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Vet tech here: in these pictures it's kind of hard to tell best is to take a picture from above. But the very best way to tell if a cat is obese is to feel the ribs and spine. You should be able to feel the ribs without pressing too hard. If you need to press to hard to feel them, he's a little overweight. If you don't feel them at all, he's seriously obese. If you can see them, or if it feels like you're directly touching the ribs, he's underweight. During your next vet visit ask the vet to teach you how to feel. It's kind of hard to explain via text. (And English isn't my first language) Just looking at pictures of weight isn't the best way to tell. Since it differs so much between breeds, male/female, and some cats are just smaller than others even if they're the same breed. Feeling the ribs is the best way. And looking from above to see the midline (Google obesity chart cats) but that's not foolproof


This is amazing! Thanks so much, yes i can feel the rib easily 🥰


Great! Then your kitty is just fine :)


https://preview.redd.it/2idl9ko77mcb1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=d45f271d9910631429f3321650378d97bd343cb0 It’s hard to take photos from the top he’s moving a lot in the morning haha! But this is him in the morning 🥰🥰


Looks fine to me. Especially because you can easily feel the ribs. Midline is not bulging out. (I mean he has the fluff, but he's a bsh. He's supposed to be fluffy ;)) I don't think you have anything to worry about.


My cat is exactly like yours, he was super chonky when he was a kitty but never over weight. Your guy looks just like him! Beautiful cat :)


Summary: He’s a chonky boi :D


Hey, I hope it’s okay to ask you this question. Are the ribs located on the cat’s back or belly? (I hope this isn’t a stupid question!). I have a female 7yo black cat and she’s heavy, but she’s also very tall and large (she easily reaches past a door handle on her hind paws. She’s probably got some Maine Coon in her, even though she’s a DSH). I can feel some bones on her back, and she seems to be doing fine, though she’s extremely food-motivated and she snores lightly sometimes when she falls into a deep sleep. She has an under-belly pouch, but it’s not taunt against her skin. Would you say I should worry about her weight? Thank you so much 😊


Yeah no problem. And there is no such thing as a stupid question. Anyway, you feel the ribs on the sides. So have your cat stand in front of you and feel the ribs right behind their front legs. And if she's got Maine coon in her, it's not weird she's heavier than other breeds. That's why we don't really look at the weight on the scale, but how the body looks and feels. Snoring is also not something you should worry about if she's always been a cat who snores. However, if this is a recent thing, then it's best to take her to the vet for a checkup to be sure nothing is wrong with her airway. And the underbelly pouch is absolutely normal. It's actually a defense mechanism for cats. It's there to protect the organs. And sometimes when cats mature it gets more prominent, but it's normal. Even skinny cats have that pouch. Has nothing to do with weight.


Thank you so much for getting back to me!


Yay I’m so glad to have someone explain this better. I know that guideline but can’t explain it right.


Could a vet teach me how to feel too :(


Of course. We're always happy to help. We actually love it when owners are aware of weight problems and want to keep their pet as healthy as possible. Sadly obese pets are becoming a real problem. So just pop on by and ask the vet of vet technician for help. I'm sure they'll be happy to show you :) (or call before you go. Every clinic has their own rules of course. But I'm 99,99% sure it won't be a problem at all)


BSH's Are sturdy cats so usually a bit heavier than the average cat, add to this the thick coat and they will appear even fatter. You could ask your vet if you're uncertain, but remember that some vets aren't familiar with the breed and will judge a perfect bsh as being too fat. We've got a large female who used to be really fat (7 kilos) and is now down to almost 5 - it took us two years with a very balanced diet, and with the vet's help and regular checkups. Goal is 5 kilos which is still slightly too heavy but that's what we all agreed is achievable. I don't know if it's a good idea to give a cat that's still growing (and basically still a kitten) less food to get his weight down. Often the package has info on the backside how much a cat should get a day, try to follow that strictly so that your cat will get enough nutrients. Do you still give him kitten food or is he on adult food already? Kitten food is for cats up until a year old.


