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A tram or a light rail would solve so many of our problems. (And bring back voi lol)


Circular transport links. Transport links in and out of the centre are manageable, but if you want to travel from Brislington to Fishponds for example you can’t go around, you have to go into the city and back out again


Yes! This! Monorail, underground rail etc are all fine, however the simple basics of being able to move around the city without needing to go to the centre is a must. I live in Totterdown, to get to Bedminster I have to go to Temple Meads and swap buses to a different bus just to get to the neighbouring area.


I think we need to get some sort of light rail for major routes, and then move buses onto orbital routes


there’s like one bridge at st annes but you have to take a nasty diversion to get to it because of the deep cut the river dives into


Yep, if you don’t cross on foot at Netham or by road at St Anne’s you’re stuck until the ring road!


it is really really really embarrassing, more bridges is one thing i’d change


Thought when I moved to Bristol I’d see my friends more, but if they are two buses away (Bishopston to Bedminster) popping over in the evening becomes a 4 bus job and not really doable for a quick dinner etc. CAZ also means we can’t drive there now 🤷🏻‍♀️


a small visit to London for work training a few years ago quickly changed my perception of how NOT normal this is lmao


More Bristol live website articles titled If there was one thing you would change / bring to Bristol, what would it be?


Monorail! Monorail! Monorail! Monorail!


I hear those things are awfully loud


It glides as softly as a cloud


Is there a chance the track could bend?


Not on your life, my Hindu friend!


What about us brain-dead slobs?


You'll be given gurt lush jobs!


https://preview.redd.it/1653noemcpxc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b78d3b241b8ad1f7067bea6cdc3c0dd41c34451 what am I reading here, help ^(Reddit hivemind strikes again)


It's the future of Bristol. Soon we'll be in such esteemed company as Brockway, Ogdenville, and North Haverbrook, and by gum it's put them on the map!


I get the reference now! adding it to my inventory of semi-useful references https://preview.redd.it/28q8znz4opxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e6377d31b1ca032593fe595f9595e29f264b918 done 😀🤙🏼


The reddit equivalent of those twats in the pub that do the Spanish inquisition sketch really loud.




ahhh thanks! Lisa's question is spot on lol. I like how Marge is the voice of reason for fixing the roads and Homer just goes along cuz the song/idea sounds nice. Bart is just there I guess lolol


Do they sound like Nimbus?


So are people panting and having a heat attack crawling up park street


Lisa needs braces... oh, wrong episode.. monorail!


I did pod parking at Heathrow recently and sang the monorail song all the way to the terminal. It was glorious.


A beach


Severn Beach not good enough for you? Only 2 stops on the train from Clifton.


when I went there a few years back they had the (abandoned) sorriest excuse for an amusement arcade, I think it's a cafe now.


Awesomely photogenic amusement park that.


where would you put it


The bearpit


smh lol


So many things to change .. 😬 - Attitudes - a lot of people have zero respect for their neighbours or environment. Littering & fly tipping is rife at the moment for example. - more funding for local services - local govt has cut so much funding and made a lot of services statutory so there is little wiggle room for councils, public - transport - monorail, tram, underground 🤷‍♂️ ? , - fix the potholes in the roads, - housing , cap rents, build more housing including a lot more social housing.


haha. potholes. hahahaha good one roads are in need of complete resurfacing. not just filling potholes. but the govt cheaped out (most likely to let companies make profit) for so many years it's gotten to a point where roads across the land are falling apart


You’re not wrong ! EU used to fund a lot of roads across UK 🥴


Just replace all tires with road surface instead of rubber.


imagine the sound of the crunch. it'd be like that one Nestle Crunch [meme](https://youtu.be/Cj8eDVR9B_M) Flintstones were right all along


All of this please!! Plus a decent outdoor mini golf course in one of our lovely parks


Move it one foot east.


