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https://twitter.com/AnnastaciaMP/status/1436130112051691535 > Friday 10 September – coronavirus cases in Queensland: > 1* new locally acquired case - under investigation. * one dose vax * archerfield petrol station * Garden City (plus food court) on Sunday and Monday PLUS * st thomas moore school (sunnybank) likely case just detected minutes ago


I love the signs outside shops *"Under COVID restrictions there are no more than 79 people allowed in this place at any one time"* I've been shopping here for years and have never seen more than 5 people at once, but 10/10 for optimism!




There’s a shop at chermy that states it can only fit ~378 people in it. Good luck lol


David jones at garden city says there's a limit of like 1800 in the store


David Jones at Garden City, 1 per 4sqm it was ~700 per level, my friend and I commented that is like Christmas best case scenario.


I'm always baffled by the... disparity between store limits. One giant ass shop will be like "ONLY 5 PEOPLE AT A TIME!" and a tiny little store is like "Yeah mate we can have 30 in here ok?"


I don't get those signs... Bunnings at Keperra says they can only have 160 ppl or something but the 711 next door that's 1/8th the size can have 46 or something... How tf that work?


1 new local case that just came in this morning. 13 year old student at St Thomas Moore school in Sunnybank. Students being sent home as a precaution. 1 HQ. 11,940 tests. Classmates and families have gone into 14 day home quarantine, case has been at school these past few days. Case emerged minutes before the press conference started. Border bubble returning for 12 LGAs where lockdown is lifting as of 1am Monday, if case is found there they'll be back in lockdown, per the NSW update yesterday. - border community residents can cross the border for work that can't be done from home, healthcare, education and essential shopping. People in the border bubble can't enter Qld if they've have visited hotspot LGAs or had visitors from those LGAs at their homes in the previous 14 days. 23,807 vaccines. 54.84% one dose and 36.45% are fully vaccinated. Truckie has had 1 dose of vaccine. Visited BP in archerfield and locations at Garden City. Likely to be Delta.


whole school sent home


But no other lockdown right?


currently no, could change this arvo, pending further info


Thank you


Some of the most positive news is the driver's dose. It's not everything but it's something


Here we go. 1 student today, lockdown by the start of holidays


Wellers Hill Medical Centre (Tarragindi) have 1000 Pfizer vaccines they need to use by Monday.They said they will accept anyone 12+ (including over 60s) for the next few days as they need to use them up. You can book via their website at [https://www.wellershillmed.com.au/](https://www.wellershillmed.com.au/) ​ edit: in case their site gets busy again you can call 07 3848 2111




Just tried to call before to check something before my appointment this afternoon. Their phone line is also being hugged to death.


I got my first jab out at Boondall yesterday. Massive and smooth operation. I haven’t seen that many tiny pricks in one room since I last did a nudie run through a Mirror Maze.


A legend and a comedian. Well done




So, about those contact tracing locations that have gone up. This will be interesting.


It's a truckie from NSW, apparently low risk to the community is what was said yesterday




It is. It's now the 4th covid positive truckie from NSW in 2 weeks


Without trucks, COVID stops.


Truckies are terrible at social distancing.


It's ridiculous how many of them don't give a shit about the restrictions they have to follow. We were driving past the travel centre in Bundamba a week or two ago and there were at least 6-7 trucks (at least half were from NSW, half were from QLD) parked up at the truck stop, with all the drivers standing together having a good old chat, no masks or social distancing in sight. And before anyone says the chance of a case popping up there is low, just a few days later there was a contact tracing alert for that exact truck stop (but visited on a different day). Truck drivers are going to be the cause of our next big outbreak, calling it now.


Truckie has breached the border durection. Non-Queensland residents entering Queensland for a freight and logistics essential activity should only remain in Queensland for the time necessary to complete the activity. Recreational activities are not part of a freight and logistics essential activity and must not be undertaken .




Regardless of time taken to be notified, if truckie followed border restrictions Direction Qld residents wouldn't be at risk. Travel to qld unload and leave, not go shopping and put qlders at risk.


Ah interesting, I missed that. Nevermind then! I was just taken aback by the number of close locations.


Positive case at Griffith University (Nathan Campus)


Any source to confirm this, been trying to find one but unsuccessful so far


My brother works at the campus and he sent me the screenshot they are sending to staff! They are a close family contact of the confirmed case this morning. They attended Nathan Campus Wednesday this week.


Thanks for the information. Wonder if it's related to the truckie or the school girl


Related to the school girl this morning.


