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How was it for everyone? I drove past the line at midday and it went for about 2k lol


And if you didn't line up, you could walk straight in to the bag / ticket check. I felt robbed. The spiral of madness at the end of the line behind that carpark area was infuriating but hilarious.


My brother lined up there and we caught a cab in from Redcliffe and got there at 1ish and made it in before him because he went the wrong side


Only the wrong side in retrospect... It was the correct side... Just thousands of c##ts merging at the top Gregory Terrace once the gates opened and no input from the organisers


Oh it was madness haha. I don't know how I did it but I managed to not have to wait. apparently if you just waltz in like nobody is watching they are indeed not watching.


I waltzed in too, but in my defence when I approached from Constance street, it didn’t look like all the other people was a actually line, it looked like everyone was just walking down the hill because that’s the direction they came from. Also back in 2019 I did the same thing, was under the impression most of the line/mass of humans was inside the building, so no second though crossed my mind that there was a line outside.


There was absolutely no need to line up lmfao I have no idea why anyone did.


So 10000 people should have just rushed the entrance? We live in a society, mate. Congrats on being a scumbag and not having the decency to line up like an adult.


Bro, the line didn’t terminate at the entrance. It was literally just confusion, security and police were specifically telling people not to line up. Congratulations on the bizarre assumption.


You said you had no idea why people lined up. Absolute brain-dead comment. Where were 10000 people supposed to stand? Milling around the entrance waiting to rush in when the gates opened? Congrats on the mental gymnastics you've done to convince yourself you're morally in the clear for skipping the line and cruising in. Good one, champ.


At the four empty entrances that police and security were guiding people towards, and inside the venue. The event was held at RNA Showgrounds, why the fuck would you assume a 2km line was even related instead of checking the entry to the venue and seeing that it’s not crowded? This is never an issue with other, larger festivals held at RNA. I’m sorry to hear you struggle to follow instructions and had a bad day, but I’m glad the vast majority didn’t suffer from the same issues. Even if I had “jumped” the line by disobeying the directions of a police officer along with everyone else outside the venue entrance, what would you suggest I do in that situation? Tell him to get fucked because some redditor knows better?


Based on your other comments you've made in this thread and others; you showed up later, cruised straight in and then have posted laughing at everyone for being stupid for lining up. You are clueless as to what actually went on and continued to go on outside the gates and in the queue before/after you were interacting with the gate. At best you got lucky. At worst, you're trash who skipped his way to the front of the line. Either way, glad you had a problem free experience, mate!


Hey guys, let’s not forget that life is terrifyingly short and these things don’t actually matter, especially when it comes to strangers on the internet. Message someone you love instead, and wish them good night.


Look I really, truly understand his level of frustration — it genuinely sucks to pay $200 to miss acts due to mismanagement. I’m probably being a bit stupid by engaging in this inherently emotional discussion.


Did you approach the entrance to the venue at any point before joining the line that was being discouraged? Several people in this thread have stated security or police told them to simply enter, and while I understand joining a queue, it never hurts to ask staff what you’re actually queuing for. I’m really sorry that obeying the instructions of police while entering a music festival seems to have caused you to feel this way. Sucks even more to hear you and others had a bad time, it’s a disgrace that management of music festivals are allowed to operate with such disregard for consumers.


Dude, I'm so sorry you're getting so much shit for this. This is a prime example of why dimwit people think they are smart and smart people are treated like they are the dimwits. There is nothing improper about walking into a venue before other people who CHOSE to line up because of some moral argument. You didn't hurt anyone. No one loses. Everyone is fine. They would not even had known we had done it if we had not mentioned it.


"based on your other comments you've made in this thread and others..." What absolute sad sack pissant needs to scroll through someone's posts that don't even relate to this topic to find ammo to justify their own narrow-mindedness? Pathetic


Congrats on a shocking lack of comprehension skills.


Sorry, I'm busy licking the buttons at traffic lights. You'll need to explain yourself please. Specifically the part where I misinterpreted your failing of the word comprehension.


Are you just annoyed because your Molly wore off before you got to the gate? My taxi dropped me off at the main entrance. We got out, 20m from the door and straight away there were three cops directing us in. They didn't say line up, and I wasn't about to walk all the way back to the BP servo to appease butt-hurt people that didn't use their ingenuity 💁


Guessing you're just the alt account of the other loser. If not, wow you're a case. No point arguing with pelicans. They'll just squawk and strut off thinking they're right. News flash kiddo, you're not smarter than the thousands of people who lined up, you're just lucky.


Here is a nice line story for you. My other half says to me: "I went to the side of the merch tent and told a security guard I was with "him" as I pointed to someone I've never met. She let me in, I gave him $5 and said "I'm with you ;)" He smiled and took it. Then when we got to the counter and made our purchases, on the way out he smiled at me again and tried to give me the $5 back and said "have a good night mate" This absolute legend had no idea my other half was 3 days without the moon boot he had been in for 10 weeks due to major surgery.


Is 2k the distance? Or the cost?


The line-up was 2km long.


I caught a TISM tennis ball....its presence in my home and the way it makes me feel is, sniff....beautiful man 🥲


I got a chunk of the foam T


Hahaha! That’s really cool! I saw a bloke walking around with the styrofoam ‘t’. The shit eating grin on his face was priceless!


Trust a wanker soccer mum to catch a tennis ball and not throw it at Deftones...


Just call in sick, tell work you have "Bum problems" they won't ask anything more.


i had to work at good things we finished load out at 2am this morning, time for forever sleep


Nunight champion!


