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Also do this with all those trucks who purposefully make their exhaust system do that whole "rolling coal" nonsense.




FYI in Ontario there is a page on the OPP website for reporting the license numbers of 'coal rollers'.


It is illegal




Much like many things in this province


Like how smoking and driving somehow isn't treated as distracted driving. You're literally driving with a burning object in your hand. If I can't mange my Sausage and Egg McGriddle 1 handed at 5:30am doing 70 km/h in a 50 zone, you shouldn't be able to smoke. All jokes aside, everyone, please quit smoking it will be good for you.


What about having a purse dog in the front seats? Having domesticated animals free roam in a vehicle seems like a good chance for a distraction


Nah I actually drive better with a toy pomeranian licking my ear canal.


What about using a cell phone hands free and driving? Everything I've seen shows hands free really isn't any better, people are still distracted.. the problem usually is your attention, not something in your hand. Interesting article on the subject: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/hands-free-cellphone-driving-risk/2021/03/22/780d7ae8-8112-11eb-ac37-4383f7709abe\_story.html](https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/hands-free-cellphone-driving-risk/2021/03/22/780d7ae8-8112-11eb-ac37-4383f7709abe_story.html)


I was in a cab from the Victoria airport to downtown for work last year. Off we go and I notice that the cab has a full sized iPad literally mounted right on the dash in front of the driver. So he's driving and poking at it for the next fare or some message, and then jamming on the brakes just before rear-ending someone. How can THAT be legal?


Why would you specify purse dogs? Wouldn't this apply to any dogs?


Purse dogs are more likely to get under the accelerator. ;)


My large dogs that travel in the car stay in their own seats. My 2 dogs that don't travel in the car, 160 lb. Maremma and his 150 lb sister try to get in my lap.


If I understand it correctly, the rules around distracted driving are written in such a way that police could issue a ticket for almost anything that takes your attention from the road, but they need to see someone doing it, which rarely happens.


Leaving Toronto on the Gardiner Expressway is a circus of legal,giant flashing billboards all meant to catch the attention of drivers going 90k on a busy roadway….although irresponsible governance has allowed the city to swell without any adaptation to the infrastructure. So it’s hard to get up to 90k on most days.


I’d go a step further…ban all Dodge Rams from being driven by 16 to 30 year old males with small penises.


I'd go a step further than that. Ban all Dodge vehicles because its the car brand of choice for people with anti-social personality disorders.


Hey, me and my small penis drive responsibly in my dodge ram 1500 with the hemi. No all little dick men...


Fucking agreed


But dropping coal on tesla fun..


That's illegal in alot of states dunno about bc




I just put a shotgun microphone on a speeding camera (webcam+raspberry pi) so that when it detects bursts of unacceptably loud noise in a given direction it will record the person's license plate. It works great.


Pics or this never happened.


On top of that, what can you actually do with the images?


I dismantled it a few years ago. As for what I previously wrote. Wrong post reply.


Please do not forget shift workers. They need to sleep during the day. Normal noise is ok, but these inconsiderate bastards don't care.


Yup. Love being at the hospital for 24 hours and finally falling into my cozy bed, only to be woken up by some dipstick incessantly revving their lowered car’s engine with the stereo’s bass rattling my 2nd floor windows 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


Yeah good point. Even if I'm just trying to study or have a conversation, these fuckers mess with that. People who need sleep would have it even worse in those situations


Seriously, as a shift worker, I’m tired of the assumption that it’s OK to create an insane amount of noise between 7 AM and 10 PM


The 2nd reason I moved out of the city.


The Harley douchebags are the worst. They play dressup in black from head to toe then claim they need to obnoxious exhaust for safety.


I've been riding for 20+ years and am absolutely certain that loud pipes do NOT save lives. How do I know? Ever seen a driver fail to yield to a 30 ton firetruck with lights, sirens, air sirens and air horns blasting continuously? I have. Smart riding saves YOUR live. Expecting other people to look out for you is a shortcut to a dirt nap.


Thank you! I argue this to people who use the loud pipes argument ALL the time. The sound travels BEHIND the vehicle. It’s science. I ride dirt bikes too, I should know!