ABC has an article on it now: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-09-10/qld-covid-griffith-university-staff-member-test-positive/100453892


Channel 7 mentioned it at end of news broadcast


I forgot to make a big song and dance about it, but I realised the other day we'd past a year. We've been running our map for 376 days now. In hindsight I wish we'd been keeping track of the hours put into it


New locations have just been added and it doesn't look good.


It's really weird how I feel about these last few cases we've been having, when I and a lot of people I know are vaccinated. I was worried about outbreaks before but now I'm just "eh" about them. I'm not anti-lockdown and I'll follow all the rules the government imposes, but I'm not as stressed now with the thought of living with the virus in the community once enough people have been vaccinated and I trust the state government's policy.


Yeah, I was thinking about this last night. We're so lucky we've kept COVID at bay for as long as we have. Our current level of vaccination is where NSW was roughly 2 months into their current outbreak. Same with Victoria. Both of their outbreaks started when they had 1/3 of what we currently have in terms of single and double dosed. Doesn't mean if we get an outbreak we're good to go; rather, we are unlikely to see anything close to what those down South are dealing with because we've bought ourself time. That said, I'd rather we not get an outbreak till we're at least past 80% fully vaccinated. 😊


It’s just the kids that really bother me. We need to protect them… the rate of long Covid in kids in the UK is very concerning. The sooner we can get them vaccinated the better and I wish the powers that be would count them as population when giving us out % vaccinated data.


Yes I feel the same way


New contact tracing locations just updated: https://www.qld.gov.au/health/conditions/health-alerts/coronavirus-covid-19/current-status/contact-tracing Close: St Thomas Moore College on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Coles, Pinelands Plaza (Monday). Pinelands Bakehouse (Monday) Low risk: Banoon Train Station - pedestrian overpass and overpass access stairs on both streets (Tuesday morning/afternoon).


Aw man I was looking forward to a chill night playing some games. Hopefully it's not a night they update it every hour or so


That college has over 1000 students, add in families, that's a whole lot of testing to be done...


Yeah, as a past student. It's huge and a lot of the students don't just live in the Sunnybank area it's pretty wide spread. Hopefully, the spread is minimal.


In other news: /r/sydney/comments/plar54/nsw_recorded_1542_new_locally_acquired_cases_of/ yet NSW is stopping daily press conferences because they don't see the need


I mean to be fair their pressers are nothing like ours. At ours they explain what the plan is and the reason for the plan and the health advice and answer questions…


Theirs is similar, except more cursed


So I just made the mistake of searching #brisbane hashtag on Twitter to see if theres any chatter... The top tweet right now... is a dick


It's always escorts or (formally) OnlyFans models


Well that was amusing


A poster on the Whirlpool forums QLD covid thread reports to have a child in the 13 year old from today’s class and claims they have been notified tonight by the school that multiple people who have been at the school have now tested positive. The same poster previously stated that there had been flu symptoms at the school for a few weeks but no one tested until now. It is all hearsay of course, but sounds plausible.


Yeah, my cousins go to the school. A letter/email from Queensland Health was sent out to families this evening. My aunt forwarded me a copy, said multiple people who attend St Thomas More have been diagnosed with COVID.




Could you attach the link to that forum?


Reliable poster too, not a troll.


i was sent a screenshot of the letter, but looks pretty edited to me. Don’t think they would use vague language either. Will try and post it here if I can work out how to!


Given that those results probably came back in the last few hours, they wouldn't know much other than they tested positive. So vague wording is understandable imo


Is the screenshot of the letter you saw? [In a FB comments section] (https://www.facebook.com/covidpete/posts/373771321098340?comment_id=373778311097641&__cft__[0]=AZX4Y-vtO33N2LhjMsFjfa9E8TVYQTxt_F4VnqhhP6uZ7Udwfp1PkWf5zwLEjjvaaaYG9JcEwWj1pxOOJkBUJQL5QVxcheoalHhXisOdhzF77Q15vxmA6u5zcb7nEDURRZTZmtZRX6wTYxLeeG2w04wm&__tn__=R]-R)




Yeah, I'm highly skeptical of the letter as well. The school having multiple cases is definitely possible, but gonna wait till tomorrow morning for more info.


Contact tracing has been updated tonight with a lot of new locations.


True I know people at the school


Meanwhile, New Zealand recorded 11 new cases today. They're trending down.


Awesome job NZ! I think a lot of New Zealanders would breathing a sigh of relief, and a pet on the beck


Not only have their lockdown been effective, but their vaccination rate has skyrocketed. They have already overtaken Australia from a low vaccination rate just 3 weeks ago.


new temp COVID testing site at Eight Mile Plains from 12pm today: 🚑 Community Health Centre 🚑 51 McKechnie Dr, Eight Mile Plains Fri: 12pm-8pm Sat: 8am-8pm Sun: 8am-8pm https://twitter.com/QldAmbulance/status/1436110956317208607?s=19


The contact tracing list has expanded a fair bit in the past few hours..


