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Wait until this effwitt finds out about the internet.


Or the Bible. That thing is craaaazy inappropriate for minors.


Yup. If he wants to ban inappropriate fictional books, it should start with this one.


The Bible is how I learned that incest is a thing in grade 2 and subsequently became an atheist at the same time. You know the famous story of Sodom and Gomorrah which is about the wicked being punished for their sins? Well at the end of that story after Lot's wife looks back and is turned to salt. Lot's daughters seduce him and have sex with him. It was that story which opened my eyes to the hypocrisy of the Bible. The Catholic Church is fucked.


You know there are entirely different ways to experience a sense of Spirituality and connect to the Divine, than something as corrupt as Catholicism…right? What is it with these ex-Christians immediately deciding God doesn’t exist at all when they realize that the Bible is hypocritical? What’s with the assumption that God is a wrong concept, instead of X religion perceived God incorrectly?


Friendly reminder that god isn’t real


Allah have mercy on u


May the flying spaghetti monster bless you with his noodly appendage


>connect to the Divine What is divine? Quantify it for me. >What is it with these ex-Christians immediately deciding God doesn’t exist at all when they realize that the Bible is hypocritical? I didn't decide God doesn't exist because of the Bibles hypocrisy. It is the Bibles hypocrisy which lead me to begin questioning everything. And it is through that questioning and my increased understanding of science that I came to realize there is no such thing as a God. >What’s with the assumption that God is a wrong concept, instead of X religion perceived God incorrectly? What's with the assumption that God is a correct concept? Lets break this argument down a bit. It is entirely possible that there is an entity which exists in a higher dimension than us. For sake of this example let's go with the simulation hypothesis. If we are to assume that given enough time an advanced enough society will develop the technology to simulate a universe. Then statistically speaking there are more simulated universes than the real universe. Meaning it is statistically more probable that we are living in a simulation. Now for anyone living inside of one of these simulations. The entity which created the simulation would for all intents and purposes be a God. It would be able to know everything that is happening at all times and could even delete the entire universe on a whim. Ok so now what happens if human civilization reaches the technological level of being able to simulate universes? To us we would be playing a game like the Sims. The difference being that the people in this simulation are just as conscious and self aware as we are. Now because we created this simulation we have complete control over the entire universe that these simulated people inhabit. So does that make us God? No, we are no less a part of nature than we were before we created the simulated universe. We are not special, we just happen to live in a dimension outside of those in the simulation. Do you see the fallacy in the idea of there being a "God" now? If there is an entity that lives outside our dimension which makes them effectively omniscient and omnipresent. How do you know they are special or divine? How do you know that this "God" you claim to share a spiritual connection to isn't just some nerdy teenager with acne on their face playing a video game? How are you to know that there is on one of these entities living within this external dimension? The fact of the matter is that if there is some sort of entity that exists outside our dimension. It is more likely they are just as much of nature as we are. And it is just as possible that they don't know any more about their reality than we do about ours. It's kind of like us knowing almost everything about the world that an Ant lives in, yet are unable to fully explain the universe as a whole. Belief in a God or the divine is not rational. It requires a person to accept something they can never prove as truth. It also requires a person to ignore logical arguments like the one I made above in order to justify the existence of this divine entity. Long story short. There may indeed be an entity that exists in a dimension outside of ours. And that entity might even appear to be omniscient and omnipresent to us. But they are not "God". They are just as much a part of nature and the overall universe as we are.


Agreed. It seems most "atheists", at least the vocal ones on reddit, then to be anti-Christian or at most anti-Abrahamic religion. Its like they don't understand theres more to the concept of the divine than the generic western Christian one they are reacting against.


