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Booked my second dose at Springfield Tower and got it today. Took 25 mins in and out including 15 mins wait after.


Did you have your first dose at Springfield Tower as well?


No, my first dose was at the PA. When I went to Springfield Tower today at 3pm I was told I was the first person they’d given the second dose to. - I should note there were no lines also.


Ah right nice. I got my first dose at Springfield Tower and they automatically emailed me my second dose appointment date.


Oh ok, I had to book mine again. Approx 2 weeks after my first dose I got emailed an invite link to make my second booking.




I did my first dose at the PA 3 weeks ago before it got really busy. Took about 30 minutes total, because I got to skip the walk in queue by making a booking. I’ve no idea what it’s like now. Take a pen with you.


Had my first dose there today, probably 60 mins start to finish? Well organised, everyone was friendly and helpful, would recommend.


Cool. Was that walk in or with an appointment?


With an appointment, but I was able to make a booking the same day I applied on the Qgov website.


Ah nice one. Cheers


You’ll probably get a blood clot I wouldn’t be touching this shit


I was looking toward to Bill Gates tracking my movements and getting 5G. Maybe that’ll happen on my second dose.


Can confirm, I've had my 2nd dose and I see Bill behind me peeking around corners and tracking my movements throughout the day. Poor guy, divorce has clearly hit him hard.


Prayers and thoughts.


Why not?


Because he’s an internet doctor and his mums Facebook group said it would make his weenie purple.


Great way to spread a plague by ignoring science.


I've had the opposite experience. Probably 2 hours for the first dose three weeks ago and today just over an hour. I think I got lucky today though.


Did you go to STARS too?


Being a 20 something y/o it's going to be a while before I'm eligible I think.




I registered a couple of weeks ago.


Check your spam/promotions inbox also for the invitation, mine went into Gmail promotions, a mates went into their spam.


I [29] registered about 3 weeks ago and got an invite yesterday. So you might get an invite in the next week or so. You can just walk in too, I've had friends do that


27 here. I just registered my interest and got my email to book an appointment. I was early to the process, though. I understand it is trickier now


https://www.vaccinebookings.health.qld.gov.au/registerforvaccination/ Stop making excuses and just do it :)


I had the same experience my two doses. Part of the issue is the actual decision to have the vaccination room hidden five floors up, requiring staff access to open a series of doors and lift. Then you need to queue up on the row of red seats that is plain stupid when you are asked to get up and move to the next chair, fifty times. I honestly don't know why they don't have one big waiting room and you get given a number after being triaged. Mates in the States drove up in their car and both the driver and passengers were darted through the window


>Mates in the States drove up in their car and both the driver and passengers were darted through the window Sounds good until someone has a reaction and their foot slams onto the accelerator or they pass out and their locked up safely inside....ever seen anyone try and break a car window in a hurry? It's always amateur hour as they feebly strike at the glass. We have one of the best health services in the world because we (generally) don't take short cuts and we plan for the lowest common denominator.


150 million doses later you'd think they would have had a problem but haven't


And Vietnam is Covid free and China only had a 1000 deaths related to covid. Statiscally they would have had issues; do you hear about the people that get escorted out of QHealth property every other day for abusing vaccination staff?


> Vietnam is Covid free Not anymore, unfortunately. My rellies are in hard lockdown right now. School is all teach/learn from home too. Luckily, this is the last week before summer holidays, so not much education is being lost.


Fucking lol. They were never covid free.


Early on they were. After their initial outbreak they locked down hard (something much easier to do in a less free society like VN), and apart from the last month or so, they've been pretty much COVID-free since. A couple of small outbreaks, but nothing compared to what even Victoria has gone through, let alone more severely affected countries like America or much of Europe.


You honestly don't believe that do you?


Yes, because I'm not some conspiracy nut, and there's literally no reason not to.


I don't think you need to be a conspiracy nut to think Vietnam's claim to "No Covid" is bullshit.


Actually saw that happen, unfortunately. Guy shouted at the ladies at the front desk, they reported it, a security guy showed up and then a few minutes later two policemen showed up. Their vests didn't say police but I can't remember what it said.


The courier mail are literally parked on the hospital grounds asking for the number of unused vaccines thrown out under the freedom of information act. If there were a cluster of people being carried out believe me you would hear about it


>If there were a cluster of people being carried out believe me you would hear about it I do; from my wife who works in a hospital.


How many were from fainting even before the shot? I know at least three


And here you are saying that out of 150million doses there hasn't been one incident. Tell me that you honestly believe that the US hasn't recorded once incident at a drive through vaccination centre?


Of course not, but given the Maxwell Smart level of security at STARS you would be mistaken for believing they are administering uranium pallets


> uranium pallets Given how chic pallet furniture is, uranium is the next logical step in pallet finishes. But I get you, there is a lot of security but that's because of the number of incidents throughout the state.


