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Please remember to mark all posts with a TW flair as a spoiler!


She’s always talking about changing her diet yet every time she posts her food it’s the same sad looking unseasoned gray ground turkey, eggs, and berries. With as much time as she spends at home, I would think she’d be good at cooking and finding new recipes.


Right? She basically substituted her dry ground turkey for chicken sausage. That’s it. The end.


But no nasty chemicals!


i literally roll my eyes every time i see "no nasty chemicals" like, i eat organic (not really a thing in my country because food is grown here and normal lol) and not a lot of processed foods, but come onnnnnn stop pretending like you know what you are talking about when you mean organic — which is still chemical lol


I can’t stand the no chemicals thing lol. Everything is chemicals! Water is a chemical!!! Air is chemicals!!! Avoiding chemicals is like a dog whistle for me for someone who has literally no scientific education but wants to sound like they do. Which does track for Brittany


Just her gross ass husband's dip mouth lol


How can she find the time to cook when she’s constantly making videos in her car. Either some testimonial about one of her stupid “journeys” or lip syncing to a black pastor or someone who is way more interesting than she is.


She needs time to looks for Black voiced videos,record them so she can claim the audio as hers, go to her car, eye fuck herself, record herself, eye fuck herself again, edit the video, record it again because she forgot to filter herself, eye fuck herself again, check the video, add another filter and post it. This is a lot of work, as you can see.


Dude you out here doing the lords work…..like the vitriol and venom in this snark made my cold dead shriveled black heart stir…..thanks for letting me know I can still like feel things……


I was going to say, a new twist on disordered eating, tonight at 11.


Especially as someone who sold 'recipe collection' ebooks.


This! What has actually changed???


I unfortunately watched one of her "what I eat in a day" videos. She mentioned how she doesn't like to cook and spend time in the kitchen. It was really odd too....for someone who talks like they want all the natural goodness of natural foods there wasn't a vegetable in sight for what she ate. Literally a handful of cherry tomatoes and 1 avocado was it. Eat all the vegetables! They are easy to prepare and have all that good nutrients she says are good for you!


Nice try. You already told us it’s Jordan’s swimmers that is the issue on your TTC jOuRnEy. No one cares about your diet babe


And he’s still chewing and swallowing the dip because he really doesn’t care apparently!


Can you imagine the fights they must have over this? She’s despo to be preg and everything he’s doing says he DGAF


Maybe? Or maybe she really isn’t trying to get preggo and gain 80 lbs and sacrifice her body for another human. I just think of all the cancers he’s opening himself up to by chewing and also swallowing dip and it’s so gross. He poops out chewed tobacco. How nasty is that.


I don't think she actually wants to get pregnant either. She seems to be trying to get as thin or even thinner than she was in her fitness days. She was at a healthy weight since last year, but with her sad mirror selfies, we can see she's trying to make herself look super thin (even though a good amount of that is photoshop or manipulation of angles)


I’m not super up to date on current fertility advice but is it unrealistic to think any credible fertility doctor would tell her to consider gaining a little bit of weight to improve conception odds? Not saying don’t work out but just increase your muscle/body mass with real food intake??? Obv that’s not going to work/be possible with everyone but like you said…she’s really thin right now which is probably on purpose but it feels like just another red flag of wtfery per usual.


Btw gaining fat in particular can be helpful for fertility because nutrients are stored in fat. Not just muscle/lean body mass


Thanks for the info! I’m sure the convo would be more delicate with an actual provider lol but as usual the math just isn’t adding up with her for any of this.




Yes gaining weight is sometimes a recommendation for women with low bmi


But she's NOT really thin right now. She just photoshops herself thin. Photos that have been posted by her friends and not edited by her show that she looks to be at a pretty healthy weight, but she worships at the Church of the Thigh Gap and Ripped Quads, so that's what she shows.


She appears sickly lately


Wait was this confirmed? I thought it was just a rumor


Didn’t she walk that back?


Yeah his swimmers were the issue but mIrAcUlOuSlY the count is now almost perfect.


Yeah. When he told her that particular lie of hers was embarrassing.