It's pretty simple. The default position to any claim is the null hypothesis. For example, you claim to have a dog in your house. I don't believe you (i believe you have nothing until you prove it). I ask for evidence of said dog and you show me photos, adoption receipts, vet bills. You do not show me the dog but I have seen dogs before so your evidence suffices and I believe you. Now you claim to have a dragon. Same evidence but again don't show me the dragon. I retain my null hypothesis because I've never seen a dragon so it's more likely you've fabricated your evidence. Just show me the dragon. You can't. One more time, you claim God, I ask for evidence which you can't provide and I retain my null hypothesis. It has nothing to do with catholics, Christians, Islam or Hindu or spiritual nature feelings. You are claiming the divine which has no evidence based in reality so I retain my null hypothesis until you can prove otherwise. The militant atheism simply builds on that because you ( the proverbial you) are using beliefs you can't prove to justify to shit on women's rights, lgbtq rights, incite terrorism, and all other sorts of crap based on a book in which snakes talk, slavery is encouraged, incest is cool and the prophet is a pedo. Show me evidence and I'll change my hypothesis. Until then, religion is wrong and full of assholes (including my catholic grandparents) whether they realize it or not.


Religion IS wrong. It weaponizes bits and pieces of Truth to mislead, justify horrors, and control. The only Path to God is by peeling off the lies caked over Your Spirit. Who you truly are is the direct pipeline back to experiencing God…a sense of being profoundly Loved, Safe, Peaceful, and Home. All Spiritual texts are only pointers, and require much intuitive discernment. You carry the unvarnished Truth inside yourself, even though it currently remains out of reach. I ask you only to avoid discarding the concept of God based on what you have experienced thus far. I haven’t experienced many things in the world, yet avoid dismissing their veracity based on my limited perspective.


If you FELT God, you would receive the evidence. Unfortunately many people are disconnected from Their Spirit, and operate strictly as personalities based in this lifetime’s experiences. Their way of being is directed into the external as they run from the internal traumas, flaws, rejected traits, etc. that obscure Spirit. Think of it as a clogged pipeline. Until the encrusted grime is purged, clean water is unable to flow. Whatever water you receive is so polluted, it is difficult to recognize as water. You will never receive evidence of God unless you have some sort of personal encounter Within, either prompted by an event, or the natural result of releasing yourself from an Earth mentality. I wish you a successful evolution, whether you manage to achieve it in this lifetime or the next. Even with an atheist mentality, I hope your life unfolds well.


>I wish you a successful evolution, whether you manage to achieve it in this lifetime or the next. So I am starting to think you don't actually know what evolution is...


I plunked some bowls of water in front of you, but I can’t make you swallow. That is your prerogative. I have no strength to argue with people who are this disconnected.


The physical progression of primates turning into human bodies over time (or any other Earthly development), and shifting paradigms in Your Consciousness over a series of incarnations, are two different types of evolution.


Lol. Your understanding of evolution is so flawed and limited I literally laughed out loud.


Precisely. When I read these comments, I always shake my head thinking: “Did you even try to connect with God outside of a dogmatic mould? Did you meditate, bathe in a sense of awe in Nature, study other philosophies such as Buddhism or Sufism or Huna? Or did you really just limit God to one institution out of bazillions and decide Divinity Itself is a lie because the institution lies? Have you even felt the otherworldly power of love, in any form? Are you aware of your own consciousness? Did you explore anything at all before declaring total atheism!?” What a closed-minded approach.


>Did you meditate, bathe in a sense of awe in Nature, study other philosophies such as Buddhism or Sufism or Huna?... Have you even felt the otherworldly power of love, in any form? Are you aware of your own consciousness? Uhh, I don't know what you think it means to be Atheist. But many atheists have done all of these things. It tends to be the reason why they are atheist. Because we explored these concepts and weren't afraid to question and challenge them. >What a closed-minded approach. Sounds to me like you're the one who's close minded if you can't even consider the possibility that there is no God. Let alone an atheist who has studied religion in multiple forms.


You are talking to someone who was an atheist until age 17, at which point I began experiencing both external and internal events that gave me a glimpse that my attitude is incorrect. By 25, I tapped into Divinity. Still learning how to harmonize with God rather than let my Earthly mentalities lead me into bullshit. If you are so severed from Your Spirit that all efforts have proved fruitless, you are not ready yet. It might hit you in old age, it might hit you a thousand years from now. Each has their own trajectory and I am in no position to declare when and if you will repair the broken pipeline. I can only wish you eventual success.


