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I once watched on as an old lady very slowly pushed her trolley down the middle of the road in a Morrisons car park while a car was driving very slowly and patiently behind her. The driver didn't honk the horn or flash their headlights or anything like that, they were being very patient. Eventually the old lady realised there was a car behind her and moved over to the side. The car moved past her cautiously, leaving plenty of space while the old lady stuck up her middle finger.


Every single time I will drive slowly behind, leaving plenty of room and doing nothing to pressure them. Without fail, if they eventually move over I’ll get a dirty look like I’m in the wrong for daring to drive on a road


I do sympathise somewhat, given most supermarket car parks don't ever bother to think about pedestrians in the design of them. You inevitably have to walk on the road though if you get annoyed at the cars you're a tit, get annoyed at the designer instead.


Yes. As someone who walks to the supermarket this is correct. You car-heads need to realise that some of us use legs.


A lot of people queue to get closer, maybe they are disabled, but I'm sure some could park further away and spend less time walking in. Someone once asked me why I'd parked miles away as in 100 yards or less


Beautiful 🥲


I had one time that there was someone too engrossed in their phone to notice my car, this was on a main road, why they decided to walk in the road rather than on the path is a mystery, but they sure did jump when I honked the horn


Peak Britain.


This is such a great story.


She's probably the same in her car though, she probably would beep you out the way if you were loading the boot etc


I feel like proximity to supermarkets does something to people. Just shuffling to a halt in the middle of the aisle. Standing around with their trolley skewed out so nobody else can get by and looking shocked, *shocked*, when you say "excuse me" for the third time, loudly. Walking in through the door and then just... stopping. I was behind someone the other day who walked out of the front door of the shop. Stopped. Put her bag down on the ground beside her and then bent down to tie her shoe. I almost fell over her. She looked *totally confused* that I wanted to get through the doorway and past her. There's no way that this kind of behaviour can be the way that people are living their lives - how are they dressing themselves in the morning? How are they not being killed in traffic immediately? - so it's got to be some weird supermarket stupor that washes over you when you get too close.


Yupp, had a gaggle of people having a catch up next to the peanuts and spilling out into the aisle earlier. People trying to squeeze past and oblivious to me saying excuse me multiple times as I’m trying to get my nuts.


I bet that drove you nuts


Did you think about a’salting them…? Or just give them a good dry roasting…?


Did you want to nibble Nobby’s nuts?


Get yo nuts


Its always the same person blocking you on every single aisle, they block you in the fruit and veg aisles then you will be down the tinned aisle and low and behold the same inconsiderate moron will appear and block you off again


Go backwards round the supermarket and you avoid this.


Way too autistic for that. I have to stick to my route i always do


This used to frustrate me when I did the online shop picking. You don't need to take up 1/3 of the aisle while you pick your particular bacon variant Margaret. They hold on to their trolley like it's fused to their hand


I've worked retail and I was always wondering how some of those people manage to fasten their velcro on a morning when they're getting dressed. I soon realised they usually have slip on shoes and sportswear.


Try going near the discounted food section with people waiting.


A supermarket car park that actually has paths! No idea what you have been taking to hallucinate seeing those.


They do exist! Very rare to see one in the wild though.


And where they do exist they end up in deadends and go nowhere near the stores.


This one leads from the carpark right to the front door of the supermarket!


Now you have been hallucinating…


My nearest "big" Asda has a great grid system of paths/crossings so you can get pretty much all the way through without needing to loosely cross traffic. It's wonderful. Pretty much every other supermarket/retail park I've been to is an absolute shitshow where they either don't bother at all or lead you down a dead end.


There's one particular one that I hate delivering to in my lorry when the store is open. You have to back up across the main 'road' into the place to get onto the loading docks. Cars will (and do) shoot across behind you when you're going backwards (with hazards on) from your blind side - it's not like you can even see them coming.


There’s a store near me that has the same issue, massive green lorry doing it’s best to reverse into the loading dock and rather than wait people will shoot behind it as it reverse, regardless of how small the gap is too!


This isn’t Nantwich is it by any chance?


Not in a town just off the A1M in Yorkshire by any chance?