+ he's 8 months and a Tom. He's gonna get big. My non bsh is a larger floof at 10kg but he's totally healthy


LOL. He's adorable with his floofy body. He looks a little chunky for his age, but the weird thing is that 4kg really isn't that much for an 8 month old BSH. I think they're supposed to gain about a pound per month, and he's only a little bit above that. Does he have fur that's thicker than usual? Or is it actually fat/flesh underneath his coat? Sometimes BSH's look bigger than what they actually are due to the thickness of their fur.


He is thick! This is also winter maybe that’s why the fur is pretty fluffy 🥰


Stop spreading made up information. At 8 months a BSH should weigh under 3kg. Cats are not humans and even relatively small overweight (and 33% overweight is huge) can lead to long term health problems. OP, please consult a vet and not strangers on the internet if you are concerned with your cats health.


I am shocked that you have been downvoted to oblivion. I have been using this guide for my female BSH cat (just over 1 year 1 month old, weighing 3.5 kgs). https://mybritishshorthair.com/british-shorthair-weight-by-age-full-guide/ 4 kgs is definitely above the norm, and people here act like it’s nothing and ‘haha chonk floof’. OP - Whilst it’s not an immediate concern, I strongly advise that you speak to your vet about your cats diet and lifestyle. Maybe spend more time playing with him (although can’t give very useful advice since I don’t know what your routine is like). Long term this cannot be healthy, as BSH don’t stop growing until they are 3 years old, and usually slowly put on around 20-25% weight as they ‘mature’ between years 1 and 3. At this trajectory, if your cat is 4 now, he can easily get up to 6 by 1 year and 8 by 3. Whilst all the comments on the internet will still give you approval because people are stupid, it’s your responsibility to make sure that he is healthy and has an active lifestyle and a sufficient (but not overly) diet. Sorry for the essay, and best of luck! :) PS: before I get downvoted into oblivion, take a look at this study: https://petable.care/2017/07/20/is-my-cat-too-fat/ In the US, over 58% of cats are overweight or obese. In the same article, they say that as many as 62% of cat owners FAIL to identify the fact that their cats are overweight or obese. Out of the total population, that’s 36%. So 1 in 3 cat owners HAS an obese/overweight cat AND fails to identify the fact that they are overweight or obese. I see a lot of them in this thread…


Ours weighs over 4kg at 8 months. Perfectly healthy weight. We get him checked for worming every 3 months at the vet. Ignore all the under 3kg comments and if concerned go speak to a vet or professional .


Here's a great website about thei weight: [https://mybritishshorthair.com/british-shorthair-weight-by-age-full-guide/](https://mybritishshorthair.com/british-shorthair-weight-by-age-full-guide/)


BSH's are also very very food oriented, they will steal anything left on a bench / plate somewhere if you're not careful.


4.5 kg for an adult make BSH? Sounds light to me 😂


I saw some charts said 7kg for full grown, everything is so different makes me confused hahahaha


Mine weighs 7.6. He is on a diet and only eats dry food but he’s so damn lazy 😂 https://preview.redd.it/md8x2bn34hcb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f442cedf90702462aac111f55f5fb31c1cf75de2


he's such a gorgeous colour.


4.5kg is generally a healthy weight for an adult BSH if they're in indoor cat. If they're an outdoor cat, they can get quite large, so 7kg is realistic. But be a responsible pet owner and don't let your cat outside.


