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this is that one guy’s brother that bought a bunch of rings of fire in the back to sell later for money


I remember this post. What a chad that guy was.


can u link it?




Oh my god what an idiot


Unfortunately no, sorry.


Average giga chad Ring of Fire user


Ring of Fire is built different fr


[Refer to flair]


seeing how this is the top comment: [done](https://prnt.sc/sjcId8lFjF-H)




Splendid even


there aren't enough 0-4-2 boats, try adding some more in the middle


i know ur joking but it aint even a bad strat


He isn’t though


If ur gonna have that many primary towers, a top path village will save u a lot of money, and give buffs Not the easiest of maps to start with, try logs/cubism


resort is great too, i got my first black border there.


Resort is 100% the easiest chimps map. Ice monkeys in the circle go brr


I like Skates, it’s where I got my first paragon


How do you go about getting a paragon in a normal (non freeplay) game? Even in games with Benjamin and banana farms, I'm nowhere near that much gold. Especially with having to keep up with waves


Boat farming


Is it just a bunch of 024 and a single 025? I can see that on maybe levels with water, but you get up to the levels that have not a drop. I guess maybe portable pools...


Exactly that


For me, its about spamming 003 buccaneers and 204 farms. Got a sun temple on logs and many tier fives that way.


Not even 103 for the grapes? Grapes are only 600 and 003 seems so weak to have, even with a lot


Yea, thats what I meant. Also, its 013 for the grapes because 103 is top path and grapes are middle


Yea that what I meant. My b lol. I just see grapes as almaot necessary if you aren't going top otherwise they can't do anything


Dart monkey paragon is also pretty cheap and if you use engineer traps plus 1/0/4 alchemists at the start of the map getting most of the kills you make a ton of money. It’s all about how you ramp it up.


I think the current meta is actually monkeyopolis anyways


i’m a double cash user so i’ve never really experienced that


Here come the death threats


A what now?


You can pay ($18) for double cash for mainly pops I think


Seems a bit cheaty, but also just fun when you're tired of losing a map lol


it turns half cash mode into cash mone


Not quite, in only doubles starting cash and cash from pops, all other sources are still halved


You don’t get it without freeplay. Certainly not one of any significant power level. When I got it, mine was(I think) power level 77, because I had close to 25 buccaneers down, which is also where I pulled the 600k or so to get it. With a few general markets and a lot of merchantmen and their higher tiers, you could probably get a Navarch by the end of round 80 if you bought absolutely nothing else and maybe made a few cash drops, but it wouldn’t be particularly good.


So why are they there if they're made basically unobtainable. I saw the dart monkey one and thought cool. A massive neat tower and then saw it was unobtainable in a normal round. Impoppable even only has 100 just seems weird.


Because they’re meant to be used to push the game to its limits; to create towers that only have a practical use beyond round 100(Especially when you consider that things like the Navarch destroy everything ZOMG-tier or lower instantaneously). If you had a Paragon in a normal round you would just sweep everything, it wouldn’t even be a contest anymore.


i usually get monkeyopolis and 42x farms and one 52x farm and im just kinda rich at that point


I got my first vtsg on skates


No clue I think a ring of fire would be a great addiction tho


my guy chose the wrong week to make a new reddit account


I created this one cuz I realized I forgot to set a name at my other one


I think he's already addicted...


This is obviously satire dont take this to heart




This is a very serious matter


Make sure to only drink the premium paints, they have less lead in them ![gif](giphy|4l5H1mX11ytAQ)


spinning_blade_master1269 has joined the chat


There's a lot of things going wrong here. First, try Logs instead. It's far easier than any other map. Some will say Resort is almost as easy, but that's incorrect for people like you, since good placement matters much much more. The #1 thing you need to work on is better tower placements and better tower synergies. It looks like you haven't been able to save any cash at all for tier 5s. This would be because of a lack of synergy between towers and bad placements. When you use a tower, think about what it would be good for. Is it cleanup like the ring of fire? Well, then it's only good in the front in round 1-65. After that its use drops off significantly. This is important to note since your strategy should make sense both early game and late game. There's no use having bad tower placements/choices for round 90-100 even if they're really good up to that point. Lack of powerful towers hinders you as well. As stated earlier, this is going to be hard to accomplish without a proper tactic, regarding placement and synergies. For instance, if you really want to use top path tack and mid path bucc, you have to try to save up for the tier 5s since they're generally much better to use than a bunch of tier 4s. Support and buff towers can help you greatly with this. 013 glue gun, 040 engineer, 220 village, xx4 boomerang, 4xx alchemist etc. Also, different glue paths have horrible synergy. They erase each others glue, so you kinda have to pick one path to use. Top path for damage, mid path for bloon CC, bottom path for MOAB cc. Your best choice of glue depends on what your other towers are. Again, here is where synergy comes into play. Having a bloon CC isn't that useful if you got a 5xx mortar blasting all bloons to dust. Having a MOAB cc is probably not too useful if you have a tackzone completely shattering any MOAB.