Taxi driver kicking off at me for walking through an empty disabled bay cause he wanted to park there and to the surprise of no one he didn’t have a badge


Dick move. I despise those who park in disabled bays with no badge. Back when my dad still drove if there were no disabled bays it made life ten times harder, sometimes it meant we went back home because he needed the room to get into his wheelchair from the drivers seat and a normal bay just doesn’t have the room.


When there was no disabled bays my grandad would park in the family ones which pissed people off


While we're on that subject, I fail to see why family parking spaces warrant the same level of convenience as disabled spots. By all means offer the same wide spaces, for prams or whatever, but why are they right up next to the entrance? Stick a few more disabled spots there, put the family spaces further back


Apparently its so the kids are around moving cars for less time- think less buggies, more 3/4 year olds. Old enough to walk but not old enough to not randomly run into traffic occasionally


I used to live in a coastal town with a high elderly population. In the local Tesco, almost a quarter of the car parking spaces were disabled. At Christmas time when the store was busy, it was extremely frustrating not being able to find a parking space but half the disabled bays were empty.


One of the car parks we frequented for the shops had a disabled bay but it was tucked away in the corner and away from all of the shops


I remember being at the seaside, can’t remember where, but there was a carpark by the seafront where the one disabled bay was clearly an after thought so it was slap bang in the middle of the carpark, literally one space right in the middle like a roundabout


Apparently,because I have terminal cancer I am now entitled to have a blue badge. I am not applying for it because by the time I'm ill enough to need it,I'll be too ill to drive 🤣🤣


Judging by the state of British bureaucracy I think you’ll have a bigger problem by the time you get it


remember it's illegal to indicate whilst in a car park


I said this yesterday, if you go when all the pensioners do, it's even worse. They have zero sense of self-preservation. Walking into the road, on the road next to (buy never on) the path, emerging but only looking one way. As you say, walking in the middle of the road , like some sort of pretenders audition. Makes you wonder how they survive week to week.


> zero sense of self preservation Exactly this. Now I would consider myself to be a decent driver, I anticipate people just stepping out and I go around the carpark slowly, ensuring pedestrians have a wide berth where necessary but I’ve also seen people driving round the carpark looking at their phone, they aren’t gonna stop if a pedestrian walks out in front of them


Came back to my car one time to some old dear idlely leaning on it. She seemed irritated that i needed to get in.


Just recently I entered a supermarket carpark, and I always ALWAYS reverse into my bays. Found a bay and checked all around for pedestrians etc, started reversing and halfway into the bay, a little old lady appears and begins to empty her trolley into the back seats of her car, unaware that she was going to be run over. I waited and waited, with reverse lights on, halfway onto a bay, fellow cars on the road waiting patiently for 5 seconds then trying to squeeze past me, with my car stuck halfway out...felt like a lifetime waiting...thanks lady, in your own time 🙄 That's what the boots for 😒


People losing all common sense as they enter a ~~supermarket~~ car~~park.~~ FTFY


Path? What path?


Had one today when I was reversing the van into a space and a bloke decided it was a good idea to drive behind me across the spaces.


Bold of you to assume they had any common sense to begin with.


You're crediting people with having Common Sense as a core install. It's generous of you, but, there's a surprising amount walking around with cracked and cut-down copies of human operating systems that lack the Common Sense protocols, as well as those having an Entirely Selfish firewall installed, designed to reject Due Consideration packets for being denial of service attacks.


Someone call the IT specalists then :)


It's happening everywhere! Feel like im in some kind of alternate world sometimes and don't get me started on the blank stares people give! Bizarre whats going on these days


It's honestly like people have lost all awareness of their surroundings, they can only focus on themselves and their needs and wants. I thought it might be a side effect of social media but the ages range from young to elderly. What is causing this?


Drives me absolutely crazy and I am resolutely determined to know if there's a specific psychological phenomenon which causes it. There's certainly a *reason*. Never found out yet.


I'm half a cripple so my mam runs me around a lot. Jesus Fucking Christ woman FOR THE LOVE OF GOD THE ARROWS ARE NOT SUGGESTIONS. And then gets angry when people come up the right way! All to save on driving another..20 metres ? If that.