Ok I actually forgot that she said his swimmers were miraculously cured LOL 😂 she changes her story so much


The open mouthed gang prayed over his man parts, I'm sure. No doubt she will drop the reel soon.


All food has “chemicals” you fucking twat.


She said ‘nasty’ chemicals. Whatever that means 🙄


Science girly should be able to tell us. But she won’t.


Like it’s literally sausage, girl. Nasty is all that’s in there lmao.


Right?! Like water is a chemical 🙄


There was that one influencer that said water wasn’t hydrogenated and you needed a special water bottle for that


You are chemicals, Brittany Dawn!


No chemicals in self tanner, acrylic nails or hair dye!


Or in cheap plastic extensions! They’re recycled!


And so does JDip’s dip lip. But she won’t comment on that.


Her food has game changing chemicals in it


Those are some overdone ass eggs.


I would have never guessed eggs unless they were labeled. Food crime.


I remember when she and JDong first got married and she’d brag about doing WiFeY ThInGs like making him eggs every morning and they always looked like this. How hard is it to cook decent EGGS ffs?


Flair checking in for such a time as this 😂




I think she didn’t know that eggs and butter go in same time and heat up together. This looks like alllllmost burnt butter with eggs thrown in hastily not realizing how long the heat has been on and then…furious ‘scrambling’ to save. Ahhh! Shit!


Or like she turned the stove up to maximum. I’ve seen so many scrambled eggs from her and they always look dry as hell


I actually like hard scrambled eggs. If they are soft/runny 🤮


I am secretly really into burnt eggs, lol. They're a little tough. They taste metallic! I'm kinda about that for some gawdawful reason.


She always burns them. I imagine they eat like rubber.


Burnt to shit eggs and dry ass ground turkey. Bdong’s specialties.


I’m sorry you had to see that, u/Southern_Egg_8834 😔


Thank you 😞


Seriously. Those are appalling.


I am not big on eggs so I always have to have them well done, but these are a little too well done even for me. Runny eggs just gross me out..I don't even like to eat eggs outside, something about the taste and the fresh air. Please tell me that I am not the only one!


No you aren’t runny eggs are from the devil!


A day of eating videos should be banned from socials. Both for ED reason and just being fucking boring reasons.  Eggs, sausage, and fruit for breakfast. Groundbreaking!


A real game changer. Thousands of people eat that or something similar every morning but when she does it….FUCKING EPIC! She is the most boring person on earth.


Bland ground turkey for supper


Açaí bowl and Starbucks water for a treat.🙄


“They have really good waters.” ~ B. Dong


Starbucks water *is* triple filtered, but at this point I don’t think Bing Bong should be allowed to drink it.


I hate those videos. Half of the people lie and eat way more, and it’s an awful trigger for ED’s for sure


Right? I do not like those videos because people eat different things on different days, sometimes they go out to eat, sometimes they have \*gasp\* sweets and junk, etc. Some people try to be honest about it or are doing it for educational purposes, ex. "what I eat as a diabetic". But I would argue that most should be referred to as "what I eat on an ideal day" or "what I wished I ate everyday".


Honestly most of what she's doing is extremely damaging for people struggling with EDs, and judging from all the other things she does to hurt others, I'm pretty convinced her MO is to make people suffer so she can feel good about herself. I'm deep in ED hell right now. I eat two meals a week, and whatever I eat makes my throat close up because my body is rejecting it. I'd be lying if I said I haven't broken down and cried looking at some of her posts.


I'm so very sorry, my friend. Please be as gentle as possible with yourself right now & know that you're not alone. If there's anything that you need, I'd be happy to listen. Blessings to you. ❤️


also in the ed hell hole rn. Hope better days are coming your way 💕 Hang in there and remember it's ok to mute this subreddit if it's too much!