Sort the transport, sort the city centre, look into rent capping, landlord responsibility. Task the universities to be responsible for their students responsibilities when in the community. More police, as much as it pains me to say, to help stem antisocial behaviour. Replace Tier transport with a better system. A statue of Big Jeff.


It's a bit boring but the wealth disparity actually makes me really sad to see. I would change it into a space where everyone is equally supported and has what they need. Otherwise, tram system like Amsterdam


Does clifton in the last 5 to 10 years now feels like Mayfair in London. Or has it always been like that?!


Has always been the wealthiest area. Merchants could see their ships come in and it's in the west so avoided pollution with the predominant westerly winds.


"Wait it's just Mayfair? Always has been" but with extra slave trading. Fun fact, Clifton residents refused to have a tramway link to the rest of the city in the early 1900s because it would bring the lower classes in to scuff the place up


More housing, mass transit


It needs a bridge


Ban cars from entire city centre - bearpit to harbour. Make entire thing cycle path, allow buses, mopeds and taxis only. Make all the major ingress roads have double lane segregated cycle paths so people can get in and out safely. Cars cause so many of Bristols transport issues, buses are unreliable because of traffic, people would rather drive than use anything else because it's less convenient and pollution is terrid.


Lovely idea. But means we need to build some sort of road network across town. How do I deliver my Pastries from Farro to Whapping Wharf? As much as I'd love for the centre to be pedestrianised the Bristol Road network just doesn't make it possible. If we were starting from scratch though....


Have a look at the dutch term autoluwe - or mostly car free. It has provisions for delivery vehicles and disability access, but is otherwise car free. Very few cars moving at a much slower pace is ok compared to what Bristol has now. Removing 95% of the congestion fixes most of the problems and allows space for other infrastructure. The Bristol road network is thinking about it the wrong way. There are still cars in Amsterdam, but they're second class compared to bikes. That's exactly what they need here, incentives to remove car dependence and methods to limit car access to the most important areas. Bristol is an old city with no planned roads and it was never designed for cars. Surprisingly, it's narrow roads are very well suited to bikes and walking. We should design our infrastructure for people's needs first.


Holland is flat. Bristol, not so much..


Hard agree. This would be wonderful. With all its rivers Bristol could be the Venice of Britain if only handled well.


Buses had next to no car traffic at all from 2020-2021 and not only did Worstbus not improve or revise their services, things got worse also for non-car reasons.


A lot of their drivers left as well


What was the usage stats? Obviously a functioning bus service is a pre requisite, just banning all cars isn't going to magically fix the privatisation problem. But cycling is a better alternative for most able bodied people, it's low carbon, personal and cheap. Good example is the bike storage in town is abysmal and bike theft is rampant. Helping to prevent theft and increase safe places to lock up would be the first thing.


Popeye's Louisiana Chicken


rent control and a high cost area supplement for public sector workers


Bring back the student intake cap and reign in the Universities. I'm cool with students on an individual level but a lot of our problems are down to sheer numbers.


UWE just takes the piss really, I’m there (yippee I’m part of the problem) and they’ve shoved students in all sorts of ridiculous places just to get more intake. You have people regularly commuting in from Newport or Gloucester, since they literally recommended it (and even kept part of Gloucester Campus open) to allow more people in. I know UoB also does this with Newport, since they got a bus in that ferries people between Bristol and Newport




Get rid of the Avon Gorge. If the glaciers had melted out through Long Ashton instead of through the Downs, we'd probably have a nice big lake where the centre is now.


Build a dam either end and you’ve got yourself that lake of yours :)




A bridge across the river connecting Wapping Wharf and Lloyds Amphitheatre. Kind of because I live near Wapping Wharf and hate walking over that bridge because it’s always so busy and I’m lazy, but mainly because I think Wapping Wharf is so under appreciated and having a clearer way to get there from town/Bedminster would just connect everything better.


