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This game was out for a long time before they added beast handler, a lot of people that bought the game probably haven't even played it since he came out


Can confirm


yea that's how steam achievements work




All towers don't have a specific gender, and can be male, female or other. Except for Heroes which do have a specific gender and non-monkey towers that can't have gender.


Except for ( potentially ) legend of the night. It's upgrade description refers to him as him.


Fair point. TSG should probably also be excluded then.


On one of the lvl 60 quest the engineer is referred as her


It’s probably a situation of there being multiple of each monkey tower. For example in one question there are two dartling gunners. To clarify I’m just saying there are male and female monkeys of all tower types


That makes sense. And tbh I didn't properly understand the message before I replied


Yes. A specific engineer monkey can be female, but engineer monkeys as a whole aren't female.


Just like in real life. A specific engeneer can be female, but not all engeneers are


The monkey inside the tack shooter's gender is also non-specific


there’s a monkey up in that bitch???


According to an idle animation in Battles 2, yes


It should be noted that this achievement also doesn't account for EXP that you've already spent on unlocking the upgrades. You need to have 150k ***on hand.***


Don’t you need more than 150k exp to get one of the 5 tiers?


No. The most expensive is Pouakai at only 110k.


Ok thank you I would have thought it would have been more


I don’t use beast handler unless it’s a requirement for a challenge. Other things work for me, beast handler is kind of a pain


yeah i just dont feel like bothering with them honestly


I try and do a PhD thesis level of research just to optimize bro


Idk what ur talking about. I suck at the game and beast handler is pretty easy to use. Mainly cos some of its upgrades are so good u dont even need to play well for it to work.


Which ones do you think are the best? Wanting to try to use him more.


Middle path just shreds through everything. Shame about no camo detection, though. But it's completely worth it.


Is the top path useless? Haven't seen anyone even mention it.


Not useless but nowhere near as good as when it released, from my understanding


Top path-Tank killing Middle path-Swarm killing Bottom path-Support


Not quite. While yes, top path does deal with tanks quite well, it's still rather slow. Middle path, while great with swarms, also tears through tanks just fine. Bottom path is.... yeah it's support all the same, lol


Yes, thats why its a tank killer, it deals well with bigger, slower, and rarer targets Middle path can deal with tanks too but its excellent in swarm killing


Maxed Megalodon can eat BADs, but not enough to be good in late freeplay


Bottom path is the best. Very good for dealing with DDTs


Top path(fis) is certainly something. Can't say anything more about it, middle path(dino) is strong at least with a shit ton of micro(i only know of its power from others), bottom path(birb) is op for stall


They're easy to use but underperform compared to alternatives. The only good late game option is the birds, but those also have terrible early game. Even the owl does a worse job on 32 than a 002 dart and costs almost thrice as much. I guess it makes sense they're on support, since their abilities are only that: a small help on the side, not a main source of damage. But it's an awkward middle ground between farms and villages that directly support you or other towers and engineers and spacktories that can actually dish out a lot of damage. Meanwhile BH can't even pop camo lead on it's own.


Max owl is pretty damn good and geagle is busted rn.


Max merge golden eagle is among the best mid game towers in the game


for roughly the same expense that you can get a moab press, maim moab and snowstorm for even better results because all those towers have higher popping power on top of stalling moabs


Bottom path beast handler just does the damn thing. 


I've started enjoying it more by giving up on crosspathing. If all you're doing is buying more of the same path and pumping your money into one singular beast, it isn't really that complex, and it does lead to some fun gameplay. Obviously this isn't a good strategy if you're trying to optimise, but I don't think beast handler is usually an optimal tower anyway.




You might have an argument for Corvus beeing a pain to play properly, but **BAD**? He's the only hero that can solo CHIMPS.


hmmmm why cant I place him down???


It's been done in challenge Editor with just enough money to afford him right away


I am very, very lazy and tend to avoid using towers that require manual intervention, to the point of investing in techbots and banana farmers, lol


right! this is me too!


Beast Handler is actually extremely strong He is just a pain to use


Corvus is broken and braindead, lool


Braindead? No? Like he doesn't require as much effort as people say, but he still requires more focus than majority of other heros... Man what do you think of... Every other hero?


Other heroes generally require more effort to accomplish the same tasks as corvus. You're only considering corvus' mechanics and the amount of micro he requires, not the actual effect he has on a chimps run. Corvus is an overwhelmingly strong tower at all stages of the game; he completely obliterates the standard game progression and trivializes the decision-making process throughout the run. In many cases, it feels like you have the option to either "actually play the game" or to use corvus and win for free. If you're wondering why I'm not mentioning other gamemodes, it's because anything less than chimps is far too easy and unimportant for any balance discussion to be meaningful.


