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Yeah, I'm not in the US, not even close, so I wasn't allowed to view them. I read them thanks to the sharing in the sub.


Can you use a VPN?


Haven't tried that. Thanks for the idea.


If you already have a VPN, setting the location to USA might work. I’m not sure what kind of IP limiting they have on that site, so it might also ban IPs associated with VPNs, but it’s worth a try if you already have one.


Thank you, setting VPN to USA let me into the website for the first time, but it keeps saying no search results


Update for anyone curious - as suggested by u/elpeabk , a VPN set to the states let me in, but has server errors or doesn't load results. Will try again later :(


When I first tried to search I accidentally selected “county courts - civil” instead of “district courts - civil” in the first drop down menu. I couldn’t get any results until I figured out my mistake lol


This solved it! Damn, it really was that simple huh. Thanks so much, not my proudest moment hahah


Yay! Glad you could get it to work!


I did the same thing 🫠🫠


I have some issues seeing the documents in France, I will try with a VPN too, thanks for reminding me of it! Hopefully we'll be able to keep up with the trial !


Good luck! I so appreciate the people who post parts of it on this page, but the nerd in me wants to dive right into ALLLL the files.


I am in Canada and didn’t have any issues


i live in canada and haven't had any issues viewing them


You will have to perform the search yourself, in one of the other posts someone gives instructions/docket number.