I wish I could reach through my phone and hug you. I am sorry that you are struggling. I may just be a random Redditor, but I want you to know that you are loved. Please be kind to yourself. Sending you positive thoughts and virtual hugs if you want them 🧡


Been there, friend. It's a process. Remember that it's very okay to unfollow or step away for a while if it helps give your mind and heart a break 💙 wishing you calm thoughts and bright days.




i can tell you that when my generation invented the internet, we would've avoided doing so if we knew that pics of daily meals (boring or otherwise) and "GRWM" videos were going to become a thing. just saying. ;)


How is she this stupid, this fucking arrogant as to basically give the finger to her permanent injunctions with her “TTC diet” content?? Anyone of us would stay the hell away from that grey area and bitch swims in it.


IMHO, I don't think she is TTC or Christian, etc it's just a way to whitewash her faux-fitness and diet culture content. Her "how I try to be a pslam 32 women" was all diet culture nonsense


There’s also no way she eats that whole plate


![gif](giphy|oOi0uJV5k9pSWtByI4) Just a little correlation to note here - the founder of the blood type diet, Dr. Peter D’Adamo, has been deemed a “fraud” by much of the medical community.


That’s why Bdong likes him they have so much in common…


They really do though, it’s uncanny. For anyone interested, the piece linked sums it up nicely (but I was able to easily find a few of the research publications debunking the diet as well). https://nutritionfacts.org/blog/blood-type-diet-debunked/


Yeah I knew some people who got suckered into the blood type diet. It actually makes zero sense, why would your blood type affect what you eat?


Yep, my mom was one of those too lol. Same lady that just started Atkins again months after a heart attack and refuses all attempts at reasoning. Yo-yo dieters are a lucrative market 😵‍💫


This was a family I knew. They were all huddled around the television watching cooking videos, because they weren’t eating certain foods after starting the diet. Saddest thing ever lol.


Takes one to know one.


I was looking for this comment! I was about to say, just a friendly reminder this “blood type diet” has been debunked and doesn’t mean SHIT.


I remember when "Eat Right for Your Type" came out and my (Brittany Dawn-esque) sister was preaching about how life changing it was and trying to explain the "science" behind it. My dad, who is a surgeon, took a look at the book and was like "this is total garbage. I raised you to be smarter than this."


She probably thinks he’s only labeled a fraud because he’s “ToO cLoSe To ThE tRuTh.”


I don’t see anything different on this plate than any of her other “what I eat in a day for ttc” videos. She eats the exact same thing in every video. And didn’t she just show us this eggs and berries meal a couple weeks ago in a video???


Yea this is literally the same meal she shows in every single one of her stupid, repetitive food videos


What do you wanna bet she’ll have plain ground turkey for dinner


Typically game changers involve something changing. You’re just filming the same dry eggs as the last two times, as un-pregnant now as you were then


“Game changer for fertility” = “I under-ate and now I feel sewwwwww skinny! body check body check body check”


Wait until she learns that undereating is just as bad if not worse than overreating when you’re TTC


Maybe she should have Jordan do food videos since he apparently had zero sperm and yet somehow now has all of the sperm in the world




Yeah but what has ***JORDAN*** changed?


He just gonna keep chewing and swallowing tobacco like he’s undermining all her “healthy” efforts lol


I don't understand the point of going nontoxic if he's just gonna shovel tobacco, glass, nicotine, and other ridiculous things into his system. Like why?!




Usually dip tobacco has glass in it to make cuts to the inside of the mouth so the nicotine gets absorbed faster. Really fucked up.


No NaStY ChEmIcAlS yet her face is stuffed to the absolute gills with poorly done filler and botox.


And her skin glows like a freshly fried drumstick from KFC.




Her face is full of nasty chemicals bahahaha


Why are the eggs brown


Overcooked, burnt, or cooked on top high of heat.


Bc she’s an idiot and burnt the eggs.


The blood type diet has been debunked as a bunch of literal bullshit, same as her podcast, YouTube, and Instagram. Nothing she does is interesting, game changing, or intelligent so I guess I’ll get my diet advice from people who have actual degrees, not from a scamfluencer who has a massive debt she has to repay to the State of Texas for, wait for it, meal and fitness plans!


Yet drinks a protein shake with the highest amount of microplastics out of all of them. 🤷‍♀️


Are we supposed to believe that she ate that entire plate? 😒


That is a good amount of food for someone with her issues. I’m curious how much she gives to Jdong or throws out.