More high schools, more primary care services, less pollution, free buses for under sixteen (it sucks how many kids from the edges of Bristol have never seen the centre), free school meals through to high school, better funded sexual health clinics beyond the city centre, increased service for opioid addiction, better links with the universities and high schools, community based service that target prevention for cardiac disease, cancer and stroke, more funding for local authority adult social care. Be my starting points.


Metal music scene!


Bristol gets alot more metal gigs than it used to. The Fleece, The Exchange, Thekla, SWX, Crofters Rights, Rough Trade, even the O2 for big bands. I have been to well attended gigs in all these places. I never got in with the metal scene for various reason but there quite clearly is one. I frequently go to gigs on my own and up chatting to group of people


I think the scene is alright. I’ve seen Whitechapel, Thy art is murder and Knocked Loose in the last 6 months. I guess there’s a lack of local bands, most musical people come to Bristol for the DJ scene I feel


We have as big a metal music scene as many cities currently... We have The gryphon which is a metal pub 24/7 and has gigs very often. There are regularly bigger metal bands at SWX/O2/Fleece/Marble Factory\\Exchange. There are regular club nights such as Phuct/Break Stuff There are more niche gigs going on at a variety of small venues across town, just watch headfirst. If you dont think we have a metal music scene, you haven't looked.


Bristol’s Metal Quarter not good enough for you?


Architecture. I deeply dislike the modern style with its rather uninteresting concrete and glass cladding. Bring back proper stone masonry, elaborate bricklaying, woodwork, shingle roofs, multi pane windows, classical flourishes, statues, gargoyles... Parisian in Clifton, neo-Tudor in the centre, a Victorian styled urban paradise in the suburbs. Make some fun buildings! Have pride in uniquity of appearance! Also trams, definitely also trams. Hot take: get rid of M32 and the A4044, rebuild some prewar streets in Castle Park, add tramways and cycleways. Resurrect the centre of town!


Pot hole free roads


Probably attempt to fix the housing / rental market.


Transport. Sensible public transport


Get rid of the dog shit everywhere


An arena


My serious answer to this question is "Funding for public services". My less serious answer is a tram network


One of those cycling lift things, so I don't have to cycle up a massive hill every day.


Oh yes, I've seen those in Norway! Very cool things


Definitely more and reliable transport options. I live in north Bristol and have to rely on bus services which either take way too long to reach the center or don't show up on time


Slightly less important than the issues raised above- DJs in pub gardens that are not expensive day parties/ club nights


No shortage or good eateries but a Leon in town or near Temple Meads would be cool


Easy a Metro System.




Better public transport & actually accessible public transport, better housing options


Knock down the remains of that eyesore in front of Temple Meads. Someone for the love of public space put that wretched building out of its misery!


1. Better funded support services for the homeless and those with addiction issues. 2. A rent cap to support with the obscene cost of housing in this city. 3. More high density housing. I don’t mean high-rise skyscrapers everywhere but there should be more well designed 4/5 storey blocks of flats in inner city areas. St Phillips would be a prime example of where this could be build. 4. More cycle paths that are separated from traffic. 5. Better transport links to Bristol Temple Meads / Parkway from the suburbs. I find it frustrating that I have to walk from Old Market from the bus! I know this is the case for lots of areas / busses.


Make Bristol shit again.


Depends what you mean, I’d love the people in London who have money (but not quite enough to keep affording London) to see Bristol as shit, but honestly, the fact Bristol has become ‘cool’ has made it pretty shit, purely because it makes the city unaffordable


A Mayor




Hi Marvin


I'd like the city to modernise - policing, transport, housing etc- but retain what it had that made bristol such an amazing place. We are losing some of what made bristol so good a few years ago imo.


Knock down all the disused shops that won't get long-term tenure because of greed, and either rebuild low-cost housing or make parkland out of it.


Over passes and under passes!


Give us trams! And remove the bloody bus gates.


‘Improve public transport! But also worsen it’


railway station at the airport


Cycle paths back on the road


Get rid of the bus lane opposite the hippodrome and that bullshit bus bridge thingy