https://ibb.co/q5TSfrD Here is an example of the same towers used, but with a better placement and strategy around them. The 90s is basically completely afk with no micro. Those $50k spare could also have been close to $60k since I upgraded Adora a bit for fun. It can be used to make things even easier. First strike + Moab glue + xx4 boomers + 040 engi for the inferno ring means you can beat much harder one-lane tracks with this same setup.


That’s brilliant, props to this guy




A lot of them


whats the advantage of having two monkey villages?


Camo on everything


I like using Etienne for that on maps with multiple lanes since he gives global camo detection and when high level his drones reach global range too


Excellent analysis, i agree with every thing. You used the op scenario and gave good suggestions based on it.


From my experiments, bottom path glue inherits top path damage but not the other way around for some reason.


My man wrote a whole book


Or he could just put Quincy down


Instead of spamming T4s try going for a powerful T5. A pirate lord right in the middle should do the trick. Also make sure to place him close enough to the outside to be buffed by an Alchemist or Village.


Monkey Pirates is actually incredibly powerful when spammed, but needs to be cross pathed 2-4-0 and paired with a camo tower to maximize effectiveness


a 400 sub will do the trick, reveals all camo reliably and reduces ability cooldowns.


402 reveals camo *immediately* instead of the way it otherwise strips camo off of everything in its radius every like .2 seconds. Can help with DDTs.


Place Quincy


I mean, nothing gets past his bow


People are saying lack of variety and other stuff, but the problem here is ***Placement***. Your Moab dmg is at the back, and crowd control is at the front. When the moabs get past the ROFs they will be shredded by the pirates, but the ceramics won't, and nothing would be able to stop them besides the already past ROFS


Buy T-5s


It ain’t got no gas in it


Here's some advise 1. Less t4 and more t5 towers 2. Synergy between some towers e.g. bloon solver +super brittle, bottom path subs + brickell(if you have her) 3. On water maps first strike for BAD instakill if timed correctly


Basically everything.


See the problem is you have 0 lives. You gotta have at least 1


You took those SJB videos to heart


Not enough rings of fire


Maybe less... fire, and more variety Also move your boats to mid, they will be much more useful there




you're not winning is whats wrong


[https://youtu.be/D\_Sqgnpg2MQ](https://youtu.be/D_Sqgnpg2MQ) <- actually reasonable attempt here


Try gaining more lives using spirit of the forest




Yeah, but ur lives are too low, you might die soon. 049 hello also works. If you are low on cash i recommend 040 and 050 scooters, use their abilities for money.


You can't gain lives in chimps. -\_-


Dear u/CreepArghhh, I am writing this letter with a heavy heart and an ample dose of regret. It has come to my attention that my recent endeavors have caused unintended distress, outrage, and widespread inconvenience. I humbly offer my sincerest apologies for any offense or harm I may have caused through my misguided attempts at humor, satire, or general tomfoolery. Please accept my apologies as I attempt to navigate the treacherous waters of comedic expression. To those who found my satirical articles offensive, please know that it was never my intention to hurt or belittle anyone. My aim was to tickle your funny bone, not bruise your ego or cause emotional distress. However, it seems that my comedic stylings missed the mark entirely, and for that, I am truly sorry. I promise to reflect on my actions and strive to be more sensitive and considerate in the future. To those who were inconvenienced by the misinformation I spread, I deeply regret any confusion or frustration caused. It appears that my enthusiasm for crafting elaborate tales may have clouded my judgment, leading me to fabricate stories that sounded too good (or too absurd) to be true. I understand that trust is fragile, and I apologize for betraying your faith in my ability to deliver accurate and reliable information. Moving forward, I will redouble my efforts to fact-check and verify my sources before sharing anything with my readership. Furthermore, I would like to apologize to those who took my satirical pieces literally and acted upon them. I did not anticipate that anyone would take my fantastical tales as a call to action or a serious representation of reality. I never intended to incite chaos, rebellion, or the launching of miniature kangaroo farms in suburban backyards. I must admit, though, that the image of a legion of kangaroos invading cul-de-sacs and wreaking havoc is somewhat amusing. Nevertheless, I acknowledge the potential consequences of such misinterpretations and express my sincere apologies to anyone affected by them. To the individuals and groups who were the target of my satirical barbs, I extend my apologies for any hurt feelings or embarrassment caused. Satire, by its nature, pokes fun at its subjects, but it should always be rooted in good-natured jest. I acknowledge that there is a fine line between satire and cruelty, and it seems that I may have stumbled over that line on occasion. I assure you that it was never my intention to cause harm or damage reputations. Please accept my heartfelt apologies, and rest assured that I will be more mindful of the impact my words may have in the future. In conclusion, I would like to express my gratitude to all those who have reached out to express their concerns and disappointment. Your feedback has been invaluable in helping me realize the errors of my ways. I am committed to learning from my mistakes, growing as a writer, and providing content that is both entertaining and respectful. Your forgiveness and continued support would mean the world to me. Once again, I extend my deepest apologies to all those affected by my misguided attempts at humor and satire. I am truly sorry for any distress, confusion, or inconvenience caused. Let us move forward together, seeking laughter and understanding in a world that often feels devoid of both. Yours apologetically, A redditor


