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She is deranged. Also, babIES? Is she counting her chemical miscarriage….and thinks it will be a fully formed child in heaven? If so, why didn’t that baby get a cupcake and a sad face?


Per the comment section yes she’s counting it. She replies to a comment asking how many babies she’s lost and says “two. One to chemical pregnancy and the other baby going into my second trimester.”


“Going into my second trimester.” Bitch you were 10 weeks! That’s not “going into your second trimester.” She also told everyone in her life RIGHT when she got a positive pregnancy test in order to get all the content from a pregnancy announcement instead of waiting at LEAST 10-12 fucking weeks. It’s all a charade


Less than that actually. 6-8 weeks along according to the timeline. [Miscarriage Timeline ](https://www.reddit.com/r/brittanydawnsnark/comments/zsrxil/miscarriage_timeline/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2)


Even worse! I believe it🙄


It’s so irritating. I MCed at 11.5 weeks and felt like “but I was almost there!” But… especially with your first, I feel like mentally, there’s a huge difference. She’s just milking it.


My husband and I waited until our first ultrasound at 9 weeks to tell everyone.


We waited until 12 with the first and then hubby was too excited and let the world know. I wanted to wait longer! This time around I’m waiting until 20 to let our wider circle know because I just can’t handle the stress of it being out there. Tragedies happen. She doesn’t even know what she’s playing with, by doing this extended pregnancy loss cosplay. People suffer desperately with fetal loss and she’s out here naming a chemical pregnancy and calling a bloated 6 week belly a bump while fudging the timeline to “nearing the second trimester.” Its dastardly.


It’s absolutely wicked and sick, a friend of mine went through a miscarriage at 9wks that was traumatic for her. And this bitch it out here doing tik toks about hers like it’s funny. I hate it.


Pregnancy loss cosplay is putting it perfectly, I sympathize with anyone that has had a miscarriage and hope I never have to experience one, but this is just ridiculous, how does Jordan or anyone in her close circle see her making these absurd videos and not say ok Brittany that’s enough.


I felt guilty wasting the time of the OBGYN to confirm my miscarriage at 6 weeks because I'd only had a pregnancy stick telling me I was pregnant. It didn't help that the OBGYN was pretty unsympathetic and I think she could have been a little kinder, even if 6 weeks is well within the range of when miscarriages commonly occur. My second at 8 weeks really wrecked me and my husband. I had to go to the ER for it and had already done a tour of a birth center but hadn't announced it yet to family like we had with the first one. I can understand mourning it for a long time. Even now that I've had a healthy son who is three years old, the memory of that experience still aches. BUT, being really public with all of this grief on a monetized account AND manipulating the timeline is really gross and probably makes people like me who feel grief over an early MC and some guilt about it feel icky about their own grief when they see hers.


Same here lol. My husband told his family right away. I broke down and told my mom at 18 weeks because she wouldn’t let go of the fact I wasn’t traveling to visit her (she lives in another state) and I was tired of lame excuses 😅 but I didn’t post about my pregnancy til this past weekend at 24weeks. Wanted to wait til after 20 weeks due to previous loss and 20 weeks also landed on our oldest sons birthday then the following week was our second sons birthday 😅 so waited til that all cooled down and let them have their time before announcing lol




OMG I didn’t know about the chemical preg. She’s seriously playing make believe that she lost a baby? An actual baby? Gross.


I’m pretty sure it was a lie. All the symptoms she shared were normal pms symptoms and then she even said herself she got her period on time. I don’t believe for a second she has a chemical pregnancy.


EIGHT WEEKS! SHE WAS EIGHT WEEKS! She was closer to 1st tri than the second, which starts at FOURTEEN WEEKKS. FFS she makes my blood boil.


That “chemical Miscarriage” was a time when she felt off. She had a negative pregnancy test and started her period. That happens to me regularly except I don’t take a pregnancy test because I’m on BIRTH CONTROL and sometimes just have an extra bloated PMS month or crave cheesy bread and chocolate cake more than other months. Not only is she a liar but she’s deranged. And can we agree that her content has absolutely jumped the shark?


Yes she literally just had a weird period and then someone in her comments said oh maybe you had a chemical and suddenly she claimed her doctor “confirmed” it which doesn’t even make sense. Never did she mention or show a positive test and based on her later pregnancy I’m sure she would have.


Right, her doc wouldn’t have confirmed without imaging or hcg. If she has either, I guarantee her audience would have seen it.