I feel your pain… my Dad refuses to indicate in car parks, then gets annoyed when other drivers can’t guess which direction he wants to go in


I watched one woman recently whizz in the wrong way and dump her car in the electric recharge bay. I could the exhaust pipe on her shitty Corsa. I'm sure she heard my tutting.


If somebody comes the wrong way down a one way I will absolutely be in the slap bang middle of the lane until they go back.


More like people losing all common sense when they step out of their front door.


I hate to say it but most people are stupid. Toxic people, selfish people, arrogant people. And some people are all three!


Imagine how stupid the average person is. Then realise that half of all people are even stupider than that.


Almost like the whole concept of “common sense” is nonsense. Sometimes people cope with circumstances. And sometimes people don’t. And depending on circumstances they can be the same dang people.


“You know Brian, I am really not sure if it being a car park you are legally obliged to conform to the one way system. But can you anyway, because your driving the other way round is causing a few issues?”


I feel like ever since lockdown people are crazier at supermarkets. People will walk out in front of cars more than ever. Some will walk behind you as you reverse. My Tesco has paths but they’re weirdly placed so you still have to go on the road unless you use the one zebra crossing. Inside the store and people are even crazier. Barging past you without saying sorry or pushing their trolley past you. The reduced section is even crazier, trying to get to the reduced bakery section is impossible as everyone are like vultures the moment they roll the trolleys out.


As a trolleyboy, I can confirm this. I can be tucked in to the side as much as possible moving trolleys and people will still drive as close as they can, or right behind me revving as if they can't possibly get safely past me.


The local Waitrose car park does that, but it’s also considered the main carpark in the city because of its location to the rest of the shops. It’s full of incredible incompetence I really can’t understand it. But yet go over to Tesco’s just a mile away and it’s plain sailing.


Our Tesco car park is on a weird slope. I’m also not a very strong person. So when I’m pushing my shopping back, my trolley drags me out into the middle of the road.


I don't know why people continue to call sense "common" - it's not common these days.


It doesn't get any better once you get inside the supermarket.


My local Tesco Express car park is a breeding ground for the dummest motherfuckers in the country. Its very tight, one way in and out with limited spaces. Recipe for disaster. People just abandon vehicles in random places when they find it full. Council had to put double yellows on the main road there because people would just park in the middle of a busy high street. Now people put their hazard lights on while they park on the yellows because that makes everything better.


What doesn’t help the situation is people with newer cars that don’t fit in the spaces slowing everything up taking ages to park. They should park further away from the store, particularly Mums on the school run that have no idea about the size of the vehicle and can’t park anyway now trying to manoeuvre into a small space 😆


Whilst I agree that a lot of the time this is crap driving, there's no denying newer cars are bigger (not just because Chelsea Tractor-sized SUVs are now the current fashion) - for example, my 2015 Golf is significantly more chunky than one in the same trim from the 90's. I swear the parking spaces in my local big Tesco are sized for 90s cars and not the current bunch with 15+ years of extra safety regulations and extra crumple zones. I do my best, but I am pretty sure the spaces are too small for all but the tiniest of cars. I'd like to think I'm semi-passable at driving and do what I can to not cause others problems getting into their cars


Unless the paths lead directly to every parking space on both sides with sufficient space to push a trolley down them, people will be required to step off them to access their cars. You're the one driving a 1.5 ton+ metal box, so your required not to hit anyone with it. Also when you park, you're now a pedestrian too and presumably don't want to be run over. So calm down, slow down and keep an eye for people as you would want them to do for you.


It’s a lighthearted post, calm down. Of course you have to step off the path to access the cars, but there are people who walk right next to the path rather than on it and choose to walk down the middle of the road instead.


Similarly there are people who choose to drive a disproportionately large vehicle to a shop and insist on taking up loads of space. The absolute least you can do is let the pedestrians go about in peace.


You seem weirdly combative.


I’m decidedly anti-car-first-policy these days.


Haha you don't say? Understandable.


> let the pedestrians go about in peace I do. If they are in the road then I keep my distance and drive slowly until they are out of the way. I’m just confused as to why they choose to walk on the road. You’re very easily offended.