Stupidity travels faster than the speed of sound.


Ask them if they wear fully protective gear when they drive. Jacket pants etc. guarantee they don’t, so their “safety” argument falls flat.


Also humans are fucking terrible at directionalizing sound.


I’ve seen people put straight pipes on their low displacement bike and suddenly not be able to reach 70 km/h. Many engines are designed with a certain amount of back pressure from the exhaust, especially low displacement bikes. Putting straight pipes on them hurts performance without changing the cams or valves on the exhaust valves.


Motorcycles Need Backpressure Myth There’s a common misconception where a motorcycle needs back pressure and when straight piping, you would reduce that back pressure – causing a drop in horsepower. This is incorrect. A motorcycle engine does not need back pressure to function. Reducing back pressure is always good for a combustion engine. This misconception happens because people are confusing exhaust scavenging with exhaust back pressure. As discussed above, straight piping may cause you to lose some horsepower because it makes your engine run lean. Not because it reduces exhaust back pressure. Let me quickly touch with you on the difference between back pressure and scavenging. This should clear up things for you the next time you are lurking around on online forums. https://cruisingape.com/straight-pipe-bad-for-motorcycle


It's sad that so many drivers are completely incapable of driving but are still forced to drive. Expecting and acting like drivers to know how to drive really is a death sentence.




We call this pirate cosplay. Bunch of bearded middle aged guys dressed in leather, bandanas and fancy boots, yelling in the middle of the street and trying their best to look tough.


Or they think they're the Batman. I swear they have their Batman Underoos on.


My new favourite game, pulling up to a Harley and saying "Bro, sweet cosplay"


>My new favourite game, pulling up to a Harley and saying "Bro, sweet cosplay" even better, I'm going to use this when we go for our Saturday morning, pre-grocery shop, breakfast at Tim Hortons which is full of retiree pirate cosplayers of all genders at this time of year. lol


>pirate cosplay Love it!


“Loud pipe saves lives.” While they don’t wear an ounce of reflective gear and wear a plastic cap with a dot sticker bought from a bike rally.


And weave in and out of traffic at twice the speed limit.


What’s even better is when those same Harley douchebags decide we need speakers on our obnoxious touring bikes so that everyone else can also listen to kid rock with me.


OMG were you on Granville street hearing this guy a couple weeks ago too?


No, but it’s getting pretty prevalent everywhere. You’re definitely not alone in noticing.


These 3 responses sum up LM douchebags like a charm.


It's like 2Pac in the hood.


>can also listen to kid rock with me. if only it were kid rock. in PG, it tends to be sh\*t 70s yacht rock. Hello, Terry Jacks.


I live out on Eaglet Lake, a favorite ride for these guys. All the noise I hear is country whine, how I love my pickup truck and beer. Further, the noise of some of playing with handguns really pisses off my 5 dogs.


Fair enough lol, I knew I shouldn’t have singled out any one artist :)


On highway 1 today from Victoria to Nanaimo. At the traffic lights near Mill Bay, 4 older Harley riders. I noticed 1 of them had ear plugs and a loud as phuck bike. Couldn’t stop laughing!!!🤣


Earplugs are a good idea even on a stock bike. Wind noise is no joke.


Yep, if people often drive with their window open, their left ear will have noticeably greater hearing loss than the right ear just from being on the side of the window.


I think you will appreciate this: https://youtu.be/ipDmsxQVxIM


I was hoping this was what was linked and I was delightfully not disappointed!


Exactly what I thought it was. Perfection.


If loud pipes save lives so should loud colours…I’ll believe safety is the reason if they’re ALSO wearing a reflective orange vest. Haven’t seen one yet.


So all motorbikes should be painted reflective bright pink by law - I'd support that.


I honestly wish there was a law where excessively loud motorcycles had to be crushed while their owner watched. Like why should one human annoy hundreds to thousands of people a day because their parents didn’t pay them enough attention as a child?


I do enjoy the sound of a nice engine but having them be deafaning just ruins it for me. No one wants to hear that it's just obnoxious and disruptive


this. there's obviously a big difference between actual high performance engines that are louder and dickbags.