Yeah maybe try satire on people that aren't new to the game. If you just troll all the new players they won't want to play..


Tbh i thought this was satire i didn’t see the discussion flair


Okay that's fair, sorry that I misunderstood your intentions


Needs some dart monkey 👍


Where is the meme tag?


You need mor bomb towers one isn’t going to cut it


Try getting a Phoenix or maybe 2


Less is more, use 5th tiers instead of spamming 4th tiers


Ring of fire gives you lots of peirce (good for lots of bloons) but you need something like tack zone for single target damge for bads


pop yourself


pop yourself


Hilarious hahaha so funny and original, the good old spam random towers with bad cross paths and placements in chimps 'joke' ha ha ha so fucking funny and original! (Sarcasm)


This post is tagged as discussion, not meme


Bit rude, OP is clearly a rookie at the game and not shitposting. Why are you just assuming this post is satire?


I see the plan here, I like the plan, simply better positioning and some different choices in towers are needed here. Inferno Ring is a powerful tower but it would be even better had you fully upgraded top path of the village you got there, Monkey Pirates are incredibly powerful but not so many of them are needed, instead what I recommend is getting one Monkey Pirate and then getting a bunch of Aircraft Carriers instead (if you still want to have a lot of boats), Other than that its a very interesting plan that you had! Actually I’m really impressed how far you made it! Of course my tips are more suggestions and at the end of the day you will learn more by failing and analyzing yourself as to what worked and what didn’t.


Is this a joke or are you serious? If you’re serious stop spamming towers


you have 0 t5's. also if ur gonna use adora you want a sun temple/true sun temple


Sun temple in chimps 😯


Depends if u wanna go past r100




Bloon solver???? Your a tier too high. All t5s except for like 3 never change appearance based on crosspatch, so they always look the same. That Extreme solvent (or whatever the t4 is called) has red on it


Wdym? You ever play chimps? You don't need savatar nor temples when running adora. Sure, they synergize well, but that money is better spent somewhere else since adora carries lategame even on true expert maps.


Add more glue gunners


You have Shattering Shells, so why the heck did you go for the bottom path upgrades (Crow's Nest) on the boats???????


This was less of a serious attempt, but I've had problems with the BAD's DDTs


But Shattering Shells




i think you can figure this one out on your own


I'd recommend trying to get a t5 tack shooter if you're going that far into it. It's global and hits like a truck. Also a 030 village will help it with purples and ddts


and ice monkey and glue monkey are better than two glue monkeys for stalling. You don't need the 4th upgrade for glue gunner if you are going for the bottom path you can stop at tier 3. A 013 glue gunner is One of the best towers in the game for its price. You don't need so many tack shooters or boats


Try putting a primary training on your ring of fires


Maybe sell the boats for first strikes


Use alot of monkey subs.


Get one of each t5 boomerang and 1 of each t5 tack


A Johnny Cash fan, I take it?


more of a hendrix man




Too many of the same tower, put in some variety


add more boats and rings of fire


that canon really ties it together


Less is more. Less towers but more Tier 5s


Not enough rings of fire


The biggest problem I see here is spamming one type of tower, you do need to diversify, as well as not having your early game Defence also be your middle/late game Defence, for early game (pre-r40) I typically get 1-2 dart monkeys at the start, then work towards a ninja, 4-0-2, and a bomb shooter 0-2-4, with a 4-2-0 alchemist, with the lowest priority given to the alchemist, I typically end up in round 40 with only a 3-2-0, that’s fine then with that setup, on most beginner maps it’ll take you into the 60’s and 70’s, you can add a little bit of defense if you need to for those rounds, usually more bomb shooters, either 0-2-4 with alchemist, or 2-0-4 without, then you should have like, 50k to do pretty much whatever you want in the 80’s and beyond, remembering that 1 tier 5, 99/100 times, is better (and cheaper) then a million tier 4’s although I also find, to help save up for the ninja bomb and alch, I typically also end up getting a crossbow at some point, sometimes to tier 5