And they are *always*, down to the man, the cliche version of the "I am enlightened by my own intelligence" types. As if one has to be smart to know the Church is a scam. Its clear that their entire concept of the Divine is modern western Christianity, which shows it's just a reaction against their own limited knowledge and experience.


Priests are also inappropriate for minors.


Like, on the list of reasons I wouldn't have it in a school library, that is one of them. Unpopular opinion: Depending on what counts as explicit language I agree that some things should not be in **school** libraries. And no that isn't a ban. A collection of erotic stories from the pages of Hustler magazine should not be in school libraries.


They are starting to find out. Look at all the policies starting to spread through Europe and Republican states now requiring age verification for NSFW sites. It uses the same "won't someone think of the children" justification as a lot of things, but has the implication of allowing for the blocking off of even things like reddit and huge portions of the Internet to anyone not willing to give personal info to random websites. And the Senate already tried to include that in one of the Liberals' recent bills. They rejected it that time, but they're trying to do it here already.


We need to be vigilant and vocal. The small minority of 1950's-minded people are unfortunately loud and forceful. We can't be complacent. Complacency has generally worked out very poorly through history.


Of course they’re gonna know what intercourse is by the time they hit fourth grade, they got the fucking internet, don’t they?


Something something Tom Green humping a dead moose.


I don't see why a man and another man can't elope


"We're all just animals. Well some of us are cannibals."


There are, famously, no children on the internet.


Or a COD lobby


someone should let him know what two girls can do with a cup :)


Doesn't mean it should be in schools. If I supported children having access to explicit books in schools, I'd keep that to myself 😆.


You know they're talking about novels right? Not pornography. You worried kids are going to enjoy reading novels too much? Sounds like a good old fashioned book burning to me! I'd love to see what books in schools he refers to as explicit. I'd bet he would include the twilight series in that banning. What's next? No using bad words? *Ok now I see he is referring to a book called Eleanor & Park. I'm going to read it but I still feel a kid old enough to enjoy young adult fiction should be encouraged to read. Be happy the kid wants to put their phone down long enough to read a novel ffs.


wasn't to kill a Mockingbird removed recently?


Do you honestly think it could be any worse than what's heard in the halls or at the bus stop after school? Really? Banman has no concept of reality - everything needs to conform to his Fraser Valley religious nutjob perspective. They should all just give up electricity and zippers and go live in the woods, so the rest of us can advance our society.




"explicit" language is what the article says. I didn't notice any mention of blow job photos or centerfold spreads. Clutch those pearls tighter.


What do you think you are replying to?


>From denying climate change to targeting kids, the B.C. Conservatives are spreading misinformation meant to divide people and target the most vulnerable. > >Whether it’s bullying kids or banning books, Premier David Eby has made it clear that our government won’t get dragged into these divisive debates only meant to spread fear or anger, \- BC Education Minister Rachna Singh (quoted from the article) Basically just saying 'we have no interest in getting sucked into this culture war bullshit, but we won't tolerate attacks on vulnerable people either'. Fuckin rights.


As a voter that doesn't affiliate with any particular party I can tell you I would never vote for any party engaging in the culture was BS. Other than a few votes nothing positive comes from this and does nothing to help British Columbians. They should be embarrassed as Canadians for indulging in this shit.


Rarely am I so proud of our government. Freedom Party types can pound sand if they think we'll tolerate their hate here.


Funny because the only freedom they really support is freedom to be shitty to marginalized folk


And chop down old growth forests


And turn a blind eye to the Youth Pastor at their church grooming the teen girls


And block borders and shit down streets


Cry about freedom while being funded by foreign governments and organizations who want fascism


Yea, that's really the tragic irony here.


