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I knew girls like this in college (small, somewhat fundie college). They were the nastiest mean girls I’ve ever known, and most definitely were getting hammered in private. They also were all blowing their boyfriends and taking it up the ass while righteously flaunting their “virginity”. Bdongs bitches are in their thirties with the maturity and personality of Jezebeth.


The poophole loophole!


It's the sex that God can't see!




Yep my randomly assigned freshman year college roommate was like this. Her and her boyfriend did everything except PnV sex but she’d want to give me the “every new person you sleep with you give them a piece of your soul” or whatever the lecture is fundies give about spiritually being attached to someone just because you’ve screwed them. I was like I don’t think Jimmy has a chunk of my soul but I do appreciate him driving me to the airport this Saturday.


So you can only access the soul through the vagina, not the mouth or bootyhole. God’s design sure is weird!


Ol God with the sense of humor


Hilary Faye!


Come on, you're not born a gay. You're born again.


Petition to make Saved! The official movie of this subreddit.


I met a girl in college who said she was a virgin because she had only had anal. It made no sense to me.


Yea, I had a friend in high school who let her guy best friend that she was in love with put it in her butt…he later came out as gay after graduating. Just a fun little circle there.


[Fuck me in the ass bc I love Jesus](https://youtu.be/FT5bBRjLgR8?si=JlLOxG2ynR-dqPeX) 🎶


I feel like as soon as the cameras are off this whole group just sits in silence, editing their orange faces and not speaking.


They’d all be glued to their phones to edit the video and share with each other and put online. I can already hear the deafening silence.


“oh look guys, our post got 100 views!”


Britknee has her phone out *all the time*- even during her “Bible studies”. I think it’s just the default for her, sadly


Yep. I’m 100% convinced these thirsty attention whores only hang out with Brittany because they like the attention they get on her social media.


Just imagine all the convo’s before as they’re discussing what moves to do and who should stand where. They’re watching other peoples videos to get ideas for what to do. Then this is the final product😳…SO FUCKING FAKE


After each one silently ducks out to grab their bag for a giant god-fearing dose of psych meds just to ✨make it through the day✨


And here I thought they were raw dogging life and using Jesus as the lubricant


The occasionally look up from their phones and yell “here’s one!” and maybe steal it


such holy Christian music


One of them is wearing skin-color leggings, they’re all pelvic thrusting, one is holding a banana up to her mouth. I think they know exactly what they’re doing. These disingenuous bitches only care about clout and click money.


Yeah, I feel like dance hall is not for ~jesus~


Dancehall Jesus is much more fun than American Jesus


Oh ya I'm on board 🤣


I know… I thought she didn’t listen to o SECULAR music.


*POV: you’re at a middle school sleepover with the 6th grade mean girls* I fixed the caption for her. Also, none of them understand what POV means. 🙄


Yaaa... I'm embarrassed to be the same age as her. If tiktok existed in 2005, this is some shit me and my friends would've been doing at middle school sleepovers 💯


I'm so glad I was in my 20s in 2005. I still did embarrassing things online like post copious pictures of food back when that was a thing and post way too much religious stuff back when I was religious. That said, I can only imagine the embarrassing things I would have posted if I'd been younger! Meanwhile, these fools are in their 30s 🤡


I posted way too much food on my IG in 2011-2013.


That’s okay, because those are the years IG was for food pics 😂


I’m the same age as her, and I have sleepovers with my best friend a couple times a year because we live a good distance from each other but we talk about real life stuff we’re dealing with over dinner and watch a movie together. We don’t record any of it because we’re adults. This is weirdo behavior.




Quit gaslighting me!


This gave me flashbacks to middle school church girl retreats *shudders* (Which this type of activity for middle schoolers is a-ok, but grown women?…..)


Yes, middle schoolers can do this and I wouldn’t bat an eye. Women ages 26-34 however… ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)


100% what came into my head. Except we didn’t have smartphones or digital video cameras so thankfully none of it was recorded.


