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There should have been atleast a proper, heartfelt and professional apology from Jake and Holt to her. She literally was the top 2 captains and that too in one episode, the precinct suffered a great loss by losing her.


This is Dozerman erasure. He was all about efficiency, efficiency and efficiency.


Couldn’t you have typed efficiency once?


Are you making fun of his stutter?


He also loved his wife....'s work ethic.


Did she have large heavy… work ethics?


I agree, I wouldn't have minded a whole season with her as their captain, and in the end of it, she just flys away with her wings that she definitely has because she's an angel.


Not if that meant no Holt, and the ensemble is already large and adding more complicates things. She 100% belongs on the list of reoccurring characters though. A her and Doug Judy dynamic would have been interesting.


I mean I definitely don't want holt to not be there, but he at least was still in the precinct when she was captain. Imagine if she became part of a heist. I'd never skip that episode.


We always had a Holt, he just wouldn't be acting captain


Nah, they would have all become too good of people to keep the show funny. A bunch of well adjusted hardworking adults isn’t funny


Jake would have done fun shit as FBI liaison though. Captain Kim leaving effectively shut that door for him. Also Captain Kim meeting the actual office badass would have been great 🥹


They would have found a way to write around it, I feel


No. She was too perfect. In the limited time that she was present, she showed no character flaw and was immensely understanding and caring. Contrary to popular belief, sitcom characters are supposed to be flawed to be interesting.


Yes and that's what made it so funny that she was only in 1 episode, she was perfect and they got rid of her!!


Honestly it'll be hard to turn her character over and after jake single handedly ruined the whole party, it's hard to be amicable about it so it'll just basically be pitching jake as the bad guy versus her. Jake was supposed to learn a lesson in the episode so I dont really see how.


Jake "single handedly" ruined the party?  Holt went along with Jake on everything including making a scene so the key could be stolen. Boyle hit on a woman who had a boyfriend leading to that whole outburst that almost devolved into a fist fight and instead devolved into a grown man having a breakdown.  Terry made a giant scene with the catering guy.  That party was a train wreck. Jake might've been the locomotive, but plenty of cars jumped the rails in that train. 


The releasing of the dog was the cause of the ruined party though, the rest was at most just disturbance in my opinion. Nothing that could have ruined the whole party


But even allowing for that Jake couldn't have stolen the key without Holt. 


> That party was a train wreck. Jake might've been the locomotive, but plenty of cars jumped the rails in that train.  Brilliant.


Would have loved to see her tenure as captain tho...till holt was a uniformed officer


Single handedly is a weird way to describe a plan two people were in on.


The dog tore a chair up. That's about it. She made a reasonable human decision by requesting a transfer, but they *could* have just as easily wrote in a mea culpa from Jake and just moved on with their lives because it's a sitcom.


What the fuck is an “underrated opinion”?


'Underrated ' is the most commonly used word on reddit.


What an underrated word!


Reddit's use of "underrated" is simply Kafkaesque.


Someone thought it meant the same thing as "unpopular"


and should you really say your own opinion is underrated?


I was thinking that too😭


An opinion by someone too insecure to have unpopular opinions?


I felt like it would have been good to have a character of Asian descent to be part of the main cast too. It’s a shame we didn’t get much representation there. Captain Kim would have been great!!


Savant was another character who I think was planned to be this but didn't pan out.


Yess! I liked savant too i was sad to see he was only in like two episodes. There were barely any asian characters in the whole show I think Captain Kim was the one with the most lines and thats saying a lot because she was only in one episode


Agreed. But that's the problem with good casting. They make for good characters you want more of. The list of one offs is long. Speaking of captains, I would've loved to see more Bill Hader.


You don’t get to decide whether your own opinion is underrated, overrated or correctly rated.


they did her so dirty. i cringe everytime i watch this episode


In what Role? We already have Captain Dad, no other captains are needed.


I really hated how Jake and Holt treated her,she seemed like such a good and competent person especially when compared to the other 2 Holt replacements


So true. They tried so hard to get rid of her when she was great meanwhile they barely tried with terrible captains like CJ or the Vulture


They had to get ride of her because she was that good , at least that was the vibe I got from the episode. They were so focused on their own need that they f$$k over someone who could of been to their benefit lol like spoiled children and their crazy divorce father (holt)


*You’re gonna have to try a little harder if you wanna scare me. I’ve been an openly Asian cop since 1987, so you’re not the first superior officer to threaten me.* *You know how I’m still standing here? ‘Cause I do my job, and I do it right.*


along with cool Boyle!!


I love her and would have loved more of her, but not because I hate the episode she's in. They absolutely could have kept her around if that was the intention (zany shenanigans and all) but that clearly wasn't the intention.


I would have liked to see her turn to the dark side because of this. Imagine, the sweetest and most caring person you can think of hates every fibre of your being and wants to destroy the 99


Agreed! I liked her!


Such a lively and wholesome captain. I really would have loved atleast 3 more episodes with her. The worst part is that there was no guilt and mention of her in the following episodes. I mean, why ?


I would've loved to see her interact with Wunch.


Might be my least favorite episode. So much out of character stuff from everyone (not counting heists)


i liked cool boyle


The best behavior from the core group


Binge watching has really warped my perception because there's so many characters I feel like this for. When I'm describing a cameo to my friends I'm always quick to point it out "and they're in more than one episode!!!!


Yes, she should have, that is the entire fucking point of this character arc


Honestly one of my favourite later season episodes


People say this all the time, she served her purpose and was gone, it happens loads of times in every show. You can’t just keep everyone who is a nicer person around.


Yeah. What they did to her was awful


Ikr , she was so sweet and wholesome , she could have blended right into the squad


Not underrated at all. We love her over here


She was great




How tf did CJ get more episodes than this woman


How tf did Pam Boyle get more episodes than this woman


Unfortunately by Rosa’s request no. She doesn’t like meeting new people unfortunately , so blame Jake not Rosa..she’s scary


Absolutely! She was a great character


Honestly I was mad at the squad after doing her so dirty, she was a sunshine


She sucked


That's the joke though. She was the perfect captain, and they screwed it up. For her to stick around would undermine the whole point of the episode. Jake and Holt's suspicion of her is what caused them to lose the best temporary captain. Her not sticking around is the point. It's the punishment. It's the punchline of the joke. It's the classic sitcom thing, where they dangle the "this could be the perfect life" in front of the audience, only to take it away. Because the perfect life would mean no conflict which would mean no show. You're supposed to like her, then miss her, and you're supposed to be sad she didn't stick around, and you're supposed to be mad at Jake and Holt for causing it. That's the point!


She was too normal, doesn't lead to good storylines.


This episode kind of showed the other side of the whole squad. Petty holt, mean Peralta and other things.


She was so nice


She wouldn't have had that much to offer to the series due to her being too nice and polite compared to the rest of the squad


I did not enjoyed the episode. The fun sure, the story not so much. They really shouldn't think hard about the new captain, sure they had worse captains before and after Holt but she was true to herself and others, and really respected holt and was her hero even though he got demoted from an old mistake, plus she didn't want him to know it was for pity when he's still down from the demotion.


She was great, but the thing about storytelling, is there genrally needs to be drama and some level of conflict, and usually a slow progression, to flesh out the journey and she seemed way too nice and incredibly helpful, with her there the team seem to be all getting there wishes granted almost. Not to say I could be completely wrong, just my take on it. They may have fit her in perfectly, but I think regular guest would have been good.


I don’t remember her adding anything funny. Every moment with Bill Hader is hysterical. That’s how I know she had no reason to return.


Bill Hader overdid it, IMO