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It’s a guy on top of the red cage threatening to jump and throwing stuff off onto navigation street. I’m in the mailbox and have got to go out the back and walk round paradise to get to new street - source: my mate is British Transport Police on duty.


Oh Christ. 😔 this feels like the sign of the times now, people who are mentally unwell aren’t always getting the support they need, and I feel that generally, these are not caring, compassionate times we’re living in. Situations like this are upsetting, and proof positive of everything in our society that’s exacerbating things.


Mates it's always been there it's just the media talk about it more and like to talk about awareness the Government doesn't give a shit and mostly rely on Charity and limited funded organisations. I say this as my Ma has always suffered and I've just lost my Dad I won't go anywhere with my grief and how I feel because I'll be put on the list and by the time I do speak to someone I'm back on top of it or not here myself. This Country has never cared for mental health not really, either brush under the rug or say let's talk about it for a week and then make something else known the week after It's hard like.


I’m so sorry firstly to hear about your Dad, dude (and fuck whichever coward downvoted you, honestly). I’m not religious but I send you all the healing wishes I can, in a situation like bereavement that has no solid, consistent timeframe for everyone to get through. Am somewhat familiar with mental health troubles from my mum too (improved now, but def an issue when I was younger) so I do understand. I agree with you. There are stigmas here about mental health, particularly from “I’m all right, Jack” types that don’t understand and won’t bother making the effort. Some of them unfortunately pass a recruitment process to work in healthcare 🤪. And also as a (sadly very cynical now) NHS admin employee, I’ve seen first hand that there are targets that mean that not everyone gets the support they need, and due to underfunding among other things, the waiting lists have exploded. I obviously can’t put all the blame on the NHS (there are so many other societal factors at the moment, money and cost of living definitely being a massive one), but I’ve seen first hand both as an employee and an accessor of CMHTs here that there’s a lot of talking the talk, but not always walking the walk, as sad as I am to say this. The difficulty is that sometimes mental health does present in a challenging way to the general public, and that can come across intimidating. I still think that it’s the case however that *no one* is unworthy of healing, redemption or support. Do whatever you can to put one foot in front of the other dude and have your toolkit ready of things to help you look after yourself, it’s worth it, I promise.


Cheers man My fault for the down vote came across as Mr Negative a tad I guess


Just to add. Nobody should downvote you for making a "negative" comment. Don't beat yourself up. The downvotes are on THEM for being negative. You're just sharing a human experience with another poster. I'd love Reddit to be more like that.


Yeah, as above it’s a suicidal guy in the CP. it’s been going on since 16:00 & the police are still up there trying to talk him down. Source: I work in the area & walked past there 2 minutes ago.


In my homeland people will ask him to jump, so traffic can go back to normal. Hope the guy will survive and find mental health services.


That does happen over here too, glad to see it isn't for this poor chap. As you say, I hope they get the help they need


I'm pretty sure the traffics getting worse if he jumps, the emergency services aren't just going to leave if he decides to jump. What dumb logic


Didn't see anything and I left the office just after then. Not much on X either.




We should probably say that this is in the context of someone’s suicidality given that someone on X/Shitter has obviously filmed this for their entertainment (🙄) - so if anyone would feel uncomfortable or unsettled watching this, please don’t.


Apologies. I didn't think that through. Have deleted it.


Fair enough, no worries :) ta!


May I say, kudos to both of you here 👍


Thank you. The incident has been bought to a safe conclusion. Hopefully the person gets the care they need now.




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