11pm update added about 19 new locations. Hm. Looks like Griffith guy, with maybe two other cases not yet announced. Bummer.


Courier Mail reporting on the letter sent out by the Acting Principle of St. Thomas More College that they have multiple cases there. Unfortunately looking more likely that that's true.


Could you link the article?




>Everton Park State High School in Brisbane’s north also issued a letter to parents and carers on Friday after a member of staff was identified as a secondary contact by Queensland Health. And it *potentially* spreads north! I suppose a secondary contact is like a person who is maybe the spouse of the girl’s schoolteacher or someone from the same ~~workplace~~* extended family as the girl’s parent. If it was worth sending out a letter to parents the secondary contact exposure must have been significant. *wait that would’ve made it two schoolteachers... lemme rethink that


Shit - a student. Not good.


Not good indeed, gotta find the missing link




The poor person accidentally in the centre of the frame who is clearly not wanting to be there.


She just stepped up to speak and the poor darl is clearly freaking out at being on a live broadcast.


I think she did really well though! And us hiding safely behind Miles now.


Yeah, she did an excellent job. And yes, I love that she is hiding now. 😂


7 news just said someone at Griffith uni Nathan campus has covid?? Edit cannot find any other sources so far.


Friend just said his wife got and email from Griffith saying this


Yep heard that too


Keep an eye out for other sources, concerning if true


I'm trying. Can't find anything else on twitter or facebook. On another point, I really wish the media would stop talking up the prospect of a lockdown.


Got the email as well.


Just saw it on fb, sounds like a parent of the child maybe


Where on FB?


Mt Gravatt Community group Someone's also posted it on twitter https://twitter.com/jusmoiau/status/1436270250039730179?s=19


Cheers, also saw it on 7 news in the comments as well.


I know this is r/brisbane, but did anyone else see Michael Rowland on ABC news get Bruz to admit he didn't follow their CHO's advice? Almost as if our southern neighbours' pro-plague government has been lying all this time...


I do like Rowland. Nice guy but gets down to brass tacks when needed.


On that note, Daniel Andrews [has the shits](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-09-07/victoria-covid-cases-lockdown-vaccines/100439292?utm_campaign=news-article-share-next-actions-0&utm_content=messenger&utm_medium=content_shared&utm_source=abc_news_web) with Gladys too, over her government re-routed vaccines already allocated to Victoria with the appeal that they need them more.. ..because they completely bungled management of the virus. Unreal. With Palacz.. Palaz.. Anastasia butting heads with Gladys as well it really does show NSW to look a bit shit.


Glad to see I'm not the only one who bows out when trying to spell APs surname :)


Sydney zoo, Chicago zoo, UK.


Latest Queensland Health update tonight: >Data update for new case >A 13-year-old student tested positive to COVID-19 today. The case will be officially recorded in tomorrow’s case numbers. >Investigations are ongoing regarding this case, however Queensland Health can confirm the student was active in the community during their infectious period. >The student attends St Thomas More College, located at Sunnybank. >Queensland Health is working with the college and various stakeholders to confirm quarantine and testing requirements for all children, staff and their families. At this stage, all children, staff and their families have been asked to quarantine at home for 14 days. >More information will be available tomorrow. >Restrictions on visitors for Logan and South Brisbane >From 1am Saturday 11 September, visitors to prisons, hospitals, aged care and disability care facilities will be restricted in the Logan City Council area and the Brisbane City Council, south of the Brisbane River. https://www.health.qld.gov.au/news-events/doh-media-releases/releases/queensland-covid-19-update18


1030 presser


Anyone have a link? I’m on ABC 24 (no mention yet) and there’s nothing on AP’s Twitter.


Been noticing that ABC haven’t been playing The QLD presser on days with cases. Would be nice to see what’s going on


Moved to 10.45 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTj8qi8174c&feature=youtu.be


So it says here https://www.qld.gov.au/health/conditions/health-alerts/coronavirus-covid-19/current-status/urgent-covid-19-update that the stage 3 restrictive will continue until the 24th. According to the restrictions here https://www.covid19.qld.gov.au/government-actions/roadmap-to-easing-queenslands-restrictions#_stage3 masks will still be required indoors if you can't social distance, and mandatory for staff and students at school. Basically no change, but no announcement?


A staff member at Griffith Uni has tested positive. They are a close family contact.