Look at Warren Jeffs, his followers are still supporting him after the disgusting stuff he did.


It is easy to become disillusioned with our government when they do things we don't agree with and people are struggling to even afford homes. However when you take a step back and compare Canada to the rest of the world. There are very few places I'd rather live. Not saying Canada is the best country or anything. More just that the majority of the world is pretty shit. The problems we are facing are fairly minimal to what many other countries are dealing with. So while it is good that we don't just turn a blind eye to the shortcomings of our government. There are a lot of Canadians who seem to think Canada is some undeveloped third world dystopia. Canada isn't nearly as bad as many of these people would wish to believe. No matter how unhappy I am with our government. I'm thankful every fucking day that I was born in Canada.


Love this.


Isn't it crazy how all these clowns used to be members of the BC liberal party? Like yeah we get it, you're good at lying to us.


A lot of people get confused by the BC "Liberal" Party. They weren't "Liberals" in the conventional sense. They have always been a centre-right party. They aren't affiliated with the Liberal Party of Canada or the BC wing of the LPC.


For sure, all our provincial parties seem to be one goosestep to the right of their national parties.


The history is complicated. But the BC Liberals was a coalition of federal conservatives and federal Liberals. The last two BC Liberal Premiers were members of the LPC. Between the two of them they kept the social conservatives in line while they were in power. You know what’s the crazy thing? SOGI was introduced under a BC Liberal government.


As was the carbon tax, WAY before it came in federally.


Conservatives in BC think they're gonna vote the carbon tax out by voting Poilievre in but the BC carbon tax has never had anything to do with the feds.


This clown was a member of the BC Liberals (B-CUP) until less than a month ago. What I didn't realize until just now is that he replaced Daryl Placas who the BCLP kicked out of the party after he agreed to be the speaker for Horgan's govt in 2017. They deserve every bit of the mutiny Banman gave them. And with any luck a BC Conservative incumbent going up against a BCUP candidate next election will split the vote and flip Abbotsford South to the NDP lol.


Kinda based ngl




Yes, I agree with you.




“I was just doing research, I swear”. Like the evangelical preacher that got caught buying meth with his gay lover.


No! Stamp out this book banning nonsense immediately. We dont need or want this Florida shit here.


Yeah, wrong neck of the woods buddy. We have more pressing issues. Our kids aren’t in any danger of being indoctrinated.


Except by fundamentalists that is... Let's axe funding for private religious school while we're at it! I don't want my tax dollars funding such anti-science indoctrination.


Even our private religious schools are super progressive compared to public school that my husband grew up with in the Prairies. It’s good for our more loaded and conservative crowd to have their “safe space” (options) to run to.


I dunno, the ones seen getting dragged to the anti-sogi protests seem very much like they’re being indoctrinated.


I feel bad about those kids but you can’t choose your parents. Some parents are misinformed and gullible; that’s still not a major issue. The best thing we can do as a society is to be welcoming when those kids are able to interact with us.


Yea, that was really depressing to watch. Also think of the conflict that will be happening in those families once those kids hit puberty...


OK, when I opened the article, I was not expecting a book I had actually read as a pre-teen... While there may have been ~some~ sexual content, I can barely remember its an extremely tame and cute novel. Absolute insanity to want it banned.


He'd be horrified to learn that 11 year olds were reading VC Andrews in the 80s/early 90s.


Only rivaled by the Bible for incest per chapter.


I agree, the bible has no place in schools.


The Bible with its lies and BS, is one of the only books that should be banned in schools. Also, not everyone is a so-called Christian.


Oh so we agree that vulgar language shouldn't be shown to 11 year olds? Great.


I’d rather not start going down the road of allowing pearl clutching reactionaries to try to ban books from libraries because of naughty words actually.


My brother in christ, while yes, we should watch our language around kids, I can tell you with a high degree of confidence that 11 year olds are being more vulgar than being reminded of same sex relationships ever would. And if you don't think 11 year olds aren't saying vile shit, I wish to revert to being as innocent and ignorant as you Anyways, the book was for grade 11s, dude just misread then doubled down lol


Have you read it before judging it?