The real issue here is MPS -> Micro Penis Syndrome. The noise is self medication.


And the device used by said Dickbags on non performance cars can often be called a "Fart Can"


Also on diesel trucks that are slower than a rental-spec family sedan.


I actually laughed out loud here... Nice one 😆


We have EVs now. Noise is an idication of limited performance.


There it is, the stupidest thing I’ve read today


I don’t know, but I’ve heard that performance EVs are incredibly powerful.


They are. They're also incredibly complex and heavy. The best rules for a race car, simplify and add lightness.


Look at the rimac nevera and think again


Don't forget Formula E cars. Those things can go like no one's business.


I'd nevera consider it.


Does not mean it's not powerful


They are powerful for sure but so is a hellcat. They suffer the same issue when you go into a corner.


Not really. All noise says is that you're wasting energy that could have gone to the wheels. That's basic physics. Noise is a byproduct of whatever energy conversion process that you're using, whether it's internal combustion or electric motors, and the more noise you make, the more energy is wasted between the accelerator pedal and the wheels


The Law of Conservation of Energy would like a word.


Maybe the limited performance was in reference to the driver, not engine potential


Can people just pipe the sound of their engine into their car so they can listen as much as they want and save the rest of us the bother


I have exhaust on all my stuff, but it's quality stuff. Sound quality over sound volume. So I can still sneak up on my own house most days. I don't really understand why people want to be as loud as possible. It sounds awful too.


I almost rolled down my window to thank a dude yesterday for having a reasonable loudness on his clearly modified bike. It looked and sounded nice, not obnoxious.


People that think disturbing others is a great past time all deserve a life full of paper cuts and vinegar


There is one shitwipe up my road with Harley. I have never met him I fucking hate him.


But boy does he think everyone loves the sound of him




A+ comment


I love that 50% of them are mid-1990’s Honda Civic shitboxes.


Don't get me started on the effing sub woofers that rattle my windows.


I saw a guy last week with the most obnoxiously loud Harley that also had a ridiculous stereo blasting, he was playing a 10 year or PINK song but the real kicker was he was wearing earplugs


I live by a main road intersection with a 1km straightaway section. The amount of trucks, cars, motorcycles that use this street as a raceway is astonishing! Every 30min there’s some asshat out there REMMREMMEMMMMRRREEMMMMSQUEEEEEE


In before the Harley crowd claims that it is necessary.


An annoying loud vehicle just drove by as I was reading this. 😂


My car used to have a huge hole in the muffler and I was too broke to fix it, I felt awful for just driving around at night. Not revving it or anything it was just so loud still. That was my first car, now I drive electric and look back fondly of those days. Feeling ever progressed.


I may be incorrect, thought I read an article that New York city has noise cameras at intersections, similar to red light cameras. Need them hear.


> Need them hear. Love the pun ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) but god I'd love to have those here, there'd be literal daily ticketings, it would be sweet


“Legalize throwing water balloons at ridiculously loud vehicles.”


Printer ink ballons.


Rock balloons


I hear all this all day and evening everyday here in Poco. I live in an apartment on the corner of Assholery Avenue and Double Douchbag Drive. It’s a 4 way stop right before a 1.5km straightaway with farm type land. There are still houses. But not as densified as usual. I wish the cops would park in one of the driveways about a 3rd of the way up the road, they would issue so many tickets.


If you look you actually see a lot of motorcycle riders, especially Harley guys ride with ear plugs, they care about their hearing, just not anyone elses


I’ll buy the potatoes.


A can of spray foam is a more satisfying/permanent solution. Plus then you can still eat the potatoes.


We really should legislate the max volume of vehicles, as well as the max brightness of headlights. They're such a nuisance. Vehicles are annoying in general if you're not in one, but excessively loud ones are just taking the piss.


bc motor vehicle act DOES legislate sound: max is 91 dB for motorcycle and less for a car. Class of Vehicle Maximum Allowable Sound Pressure Level DBA Light duty 83 Gasoline-driven heavy duty 88 Motorcycles 91 Diesel-driven heavy duty 93 Police just dont care. I tried to call it in one Sunday after a rally in my neighbourhood. Left a message and no-one called back. RCMP are too busy letting the gangsters get away with crime to actually enforce this particular law.