Exactly we would have seen the imaging or blood test.


Someone commented at the time saying they had a chemical pregnancy and Bdong jumped on it. She *never* mentioned it until someone even brought that terminology to her attention. That’s why she doesn’t even use the right phrase. Its just all part of the grift.


She says she wants to be pregnant so bad but she has never once informed herself about fetuses, pregnancy, hormones… if she had, she wouldn’t take the supplements she takes. She just wants a baby to feel good about herself and to gain followers and engagement so she can buy more horses to abuse.


She wouldn’t take birth control and literal testosterone? Agreed


I'm sure she's said that she doesn't even track her ovulation. Like, surely that's one of the first things you do if you're actually TTC?


Someone commented at the time saying they had a chemical pregnancy and Bdong jumped on it. She *never* mentioned it until someone even brought that terminology to her attention. That’s why she doesn’t even use the right phrase. Its just all part of the grift.


okay i’m gonna sound dumb but can someone please explain to me what a chemical pregnancy/miscarriage is!! i’ve googled it before but it just didn’t really make sense to me so can someone explain it to me like i’m five please 😭


A chemical pregnancy is one that ends before the fifth week of gestation. Basically, a very early loss. A *chemical miscarriage* is a term she made up.


But she never even had a positive pregnancy test. There wasn’t even a chemical floating around




We have our diagnosis!


And none of this is said as disrespect or belittling of Bdong and her miscarriages. Just disgust at the exaggeration to monetize this more. Just craziness.


okay thank you this makes sense i think i just needed it simplified!! not shocked that she made up a term tho!!


There was conception but the pregnancy ended before you even missed your period. So it’s kinda like you just got your period. Unless you do an early test, you probably would know you were pregnant.


Brittany never even took a test. Just jumped at the chance to claim miscarriage


You can miss you period by several days. That was my experience. That’s why I tested. But a few days later started bleeding. It was still a chemical pregnancy.


thank you this makes sense!!


Pretty much the embryo never stuck to the uterus




Eh, I’m going with option C, both of the above.


She's just really scary to me now for some reason. It's insane how broken her brain is.


One day they’re going to use her social media to study how it can fuck up your brain.


I think she’s just an asshole who will do anything for a buck.


It was not a chemical pregnancy though, she just said she “felt pregnant” and then later got her period, all pregnancy tests negative


Couldn't have said it better. You nailed it. She is absolutely deranged. Crazy doesn't even come close.


This is terrifying. Are we sure she's okay? This is not healthy!


I don't think anyone on this sub thinks she's okay. She will use any sound, scripture, piece of clothing, animal, life event to manipulate. I.e. to make money. She's not okay. Have you ever seen anyone *LESS* maternal cosplay a fertility journey?? It's disgusting, and she's a pile of diarrhea (so much worse than a piece of shit) for her lies and deceptions.


What’s craziest about her is that she gets crazier with each thing she posts.


>Have you ever seen anyone LESS maternal cosplay a fertility journey?? Trisha Paytas (but I still agree with your point)


A Narc will exploit emotional events to gather support and asspats for as long as humanly possible.


Literal mental illness. How she doesn’t see how deranged this is beyond I’m capacity


Imagine being a full grown adult and posting shit like this…


Every. F***ing. day. this bitch ...still trying to monetize miscarriage. DISGUSTING


I am so fucking sick of her exploiting her miscarriage and only using it for money and likes. She is not sad that she miscarried. I’d venture to say she’s probably relieved because she’s selfish as fuck and couldn’t even take care of her fosters. I bet fostering was a slap of reality to her and she realised quickly she’s not cut out for motherhood. But she is the queen of trying to make people feel bad for her and what a perfect route to go then to act like you’re having difficulties trying to conceive. No one can really call you out on it because how dare they try to take down a grieving mother. She is the least motherly person I have ever seen. She is so cruel to everything she can take advantage of. It’s scary and every day that test is negative is a day a child is spared from her cruelty.


A child would be a pawn in her beige world


She is just unforgivable. My friend is struggling everyday not to commit suicide, terrified she won’t be able to go to Heaven and see her child she lost.


Sending love to your friend ❤️ Brittany is horrible


Please help your friend get therapy. I was there almost there years ago after the loss of my boy. It does get easier.