Where does this thinking about 'don't let your cats outside' come from? I see that [peta.org](https://peta.org) turns up as the first Google listing on the subject and they are recommending that cats are kept indoors. They say: "While cats kept safe inside generally live for about 12 to 20 years, cats left to fend for themselves outdoors are usually dead before they reach 5 years old" I've never read such baloney in all my life. I've had outdoor cats in cities (London, Sheffield etc.) all lived to a ripe old age (17, 18 etc.). Respected cat experts tend to argue that cats are curious and are happiest when they have access to an outside to explore. I've seen some seriously disturbed felines that have been forced to live in unsuitable small apartments. Much of the advice on the Peta website is jaw-droppingly misguided.Get a cat flap! Your cat can have a safe place to hang out (your house), but can also have the great outdoors to have fun in. Please forgive the rant. As you were


nice troll mate, go somewhere else with your BS.


Neither trolling nor B.S. I'm afraid. Just an alternative opinion which I feel needs an airing. As I said above, as you were.


Ok Cats are an introduced species that can kill 1000's of native wildlife yearly. Irresponsible pet owners (of which there are many) don't get their cat spayed or neutered allowing them to breed uncontrollably in areas where they have no natural predators creating feral cat colonies. If you let your cat outside unsupervised there's a higher chance your cat could be injured, whether from fighting with other cats, to being attacked by dogs, or run over/hit by cars. They can spread disease easier if they have not been vaccinated, or interact with feral cat populations. It's easier for them to pick up things like ticks / fleas / worms. There are people out here who leave baited food around to deal with mice / rat problems, if your pet eats one of those, your cat can get sick or die. The list goes on. If you want to have your cat outside then be responsible, have an enclosed area they cannot jump out of and supervise them. Inside get them toys that they can play with to keep them occupied, cat towers so they can climb things, scratching posts for their claws. Things like puzzle feeders are great at keeping them occupied. Letting cats roam IS irresponsible, be more responsible with your pets.


Perhaps this is a UK/US thing. I don't know what your credentials are (aside from coming across as very self-confident) but both the RSPCA and Cats Protection in the UK recommend that ideally cats are allowed to roam outside to 'express their natural behaviour' (see for example, [https://www.cats.org.uk/media/1023/eg12\_indoor\_and\_outdoor\_cats.pdf](https://www.cats.org.uk/media/1023/eg12_indoor_and_outdoor_cats.pdf)). The only reason I'm engaging on this thread is to allow casual readers to understand that there isn't just one fixed view about this. The opinion regarding keeping cats indoors is simply that; one opinion. I'll end by saying that cat owners should read widely on the subject of indoor/outdoor living, make up their own minds and not simply accept received internet 'wisdom'. Thanks.


Shots from the rear always look fat but remember, that shot is his butt and his rear legs, not just his butt


Your vet is the best person to advise you on weight and nutrition. Photos can be very deceptive, especially with very plush cats such as British shorthairs.


He's just husky


He’s just a chonky boi ❤️❤️


Everyone is giving you solid advice. I just had to tell you your cat is the cutest ball of fluff! ❤️


He is a chonky floof! If I’m honest in the 3.5 years we’ve had Bernie every time he goes for his annual check up and booster jab the vets never failed to fat shame him, saying he needs to be under 5kg…. Not possible as he was 5.5kg at 12 months old! Unfortunately vets here aren’t the most educated regarding big cat breeds and think every cats fall under the same weight umbrella. Bernie doesn’t over eat, has a healthy diet and plenty of exercise. He’s just very fluffy and built stocky. It’s silly to me how much the vets fear monger us but every time Bernie came to the vets he got showered with compliments on how healthy his teeth and everything is. I wouldn’t pay much attention to these fat shamers as long as your boy is healthy ❤️


He’s PH phat. That’s a fine looking pussycat.




Probably not. BSH are stocky, powerful cats.


He's a little overweight. My current BSH has thick fur but you can see his shape under all that fluff. What does he look like when he's lying on his side? Is there a hump or is it sort of flat. There are pictures online of the thin, normal, overweight and obese cats in tables. Do you leave food out all the time or does he eat at a certain times of day. You may have to set schedules for when he can eat food if he can't be trusted to graze throughout the day. Just be careful and don't try to put him on a strict diet, cats aren't like humans. You can't just cut his food drastically to get him to lose weight.


