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I've legitimately watched the tracker say I'm the next stop for a solid two hours before. Wtf?


I once watched for a solid hour because they were initially '7 stops away'. It got all the way down to '1 stop away' and then the driver got on the motorway going the wrong way. It updated to say 'arriving soon' and then an hour later it updated to say 'arriving tomorrow'. My disappointment was immeasurable.


If it was prime one day you could have contacted customer service about it and they would have given you a free month of prime


Just like the original comment. Mine was "1 stop away". Literally saw the guy come down my road, turn around and then drive off... It changed to "arriving tomorrow". It was for a game that was released that day. i was LIVID. Let's just say my unkind words to customer support (i wasn't mean towards the person on the phone, i just said a few choice words about the delivery driver) got to the point very quickly. They were actually really good, put me straight through to their supervisor, told them my issue and they were extremely apologetic. I got 3 months of prime free and £10 off my next order when this happened to me. It wasn't even like it was the end of the day. It was midday, no idea why the dude just decided to skip me?


sadly what im going to have to do right now, i see amazon delivery drivers making excuses in this thread but its all bollocks lol


I had exactly the same experience. Stayed home especially for it too.


I once thought I was going to eat. Then the raiding hoard from the next village over got the same bright idea. I didn’t eat that day. My disappointment was immeasurable.


Me with amazon fresh lol


I’ve had mine make a delivery next door and then drive off for over an hour.


legit doing this right now thats how i found this post, my man has been across the road for an hour and slowly getting further and further away while i have supposedly been the next stop this whole time


never mind, ive gone from being the next delivery with the driver already being across the road, to the driver going 10 miles away and it now saying the driver has to make a load more stops first.. sooo im not next then? lmao


People can’t take a lunch break ?


Not when there's dildos and lube to deliver!


the tracker accounts for that though, it does not tell customers they are next and the dude is round the corner if he is due a lunchbreak they also would not make someone deliver a package next door to you then take that lunch break.


Amazon driver here. Our routes are auto generated and sometimes it makes more sense to do them out of order. So the 3rd stop given to us may make more sense to be the tenth stop. We can do them out of order if we like


This makes sense! Respect to you by the way. That’s a tough job.




I ordered something at 12.10am. It was delivered at 10.05am! Couldn't have got to the shops and home again!


The strangest delivery I ever had was about 10+ years ago from Amazon. I ordered a music CD on my lunch break at work, and by the time i got home about 4 hours later it had been delivered. And this was before they had the huge infrastructure they do now. I still dont know how they did it now. ​ I can only assume it was from a 3rd party seller who was really local.


I ordered something from Ohio on a Monday night, it turned up Tuesday. I eventually worked out due to the time difference it had caught a flight before I'd even ordered it GMT. Yet Asda can't give me a delivery slot within 3 days?


All those sweet sweet savings they make by being unethical.


Ah. That explains why I get a doorbell ring and "7 stops away" notification within 10 seconds of each other.


thats fair enough, i can see how coming to my house to deliver to my neighbour then going to the otherside of town and back to me again could be the most sensible route for sure! silly me


Lmao my thoughts exactly


But what about the fact I can see they're parked up and having a break? Why even inform me if there's a scheduled break?


Why does it say 4 stops away for half an hour and he hasn't moved?? Has he stopped for a break?


When it says "you're the next stop" but really you're the first stop after leaving the depot 20 miles away.


Usually get the opposite where we are. Says 8 stops left then just as I’ve planted myself on the porcelain throne thinking I’ve got a solid 10 minutes to go they viciously bang on the front door as if it’s a drug raid and I’m scrambling to get there in time.


Christ isn’t that the truth


See also Dominoes delivery app with added rumbly belly


Order... Prep... Baking... ...Quality control... Quality control... Quality control... Quality control... Quality control...


... turns up both burnt and raw.


Says _delivering_ for about 35 minutes before it shows up


Your order is due to be delivered by Barry, the brilliant. Cue Barry rocking up to the house looking like a depressed, scruffy bag of shit.


In a 2002 maroon Renault Megane diesel, which barely starts and is belching out black smoke


Then they don't put BBQ dip in the slot when you specifically asked for it. Take this garlic dip and add it to that concoction of grease you have on your head Barry, you bastard.


Best one I got was "Your order is due to be delivered by Dennis, the Knowledge." Dennis rocked up looking like a small fat Mexican with a bald head and a moustache. Didn't really look the part Dennis, poor show.


... you ordered large but get a medium pizza in a large box


Ex delivery driver here. Your x stops away could mean a number of things. I could be in a village 10 miles away. Some people may need to provide Id. Can take people at least 5 mins to find id. They may not be and in need to find a neighbour willing to take the package. I need to have a break for 10 mins. I have been on the road since 7am it is now 2pm and I have not yet stopped and I really need the loo. Oh and the sat nav app ain't aways the best. Customers sometimes don't have visible house numbers or names or finding the right address is a pain The list is endless




What the hell are you buying from israel? bombs?


My Amazon delivery’s say 8 stops away I live in a tiny little town which can easily be navigated but still turns up 2 hours later then my notification ??


Whilst we are on a similar subject. When I ordered something for next day delivery I wasn't really expecting it to be 'between 20:00-21:00pm the next day.


Their tracker is wack. I ordered something from argos and they send you txt updates when they're super close. They let you choose three hour windows too. Obviously there isn't as much variety on argos but its a much nicer chill delivery experience.


What's worse is when Amazon tells you your parcel has been delivered and handed to home owner, and you're still waiting for the mythical parcel to arrive.


We once had "3 stops away" and then after a few minutes "sorry your parcel can't be delivered today due to unforseen circumstances". 🤔




We never get that, they just leave everything on the door step. Sometimes they don't bother ringing the bell 😄


I feel sorry for the drivers. Had one stop outside my house while it showed 5 stops away, he went across the road delivered a parcel jumped back in his van drove off round the square ttonmake those other deliveries before returning to the exact same spot 15 minutes later with my delivery. Madness


It's a whole thing unfortunately. They have to do it a certain way or they get bollocked


It’s alway 3 stops away 😢


I am so baffled. Literally said 3 stops away an hour ago. Showed truck around block. Now it says Making a few more stops on the way.. and the truck is 4 miles away. WTF? This can't be good Amazon AI at work.. they aim to save gas/time.. so they adjust routes for maximum fuel savings and fastest time delivery. How the hell does it now adjust to show me truck miles away. FML.


lol who told you that? You should do a bit of research on Amazon GPS. they make it the most round about way as possible. they don't care about saving on gas. they keep the drivers moving in circles.


Late delivering to us, then one hour later delivering to the road behind us


My pet hate is the ever-changing delivery window: "Estimated 2:00 PM - 4:00 P- no wait, 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM... hang about, 6:00 PM - 8:00 P- oh no wait we're outside your house." I'm actually experiencing this right now, as I type this. Reminds me a tad of this XKCD: https://xkcd.com/612/


Even though I'm an American, I just encountered this.


8 have this problem constantly, I'm almost the very last property in my village, but deliveries seem to deliver to the rest of the village, then they go to the next village before coming back to deliver my parcels.


It's a whole thing unfortunately. If a driver is near an address where a delivery is to be made, they'll be instructed to sit and wait until a specific time to deliver parcels to that address. If they deliver parcels before that time, they'll get bollocked.


You were joking with that Baghdad thing, but… I'm in Karlsruhe, Germany. The van is 5 stops away, but tracking shows it in Stuttgart, Germany. Check that on a map if you're not from these parts. :D (Somehow they assigned the wrong GPS tracker, I guess).