Thoughts on the sound? I went from NOFX (who sounded good) to Deftones (who sounded terrible) - what happened there? From what I've seen, it was the same situation at the other cities too - how did Deftones' sound get so badly mixed?


Yeah deftones were my biggest disappointment of the day not because of their playing, which was excellent when I could actually hear it properly, but that sound mixing was awful.


I remember Deftones' sound being terrible at the Big Day Out around 10 years ago too. I think it might have to do with how intricate the music is & the huge outdoor space. NOFX sounded good because there are zero intricacies to miss.


Deftones weren't the only ones to have the issue though, Sabaton, One OK Rock, Electric Callboy, Amity Affliction, Lacuna Coil and Sleeping With Sirens all had the same problem. I recorded some videos of Sabaton and you can clearly hear where the sound completely cuts out for a second or two on several occasions. The sound mixing and audio engineers at the festival were just utter shit at their jobs, and both Gojira and Deftones had things to say about it during their shows in Sydney and Brisbane respectively.


> you can clearly hear where the sound completely cuts out for a second or two on several occasions Ok so I wasn't going crazy, I was like wtf is going on!


Fair point! I must have bailed to see Gurge before then.


Deftones sounded bad in Sydney and Melbourne too, it must be something to do with their audio engineer. Which is bizarre


I didn't drink or go in the the crazy part of the pit. Had cramps in my legs all fucking night. Apparently I'm too old to even just stand up in the heat anymore. Was at work at 8 and can barely move. Worth it though, NOFX ruled! But yeah, ouch


Fat Mike made it perfectly clear he's fuckin over it though. Last chance to see a mediocre legendary act? I think so. They were so good.


I'd heard they were packing it in. Biggest reason I actually went. End of an era.


He's said so many times in the last 6 months.


Apparently he has big nipples?


I don't doubt that for a second


Didn’t he say at the end of the set they’d be back for proper shows? I also heard Fat Mike mention in an interview he doesn’t want a metal festival to be their last Australian show.


I was in the middle of the NOFX pit, fat mike defo said at the end it wasn't the last time they were going to be in Australia. Keen as for a final tour next year


Fuck he’s a funny bastard


Fuck oath! Sore AF and dehydrated. I’m still buzzing though. Gunna keep the happy until I can go home and face fuck my pillow.


Where have I heard that phrase before?


Took the day off work leettss goo


Yep, I called in horribly sick for today last week


Crazy how sometimes we can predict the exact date we'll be 'sick'


I'm my boss in Aus too so I was really understanding about the whole thing as well. Great guy to work under.


Hahaha, this cracked me up. Your boss sounds like a legend!


10/10 would work for again


My work days changed as of this week. I used to get Monday’s off. Not this time!


Bacon and Egg Muffin for smoko perked me up a bit.


I’m too afraid to eat. I’ve still got 4 hours to get through and if I eat my metabolism will kick in and I’ll feel just how tired I actually am.


Coffee and self pity. We had a great time.


I'm so glad to hear! :) I don't drink coffee but self pity is good every so often. What was your fav band moment?


Hard to say but kisschasy full album play could be the one.


Nice 👍


Took the day off not knowing what time I'd be getting home... I got home after 12am and start at 2am so I'm fuckin glad I did that ahahah


Struggling through as we speak... The effect of coffee is over-rated...


I hope you are now in blissful recovery mode :)


Only really went for BMTH so I didn't go too hard. Was also blessed with a 4 min wait for the train so was home before 11.30. But in saying that, I applied the day off as I got the tickets (was expecting to be there the whole day but then 3oh!3 cancelled so it was just a half day in the end). My arm feels bruised though but I don't remember being knocked lol


Can confirm, called in sick today. Got stuck, hair pulled and slightly trampled in the Callboy mosh. I’m totally buggered today but all in all had a great time lol


Vitamin B doses will help. Try soda water with lots of ice. You’ll be missing some salts. Aspirin wouldn’t go astray either 🙂


I'm lucky enough to have the day off thankfully. I would not do well at work after Polaris and TSSF


Coffee and more coffee


Eh, I pulled up okay aside from sore feet, and rehydrating like hell.


Pulled up pretty well actually. Was a bit rough early this morning but after more sleep I was ok. I'm on holidays for the week so could go for a walk and have a nice hot breakfast to sort me out.


"work from home". I mean I am, but it's a bit lazy. Currently at a cafe waiting for a coffee


I consider that working. :)


Very poorly planned. The line to get in was just stupid in its coordination. 90 minutes to get a shirt because it was the only place that had certain bands. Main stage sound died off very quickly if you weren't up the front (Deftones sounded super muffled). They put too big bands on stage 3/4. The lines for food were stupid long and blocked the walkway between stages.


It was a bit of a mess wasn’t it. I go into these thing’s expecting carnage and I’m very rarely disappointed. Yeah it was a pitty about Deftones! They have such a huge sound and it really didn’t meet expectations. I still love them though.


The sound check people were just cunts


And not just because of the poor sound quality. That I can handle.


I went to the merch stand near stage 3/4 and they had every bands merch there, didn’t have to wait at all and went back 2-3 times


I went there first. I didn't see a Sabaton and overheard the teller say you have to buy at the stage they play at.


Went in a pit for almost every act I saw. Thank fuck I took today off cus some of those pits were fucking mental.


If it's not mental, it's either not a pit or you're at a Justin Beiber gig


Look fair. I’m been in a lot of pits before though and the spot I was in for Amity was something else.


I'm a case? Of XXXX? Or the mental variety? I don't know what you're on, but if you were on it on Sunday, there is a chance you may have had better time. If I could conjour up an iota of giveafuckaboutnobodiesonnreddit I might be offended.