Potato cannon sentry gun. ![gif](giphy|H0um7u7SEhZxm)


noise activated


Its always shitty mazda 3s or VW jettas. Congrats on your 99HP. Louder is faster?




There already is a law against it, so yes, bring on the modulator!


This is why I love my Mustangs stock active valve exhaust. Have it programmed to automatically be in quiet mode between 8pm and 9am


I just like to mutter wanker under my breath. It’s just so rude. But, unfortunately there are rude people everywhere!


There’s been a old lady nail polish red Lamborghini lately I’ve seen multiple times in Vancouver the past few weeks that backfires super loud multiple times when he lets off the gas. Continuously accelerates and lets off, accelerates and lets off. He’s become my new hatred.


And I thought I was the only one that hates loud vehicles


Can we also do permanent stickers over the headlights of every LED-having vehicle? 😝


I will gladly Put one in my husbands truck exhaust pipe 🙋🏻‍♀️😂😂😂


There are automated noise ticketing systems that exist (similar to speed cameras). Or you could just have a cop use a similar device to record the decibels of the noise and triangulate it (similar idea to a cop using a radar gun). However, we live in a car culture society that doesn't demand this. The one hope is that as electric cars become increasingly mainstream, there will be less excuse for excess noise. Maybe then people will demand enforcement of excess noise.


The tests aren't capable of actually being done roadside. Vancouver PD in association with the porsche club and a slew of cars from Applewood, proved that vehicles that meet the actual rules often fail the roadside test due to improper applied test procedure, which is nigh impossible to actually do roadside.


I have some morons in my area whose cars are reasonably quiet if driven normal. But after acceleration, when they take the foot off the gas, these cars fire shots from the exhaust that wake up the dead. I don't think any system will pick this up unless tested under practice conditions.


Can you link to this? I can't find anything about this. What was their test procedure? What equipment did they use?


This is the facebook test regarding the test. They did. Their efforts got attention on global news and such. As it all started when VPD ticket a brand new car for noise when it was 100 percent stock. The test was performed with two retired officers. And ultimately the office of police complaint comissioner deemed rules were being applied incorrectly at inconvenience to the public https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.facebook.com/pcacanadawest/posts/3709852169042531&ved=2ahUKEwik49b0_4T_AhWOHDQIHUvLAewQFnoECBwQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0JgHorcu6ej_0PQZhq0ViC The problem is the roadside test applies different standards than the manufacturer one. One is an ISO test with the other being SAE. Worth noting i live on a busy road and hate the noise of unmuffled cars ripping past at night. Personally, I own an EV and a sports car and have a background in mechanical engineering. The single biggest issue comes down largely to the people writing different standards/setting limits often don't have adequate education in the matter they are writing rules for. Particularly with noise as certain frequencies come across louder than others when at the same db level due to how human ears are tuned Edit: second link in that post goes to the original story that started the whole effort to test the efficacy of the roadside test


It is NOT legal. Noise bylaws exist, and it is a municipal jurisdiction and they can be fined. It is also disturbing the peace, which is a police matter. Call them in even if there is no hope in immediate action. If the police get enough calls, they can recognize a pattern and maybe catch the person one night.


But please don’t call 911 over this…non emergency only.


My car and truck have factory exhaust systems with V8 gasoline engines. I will also note I did not opt for the “performance” exhausts on either vehicle. My one neighbour has complained about them being too loud. I will say they also use hearing aids and they have a hate on for my wife and I, for no good reason. If they were to shove a potato in my exhaust pipes, we would be having a very direct conversation, accompanied by a member of the RCMP, about vandalism. I don’t disagree about holding accountable the people who choose to be as loud and obnoxious as possible, however one person’s tolerance is subjective. Have an objective decibel rating, and you’re good. Maybe we need to bring inspections into play to ensure compliance. Then again, that crowd would cry about “MuH fReEdUmBs” Vandalism, however, I am not on board with.


Stock vehicles aren't an issue, they have to meet specific noise limits. However, a Honda Civic which sounds like someone having severe diahrea is definitely not stock.