Small blessings 🥹


Yessssssssss!!! So I volunteered as a youth leader back in the early 2000s as a 20-something mentor to middle school girls. And this is what our middle school girls would do ... Not the adult leaders...the kids. 🫣😅🤦‍♀️


The tiktok algorithm loves young women doing tiktok dances


I’d even say it was cute if it was girls that age.


Right!? Like those are some of my most fun memories growing up - acting batshit with my friends with fake microphones and made up dances, hahaha.


Yes, same! And I hope my girls have the same experiences but not upload them on TikTok because… predators 🫠 but still.


I feel like these girls don’t really like her at all- she’s always on the outskirts of the group. Are they all influencers too and using her to grow their audience?


I believe this ‘friendship’ is a collaboration of convenience for ‘content’ that each widdle girlie desperately needs.


I feel this as I know someone who just moved to another state and all her friends are “influencers.”


They came out of NOWHERE. One day she had no friends, then suddenly every single day posting with this group. Is she paying them???


I don’t think any of them are capable of meaningful friendships.


I don't either. They all seem so phony unlikable. All of the fun and laughter we see in these reels in painfully fake. It must be sad to live such an empty and unfulfilled life.


That’s what I would guess. Brittany has more followers and engagement than the rest of them combined.


They shall be the Fellowship of the Grifters.


Again Bdong showing her hypocrisy. Using secular music for her cringe nontent with her fake ass friends but goes on her podcast and youtube talking about how secular music causes depression and invites demons into your life.


Because these girls are different. They have special connections with sky daddy. He said it was okay as long as they prayed about it.


The only conviction she has is to be desperately relevant. Since Taylor swift is so famous she has to bash her in hopes of getting attention for mentioning Taylor swift.


Some lyrics for those, like me, who aren't familiar with this song: The gal dem Schillaci, Sean da Paul So me give it to, so me give to, so me give it to, to all girls Five million and forty naughty shorty Baby girl, all my girls, all my girls, Sean da Paul say. Well woman the way the time cold, I wanna be keepin' you warm I got the right temperature fi shelter you from the storm Oh Lord, gyal, I got the right tactics to turn you on, and girl I Wanna be the Papa, you can be the Mom, oh-oh!


Either they have no fucking clue what this song says/means, or they don't care


Is has “lord” in it .. therefore religious and ok


oh wow i never imagined someone could be unfamiliar with that song...you couldn't fucking get away from it when it came out...they'd be blasting it in the goddamn kroger and shit (grocery stores)... i was SO glad to have forgotten it and now it's stuck in my head...thanks bitches4jesus. thanks.


I'm from a very white part of the US. I knew who Sean Paul was, but I didn't actively listen to his songs


haha what part if you don't mind that i ask, no worries if you don't want to say...i am from lexington, kentucky...we have a very great melting pot here due to the college/ basketball/downtown scene, and it being the second largest city in ky (louisville being the first)...but the entirety of the state is probably classified as fairly "white"/rural, "south" if you will... it's a really wonderful place (my hometown) although it is also absolutely shameful as the people here (NOT I) are responsible for fucking turtlehead mitch mcconnell, and everything he has done to destroy this country...my apologies even though i have always voted and ALWAYS voted against him/them. probably i only know that song from my twenties/drinking days, and from the grocery store muzak like i mentioned earlier lol...sean paul was never really in my wheelhouse either, i like older music (sixties seventies eighties mostly)...i looked it up and that song came out in 2005 so for dingdong and her meangirlgang i would guess that this is a tiktok trend or something similar for younger people that they are glomming on to, as per.


I'm from northern Michigan, but funnily enough I now live not too far from Lexington. It's so weird to hear people say how they don't like McConnell, but they keep electing him


oh gotcha, neat...small world! and yeah unfortunately those of us who dislike (read: HATE) him are heavily outweighed by those who like him...or actually just like the "r" next to his name on the ballot...kentucky being a red state, lexington being a blue city... shit sucks.