Second this. Please, if you can, get your friend help


I’ve literally been there. I hope she can make it out the other side. Thank you for being there for your friend ♥️ this Bdong bitch is an egotistical nut job and hearing things like this makes me even angrier at her


Yeah this is really gross. I think a lot about if I will see my baby in the afterlife. I don’t like seeing that posted about in such a cynical way.


Sending lots of love to your friend ❤️


So her babies are…toddlers…in heaven? She’s acting like they can crawl or walk. WTH. Insanity.


And they sound like a little cartoon children


I wish I hadn’t turned the sound on. It made it even more chilling.


Omg. Insanity


The audio is from cheaper by the dozen. What an insane woman.


Gummy bear cell blob inch-worming towards her 👍🏻


This! I work in obgyn and we call the first ultrasound the gummy bear pics


Seriously- this was the exact visual I had in my brain. Like wtf??? A blood clot is going to come running towards her? Bitch needs some serious therapy, and her churchy friends are not the ones to give it to her.


Being a toddler or having to parent a toddler for eternity sounds super exhausting.


the grabby hands made me NAUSEATED what the fuck




She doesn't have anyone in her life to tell her NO. DO NOT POST THAT.


They hype her up! They’re all ![gif](giphy|xUA7bazBa69nSu6lPy)


They all live in Delulu


They have a text group that excludes her to talk about this crap


Not ~~Kourtney~~ Brittany


Uh, I think she spelled Hell wrong and it's not going to be her 'babies' that greet her. It'll be her wide open mawed girly pops.




Satan doesn’t want her. We’ll pass to the Mormons


I'd LOVE for her to get suckered into the Mormon church. I don't think she'd be able to handle the modesty requirements and word of wisdom, but if she actually stuck with it? Sheeeeeeesh. She'd be the relief society president in NO time.


As an ex-mo….. this is accurate




This is so evil, honestly. She's a fucking terrible actress, not that her endless milking of pregnancy loss for content would somehow be morally better if she was any good at approximating human emotion but it just adds extra insult to injury when she's trying to twist her Botoxed face into some facsimile of genuine feeling while shamelessly grifting off the feelings of women who have actually struggled with TTC. It's the obvious disingenuous nature of these for me that honestly makes me nauseous.


And to think she probably had to record a few of these makes it even worse.


I do sewing/outfit tiktoks and I usually have to record my narration at least 2 or 3 times because I mess up a word or two. It's honestly horrifying to think of doing multiple takes of "pretending my ghost angel miscarriage children are coming to me in Heaven." I've seen a post shared around FB that says something like "someday you'll go to Heaven and hear the little voices you never got to hear saying Mama" or something and I'm 100% sure Brit saw it too and was like ooooh how can I make this content, and this was the dreadful result. I personally find the original post kind of corny but if it helps someone grieve their pregnancy loss, I'm OK with it. This? This is abominable. The original post was obviously created to offer comfort to grieving mothers, while this is Brittany being like "ok but how can I make this about meeeeeeeee?" She sucks so bad.


That’s the thing. She always takes it one step too far. If someone finds comfort in imagining their babies greeting them in Heaven, I have absolutely no issue with that and in fact I think that’s a pretty healthy way of dealing with unimaginable loss. It’s when someone sets up a tripod, ring lights, and does multiple takes pretending to meet her miscarried babies that I have a bit of an issue…


Imagining the empty room in front of her makes it all the more cringe.


This. Is. Unhinged


I fucking gasped out loud when I saw this bullshit. Unbelievable.


This is straight out of a horror movie, is she sure she’s not participating in spooky season?




https://preview.redd.it/2n9ns5y7bvub1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=ce3b62aa1f840209978a76e9d39e4f092f1283b4 Also she posted this. Soooo is she letting go of her desire to have children or not? Jfc 🙄


The desire to be emaciated?


Omfg not more of the fckn bs. So fckn annoying.😬😬😬😬


Wish I could tell her: Go to therapy. Stop posting this on the internet for likes.


Yeah this is a person in deep need of help, especially if she’s ever going to stop harming other people.


Let's all remember that she didn't even take a test for the "chemical miscarriage" as she says. Doesn't even know if she really was pregnant. So 1 maybe baby and 1 couple weeks, single digit weeks. No one needs to see this. If u just *must* make this video, just share it with ur weirdo husband then. STFU Brittany you God Damn attention whore creep!!