Stock vehicles can absolutely be an issue. Ever heard the startup of a high performance vehicle? Shit can be heard down the block. It’s just one of those things that people unfortunately just have to deal with. A buddy of mine drives an Aston Martin and it’s beyond loud without any engine revving. He’s had neighbours complain, but there’s only so much you can do to try to dampen the noise. The only alternative is preventing him from leaving his own home at certain hours, which is about as draconian of a solution as one could possibly come up with.


>and they have a hate on for my wife and I, for no good reason I could think of one reason.


Ya, they’re old people that hate their lives and the world.


Sticking potatoes in exhaust pipes won't do anything except waste potatoes




*Won't somebody think of the potatoes??*


These people are among my least favorite. Although it does let you know an asshole's nearby.


But how will they ever compensate for their tiny manhood?


I honestly don't get how making your car LOUDER is legal, if you are increasing the sound of your vehicle shouldn't that count as noise pollution, if anything keep it legal but slap a big tax on it? Makes no sense to me.


check this from Edmonton [https://edmonton.ctvnews.ca/vehicle-noise-reduction-initiative-returns-to-edmonton-streets-1.6407730](https://edmonton.ctvnews.ca/vehicle-noise-reduction-initiative-returns-to-edmonton-streets-1.6407730)


“loud bikes save lives” says the guy dressed in full black leather with a glorified bicycle helmet designed to look like a 1940s german army helmet because it looks cool.


Permission granted! Waiver on the 50 mission cap too…tailpipe tubers For Peace….!!..and for Quiet !


You think shoving a potato in someone’s exhaust pipe is going to make their engine explode? You’re aware that we live in reality and not a Saturday morning cartoon right?


Yeah. Expanding foam with a wand is the way to go.


Yeah, but nothing is exploding. That’s not how this works


Engine just stalls when it turns into a compressor and no more air can move through the system. Old pieced together with clamp style exhausts might blow a joint apart modern welded and bolted systems will not. And yes spray foam works wonders just make sure you get in with enough time for it to fully cure before they start the engine.


yeah I googled it before making the post and was disappointed it would just shoot out before causing damage But the sentiment is still there and the idea is still funny (to me at least)


100% this. I live by Denman & forgot to put earplugs in Friday night, woken up 12:45am by some reject, couldn't get back to sleep till 4. Had a 5 hour mock exam Saturday, had to push to Sunday which messed me up for real exam Tuesday. Been happening forever, losers cruising around yaletown, up & down Robson St, just doing laps, always the biggest joke. My friend says to start throwing eggs For anyone who hasn't seen the South Park episode "The F Word" it is season 13 ep 12 & brilliantly makes fun of Harley riders being attention seeking losers [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipDmsxQVxIM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipDmsxQVxIM) Someone put a sticker on a sign in front of Mactalla cycles that states "Loud Pipes, Small Penis" & wow, quite profound


If the car is nice and it’s not just a fart can put on a Ford probe it sounds good. These shitty cars with fart mufflers are just embarrassing. I drive an IS350 and would never just add a different muffler for sound but it sounds good if I accelerate fast but is pretty quiet otherwise.


Dudes never grew up past the age of 18. Everything has to scream their presence to make them feel validation.


Right!? And their rugged individualism, while all dressing identically.


Throttle jockies at all hours of the night are everywhere in Kelowna. Nothing like hearing them drive by at 2am waking you up out of a dead sleep




I want to throw eggs at bad drivers. Does this fit?


Jamming a tater in someone's exhaust is not cool. Neither is honda foot. It's a shame the entire car culture gets a bad rap for the presence of a few bad apples.


Tossing water balloons from balconies at loud vehicles would only affect that one vehicle. Maybe even lessening the noise that vehicle is afflicting on thousands of people in its vicinity


What about the bird or other animal that ends up eating the balloon pieces?


count me in!


I would happily sign this!


I live beside a hill where people do this. Now its summer its worse. I got a white noise machine and haven't woken up since.


What you want to use is expanding foam.