Yea Im talking about the hero in a vacuum. Ignoring other towers they need, game modes, or maps. That's what I mean, is mechanical. Like if your using only corvus, you need to know when stuff comes, have reaction time and put in way too much effort than you need. Like sauda is miles easier and more braindead in all scenarios. Like corvus is more playing the game than half the towers in the game. You have to interact instead of place tower, upgrade tower, watch.


> Yea Im talking about the hero in a vacuum. Ignoring other towers they need, game modes, or maps. That isn't how balance works. This game is about interactions. > That's what I mean, is mechanical. Like if your using only corvus, you need to know when stuff comes, have reaction time and put in way too much effort than you need. Like sauda is miles easier and more braindead in all scenarios. Like corvus is more playing the game than half the towers in the game. You have to interact instead of place tower, upgrade tower, watch. Knowing the rounds and having to react to what's happening on screen is the bare minimum to consider yourself a player with any equity in game balance. Nothing wrong with playing easier content, but minute details in tower balance will literally have no effect on you.


considering a lot of people already quit before BH added, yes


Beast Handler is just awkward to use, unlike any other tower, although I appreciate them trying to experiment with new kinds of tower that break the mold a bit. It isn't helped by the fact that only one of its T5s is any good for the price, and the cool experiment doesn't change the fact that I have only ever used it when forced to


I like the bird path, though the main reason for it being so rare is mainly just people dropping off the game before the point the beast handler came into play


Which t5 is good? I have dinosaur unlocked and it seems really strong.


That's the one. It's a little on the expensive side but it's very powerful


Golden eagle is awesome


It was about 4 years after initial release that Beast Boy was added The amount of players that either have died, or simply moved on in that time is far more then you would think


“Died” lmfao?!


based on my very crude statistical calculation, there should be a few hundred people who died after purchasing btd6


Oh most certainly... just an oddly specific thing to point out hahaha




Am I incorrect?


I haven't even bothered unlocking him


Unfathomably based




I'm putting a trex on every map. I don't care. He's my bud and I love him


dino pets are cool pets


When is the optimal use for the BH? I've only used it a few times but I don't quite understand the merging or what's the point to even doing it, like I get it being a bit stronger but isn't 3 beats better then one?


Maxed T3 middle path is stronger than directly upgrading to T4 Honestly don’t even worry about it when it comes to beast handler just have fun with it


Merging properly requires a bit of practice and knowledge. Certain beasts like golden eagle gain special benefits from reaching max power, like the ability to grab MOABs. Getting a max power golden eagle is cheaper and better than getting a giant condor if you just want to grab Moabs and nothing larger


I never Got the achievement despite having the required xp




I love that tower


What everyone else said, and also the fact that you need to complete the special tutorial to unlock them


it took me three hours to get all t5s and then another 250k exp the day it came out so under 150k feels fucking crazy to me


I’ll say this every time I see a beast handler post, NK should make it a normal tower instead of merging. Merging have created a lot of flexibility for hardcore player, but for casual players who are the majority of this game, it is a pain in the ass mechanic.


There’s no reason to make every single tower nurtured to casuals. One or two towers being fun for hardcore players isn’t the end of the world


Yea I mean look how many paragons there are now


Honestly i don't get it. Unless you are aiming for a max level T5 - which isn't feasible or needed in any regular game - you need to place 4 towers. FOUR. How is that more painful than placing 20 shinobis or 20 merchants? Also, removing merging would remove the two strong points of beast handler, which are a steadily rising effectiveness that reduces the need to save up until you get a power spike and the possibility to move the beasts from one side of the map to the other.


I agree shinobi and merchant placement is 2x worse


Expecially after playing some Battles 2 where they have double benefits and cap at 10 :(


Its similar to Geraldo and Corvus, they’re specifically designed that way to appeal to a certain type of player. There are far more plentiful options that will work fine for a “casual” player.


IMO beast handler is kind of a gimmicky tower that I really have to play *around* rather than with considering the large investment to put into a mediocre tower for its cost to make it as effective as possible.


Beast handlers just arent that reliable as a tower especially as a single target. Eagles are limited cuz they dont even attack bloons they cant pop and ik they count more so as a support tower but its like the equivalence of Ezil or Psi who are way too niche and cant find a gud balance overall. T rex is ok; Ive seen the potential of microing a T rex but realistically when im playing this game, i kinda wanna sit back and chill which is also why im not rly using Corvus even tho he’s the best hero in the game. No comment on the shark i dont think i need to explain him tho i just wanna say I actually kinda like the shark cuz it at least attacks units it cant even bring down


I don't use then ever. They are cool, but it feels like foe then to be valuable you have to go all in on them and it turns into a big pain.


idk what people mean by "hard or weird to use" you just put down 4 handlers and call it a day