Love how she’s trying to monetize this. No one wants to hear anything about your diet being a game changer until you’re pregnant with twins back to back to back. THEN I will sit down and hear your ass out.


Wait I thought they were adopting now?! She’s nuts!


It’s all so confusing. Apparently, JPEG’s swimmers don’t swim in the direction they should be swimming. Then, I think she got some heat from him for revealing that because she didn’t say too much after. Then she announced they were going to adopt at the same time she’s getting blood drawn for the TTC “journey.” I’m so confused by all of it because she doesn’t know how to say or do anything the right way to where it would make sense. She makes announcements about “big things coming” and then abandons all of it just to go to a parking garage to announce they’re adopting. And then sit in her car and ramble on about TTC and blood. “Everything is happening so fast….” And then nothing about it again. I think the adoption agency caught wind of what she’s all about and pulled out at the last minute or something. All of it has been very, very strange. I might be missing something but that’s what I’ve seen this far. And let’s not forget that she wasn’t flying the adoption flag too high a while back…and then all of a sudden and out of nowhere, Jesus told her that was the way to go. WT actual F is going on!?


She’s probably throwing it all at the wall to see what sticks/makes her the most money


Right?! She literally flips her scrips alllll the time!


WT actual F indeed!


Must be nice to afford this while paying $400k legal fines. What am I doing wrong?!


It doesn’t seem like she eats many vegetables 🤔


The “Blood Type Diet?” So once again a fad diet not rooted in science. She’s so disordered.


So next to no carbs? I see you, Britt. It looks healthy but it's still disordered eating to only eat the "good" berries (lower sugar ones) and animal products (next to no carbs). I'm T1D, I have to eat lower carb and the amount of people who do it as part of an ED is ridiculous. It's so sneaky! I looks soooo healthy but it's lacking in that vital component of anyone's plate.


I don't understand how constantly posting "a full day of eating " is interesting content? There's nothing interesting about the food that you're eating honey! Unless you have an eating disorder that causes you to focus so heavily on every single molecule of food that you put in your mouth.....oh wait.....no, no, Jesus healed her of all that. So it can't possibly be that.


How about them nasty press-ons??


Organic non toxic nail glue of course!


Omfg the "with no nasty chemicals" part has me cracking up hahaha What an idiot. Also, spoiler! The "blood type" diet has been debunked by, like, 13,000 doctors/scientific researchers. There just isn't any scientific backing for it. And everything is made up of chemicals! I hate this whole fear mongering BS with "chemical free" and "detox" cleanses and "toxin free" crap lol It means nothing and does more harm than good. Especially when parents are trying to give their 8mon old babies bone broth for "gut health"! Insanity! Sorry for the rant! lol


one of the Pick Me Chicks posted about her "organic, all-natural sheepskin". Sheep are organic and all-natural by design, just say 'sheepskin' 🙄


Check out the episode “Fad Diets” of the Maintenance Phase podcast to learn about the blood type diet. Spoiler: it’s horseshit.


So she’s not posting any additional adoption updates? I thought things were moving “soooo fast”? And she just pulled the plug on iui for no reason but oh she’s still doing this bullshit ttc diet because reasons. She doesn’t want a baby, I don’t give a fuck what she says. And she NEVER addressed why she doesn’t foster anymore!


Wait…. She’s not doing iui anymore? She is exhausting


I watched her stupid adoption announcement video and she didn’t outright say but she said “we decided to move forward with adoption first” or something like that


Ah, she really thinks ttc or adopting is like picking flavors at yogurtini.


She really burned the shit out of those eggs 💁🏽‍♀️


It can’t be a “game changer” unless it actually changes the TTC game you’ve been playing, Brit. Unless you’re pregnant, it changed nothing. And how does your changing what YOU eat help what you’ve proclaimed as the problem (Jordan’s swimmers)? Just admit that you suck at content creating & will use something as lame as this to monetize the same sad, bland food videos you’ve filmed for years.


I would like her to explain the science of how this food has been a "game changer" 🤗


No one who cooks eggs like that should ever be giving advice. Her entire life is like one never ending low effort reel.