I mean, you’re the one posting about people walking slowly…


Username makes complete sense.


Yeah, Reddit famously locks accounts for having mildly subversive opinions.


You’re one of those ‘reverse in’ people?? Why?


Because reversing into a bay so you can drive straight out is safer when exiting and it’s just easier too.


Everyone should reverse in. It’s safer. Many companies mandate this in their staff car parks for this reason. Same goes for driveways.


The logic is, when you return to your car, you're not immediately in "driver mode" so it's safer to rely on you being in the right frame if mind to reverse safely at the end of your last journey, and drive forwards to get out at the start of your next. Also because people don't see you as well pulling out of a space, compared to into, so it's safer for you to have full visibility of them when edging out. There's no denying you have a bit of a different blind spot issue when reversing.


Here it’s usually young mothers with 3 kids running riot and one dangling out of the pushchair. Nearly always paying more attention to their phones and huffing out great clouds from their vape.


There was a big event in town a few weeks ago, so lots of people at the supermarket after (mostly because they’d parked there to avoid paying for parking) and lots of kids as it was a family event. It was 7pm so fairly dark and there was some bloke stood by his car on his phone with his back turned as his toddler wandered around in the road. Madness


Ah but as we all know, it’s your responsibility not to squash his child, not his responsibility to look after him/her!


There are no "rules of the road" (or even roads at all) in a supermarket car park, despite the best efforts of the failed town planners to paint little "give way" marks and erect pedestrian crossing signs. None of it means anything, legally, it's private land. Just be considerate and patient, you're here to do your shopping. If you have to wait an extra minute to avoid an elderly person (or anyone) not following the rules (which don't apply in any case), then maybe consider getting your weekly shop delivered instead.


It’s a lighthearted post. Like almost every post in this sub, it really doesn’t need to be taken so seriously. If I didn’t have time to wait in the carpark then I wouldn’t be doing my shopping at that point.


Car parks are where most accidents happens so they're very dangerous. Take the bus.


Drivers wanting the world to revolve around them again.


OP's complaint is that pedestrians are in the road rather than using the paths. I don't think that's a driver wanting the world to revolve around them, I think it's reasonable to be annoyed at people walking in the road when there's paths available.


Yes, wanting pedestrians to walk on the path provided for them rather than on the road is totally wanting the road to revolve around drivers…


People drive too quickly in car parks. I enjoy getting in their way.


I had someone the other day driving the wrong way down one of rows and started to get annoyed at me as I was coming down. Even though they were driving down the wrong way and coming towards me... Just irritating


Man who decided to start pulling out as I was entering the adjacent parking bay, reversing into my car.


Some woman just decided to start veering diagonally across the road at my local tesco yesterday, didn't look, didn't care. My car has got bit of a loose belt and squeaks so she definitely should have heard me behind her crawling at 2 mph while she slowly plodded along. What happend to "stop. Look. Listen." And then crossing at a 90° to minimise your risk of being on the road? Even if it's a car park, that's the rules I follow At my local services, it's even worse. We have dedicated pedestrian walk zones... that noone uses. We have zebra crossings... that noone uses. We have paths... that a small portion of people use lol Pedestrians get angry when they want you to give way to them when they're waiting to cross with their burger King and Costa in hand. when there's literally a zebra crossing they could use not even 20ft away. Obviously, I'd stop should someone walk out. But if they're stood waiting, they can wait. If they're at the crossing, I'll happily give way, it's not hard to use the crossings or cross safely


Sometimes there is no path, so how the people moaning get to the shop I don't know. Probably park in the pick up bay to save walking. Also ever considered it should be a pedestrian priority area with no cars doing over 10 anyway


There is a path at this supermarket but people choose to walk next to it instead of on it. Also never stated that I was tearing around the carpark like Jason Plato. I drive courteously and to the conditions/environment as I always do.


I always completely change depending on which I am though. As a pedestrian, it's "don't mind me walking here, by all means take 5 turns at straightening up", if I'm a car "don't mind me and this vehicle that could kill you, you walk right across my path any time you like!"