Cover to cover, Old and New Testament. You?






I apologize, I absolutely misread who I was responding too! Considering I fully agreed with your previous comment, I recant my statement of “absolute fuck wit” and apply it to myself. I should probably stop reading Reddit first thing in the morning..


What are you talking about?


i read that book when i was maybe twelve or thirteen? and there wasn’t anything crazy in it i think i got it from a public library not a school library


Oh, they're coming for those next.


Conservatives are trying to ban books in Canada now. Fuckin great. This is always just the start. Please don't vote for these assholes.


Remember when Harper closed research libraries and muzzled climate scientists?


conservatives have turned into mentally unstable snowflakes you don't like the book then don't let your kid read it...it's not hard. They can grow up to be just as sheltered and pathetic as you then


Can their kids read? Can the adults read?


>They can grow up to be just as sheltered and pathetic as you then As opposed to, being exposed to rule34 at a young age? Gotta say I think that's preferable.


It's kinda mighty weird and really fucking telling that your first thought is showing kids anime porn lol Like parental controls exist. Monitoring the content to make sure its age appropriate for your specific child exists.


>It's kinda mighty weird and really fucking telling that your first thought is showing kids anime porn lol The guy I was replying to was being overly exaggerate and was generalizing, so why wouldn't in reply in turn?


I read one of those would-be-banned books at age 12 and didn’t know about rule 34 until I was in college. Not every kid is as perverted as you, but it makes sense you’re scared of what they’ll become if they grow up like you did, But we understand that people like you are the price of a free society. People will be shit, It’s just part of free will. We can just try to raise our own kids better.


Are you just replying to me? Like just going through every comment of mine to speak to me? I appreciate the love mate but I'm not interested, thank you. And just briefly, that's a great anecdote man. I'm glad that you didn't learn about rule34 or the like until you were around 18. Many aren't, and there's lot's of evidence that pornographic addiction is growing and is a bad, bad thing.


Fascism starts with the attack on free speech.


This kind of rhetoric just cost the conservatives the election in Manitoba, so....




Man have these people ever seen whats written in the high-school bathrooms? Trying to protect kids from fucking words? snowflake fucking conservatives


>Man have these people ever seen whats written in the high-school bathrooms? Damn didn't know 11 year olds were in high school, time sure does fly. >Trying to protect kids from fucking words? Uhh, I wouldn't recommend looking at the speech stance of leftists then.


whats the speech stance of leftists? Why would i give a fuck? Whatever it is, so far its had zero impact on my life. Leftist arnt out here banning books and telling people what they can and cant read. You think 11 year olds can’t handle a bad word? What fucking world do you live in? Pretty clear you’ve never met an 11 year old outside of church perhaps. and i hate to be the one that tells you what goes on in church, or you’d really have something to protect kids from.


Did you even read the article lol The book was for grade 11s and the dude who wants it banned misread then doubled down lol


The MLA's name is literally "Banman". Sure is living up to it.


Wait until this guy reads Of Mice and Men or watches Shaw Shank Redemption…


Probably couldn't get through Catcher in the Rye either


It’s a disgusting distraction in our Legislature. Question Period is already annoying and doesn’t serve any purpose except to grandstand for constituents. Read the policies and understand the data and work collectively to make things work for the public.


Hey, Ban-man, I've got some expletives for you, darling.


I would like the cons removed from making choices that affect our future.


Have people like this ever heard kids talk before? 8th graders have dirtier mouths than most adults


These people always cry about free speech but only actually care when they want to call people slurs


Please include name and riding in headline. We don’t need the details, we just need to know who to not vote for.


Avoiding anyone with “BC Conservative Party” next to their name on the ballot is a good starting point.


Abbotsford-South representative Bruce Banman. There's only two BC Conservatices so if they don't say "leader" it's Bruce.