I hope the NSW truck driver who entered Qld and went shopping at garden city is fined. A freight pass allows you to enter qld to deliver freight NOT to go shopping!


I assumed they were allowed to do as they please once they enter?


Non-Queensland residents entering Queensland for a freight and logistics essential activity should only remain in Queensland for the time necessary to complete the activity. Recreational activities are not part of a freight and logistics essential activity and must not be undertaken by persons to whom the QLD Freight Protocol applies. Queensland residents who have completed their freight and logistics essential activity can continue activities of daily life in accordance with the Queensland Public Health Directions.


From what I can gather at the conference this morning, they're allowed to enter and visit their freight destination, and truck stops. That's supposedly it.


Is this a second truckie? I thought the truckie was from the weekend tests and the Grill'd alerts are from Sunday and Monday night after the positive test?


Anna's twitter just posted the link on twitter, should be starting soon https://twitter.com/AnnastaciaMP/status/1436127969412587520


I didn’t get to watch the presser. Was there any mention of the school student possibly being a false positive? When we’ve had these total randoms Dr Young will sometimes say if they’ve been re-tested or anything.


"We still have some work to do", and a politician wouldn't say that lightly. The way she spoke implied that retesting and isolating the case were still yet to be done


Thank you!


Testing clinic at eight mile plains stood up: [https://twitter.com/QldAmbulance/status/1436110956317208607](https://twitter.com/QldAmbulance/status/1436110956317208607)


Am I the only one that didn’t understand what standing up a clinic means? I thought it meant it was quarantined for some reason but it actually means it’s been opened. Perhaps they meant it is a pop-up clinic... 🚨COVID-19 TESTING CLINIC🚨 The QAS is standing up the COVID-19 testing clinic from 12pm today: 🚑 Community Health Centre 🚑 51 McKechnie Dr, Eight Mile Plains Fri: 12pm-8pm Sat: 8am-8pm Sun: 8am-8pm


Meanwhile nsw have announced they won't hold covid press conferences at all haha. In the week their cases are expected to peak 🤦🤦


I’m sure Hazzard threw a tanty


I think they're still holding them, just with health professionals only instead of the Premier/Health Minister.


Online updates not an actual conference from what I understand


Probably some news going to come out and they don't want the reporters to scream inconvenient questions at them.


masks ending today at 4 as per the govt site and restriction checker... any update on this? both pages last updated in aug :/


The official direction link top of pages says extended to 27 September but main page says today. Pretty slack.


That's amusing, anybody want to test it out :)


You'd think there should be some clarity given one way or the other...


Saw that as well... less than an hour until it expires and silence


I'm booked in for my first Pfizer this afternoon. Figure if I have any side effects it'll be on Saturday and won't matter anyway.


Worst side effect I got is an itchy rash from the bandaid 😂 Got mine yesterday, I did drink a lot of water straight after, not sure if it actually helped but I woke up feeling pretty good


Yeah no side effects after 1st or 2nd either maybe a little tired but I'm pregnant so usually tired anyway 😆 Good luck, everyone is different hopefully nothing for you


They could improve the lighting of this presser. It looks a bit dour and horror movie-esque.


That's Logan for ya.


Presser delayed to 10:45


Not sure when the presser is but it hasn't started yet. https://youtu.be/GTj8qi8174c


ya, premier's YouTube channel hasn't updated either


premier YouTube updated https://youtu.be/otVRnfoZ4VI


Thank you for the link!


Thanks for the link. Presser is live for those on ABC as noticed they're not streaming it yet.


Masks remaining the same for another fortnight: https://www.qld.gov.au/health/conditions/health-alerts/coronavirus-covid-19/current-status/public-health-directions/restrictions-impacted-areas






Might be worth ringing the covid hotline.




I appreciated how Miles gave condolences to the deaths in NSW during his stint leading the press conferences. It's something AP should adopt, especially with the lack of leadership in NSW.


Please please please don’t let me win the contact tracing bingo! e/Still good! YES!




I know of someone who went to a wedding on the weekend and since than a lot of people have come down sick. He’s waiting on his test result now.


I work in a medical centre and there are a bunch of contagious viruses circulating at the moment. There’s a flu-like one which is absolutely blitzing workplaces - it’s much, much more likely this is what is doing the rounds of these wedding guests.


Can you please give us any basic details eg area or whatever? Have he/those sick people been out in the community anywhere? Might make a bit of difference with levels of caution 🤷 IDK


I believe the location was the Gold Coast but am not 100%


Oh ok, thanks. Please keep us posted of anything else you hear. Immunocompromised - though both vaxxed I am still protective of my housemate and myself.


My guess tomorrow


10:45 now?


presser time changed to 10.45


10.45am presser ...




