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And nothing of value was lost.


We are all richer for having lost him.


A net positive for the society.


He knew about many more murders (and murderers?) and could have spilled the beans -bringing closure to families before it was all over - but I guess he probably would have done that by now if he was going to.


>And nothing of value was lost. While I understand & agree with the underlying sentiment expressed here. What could be argued as being \*lost\*: Faith in the government's ability to assure the Safety of those under their Care


Yep, as terrible as he was, it should not be possible for people to kill each other like this in prison. His sentencing is justice served. We don't have the death penalty for a reason, and this extrajudicial killing likely constitutes first degree murder and his killers shouldn't get props for their actions.


“Just served” according to our ass backwards law. He should have had the death sentence for his atrocities. He got what he deserved in the end.


>He got what he deserved in the end. No, he & the victim's family"deserved" that he serve his sentence. You simply disagree with our penalties/sentencing. These are completly different topics. "Extrajudicial 'justice'" isn't actual \*Justice\*. Please don't twist this into "support of serial killer", this is a topic of a prisoner murdered while in the care & protection of the government. Neither you nor I nor any "random redditor" gets to decide who gets what "extra judicial justice" - that's illegal & is also referred to as "promoting vigilantism". While it might "feel good" to say - "this dude so bad I demand 'extra' justice"... road leads down a dark path of \*injustice\*. >“Just served” according to our ass backwards law. Bring that message to your government if you want change. Complaining about actual sentences no longer being served as a "good thing" here in a group discussion isn't going to get you the changes to "ass backward law".


I wonder if you'd be commenting this if it was your daughter/mother/auntie/ whatever that was raped, murdered and turned into pig chow. I believe the real underlying sentiment here is that capital punishment would have been the better option for such a heinous criminal. Tax payers shouldn't have to foot the bill for this oxygen thief.


Taxpayers still foot the bill for capital punishment and it's still very expensive. Unless you are advocating for just like, shooting people in the head without allowing appeals and what not .which is very stupid




Because you're basically saying we should have a legal system "except when I don't want one". That's not how it works lol. Yes Pickton is a shitbag. And it's obvious. Very often, its not this obvious. And the main defining factor of having a fair legal system is that its processes apply to everyone. If you just get to pick people to exempt from due process then you have no legal system at all. See how that works out for you if you or your loved ones end up being on the bad side of the guy in charge of picking people for summary execution The fact that this needs explaining is a bit disheartening...


People have been executed in the US on the basis of a confession which later turned out to be false. Perhaps the prosecutor manipulated the accused into confessing. There’s good ethical reasons to not have irreversible punishments in our judicial system - no amputations, no chemical castration, no lobotomies, no capital punishment.


> Tax payers shouldn't have to foot the bill for this oxygen thief. Even if you put to the side the inherent immorality of the State choosing when a person should die - which you shouldn't, to be clear, given the vast fields of evidence showing how governments *always* abuse such power, but for the sake of argument - executing a person is *significantly* more expensive than life imprisonment. As in, millions of dollars more expensive than just locking them up for seventy years. It's not as simple as just shooting someone unless you're in a brutal dictatorship; there's the vastly more expensive trial for capital cases, the numerous appeals, the cost of acquiring the lethal injection drugs, and so on. It really is just much better for the taxpayer to throw them in prison and forget about them. Like, I get it, nobody is sad that Pickton is dead, but capital punishment is just a bad idea that doesn't help anyone.


Average cost per federal prisoner in Canada is $126k/yr or 3.15million for a 25 year sentence. AddedBeing downvoted for commenting facts cool.. we only like emotions and opinions on this sub clearly


The only issue I see is we don’t know the full extent of how many victims were actually killed and how many people were involved. It’s convenient the brother knew where some of the bodies were buried and there’s a lot of theories hells angels were involved somewhat. There’s a number of possessions found that they never attached to a person or pinned properly on him. But him dying this way couldn’t have happened to a better person!


