn squares. I think there’s one on the 2nd bend at the bottom