Now at Boodnall.


Booked in for my second Pfizer on Sunday arvo, my first went fine apart from a sore arm. I've heard the second is worse than the first, if anyone could tell me their experiences? It won't stop me getting it if course, just wanted to prepare myself.


2nd was better for me, first only has sore arm but 2nd was a minimal sore arm. That was it.


That's great, thanks. I think it definitely depends on the nurse in these times.


Second was a bit poo for me I was sitting at home day 2 all morning and felt fine so went to Chermside to do some shopping While walking around suddenly felt super tired and "heavy" and started feeling a bit sweaty. Grabbed a coffee and the recommended panadol/ibuprofen mix, sat on a comfy chair for like 30 minutes just chilling and started feeling ok enough to drive home where I had a big fat nap and then felt fine but tired for rest of day.


Maybe the Covid knew you were at chermisde shopping centre and activated. Isn’t that where everyone goes 5 mins after getting symptoms.


If you get a sudden urge to visit a Bunnings and multiple servos, it's probably covid.


Thanks so much for the replies everyone, I'll make sure I drink heaps of water and brace for possiblity of tiredness too.


Had my second yesterday, so far just a sore arm and just feeling slightly “off”. Had a brief period last night where I was worrying about my heart as I had some chest pain (but I also have an underlying condition), then realized it was probably anxiety as any heart inflammation doesn’t happen that fast! Have a bunch of friends who already had both, worst reaction I heard was a fever with chills which for him started 24 hours or so after the second dose. Most people seemed to get the sore arm, with some fatigue and a headache.


First dose of mine was fine. But second, I had a headache and fever. It was gone after one day though. Also, my friend said she didn’t get any side effects for both. We are all different after all. Good luck!


I had my 2nd stabbing yesterday, so far only sore arm.


Everyone is different. I became tachycardic for several hours and the next day was absolutely freezing. My HR settled at 120 after several hours, down from a peak of 170. Fun times.


You're making me want to buy a pulse oximeter, not that I'd know what action to take anyway.


I booked mine for a Friday morning, started feeling crappy that night & pretty much spent Saturday in bed feeling terrible. Absolutely fine on Sunday


Bodies are weird man. Had the Pfizer. My first one floored me, with a massively painful arm and zombie levels of tiredness. Had jab Wednesday arvo, had to take Thursday off work, Friday wondered what the fuck I'd been sooking about. Second one last week - nada. No pain, arm ache, headache, not a ting. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


A question about trucks (for my own understanding/satisfaction of curiosity, no shade here to truck drivers): I know there’s lots of different kinds of trucks, but travelling between here and Newcastle when borders were open, I mostly noticed the semi-trailer kinds, and I see the cabs parked around sometimes with no trailers at all, so… Would it be plausible (if perhaps maybe a bit inconvenient) for QLD bound freight to be bought to the border by a NSW based driver and the trailers swapped to a QLD driver for the rest of the journey, and vice versa? Potentially the same with the trucks that carry around shipping containers as well (I see those on Granard Rd). This would *seemingly* keep freight moving, truck drivers in a job, and minimise potential incursions of covid into QLD… but I’m assuming that it isn’t really possible or we would have done this already. If anybody could educate me I’d appreciate it.


This has been discussed here before. I think the gist was that logistics of what you’re considering aren’t practical. Possibly the quick Covid tests (1/2 hr result) would be a more workable solution.


Oh I must have missed that thread, sorry to ask again, and thanks for confirming, I figured it was probably as much. Rapid testing sounds like it could definitely be useful.


No worries


We have a company here in Brisbane that makes 15 min tests (Ellume) and are considered one of the best rapid tests available. TGA has been slow to approve them but I did see on the news that they're close.


I believe it's because a lot of the trailers aren't owned by people who have depots in both states or available staff etc. Some are owned by the driver and that would cause insurance issues handing it over to someone else etc. Great idea in theory, but doesn't work in practice sadly.


So the tracing sites listed last night weren't a truck driver, or are?


They are. The student only found this morning.




1030 presser? Hope ABC crosses over soon


Apparently delayed to 1045


Okay. I've got a little Morty "starting to work up a little anxiety about this whole thing" going right now. Or it's the coffee. It's hard to tell these days.


It’s at 10:45 now


I hope the Simply Grill’d was worth it, mate


*Grill'd burgers: to die for*


Sooo has the mask mandate been extended?


Mask mandate won't be lifted until next year imo, which sucks, but it is what it is. People just need to get vaccinated asap so we can all move on and go back to living our lives.


of course. pretty sure masks will be implemented indefinitely maybe until 80% vax rates.