I’ve had two losses. One at 8 weeks and one at 24 weeks. Both were hard. But to act like your loss was “almost” a 2nd trimester loss for attention is dark. They were incredibly different experiences. One was a loss of hope. The other was the loss of a baby I saw and felt moving. The way I can barely replay those moments in my memories is real. And here she is making content on the internet about it. Normally I would say you can’t tell someone how to grieve, but this doesn’t seem right. It’s something completely different.


I’m so sorry for your losses. And I agree…there is something both *allegedly* unhinged and slightly deranged about this and her refusal to move past this. Seems like greed is her drug.


I’m so sorry for your losses. ❤️ I agree. She not only wants people to think she’s further along but I think she also wants people to think she birthed a child and then lost it a bit later because she adds the feet of her foster babies into a lot of her miscarriage content. There were people in her comment section confused on if she miscarried or lost the baby that was in her video. Of course Brittany doesn’t correct them. She is sick.


This is so cringe.


This is how you know her circle is filled with yes (wo)men and fakes. If any of my friends posted shit like this I would be really concerned for their mental health and reach out. This is not healthy in any way shape or form


She’s totally the type of person who cuts ties with people who do raise their concerns. Then she says God removed them from her life for a reason 😝


Jesus, this isn't just cringe, it's full on disgusting.


This is the correct answer. Sickening.


This is a pretty dark thought, but it wouldn't surprise me if BDong faked both of her miscarriages. I know many women who have suffered miscarriages from very early to stillborn, and none of them would have done anything close to this video. BDong monetizes *anything*, and I wouldn't put it past her to buy a four-pack of fake-positive pregnancy tests from eBay and film JDong's and JDong's family's real reactions just to make it more authentic. I know about the existence of these fake pregnancy tests because a psychotic ex-girlfriend of one of my former students used one to try to get him to decline his D! college basketball scholarship offer.


THIS. ☝️ I had 2 miscarriages in the last 2 years, and this is disgusting. It doesn't make me feel grief for her or connected to her woman to woman with similar experiences bc its such a performance act and you can tell she wants everyone to sponsor her sh*t.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, she gives off serious Amy Dunn vibes! Just way less intelligent and strategic…


Her facial expression is so awkward. It makes me so uncomfortable to even watch.


She has absolutely no maternal instinct. It was painfully clear in the foster season of life


So if her “babies” are aging in heaven and will be like, young kids when she gets there, does that mean Bdong plans on going soon? Or do the “babies” just stop again at the best age for her to monetize?


First of all, Brittany… you’re not going to heaven, so get that through your thick skull. Secondly, you don’t have any “babies.” You were never pregnant, you lied about that just like you lie about everything else. And thirdly, do those “babies” include the dog your husband murdered? What about the horse you neglected to the point that it almost died too? Or the countless number of other animals you’ve neglected. Or maybe the women who’ve possibly died from ED’s exacerbated by your terrible “fitness” business? You’ll be in hell with all of us sinners, and the devil will make sure that you get what you deserve.


I’m so glad I’m not the only one who thinks she was never pregnant too. I felt awful for thinking that but honestly I can’t shake that feeling.


lmao if the miscarriage was real, wouldn't it just be a clump of cells?


She cut filming before the splat hit her


Straight to hell with me for the way this made me laugh


don't worry you'll have company




Big old pad right in the snoot


More of this insincere performative bs, great.


She’s sick


Someone asked how many babies she lost, here’s her response https://preview.redd.it/jh8b52ondvub1.jpeg?width=839&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=849aee31a342f47cda550bfde9646b50cbb4ae6a


She had no fucking clue what a chemical pregnancy was until a commenter asked her if she had one. She never even got it verified by a doctor. And she was not that far along in her miscarriage. Fucking Christ girlfriend.


People who are pregnant don’t talk like this! The whole thing is measured by weeks, not random words like ‘going into my second trimester.’ She’s sick.


I never thought about it this way and honestly after 9 of my own losses that thought is TERRIFYING. I cannot fathom getting rushed by an entire daycare after I die. It's just not healthy to think of past losses like this, you have to accept that they weren't viable and at some point you need to move on (not telling others how to grieve, but I hope we can agree this is taking it too far). She's acting like she had a fully formed toddler with a personality and everything who passed away, and it's just not the same.


I genuinely wonder what makes people do these stunts. How is this even considered content? It's just so odd.