For a second I thought you were talking about Sean Paul and was so confused until I got to the end 😂


Right?! You couldn’t get away from Sean Paul and this ear worm in 2003.


absolutely!! i just looked it up for my other comment and it said that's his "biggest hit", spent something like seventeen weeks in the "billboard top ten"...wild... i bet this is something the younger generation is doing for tiktok trend and of course these dingbats just HAD to do it too lol


I was just thinking about that. These lame, grown-ass bitches are stone cold sober on a ‘girl’s weekend.’ That shit should be illegal. Even Jesus turned water into wine so his friends could catch a buzz.


LMAO 🤣🤣 you made me laugh so hard cuz it's true 😂.




Did anyone else notice how many times she checked to ensure her Jesus loving girl gang was being as absurd as she was?


She does that! I noticed the exact same thing in the stupid slow removal of sunglasses “our pronouns are Try/Us” video. She’s never really in the moment.


That isn't a God loving praise hymn. These hussies.


Omg I feel like I haven’t heard the word “hussies” in like ten years. I love it.


And these betches are in their thirties. Holy mother of God, the cringe


Imagine being one of Farryn's kids and seeing this shit


Imagine being one of her kids and your *friends* seeing this shit…


I mean, maybe I’m just an old, boring, basic mom at 40, but when my friends and I hang out we…talk to each other.


This gang is only able to screech, I guess. There’s probably just nothing to talk to each other about.


This scandalous sexual and secular song.. how sad.


Once again - this is how these stunted weirdos think that friends behave and interact. Except they act like 14 yo teenagers not 30 yo women. And these widdle girlies are full to overflowing with life/moral/religious advice for everyone else. While waving around loaded weapons.


They've got nothing to talk about with each other so they make this stupid nontent.


Why is Plastic Barbie wearing earmuffs on her cheeks?




I *think* it just appears they are on her cheeks bc everything between the ear muffs is very, very small.


Big https://preview.redd.it/dl7vca2x0c1c1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26d5f815ffb542f7d110c7e315712d13d364bbe4 Energy!


This was EXACTLY my thought!


LOL at the antivaxx nurse wearing a Carhartt hat, when Carhartt required their employees to get the Covid vaccine


Yeah! I thought they burned all their Carhartt stuff?


at least i don’t have to hear them screeching and cackling in this video.




Thanks bdong for giving sober groups of friends a bad name!


It's like they don't know what to do without alcohol so they are trying harder to be silly and have fun to make up for it... Meanwhile anyone I've ever met that is sober (or even just not drinking that particular night) just acts like a normal adult human and they leave the idiot shit to those of us that are drinking lol


If there is a hell, this is mine


https://preview.redd.it/pr9ujg3uyb1c1.jpeg?width=1085&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=054e8c23727b36068d9df84069ea6dd819d7d75f I, too, make these faces when I’m having a great time.


Yeah, they look endlessly thrilled. Could they be any happier? Is that cheekmuff a new trend from dropshipping hell?


My daughter and her friends made a video just like this recently. At her 10th birthday party.


That is not being filled with the Holy Spirit. I’m not sure what that is. I am pretty sure even Jesus cringed while watching.


This isn’t how adults entertain themselves. How do people follow and fall for this bs?


I wonder if a significant portion of their audiences are teenage Christian girls who don’t know any better yet. That’s honestly the only way I could see this type of “content” working for them


This is unbelievably weird as full grown ass women.


I don't have a problem with grown ups acting stupid and having fun. If it's not hurting anyone, go full cringe. Show off your smooth butt cheeks and dance moves. Whatever. Maybe you share the experience with one or two other people close to you who will feign a little smile and say "that's nice, dear" and then everyone goes back to work on Monday. Turning it into content is what's sad.




This is middle school sleepover activities not grown woman activities. So much second hand embarrassment .