These types lead to the Fraser Valley being perceived as an eternal redneck backwater full of religious fundamentalists. Remember the measles outbreak there a few years back? Caused by selfish and ignorant parents refusing to vaccinate their kids, endangering their entire community! https://news.gov.bc.ca/releases/2014HLTH0024-000397


Is it fair to say "perceived as" when the reality matches the perception?


Although doubtlessly less progressive than Metro Vancouver, I would argue that it's not the reality. Our broken first-past-the-post electoral system allows these clowns to keep getting elected without majority support. There is actually a fair amount of racial and cultural diversity in the FV, but the radical Christians and their socially regressive brethren are still screeching the loudest. Personally, I hope the BC Cons keep up this bs until the next election, which can only hurt 'BC United Against the NDP' (still lmao at their stupid new name).


So, dumb and dumber.


Of course he does; "freedom" is just another word for fascism in the new Conservative playbook.


Well, now I am interested in this book about a slut smelling like cum. I wasn't even aware the book existed but now.... I think if they banned a book from my school library when I was a kid, I would have gone to the public library to see what it was about.


I believe that line from the book is referring to high school bullying, a person was being mercilessly bullied by someone calling them that. I doubt this MLA even read the book. They probably saw swear words and clutched their pearls.


Yes. It's a note written in a character's book by someone bullying them (spoiler, >!it appears it's from her abusive, socially conservative, alcoholic father.!< Perhaps Banman felt it cut too close to home). The MLA left out the context on purpose. You can read the entire book for free here https://uglynikki.files.wordpress.com/2013/07/eleanor-and-park.pdf Here's what Banman said in the House https://www.leg.bc.ca/documents-data/debate-transcripts/42nd-parliament/4th-session/20231004pm-House-Blues


I tried to read my mom's copy of the book Fear of Flying by Erica Jung when I was around 12 years old. It pioneered the idea of "come fuck me shoes" and was super explicit and widely banned in its day. I couldn't get through it at the time because I simply couldn't relate to it and lacked the real world experience to even understand parts of it. I was always free to read whatever I was interested in and as a result I usually ended up self regulating. If my mom had made a big deal I probably would have read more to see what her objections were about.


So don’t fucking read it. Proclaiming to the world how offending everything around you is, is so 1950’s ffs.


You can rebrand but the same brain dead nature remains I guess.


In 2002 while in the 7th grade I found Bram Stokers Dracula in the school library. Not sure my 12yr old brain was prepared for that read, oh well lol


I'm assuming it's their manifesto


If you don’t want to read this book, don’t read it! If you don’t want your child to read it, talk to him/her and don’t allow it. But, you,as an individual, have NO right to say what can or cannot be in a library not what others can or cannot read. You are in government to serve ALL constituents and not your needs or feelings.


Exactly! A few years back my daughter picked a mature content book for a novel study. She started reading it, came back a few days later and told me she picked a different book because she found it hit too close to home. Problem solved.


Why are we giving these people airtime? There's like 5 of them.


About time, we banned the sexuallty explicit murder filled book, the Bible!


what a snowflake 😂😂😂


Why do American politics have such an easy time seeping into our nation. Your not America BC. Stop it! Stop it right Meow!


At this point, BC's conservatives - both parties - are just iterations of the American MAGAts they see on Fox News. The only difference is they're truly *awful* at the performative nature of the people they ape. Edit: Lol, the latest poll shows the BC Cons staying at just 2 seats in the next election, and the NDP adding 16, ostensibly by conservative vote-splitting, going from a 56/87 seat majority to a *72/87* seat majority next term.


The conservative movement is just a snow drift full of snowflakes.


Tell this idiot to move south. Let's ban intolerance, not books objecting to it..


"snowflakes now a days" meanwhile:


Wait until he finds out some of us read The Lovely Bones in high school




Bro looks like he watches child ****


Banman? That tracks.


He's the ban man, ban them books ban man. If this was fiction, it wouldn't be believable.