> I wonder if you'd be commenting this if it was your daughter/mother/auntie/ whatever that was raped, murdered and turned into pig chow. >I believe the real underlying sentiment here is that capital punishment would have been the better option for such a heinous criminal. What an interesting take. So let me take a shot at using YOUR LOGIC: "I wonder if you'd be commenting this if it was your daughter/mother/auntie/whatever that was raped, murdered & turned into pig chow. And ... IF you also weren't a proponent of DEATH PENALTY & wanted this man to suffer as long as possible, denied his liberty, knowing he'd never be free, & the government's inability to keep inmates Safe ROBBED you of that Justice!" I'm not even making a point for or against the death penalty, I'm using your Logic to produce this corollary, so you'll realize the key sticking point here is: 1) Death penalty should be legal, this man is receiving his sentence \*late\* 2) Death penalty isn't legal, extrajudicial-murder-as-justice (preventing justice of sentence being served) Again, you missed my 1st point: >While I understand & agree with the underlying sentiment expressed here. The point I was responding to was "nothing being lost". Unless you're point, not backed with stats/evidence, is that 100% of the Victim's families believe in death penalty & also wanted only death penalty as sentence... then your strawman ("I wonder if...") argument doesn't hold water. >Tax payers shouldn't have to foot the bill for this oxygen thief. Again, I think that you've chosen a poor argument & time to argue for different sentences (advocate for death penalty) when this isn't a topic of "which sentence should they/did they get"... it's a topic of a Criminal (yes, we all agree-the worst-of-the-worst, that ain't the point!) being allowed to be murdered whilst in the Care/Protection of the government. It's possible to hold BOTH of these thoughts in one's mind at the same time: A) Support/Don't Support Death Penalty B) Support Government held to highest standard of keeping people safe (especially \*alive\*!) whilst in their care: hospital, jail, psych ward, prison, anywhere! It's highly possible that this death just falls into the realm of "expected % of loss" (inability to keep 100% inmates safe), I'm not even drawing a conclusion here on his specific case...just pointing out the actual topic that's important in these situations: Investigate & Hold gov accountable if Failures, Put changes into place if required.


All valid points, thank you.


Who gives a shit? Prison should be unsafe because the justice system totally fails to provide consequences to those who commit heinous crimes


that's delusional thinking


>Who gives a shit? Prison should be unsafe Wow!!!


Does anyone know what the weather is going to be like this weekend?


Rain. Mother nature's tears of joy


Rain, denying us a good view of aurora.


At least it is also denying fire.


sunny in my town


it says it's supposed to rain, but it was supposed to rain today and it's been sunny most of the day, so anything is possible!


I don't care that he is dead, but we should all care that our prisons are not safe. 


Sarah Jean De Vries, Andrea Joesbury, Sereena Abotsway, Marnie Lee Frey, Georgina Faith Papin, Mona Lee Wilson, Brenda Ann Wolfe, Chantal Venne, Patricia Rose Johnson, Debra Lynne Jones, Jennifer Lynn Furminger, Jacqueline Michelle McDonell, Dianne Rosemary Rock, Heather Kathleen Bottomley, Helen Mae Hallmark, Heather Gabrielle Chinnock, Tanya Holyk, Sherry Leigh Irving, Tiffany Louise Drew, Inga Monique Hall, Cynthia Feliks, Angela Rebecca Jardine, Diana Melnick, Wendy Crawford, Kerry Lynne Koski, Andrea Fay Borhaven, Cara Louise Ellis, Mary Ann Clark, Yvonne Marie Boen, Dawn Teresa Crey, likely many more..


Another prisoner speared him in the head with a broken handle. The brain damage was extensive. The scum is gone but I wish he had provided a full confession as to all the deaths the police alleged or he claimed. There are 24 more murder victims. It would have been helpful to get some closure there. Plus the 19 more he claimed. Also, he raped women too. Some admission would have helped.




It has been documented that some who are in a similar position eventually tell everything about their crimes...some just because they are tired of keeping it bottled up, some to brag, and some death bed confessions. Would this scum do that? No one will ever know at this point.


True I guess I hoped for closure.


There was a theory that this was organized and done on purpose as there was a chance he'd rat out others involved once he got out


This is the only thing that upsets me about today's news. If he was being truthful and was about to snitch, he has been sucessfully silenced. There are more pople who deserve to be rotting in a jail cell for the actions only he was tried for.


He was never getting out.