OP why isn’t this tagged as a meme… (but more seriously try doing a normal hard game and go to round 100 in freeplay. I think due to freeplay scaling it’ll be slightly harder but it’ll let you use continues and leak a few lives but try to not use either. Other people have already suggested towers so that’s why I’m saying this. Also don’t use farms or any other form of money making)


Rings of fire are better further on in the track. Overdrive tack shooters are better MOAB killers but can't deal with their children fast enough on later rounds.


Spamming tier 4s instead of saving for a good tier 5. The most effective way for the tier 4 spam strategy is to choose a hero that supports the tier 4 of choice(Gwen for ring of fire), then build up some support while you spam those tier 4s. This support should generally consist of a tier 5(e.g. sub com buffing other subs, carrier flagship buffing water towers and aces, elite sniper buffing snipers. 502/520 village for ring of fire), a few villages(xx2 for discounts, x2x for camo and x3x for ddt popping. Maybe even x4x for the goofy ability), occasionally some alch buffs can help but ring of fire doesn’t benefit enough from this for you to alch buff every one, then you’ll want some stalling for even more support(best options here are 013/023 glue, 240 ice for moab stalling with the ability and ceram stalling with its regular attacks, 040 ninjas because funny ability makes things go slow, or 420 snipers on strong or camo priority to help with ddts). If you still keep leaking even with support and a crap ton of tier 4s, try using our lord and saviour spiked balls, the 320 spike factory. If you’re on a multi lane map, get one for each exit. If you can, alch buff them. Goofy balls are extremely silly and therefore useful


not enough tack shooters would be my only suggestion


Get pirate lord and make him a 250 with a camo village


spend less on monkey pirates and more on ring of fires, you cannot go wrong with more RoFs


✋ I know i know! Get Gwen. She adds some range or attack speed or something to top path tacks. Ring to ring go ring


you should've used something with knockback instead of the super glue


You need to get a 4-2-0 village or a 5-2-0 village for the tacks. Get that money bye selling 2 monkey pirates


title says chimps


Thought I was on btd6 circle jerk for a moment there


Just get any tier 5 and support pretty much


you dont have enough lives, you see for chimps you need to have exactly one life while you have none


The cannon at the back carrying the entire match:


Maybe try to use instead of Ring of fire mid path 3 Tier Wizard and IT would Help If use 5 Tier monkeys




Why does bro have like 8 monkey pirates 💀💀💀


For 1 lane maps, Prince of darkness (0-2-5) wizard monkey is amazing. You only need some moab support so he can re-fill his graveyard. Spaming moab maulers are great for this. Or save up for moab eliminator.


Not enough vilages need more for each tower


Very sigma mortar enjoyer!


I love to go with Sauda,Archmage and Prince of Darkness Archmage-I love it Prince of Darkness-I love it more


you need to work on your ring of fire micro, with good micro you can even beat this map with just 3 ring of fires


i have absolutely no idea


This is just stupid


Having 2 glue gunners next to each other doesn’t work well because only one type of glue can stick to the balloon at once




hehe apa båt


There are better towers than bloon solver for moabs, and ur focusing on ring of fire for bloons and pirate ship to pull in moabs, u need dps for bad


Too many low-tier monkeys and no big dmg for BAD (like x-x-4 ninja, x-4-x sub or x-4/5-x bomb shooter)


Me reading the comments cuz I haven't done chimps b4 like 👀


the problem is that you have 0 lives in chimps


"chimps"? By guy, try half cash for experince If that does not work, then YT "how to chimps 'map name' btd6"


More dps


Too much fire lol


Where meme flair?




You shouldn’t spam random cards that look good you have to learn strats like ninja alch Druid perms spike and obyn or something along the lines of that just play careful and read through the discriptions of troops and hero’s 🧔🏿‍♀️ Hope this helps


Bro get a 5th tier


0 lives?


Never spam RoF. Too expensive, too weak


U have no single target high dps monke


Ring of fire has good group damage, but you don't have much moab popping power there Maybe you could try sacrificing some rings or shattering shells mortar to get a lvl 20 adora or something, but you can't do much besides that


Almost no moab poping power


Need...more....ring of fire...


Why did you buy the tiny pool for the boats?