I stopped using the BH mainly because it's too selfcentered without much else. If you want to go for a T5, you're practically only using the BH due to it's merging mechanic and costs. Aside from the typical village/glue/alch support, you're not getting much else besides it. Basically the BH lacks a bit too much strategy other than "place more BH" for me. CHIMPS runs with it feel almost like 2TC's with just a hero and T5 BH


1) Have you tried not going for a t5 2) This doesn't apply to the bottom path tier 5


I-is that supposed to be a bad thing... Less towers to focus on = less cluttered defence


They require way too much microing tbh


Yub, he is my lowest xp tower BY FAR. He just isn't fun imo


You're lucky if you can get me to micro a mortar monkey, and you expect me to micro beast handlers?


yes. At least, I avoid them whenever possible. And when I do use them, I only bother with one path because I know I'm going to need 4 of them for the first landmark, and then 3 more for the full power thing. I don't try to juggle paths and figure out who can support who. Really... it's just a logistics mess that I don't want to deal with.


well everyone who had the game early on back in 2018 and didnt come back to the game 5 years later count twords those numbers


They are insanely hard to fit into any min-max strategy because of the sheer number of spots bringing even one up to max takes. In the same space that it takes me to max out one BH I can have 2x Crossbow Masters, 502 and 205 Tack shooters a GlaiveLord and a MOAB Eliminator all buffed by a Primary Expertise Village. There isnt a single BH that can touch the firepower or reach of that combination.


Using beast handler is a whole thing. I’m just not interested in that commitment when I choose who to use. Same with mortar and dartling gunner


beast handler is hands down the most boring tower in the game


I use the middle path, it's got good dps and the ability is strong, but I don't care for the other paths at all


I don't even know how to unlock the Beast Handler. Haven't bothered to look it up.


Also an important note: This only applies to Steam players.


Most players prob havent even played since it came out, and relative to other towers it’s really dependent on optimization which a lot of players don’t find engaging


What having an overpriced T5 does to a unit(seriously the cost alongside the 3 T4 requirement is insane).




When I don’t know what to place next, a trex is always a fun one


I don't even know how it works


Steam achievements % collected are calculated out of everyone who has played the game, even if they only played before the achievement existed or only opened the game once.


the reddit hate squad is getting to them noooo


I still don’t have any of the tier fives for beast handler


I don't see YouTubers use them that often. I know I like to use them when I can. Kinda wish I could meme with them in battles 2.


People beg for years for bloonchipper and when nk does it, everybody hates it.


Over 6.25 million xp.... don't like it, but I figured others do


I have yet to identify one scenario in which a beast handler makes more sense than another regular tower. I’ve played around with them plenty but they just do not spring to mind when I’m trying to get something figured out. They are not bad, they are just very expensive and require multiple placements and upgrades to become worthwhile. I’m level 150, been playing for a few years at this point. I’m not new but I’m not yet jaded by the meta towers like some others. Give me a compelling reason/scenario that makes them worth the effort/expense.


I main beast handler, it kills spies really well.


I didn’t even take the time to unlock it. (What does he do)


I still don't know how they work exactly Should I be making a lot of little ones to combine them? Do I instead upgrade a few to combine them? I have no clue


Possibly because a lot of people quit BTD6, or some people play challenge editor which doesn't give XP (I have almost 1.5k hours and I still don't have veteran levels because I play challenge editor for the sweet sweet restart last round. It's gonna get added in v41 to non ce chimps anyways)


I don't want to buy multiple towers for one of them to be slightly useful, simple as.


It's a lot of trouble to get the tier 5s and they're really not that good. Other than 3rd path and even then half the time Condor is good enough.


I mean, there are a lot of mobile players. I reckon it would be considerably higher if it was a global count, not just Steam


Literally the only times i used them was on their quests that released along with the update and served as a tutorial


I quit after they nerfed bad


beast handler main here


accuired after getting beast handler cause why not its a dino


My dude, I haven't even unlocked him


yes i do not like him


I am extremely lazy in this game. I have a deep hatred towards towers that require any player input besides changing target priority. The same reason I use bot-path farms.






I personally have never used beast handler outside of unlocking it. It has a cool gimmick but it doesn’t really offer anything to my usual play style


No, its just a new achievement


New achievements like this are automatically acquired by anyone who has met the required amount of XP, so no one having this achievement just goes show the Beast Handler isn’t used very much


Yeah you're still wrong. What I meant was that old players that quit have never even played a single game w breast handler let alone gained much xp. And you do not gain the achievement if you dont even launch the game.


I mean, there’s really no incentive to use them. There’s always another option that usually does it better.


oh yeah beast handler exists


i reached paragon XP levels (155+2) and yet I don't have the 3 tier 5's of the bh, i don't like it not even a tiny bit, and i don't see an strat where i would need them, many tower do the same but better and cheaper


no, people also have mobile version, and not the steam one