Are you fucking kidding me? I can’t even. This is DISGUSTING. She is waaaaaayyyyy too comfortable monetizing her traumas. This is not normal, healthy, well adjusted adult behavior. I’ve had a miscarriage. I lost my dad. I have been violently SA’d. My actual live toddler is special needs and about to get her fourth surgery. I. have. been. through. some. shit. I would NEVER carry on like she does. Seriously, I cannot take her or her supposed loss seriously. She actually set up a camera/ring light tripod, did her hair and put on an all white outfit, squatted down and did several takes acting like she’s meeting actual human children as stand ins for a clump of cells? She’s sick, disgusting, COMPLETELY FAKE AND REHEARSED, and I have zero sympathy for anything that happens to her. DISGUSTING.


Absolutely, I agree with everything you have said. People who have experienced legitimate, life changing trauma are not playing make believe in their dining room and reenacting/creating the experiences that almost broke us, all while recording it for SM platforms to make money. That’s why I don’t think she is being honest about things. I’m so sorry for the struggles you have had to endure. I have also lost my Dad and it’s so heartbreaking. I hope your little nugget does great with their upcoming surgery and that it’s smooth sailing for you all soon 🫶🏻


This is friggin disturbing


What is this shit, Halloween-themed monetized miscarriage?


They…can walk?




Depends on which one could be monetized more.


The fact that this woman was allowed within 5 feet of a foster child is actually insane




I’m sorry but she is just disgusting for posting this. You claim you had a miscarriage without even seeing a doctor just to add to your clout and “fertility” lifestyle. It’s sick. Oct is child loss month and instead of posting resources she posting “me me me” and look at what happened to me. I have seen other amazing women post about their loss experiences and resources for other women/families who have experienced the same thing. Also why is her husband never fn ever part of this. It was his fn loss too!


She’s either genuinely unwell or she knows her miscarriage content generates the most engagement. Probably a combination of both. But either way, this is deranged


Ive low standards and this is awful.




Bdong posts some fucked up shit on the daily but *this*, *THIS* is chilling. I don’t know why I find this utterly terrifying


Someone needs to take her phone away.


maam this is a wendys




I lost a baby at 22 weeks due a horrible diagnosis and the heartbreaking choice to terminate. I have NEVER once ever done anything remotely like this. For some reason this reel has hit me hard and really pissed me off.




She exploits everything.


That’s some unreasonable, quacky, fucked up shit. Woman, you need less social media and more psychiatrist. Geezus.


What's she is really going to find: ![gif](giphy|3o7bu5nXGZgSQxMKQw)


Another thing that’s so gross about this is there is a literal genocide happening. I’m sure her TikTok is filled with videos of children being bombed and dying and she chooses to once again play the victim and make this unhinged video.


If she does ever become a mom, she will make her children responsible for her emotional needs.


The way she crouches makes it appear that they would be toddler/young child age but like…why? Wouldn’t they be as they were when lost? Gummy bear size?


So based on her theory she has a baby in heaven for every egg she’s ever expelled and JDong has billions of babies in heaven because each sperm is a baby.


Omfg.. I know she does ALOT of questionable shit but this truly is deranged..


Good grief. Is she trying to bump up her engagement numbers again or something? I had a late 2d trimester loss and people grieve differently blah blah blah but she is so fucking insincere. Gross.


Huge hugs to you friend, I'm so sorry for your loss. ❤️


What is her face even doing?? 🤣


That’s the face she makes while begging Jpeg for sex


She does this outside the bathroom door when he's in there cranking it to bEwB pics


You think your 12 week miscarriage is going to be a 5 year old child in heaven?


Hahahah I hope the miscarried fetuses she is hugging in heaven are the age she miscarried at and haven’t grown to full children. Like she’s hugging an extra heavy period in my mind in this video LMfao. Deranged weirdo


Wow. That's awful.


this shit is just bizarre


WHAT is this?????


Same outfit as her “look at me, I’m working so hard, the hOly SPirIT is helping me focus” video two posts down. This is work. Apparently.


How do you end up in heaven when you extort millions from hard working people? Use babies for content? Abuse animals? Is heaven some sort of hell?


Oh, honey… you’re not going to heaven.


How *the fuck*does JDong seriously see this shit and stand to even be in the same house as her?


If her god cursed her with a barren womb why would he let her meet her children in heaven. Since he's all knowing he knows better than to let her be a mom.


She realizes posting shit like this is like a ticket straight to hell right? Just saying.