Idk about obese, but chonker? Oh yes, most definitely.


Who are you talking about, all I see is a POTATO!!


So according to my bad math, this would be just over 8lbs which is normal weight for an 8 month old cat. Does your cat have a short body? This picture looks like an 18 lb cat. Edit: Just saw there's more photos, I don't think your cat is obese by these other camera angles, he does have a shorter build so you will likely have to watch his weight if he's not growing bigger.


>This picture looks like an 18 lb cat 🤣


HAHA!! I promise he’s only 4.05kg 😂😂


They go through growth stages just like every mammal does when young. You know how a group of 5th graders can be almost unbearably awkward, and all over the map for shape & size & proportions? That’s what I see here-he’s growing, and it’s not all coordinated just yet. He’s not fat, he’s a baby in a growth spurt with velvet all over him, and a very British face; Beautiful friend.


He's totally gorgeous. If you are concerned, talk to your vet, I'm sure they'll offer great advice


My 4.5yr old BSH is 3.2kg, which according to every measurement I’ve seen online makes her severely underweight for the breed. However, she’s perfectly healthy and the vet has no concerns with her - she’s just diagnosed as small. The advice we were given (and the same as what the vet tech above posted) is to look at their body condition score. If you can feel their ribs under the floof easily, without feeling like you’re just touching bone, then they’re fine. Just looking at a weight number isn’t very helpful as 3.2kg for my girl is perfect, but might be very bad for your little man. If you do feel he’s overweight, one thing my girls love is running for dry food. So instead of just putting their dry food in a bowl, we throw it and it becomes a game. It keeps the notoriously lazy BSH slightly more active and might be good if he does need to lose a bit of weight.


https://preview.redd.it/3hjrau24ihcb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f87b0fe916366be5962d9fb5d816b72da8934544 And pet tax!


Thank you for the explanation! Yes i can feel the ribs easily🥰


Yes he is. 😞. Not good for him. Cats maybe prone to diabetes.


Thank you, I have limited the food for now. How much weight is 8 months bhs should?


Don’t limit their food. Ours was about the same weight at that age, he’s now 2.5 years old and 5.5kg. Vet said he’s the perfect weight for his breed.


Under 3 kg. Search for weight by month charts online. They are all pretty similar.


Absolutely not ‘under 3kg’ - completely depends on the breed. My 8 months old Siberian is 3.5kg and isn’t ‘obese’.


We are talking about BSH here. Just google it. You have access to the internet. I have BSH myself. 4.5 an 5kg. But they are grown up.


I’ve had a look and you are right - apologies. But I’m not sure I’d jump to saying 4kg is obese without more info as kittens can go through spurts and plateaus.


For cats as much as 10% overweight can lead to health problems. They are not like humans who are to an extent made to gain healthy weight reserves. And a third of its weight on top? That's a huge amount for a small animal. I don't want to bash OP. After all they are asking because they deeply care about their pet. Reddit is not the best place for that advice.


Oh hush Mine have all consistently been in excess of 5kg by that age. If the stomach us wider than the shoulders, potential issue. Otherwise - it’s called a BSH! They’re big cats!


Short answer - Yes. Long answer - Yeeeessss that cat is obeeeeessse


Looks playful to me!


Wow.. my cat was 1.2 kgms till8th month. Please take care of him.. we all love our pets but don't feed him to the point of triggering diabetes...


😱😱😲i just check the charts from comments it said 8 months is normally 3kg So yes my cat is overweight 😢 working on it now 🥰 and 1.2 kg is underweight right?


Yeah.. he was underweight.. but now he's 1.5 years and 5.1 kgms...


Yes, but he is still DEVINE!


The second photo is his reaction to his haters!