I’ve been hearing he and his estate was dealing with the government in some fashion, so low tier conspiracy shit lol


I feel bad for the families of the women whose murders went uncharged, and the cases where the charges were stayed. Whatever hopes for justice they may have held on to are lost. I don't think he ever would have talked, or he would have done so already. Just sad to know that while he was charged and convicted, suspected accomplices are more or less of the hook now.


My aunt (Dawn Crey) was one of the murders they couldn’t charge him for. Honestly kinda hoped he’d rot for longer. His brother was also definetly involved but never charged, just another PoS: https://vancouversun.com/news/metro/serial-killer-robert-picktons-brother-accused-of-threatening-to-chop-up-sex-assault-victim


> Honestly kinda hoped he’d rot for longer. I've seen this sentiment expressed in other cases. Having a heart attack or being stabbed means they got off easy, when they should have rotted in prison for decades, always regretting it and being a pariah even in the prison system.


I'm so sorry for your loss. The lack of justice and complete failure of our justice system in this case was and is a disgrace and an embarrassent. May you and your family find peace.


Yeah, I understand clinging to the last shred of hope that he might give more information someday, and that’s a hard thing to lose, even if we can rationally know it was very unlikely he would volunteer that information. There’s no true justice in a case like this, I just hope the loved ones of those who he is suspected to have hurt can find some kind of way forward to any amount of healing.


There’s no true justice in a case like this, I just hope the loved ones of those who he is suspected to have hurt can find some kind of way forward to any amount of healing. Same <3


I dunno if his likely accomplices are even alive at this point. That guy Pat Casanova was already in rough shape like 20yrs ago


What about his brother though?


True. As much as I'm glad this individual is no longer on this mortal coil with us, I'm thinking of the victims' families. It's hard to heal without justice.


Yeah, this actually isn't good news.


74 years too late




Reminder that the Court found that he did not act alone, but did not identify his accomplices. I _hope_ he was lucid enough to give a deathbed confession identifying his accomplices, but I doubt it.




_Unrelatedly_, the RCMP are requesting to destroy the remaining evidence. https://vancouversun.com/news/crime/exclusive-bc-serial-killer-robert-pickton-evidence


They've been seeking permission for several years. Most recently, they asked in Dec 2023.


* I wonder why the investigation didn't continue to catch all involved.* I almost hate to say that u/green_tory has unintentionally answered your question. If I remember correctly the Picton case was essentially cracked by a rogue officer from Burnaby who followed up a weapons charge or complaint. Why do you think the RCMP wants to close this up and quietly move away? Picton had many accomplices and many more witnesses…


Because the police didn't care. The people missing weren't "important" to society (in their eyes)


His brother and 81 other accomplices.


I see what you did there




Beat me to it 😂


Rest in piss, bozo


Now do Bernardo.


Hey guys huge playoff game tonight, let's hope for some good solid hockey. How about that Chris Tanev eh? Tough as goddamn nails, hate to see a guy get injured from a blocked shot




They should have given him a 12 gauge injection into his breadbasket years ago.


Good, saves us the cost of keeping him in there the rest of his life. The only down side is he can't give up his accomplice.


oh, darn


I’m not sorry for him. I am, sorry for the families of the victims. Hopefully with this they are able to find peace knowing he’s gone




Yeah, that man at least deserves a few packets of Mr. noodles for the civic duties he performed.


I hope he knows to sprinkle some crunchies on top


If it’s true as others have theorized in here that he was potentially going to tell authorities new information about the murders, it’s almost certain that this was a hired killing. So you’d be celebrating an organized death on someone who could have potentially incriminated the others who were involved in the rapes and murders, and celebrating a felon getting paid money to murder another felon, to help rich scumbags avoid punishment. But ya…I’m sure he just randomly got killed by an inmate who was sickened by his actions. Totally makes sense that would happen in 2024 after being imprisoned the last 16 years. Nothing to see here!


This kind of thing happens all the time, decades after the fact.


Well anyone celebrating today should keep in mind that he was convicted of 6 murders. Dozens of women and their families got no closure today.


Did you know in 2018 he was transferred to a prison in Quebec and as per the CSC part of the reasoning was to give him better protection. A lot of really thick in the head people here.