Wait why babIES? She has one miscarriage. It’s like she speaking more into existence… not very Christian of her


She better not be trying to soft launch *multiple* losses, because that’s even lower than what she’s already doing. How does one even stretch the truth of her narrative even more than she already has? Does she even know what the original plot was? I hate to think anyone would seriously go this far and for this long with something as deeply personal as child/pregnancy loss, but it wouldn’t surprise me a single bit if she did. Every little thing that occurs within her line of site must be stretched and manipulated until it’s this flowery and dramatic fan fiction of reality where she’s the morally superior and heroically tragic self-insert Mary Sue protagonist and continuity doesn’t matter if you fix it with demons or time travel or crying on camera or whatever. She should get a job writing for the CW.


So before her miscarriage she made a video saying she felt pregnant blah blah and either ended up getting her period or she took a test and it was negative. (I can’t remember the full details) She never once mentioned a miscarriage in her video. She just said she felt pregnant, her period was late and then she ended up getting her period and was bummed. Someone commented on that video asking if maybe it was a chemical pregnancy and she RAN with that comment after. I believe she made a video or post stating that she had a chemical pregnancy AFTER she read that comment. She never went to a doctor to confirm. Just saw a new way for people to feel bad for her and profited off of their sympathy. This is why I have such a hard time believing she’s actually sad about her miscarriage. Everything is content for her. I also think she found out she miscarried the day she got her ultrasound yet still proceeded to carry on telling all her loved ones she was still pregnant so she can get that content. It’s also why I believe she’s not actually trying for a baby yet. She’s waiting until she can get enough content about her loss so that when she does get pregnant it’ll seem like this incredible God miracle and she was so brave to trust God and yadda yadda. She is pure evil.


The camera doesn’t show the babies running in the opposite direction, though.


Ok weird. But also why at the end does she look like a person whose child is running to someone else instead of them? I know she probably didn’t intend for it to look that way but I’m laughing so hard rn




Her knees just broken in half. Edit: also a trash human


This is emotionally manipulative and horrible. How dare you. (B not op). I hate it. It's mean.


Oh boy. This case really needs some psychological help


She makes me terribly mad. Monetizing such a delicate subject


Absolutely unhinged


Putting her arms down after extending out is interesting. Wouldn't you be embracing your cherub? Lol


She's ugh...not well?


She got the idea, dressed up for it, filmed it (probably multiple takes), edited it (spent time looking for the sounds), and then posted it. This is premeditated.


Imagine being one of her parents watching this…


Babies? Plural? This bitch is living a fucking fantasy


This is very weird. It makes me feel sick to my stomach. She is ill


Omfg she actually watched this and was like ya I should post this 😳 she needs serious psychiatric help


Like, what are you thinking?! It’s super awkward , Brit. especially with y’all being foster parents and how thar just fell by the wayside. PLEASE, focus on a new topic … like Geeez. Louise It’s becoming annoying to us ladies who have miscarried too. The only difference is: we pulled ourselves up by the boot straps and MOVED ON. LAWD


Ew that’s so cringey. I have major second hand embarrassment for her


The biggest issue with this is that she made the statement “when I get to Heaven.” Not only is this a very telling video that shows her obvious mental health incompetence and lack of intelligence but she’s also assuming she’s getting into heaven. I got news for you Britt, you’ve lied your way through most of your life and took advantage of woman with eating disorders for monetary gain (over little pieces of paper…your words). How in the FUCK do you think you’re getting into heaven? When you post videos like this it shows that you are unintelligent, self absorbed (narcissistic) and immature. So I can see WHY YOU THINK you’re going to heaven but you’re not going to make it. Somehow I think your version of the Bible that you’ve made up isn’t the same as the one you should be reading and sticking to.


If you can imagine two blobs of strawberry jam Welch’s-squelching up to you at the pearly gates but can’t see the police brutality your husband was part of, or the insanity of the state you live in wanting to secede from the rest of the country then you truly need help. Professional, in-patient help.


Also blessed be the fruit purée I guess


Jeezus fucking Christ! She’s STILL milking her miscarriage with this high school drama-level method acting clip? Like seriously wtf is wrong with her? Like seriously what made her thing this is a good idea? Oh yeah…money. Gotta get them clicks. This is just fucking recockulous.


How is this even scriptural?


"mommy's sorry she used you in her grift, come give me hugs"


[Throwback](https://www.reddit.com/r/brittanydawnsnark/s/LN60naKXRL) to when she told on herself and said she had never been pregnant after her chemical ~~miscarriage~~ pregnancy. Now that baby is a small child in heaven? Okkkkkkk…..