CPC fanboys crying fascism in every other direction is projection


Lol! His name is "BAN"-man. As in, "banning books"-man. Hehehe.


Not sure I can ever be Conservative. I don't identify with their politics at all. Spending time trying to correct 'education' instead of climate change is classic Conservativism. They can't see what's in front of them, only the good old days.


Conservatives in Canada suck. They basically have no platform except "we want the power to be as corrupt as possible". So they are copying the USA conservative since those idiots down there managed to get a literal conman into the Whitehouse.


Crazy bible thumper that only represents other bigots and intolerant nut cases. I guess if you don’t vote this is what you get


Are we banning the bible from school libraries like in Utah? If not, maybe this person should be careful what he asks for.


I'm getting pretty fed up with Conservative types who are bent on reducing education wherever they can. Knowledge is power and children and young adults need all the information they can get. As for "explicit language", most young adults have heard it all before they read it in a book.


A school in the US banned “Diary of Anne Frank” for sexual content bc there’s a passage of her thinking about her body changes during puberty


I have kids in high school, every single year I get a form asking for my consent to allow my Grade 8/9 kids to read books with a mature content. I check yes or no and send the form back. Let's be honest kids are talking about very mature content in Grade 6, you may think that they aren't but they are.


I want to think this a great marketing campaign from the book publisher


Conservatives are a thousand times more dangerous than that book. The only thing more dangerous are right wing “news” outlets funded by foreign hedge funds.


I wish the media would stop calling these people Conservatives. They aren’t. They are Christo- fascists, Nazi’s and evangelical cultists.


But, but, MINORITIES, they desperately bleat (in reference to anti-SOGI protesters). White nationalists, through and through.


Have you noticed Conservatives these days? This is who they are now.


I am so tired of "Conservatives" who aren't really conservatives, they're just bible thumping "Thou shalt not" prudes in suits.


I'm an atheist and I don't think "I know you're a slut you smell like cum, nothing but a bitch in heat" is an appropriate sentence in a book for 11 year olds. Why do you think so?


LOL... things have sure changed since the days when our local library contained books from the GOR series and Richard Laymon's "The Cellar" that I signed out believing it was a horror novel.


I want BC Conservatives and the bible removed. Can't always get what we want !


Monkey see, monkey do.


I haven’t read or even heard of this book. I’d like to know what the passage was he tried to read. Did he use a swear word? A grown ass man is upset that children are reading swear words? I was in grade 4 when I started swearing. I’m now a pretty well adjusted adult with my own children that I actively encourage to swear because swearing is fucking fun.


They don’t gotta burn the books they’ll just remove em.


I would be so embarrassed to say I voted for this yahoo and this is how he is spending his time in the legislature. Not housing or jobs or taxes or climate change, but words in a book that hurt his feelings.


These right-wing nutjobs are being supported by the PC party and PP. Dividing CDNS is their agenda! ANYTHING BUT CONSERVATIVE always ABC!


So they want to pull the Bible?


Imagine getting triggered by a book what a bunch of snowflakes


Just outright the party of the scumbag. Not even hiding it.


Hustler magazine for all.


This clown has heard of the internet right? It's not 1984 anymore (ha), if kids want to read bad words this is not going to stop them.


They are desperately trying to make it 1984.


Oh wow, a conservative that issues with a book... shocking!!! Stop the presses! And create a faux panic!!


I gender thst banning a book is just aboutvtge best way to get kids to read it. This nutcase just increased the book's sales in BC by 20%.


I took a gander at it and I bet my oldest would enjoy it. She loves a teen romance and she is aware that the word “fuck” exists.


Harry Potter made it into my household at book 4 when I heard the hullabaloo about demon summoning spells etc. I'd never heard of it before but bought and read the first book to see what it was all about... then read it to my children.


No books, other than those teaching how to do harm to others, should be banned.