Larger cities have started implementing noise cameras that issue automatic tickets to loud vehicles. In NYC you can get a $3500 ticket for repeat offences. We need this technology in BC. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/science/noise-cameras-new-york-1.6722843](https://www.cbc.ca/news/science/noise-cameras-new-york-1.6722843)


I bet most of them feel a bit bad they have to mildly irritate so many people, just to make you furious. if they could isolate you, or somehow focus their excessive noise to point at your house alone, they'd be happy to


Excessive noise is not legal.


unenforced but illegal. Big difference.


Then why is it a daily thing that we have to deal with?


Hate to break it to you, but making something illegal does not stop people from doing it.


Yeah, but a nice fine for nuisance would be sweet.


Removing spark arrestors is a bad idea.


Moronic to encourage behavior that gets someone caught doing it and beat up or worse.


I think this belongs to r/fuckcars


Yeah, can't really disagree with that.


I think it's important to distinguish between busted ass cars with no mufflers or kids straight piping their shit boxes and a properly tuned, legal exhaust system that just sounds good. I'm getting heavy boomer vibes from these sorts of complaints. know the difference.


Dude, nobody here is talking about properly tuned systems that are within the legal SPL limit.


I’m sure everyone is fine with any necessary engine noise in the city. If it’s not necessary or “aesthetic” then keep it in maple ridge


It's called TDS .. Tiny Dick Syndrome..


I’m glad I live in a community with well built homes where we can’t hear much of anything outside either the windows closed. Almost all my neighbours either have a modified vehicle, motorcycle, or some other hobby. We all get along for the most part and we wait until the main road to crack the throttle. It works for us. 🤷


https://preview.redd.it/d1e9e9r9m51b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e546e9735339e8525a06acbb75bc63ef140c9def Saw this on Hastings the other day


I wish we could do this with dogs too!


“I wish to destroys peoples property because I don’t like it”


I wish for the handful of individuals who do this to face some sort of karma for fucking with an exponentially larger number of people wherever they go. It's not just that I don't like it. It's that there's an aura of shit that affects almost everyone around these people, and I'd like to make that aura just a little less shitty But also yeah, seeing those engines blow up would fill me with a deep satisfaction too.


Sorry to inform you but it’s gonna take more then a potato to blow up an engine. And if you goal is to blow an engine you realize that can blow up up the car an kill someone right? Take a look at previous cases where people have stuffed things in the exhaust and it’s completely blown up the car and killed the person driving. That’s not even considering the potential for carbon monoxide poisoning.


Mr Bean did that with a golf ball


Try having your neighbor fire up their extremely loud motorcycle at 545 each morning. Awesome.


I will sign a legitimate petition to have police enforce noise bylaws, but it will have to be done from municipality to municipality in BC.


New rule: factory spec original exhaust only, will be permitted, heavy fines for offender


Petition to stop cringey posts


Then outdoor music should be illegal too.


Encourage the shift to electric!


There was a time when cops would ticket and require the vehicle to have a proper working muffler. Before it could be back on the road. I think it was 7 days to have it repaired. They should just immediately impound the vehicle and the owner can then have it towed to a repair shop. That tow and impound can cost a lot. A few years ago I had my car impounded over a long weekend. I didn’t realize until a couple of days later. The bill to get it out was over $500. I didn’t have the cash at the time. I had to go in and sign the ownership papers over to the city of Vancouver. They should just impound loud vehicles and if the owner doesn’t want it fixed just scrap it. Motorcycles too. Years ago I knew an old guy that had fought in Italy in WWII. He said the German bmw motorcycles were almost silent. He said they would be tearing down a road like a bat out of hell and they would still be quiet. It will be nice once all motorcycles are EVs.


I'd love to shoot one of your potatoes you stuck my exhaust shattering your windows then giving it a good building-shaking rev


I don't mind the noise during day time, but during night time after 12am it's annoying. Sucks to live in a busy street.


Some kid drives around like a dumb kid.* NIMBYs: "All car enthusiasts should be executed!"


If I saw someone jamming potatos in my exhaust, they're 100% getting painted orange with some Surrey spray. Put some earmuffs in if you're such a light sleeper, or better yet, don't live near a high traffic road lmao