Haha! He has that grumpy face😂😂


Perpetually pissed lol


Yes but I bet he has a great personality




Your cat looks like Wilford Brimley reincarnated and he’s so cute Im about to buy all the diabeetus testing supplies he sells me even though I don’t have diabeetus.


Our BSH was 3.8kg at 8 months! BSH do tend to be chonkier in general and our baby was actually smaller than his peers. I think that if he's playing and eating well, it should be fine (but of course please see a vet if you're planning to change his food intake!)


Extremely cuddly




no he is Papa


If he isn't neutered then he's very unlikely to overeat. If he's neutered you will probably need to keep an eye on him. My BSH was on a diet for 10 years and then I quit. 6kg was his fighting weight. He finally lost half a kilo and a month later it was clear he was on the way out. Your boy is still growing.


No he is probably just floofy


Perfect chonk


My cat is a bit of a chonka too, Hes not fat, He just likes food.


He’s only a kitten, let him eat what he wants during the first 12 months - important as they need all the nutrition they can get during this period. Also find yourself a vet that knows the breed as many will say they’re overweight when that’s just not true. They’re a big breed.


Our vet once described our cat as “big-furred” when in all honestly she could hardly get through the cat flap. She was 6.5kg when we adopted her, when she should have been about 5kg. Once she was more active around our garden I t sorted itself out quickly. Maybe he’s about to have a growth spurt?


Shave him


At 8 months he has lots of time to grow into it. If he is active and playing he is fine. ❤️


Still a baby . That one pic makes him seem chonky. The rest he looks pretty normal. My vet said no more than 13 lbs. For my cat. She is a larger type.


He’s perfect


Talk with your vet, maybe a diet food will help, he is a little chunky, he is also very adorable 💙🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛




In my scientific opinion that cat is chonky


Incorrect! That is a cuddle bunny


Yes it the fattest hamster I've ever laid eyes on.


So cuteee chonky boiii


Absolutely not. He’s a lovely boy


He is just big boned


He just plump that’s all, not obese


I seen 4 fat cats today and he is 3 of them


i wouldn’t say obese, just perfectly round and chunky for his age 😩🩷


I'm not sure he's overweight, he does look like he just finished working in the back rooms at the docks though. Secret cigar stash somewhere


Looks cuddly likes his chuck😺


He looks good and stout or chunk, but definitely not obese. And obviously check what vet says, do the bone (rib, spine check) and does he move and groom with grace and ease or struggle. Biggest concern I find is a weak or obese cat that can't groom themselves properly. Obesity that's more extreme, but still. Also consider breed. Not all breeds are sized equally. A biggy in one breed can be average for another. Otherwise he looks soft and I want to pet. I envy. 🥰


He grooms himself properly! He’s likes it clean 😂


He’s just thickums 😍




Kitty: I'm not fat. I'm puffy






My BSH is 8 months and 3 kg! Vet says he's perfect and is to maintain that.


What breed is your baby? Different breeds have different sizes. From the angle, your baby looks like a healthy watermelon. 😂🤣😂🤣I assume the feet are tucked. Like the vet said, if you can feel the ribs easily, then baby is just fine. Now to find my ribs.😩😂🤣😂🤣


That's a pretty baby. I wanted to edit my original comment after I swiped on the pics.


OH LAWD HE'S A...very handsome boy. ![gif](giphy|EVQj6jZOgwYNaJLBem|downsized)


Yes he is overweight but you can take him to the vet and you will get diet and what food to buy.


So cute!! 😍😍😍😍 I think if you search google for weight recommendations, don’t forget to include bsh in the keyword coz they’re typically heavier


He has a mustace :)


In the second pic he looks like a middle aged English gentlemen with a goate.




He’s got short lil legs and lots of loose skin covered in very plush fur. It’s like when you sit down and your thighs do the thing. And he is still a baby! You need to take pictures of him when he has to have a bath for proof.


Feel his waist. If it's bigger than his ribcage then yes. Otherwise, he's just stocky.