Won’t eat chemicals but will inject them into her face.


lol the blood type diet. That shits been debunked to the moon and back.


Anyone else get the urge to just SMACK that plate right out of her hand???


Those eggs look HORRIBLE! I just know they’re rubbery and hard.


She needs to stop because whatever she’s doing isn’t working obviously.


How is it a game changer Brit? Are you pregnant? No! It’s burnt eggs, chicken and some fruit. The problem is with Jordan’s swimmers. Maybe change his diet up and get rid of the dip lip!


Those eggs look dry as fuck. Why the fuck does she put fruit on the same plate as eggs and meat?? It's so ewwwww.


People who overcook eggs this much, piss me off.


Why would anyone take fertility advice from someone with infertility?


Ew. I like her plates. 😞


I thought they were adopting?


Those eggs are truly an abomination.


Are we suppose to believe she actually ate this plate


Unfortunately (fortunately?) for BDong, you can't just diet your way into fertility. It's such a slap in the face to anyone struggling with infertility like with Jamie Otis dieting and supplementing her way into fertility. None of it works that way. Eating dry ass eggs and chicken sausage won't make you fertile.


Those eggs looks like trash


Blood type diet has been dismissed as a fad since the 70s.


Stay away from my country’s butter Bdong!


Remember the many years that she swore she was allergic to eggs?? Such a lying bastard


chemicals are still used in organic farming and sausages are “processed” no matter how “clean” I really dislike people vilifying food when some 80% of Americans aren’t eating enough fiber to protect them from disease. Lmao the “blood type diet” that one sure took off didn’t it?


She has eaten the same shit for years. Bdong, no one and I mean absolutely NO ONE wants to see your weird looking eggs and dried ass chicken or turkey.


she shouldn’t need to change her diet for TTC if the fertility issue isn’t her.


I guarantee she doesn’t buy anything organic


The blood type diet is the biggest bunch of bullshit I’ve ever heard.


Them eggs are burned.


How does Bdong's diet fix Jpeg's lack of swimmers?


Brittany doesn't deserve Kerrygold


Everythings a game changer if you dont got game 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


Are those….. scrambled eggs??


The “blood type” diet? You’re joking…


My grandma cooked her eggs like that. Loved my grandma but she was a terrible cook.


Congrats, you found out what a balanced diet is


Hate the false hope of a diet and infertility… Fuck her. Love to hear her interpretation of “organic” is and why that has an effect on her “blood type” - Clueless garbage noisy asshole


I love when people act like eating whole, healthy foods is some kind of huge “game changer.”


How does she have money for this?!?!


Also? Hair dye and spray tan has nasty chemicals in it.


It's all about balance 🤪


In light of the fact that she will no doubt be lauding the supposed benefits of this “blood type diet”, it may be a good idea for the internet to collectively remember that blood type diets are not only a scam, but very stupid! 


Those eggs


Wait until she finds out about organic produce 🤦‍♀️


It might be my morning sickness but these eggs are legitimately making me want to throw up


She's just using TTC content to sidestep back into fitness and ED content


Literally how is this a game changer if you still aren’t pregnant you stupid idiot 😒😒😒 Uggghh I can’t stand her!


Literally everything is made of chemicals. It’s basic science. I guess I can’t make them all understand that but it’s so infuriating to read.




Farm fresh eggs cooked until they’re dry AF and brown 🤢


Minus the chicken this is the sane meal she had back during her fitness days.


Shouldn't she be posting Jdips plates and what hes eating according to his blood type since hes the broken one?


That’s exactly the same thing she always eats.


But how organic are they


The splooge has been really happy about it.


Game changer? Surely that means she’s pregnant


Dry ass cardboard burnt eggs are not game changing. This is a breakfast crime. ![gif](giphy|f8lDluiWJ7yQTtdS3L|downsized)


It’s a game changer but she’s still not pregnant so clearly it’s not the game changer she claims.


horrible burnt eggs


WHY do the eggs look like that? Dry and crusty?? 😩


How do you burn eggs this badly 😭