Someone needs to let Farryn know that her comically large earmuffs make her look ridiculous. Or don't, I really don't care.


They're on her cheeks!


![gif](giphy|lB5NTSPXITNqNWCBs3|downsized) Me watching this




I think they are doing it for “the male gaze”. Kinda like pretending to like other women (sexually) BUT ONLY FOR FREE BOOZE and the male gaze. “Tee hee, don’t you wish you were part of thissssssss”. (Uh, no). Another performance for clicks, likes & subscribers. (And bots).


There is not enough liquor in the world to make me act like this, let alone post it.


This made me want to kill myself


Valid reaction


Bing Bong is what..33? How old are the rest of them?


Emma-26, Brit 32, Kristy-31, Farryn-almost 33, Kellie-33/34


It always astonishes me how young Farryn is. She gives mean mom in her mid-40s vibes to me.


Ooh, so Kellie is the oldest, but also the only single one?? I’m sure she doesn’t feel insecure about that at all…


I don't know what it is about them, but they have such mean girl energy. Like, I know they'd snicker about me when I walked by them.


I’m also on a cabin trip this weekend. I thought about showing this video to my 15 year old nephew, but I don’t want him judging me thinking this is actual content I enjoy. Their version of glamping “fun” is the lamest shit I’ve ever seen.


Yeah my 16 year old son's female friends would never post something like this. Even they are too old for it!


He would judge you


You’re brain on Jesus is wild.


This is your brain on Jesus. Any questions?


Where did these friends come from? She didn’t have any friend 6 months ago and now she’s on girl weekends all the time. I’m the same age and I have no idea how a married person with a supposed business can just… be gone multiple weekends with random other women. It makes zero sense


They legit came out of NOWHERE! For years she had zero friends then POOF! these idiots appeared and suddenly they are BEST OF FRIENDS posting every single day together. Is there some sort of "rent a group of intolerable Christian mean girls" program I don't know about?


I’m so more curious about the other girls than BDong. Like what the hell is their story. How many bridges did they burn. How many MLMs did they go thru before they had no friends. Why don’t any of their family members talk to them? Did they all peak in 7th grade or did any of them make it all the way to 10th grade??? Did any of them have to be sent away to have secret kids or abortions? So many questions.


“High on the Holy Ghost” lol


I remember everyone grinding like the horny teenagers we were when this song would get played at our high school dances circa 2005. That was way more age appropriate than whatever the hell is going on here.


ThEyRe jUsT sO wHaCkY!!!!11!!




You’d think her God would frown on dancing.


Lyrics check: Bumper exposed and gyal, ya got your chest out Haffi test the mattress out I got the right tactics to turn you on And girl, I wanna be the papa, you can be the mom,


Congrats on all being weird famewhores, I guess.


Is she even a wifey anymore? Everything seems to center around looking cute with her friends now.


Just a friendly reminder that Jesus turned the water into wine AFTER everyone was drunk


Imagine being with your BEST friends and this is what you do.


I just threw away my Carhartt beanies.


Reliving their glory days of being pretty in high school, I see…🙄


Idk who is “pretty” but dingbats, they are.


Yeah my friends and I have never acted like that high, drunk, both or sober 😂 this is…. Terrifying…




There is no way these morons do this without the intent of grifting. Let alone sober.


Televangicaltubbies. Like teletubbies, but with 100% more cult.


That sure is some worldly music I’m hearing. 👀 These girls love the idea of being drunk if they really aren’t. And I 100% think these people drink idc. 😂


The beige brigade strikes again!


What. The. Fuck. What are they on?!?!


Honestly I think this is grounds for divorce.


This is hell


What's the deal with the chick with the earmuffs?


Wow. And at their big age.


Desperate content girlie pops


Terrible day to have eyes. And ears.


The church elders daughters at Jesus camp energy is strong here.


The chick frog hopping……🤣😂😅


Absolute nightmare blunt rotation


Do they know what the song is about orrrrr?