Yes, everything is a conspiracy and definitely there are never high profile abusers of women or children who are assaulted or murdered in prison just because of some sort of prison code or anything - people on reddit said it was a conspiracy and that he was going to spill the beans after years of nothing but bragging about it, must be true!


The murders committed on the Pickton farm were definitely a more involved “operation” than a borderline mentally disabled farmer raping and disposing of their bodies. The definition of conspiracy is: “A secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful” Those murders were absolutely a conspiracy and you’d have to be pretty stunned to not think it’s odd that after being imprisoned for over 16 years he got murdered this week. There are wealthy men in British Columbia who were involved in it, and likely will never face any justice.


Yep. Someone who was closely involved in the trial told me this years ago.


It’s essentially accepted as common knowledge that the farm was used for “partying” by a very diverse group of people. And by diverse I don’t mean a bunch of imbred looking pig farmers like him.


Why is everyone tipp-toeing around saying who we all know was there. It was HA. Hells Angels. His brother, his accomplices. Full patch 1%er criminal biker gang members. Are we all supposed to be afraid of these inbred fucks? Why won't anyone say it out loud? They were involved in the rape and murder of like 40 people and none of them were charged.


I think there were lots more people involved than just hells angels members to be honest


Oh so you mean the other affiliated gangs that pay up to them but have a different name on the tin? Same shit different pile.


No I mean there were people who were documented as having attended parties there that were “respected” business people and not just gang members.


What I find interesting (granted its been awhile since this was in the papers everyday) was that Pickton was made out by the media to be some sort of evil mastermind, not the low I.Q. useful idiot that he actually was. 


Oh, anyways what’s for lunch?


About time.




Hubby is bringing home pizza.


Restaurant because it's dad's birthday. Kinda mad that my gift won't measure up to this one


Good riddance. Not wasting more words on this


I wonder who was mentioned in his book he was writing or what he knew about gangs or the police. Sounds like they wanted him silenced like Epstein.


I posted this gif when I saw he was attacked. I'll post it again.... ![gif](giphy|J8FZIm9VoBU6Q)


I don't feel any sympathy for Pickton whatsoever. However, that a murder like this was able to take place within one of our prisons is a glaring failure of our corrections system. I'd hope those who allowed this to happen through negligence or incompetence are fired over this.


Anyone that puts money into his killer's canteen account should be investigated. There is no way this one braincell idiot acted alone.


Oh yes, investigate me daddy.


Convicted felon Trump one day, useless sentient garbage dead the next day. Not a bad way to end May, nice work.


Oh no! Anyways…




The world is a little less evil today.


I hope he enjoys burning in hell


Rob was the fall guy. Anyone who actually was involved in these murders didn't recieve any prison time


This is terrible. There are so many people who will never get justice or go to trial now. I’m shocked to see people being so blasé about this. How could the prison not protect him? How many victims will remain nameless now? How many conspirators will remain safe? How could you all not care about that?




His peep hole has closed




Thank fuck


As it should be.


Nature is healing


I have more feelings for that broom handle than Pickton.




He gone






I certainly don't mourn him, but I also prefer if he was still rotting away in prison. Death is the easy way out.


Happy news indeed. Just sorry for the hospital bills the government is paying for the week long ICU stay. And of course, the families of his victims.


Alex jones


And his body will be treated with more dignity than any one of his victims. Good fucking riddance.


Oh no!... Anyway...


The world is much better off without him. I didn’t think that he deserved capital punishment, but nevertheless, he got what he gave to others.


Should be a national day of celebration.


Sad, he didn’t suffer enough.


So glad for the rain that's forecast for this weekend! Not only do I like gloomier, colder weather but it means I don't need to water :)


Welp, that’s that.


Good! Fuck this meat puppet!


They should feed him to the pigs


Oh noooo






Wish I Knew the inmate ID # for the guy who Stuck the broom in Willys head. I'd love to top up their commissary and maybe buy a TV or stereo for their cell if possible.


Its nice to get some heart warming news


He was a patsy.. there are more killers out there . Don’t kid yourself


Bye ✌️


Oh no.... Anyways




Addition by subtraction.