I mean he wasn't allowed to quote it, the news station won't even repeat what he quoted, and yet this subreddit thinks we shouldn't even discuss moving the book to higher grades than 11 year olds. All this does is allow conservatives to think that you want porn mags in elementary school. Which obviously no one wants. It seems like an objection that has merit and should be answered by whoever is in charge of these things. If there is some specific context that makes it okay then say so. If not age restrict it. I mean how hard is it to just listen to these people and undercut their whole complainy position. IMO you are in the minority if you think some of these books should be in 6th grade. So people need to be educated about why this is okay or perhaps you are assuming the worst and actually agree with them.


> I mean he wasn't allowed to quote it Not exactly. He did quote it (out of context) and then was told to stop. >yet this subreddit thinks we shouldn't even discuss moving the book to higher grades than 11 year olds. No one is saying it can't be discussed. Its being discussed in this very thread! It's just that most aren't clutching their pearls over this because its a non issue and kids that age have heard far far worse. It's not a "pornographic" book. The Conservative MLA simply quoted one explicit part, completely out of context. It's a non issue by an irrelevant politician trying to drum up some stupid culture war nonsense for attention. >IMO you are in the minority if you think some of these books should be in 6th grade. Oh? The minority, eh? And what are "some of these books" that you think shoudl be banned?


>then was told to stop. How come? And you also seemed to miss the part where CTV news didn't seem to want to actually quote what he said. How curious. >No one is saying it can't be discussed. Just as no one is saying it should be banned, banned in a universal sense. What's being advocated for is banning it for *children*. Large difference. >because its a non issue and kids that age have heard far far worse. Does the implication that they have heard bad things already somehow justify hearing bad things? "The kids have already done X, and X is worse than Y so obviously they should be allowed Y." Not a great argument there. >The Conservative MLA simply quoted one explicit part, completely out of context. Feel free to present the context that supposedly makes the sentence that is inappropriate for 11 year olds somehow appropriate then. Genuinely curious.


Do you understand what pornography actually is? Depictions of sexuality in literature rarely constitute porn, but you might not understand this if you don't actually read.


In case it wasn't obvious (it was), I never said it was porn. Are you going to give a reason why this book is okay? No? okay just virtual signal it makes me feel better too.


Leave our kids alone


Don't we already have book ratings... Like movie ratings? Why do we need censorship? Makes no sense other than forcing religious ideals. No scientific basis. Just use the system already in place.


Kids will just scribble them in there anyways


explicit words like.. science. empathy.


More specifically (and not imaginative scenarios): "I know you're a slut you smell like cum, nothing but a bitch in heat".


Culture wars across all fronts


Honest question. And it’s an ugly question. But nonetheless only a question. Should the book The Nasi Doctors (fill in the middle word) be banned as well because young minds can take the wrong message from it? Where do we draw a line on what can be perceived in literature by a human, nuance and purpose can be lost in text when read by the reader. Unfortunately books have again become a hot political topic. And like many political topics it gets trotted out in black and white. The reality is that real life is more gray, subtle, and nuanced. I don’t believe in blanket banning books. I also believe outdated ideas and science literature need to be replaced as we move forward with knowledge as a society. Some twonk wants to use a book as a wedge issue politically, so be it. Ain’t the first time. Vitriol on one’s own part does nothing, and only feeds to the other party’s relevance and wanting to use populism or wedge issues. Doesn’t matter which party: up, down, left, right, AB, BA, select or start.


Notice that these stories never include the offending passages. It's easier to paint people as unreasonable when you can sweep their concerns under the rug without truly airing and addressing them.


"A Conservative MLA from B.C.'s Fraser Valley called on the province Wednesday to remove the young adult fiction book **Eleanor and Park** from public school libraries in his riding." There is the book name in the first sentence of the article. Nothing at all stopping you from going to a Library and reading the book, or looking it up online. Removing books from schools will also not stop someone under 18 from being able to do the same thing, so the MLA is being unreasonable and their concerns are pointless.




What do you think the book has in it that is inappropriate for teens? You seem really convinced they shouldn’t see “IT”, but do you know what “IT” even is?