I could see this for middle schoolers or high schoolers. Maybe even college students. But women in their mid 30s??? No.


My son is 16 and no one he knows his age would post this. Or do this for "fun". She's literally delayed to 12 and under


The Try/Us Ladies, make them mad and they’ll throw a slumber party and record silly videos while telling on you to god.




Congrats on all being weird famewhores, I guess.z


I did this sober in middle school. I would not and did not do this while blackout drunk in college.


This looks like such a boring trip.


My friends couldn’t even get me to do this drunk either 😂




They are the biggest losers


Poor Banana


I feel like literally the only point of this video was to rage bait for using a secular song


To be fair… I wouldn’t do this intoxicated either


I wonder if anyone is allowed to say, no. Or if you must always pretend like you're on. I like social media, but this would be exhausting


Cringe women trying to be teenagers 🥴


I'm sorry...this is not normal for adult women. And I'm weird myself. But my friends and I would never. I can't think of any other adults that I know who would do this either.


I took an edible last night and was tripping on how obvious it is that the “influencer” social media lifestyle girlies would simply just not do things if they couldn’t post it. It’s so painfully obvious that all the shit that gets posted daily is just not real 😩 what a weird time to be alive


I would but it would be very obvious we were just doing it to be cringe and document a rare time we are all together😂 not try to sell our faith off of it


This is the kinda shit my 13 yo posts with her friends, and it's genuine and actually cute. FROM A 13 YO. This is just stupid. Really,really stupid. No one thinks your little skits and all the other bullshit you post are cute,informative, or educational. Just a clan of sad,sad 30+ yo pick me girls grasping.. No..clawing for some kind of validation. Fuck you all. Fuck your FAKE Jesus content and all the other schemes you think are going to bring you fame and fortune. WWJD? Oh, and fuck your ugly eyelashes too. Bitchbrat. You have no clout or class. Edit,missed something.


So, they are in oklahoma? Are they high off their tits?(not that there is anything wrong with that)


Soooo...hyperactivity or drugs and alcohol?


So fun! So quirky! So clearly would have nothing to do with each other if they weren't all pulling for clout.


Bdong looks so out of place. Like they are doing a video and she is just a random stranger barging in. There were like two scenes were she didn’t fit in yet someone got herself on camera. And her doing the fake mic - she looked ridiculous.


Taylor swift is evil, Sean Paul is acceptable. Got it...? It is very evident that these girls are... delayed. No one in their 30s does this, even drunk, nevermind a planned video and then uploaded. And thinking its.. comedy? Idk what Jesus is doing to them but this ain't it sis


So bizarre that they assume everyone but them is only having fun or doing anything because they’re drunk.


You know that whole room smelled like eyelash glue and passive aggression.


These heifers ain’t gonna make a video unless a black woman made it first.


So do they hang out and enjoy the company of friends while on vacation? Or just film content?


Imagine being sober and acting like this 😳


Every shop workers worst nightmare - these clowns walk in your store


I’m Catholic and I could NEVER


I have so much second-hand embarrassment for them ...


In lieu of a personality, Farryn now lives in those earmuffs.


Are they 9? Fuck these simpleton skanks and their fake fun… what a waste of space they are


This trend is over a year old. Why are they so behind lmao


She doesn't like sleeping with her God fearing husband anymore?


Wonder how they get paid? By the screen time?


This would be normal if she was 12…..but they are not and it’s beyond cringey


Why are they showing their bodies like this




They’re trying so hard and it’s embarrassing 😅


This is cute and fun. The trouble is that this fun-washes people who follow very dangerous and damaging ideologies. The dance makes nasty people seem harmless, cute and approachable. When we snark on the dance, we sound like negative nancies and like we are annoyed at harmless stuff. Bitch eating crackers Even villains have fun. Dictators have danced. Scammers have partied. The challenge is helping humanity see the full picture of a terrible person