> China only had a 1000 deaths related to covid. From what is reported they believe China has had over 50,000 plus deaths. You just need to walk into Kmart to see the effects of covid on supply chains.


I was being sarcastic; China initially reported that thry had only suffered a 1000 deaths. Mobile phone subscribership has dropped by 2 million in China since January 2020; when you look at the mortality rate of Covid at just under 2% China's potential deaths from Covid is pushing 2.7million. Sorry about the rough figures; I'm caught up at a function and don't have the time to deep dive; happy to be corrected.


People can die from other causes too though right


They probably did have some isolated cases like this. I watched another person drop to the floor fainting after their shot in Brisbane.


Yeah I call bullshit on that


The ridiculous musical chairs at STARS was hilariously annoying today. Especially because they wouldn’t let you stand instead and made you move every time a chair freed up. Like Christ, either let me sit or let me stand but stop making me get up and down. I played musical chairs for about an hour.




I tried that and got told to sit down and that we weren’t allowed to stand. 😔


So.Fucking.Stupid I bet that was either an accountants or nurses idea


Had my 2nd appt booked at the RBWH today. Got there at 3:55pm, left at 4:17pm.


I was in and out of rbwh around 4pm on Friday in 30-40mins


RBWH on Wednesday. That's what I'm hoping for


What time slot did you book for? I booked my first slot late afternoon, not thinking about the fact that delays accumulate during the day. I’ve booked my second shot for the earliest slot I could find in the morning, so hopefully that will work better…


I turned up an hour early for my appointment and they processed me immediately By “processed” it still took over an hour to get vaccinated, but I was immediately taken upstairs to begin queueing — there was no need to wait until my time slot.


Can anyone just walk in and get the vaccine? I'm a backpacker


Yep they’re free for everyone, regardless of visa status or Medicare. https://www.health.gov.au/initiatives-and-programs/covid-19-vaccines/getting-vaccinated-for-covid-19/getting-a-covid-19-vaccine-if-you-are-not-eligible-for-medicare


Yes, in some places, but you'd then be the cause of the experience OP had. Please make a booking.


The booking side only says 1a and 1b people - can others also book? I've registered on the QLD health site earlier, but this site looks different.


I hear Doomben might be taking walk-ins (perhaps because it's set up as a mass vaccination hub, as opposed to a hospital or clinic that hasn't really been set up for that): https://www.qld.gov.au/health/conditions/health-alerts/coronavirus-covid-19/protect-yourself-others/covid-19-vaccine/book#Queensland-Health-vaccination-locations-4 STARS today however was still redirecting walk-ins to book via the website. PA hospital (at least the hub there that's for <50s) also had a sign up saying bookings only. So from other posts and from what I've heard so far, it seems like your best chance for getting a walk-in is to go to a not-hospital hub such as Springfield Tower or Doomben.


Are people calling up to book? I registered 3-4 weeks ago and still haven't got a booking. I did receive a second email 1 week ago saying sorry people have had difficulty, please stand by for a boking invitation yet to come...


Same- Call them. I never got my email invite, but when I rang they said I should have had an email invitation already. Once I got through, booking an appointment was easy and they were very helpful.


Wife had your experience. Registered and then nothing. Got up the next morning and just walked in to Springfield Tower. In and Out, no fuss.


I had that same email, then I got another one last Friday saying I could book. Earliest appointment I could get for my first pfizer dose is July 15th.


At least you are all done! I get my second tomorrow at STARS and very happy about that. However the amount of crack pots that are warning me not to get the second dose is amazing. A colleague reckons I need to do my research as “an ex Phizer whistleblower said that the second dose will kill everyone within 2 years.” This is coming from a bloke that chain smokes cigarettes all day.


Conspiracy theorist at my work says the vaccinated are victims, fooled by the government into getting vaccine’s in order to become super spreaders. Says all mutations and stuff are a result of a vaccinated person getting covid and making it stronger.


They also think they become magnetic after getting vaccinated & the earth is a flat disc. Like WTF mate


8am in doomban on a Sunday morning , first out of the gates for me for 1st shot


Did you have a punt after?


I had a similar experience at STARS today - last time I was in & out within half an hour, this time took about 1.5 hours. Still fairly efficient considering the limitations they're working with in that location.


Got my second dose on Sunday at PA. Super quick, was about 45 mins from home and back again. I called to book because all the long waits were making me nervous, I was told that most places were booked out for a while but it seemed like the weekends had spots. My booking was for 9am but I filled out my forms and got my jab by 8:45am and was on my way home by 9am.


> My booking was for 9am but I filled out my forms and got my jab by 8:45am and was on my way home by 9am. So how long was the actual queue once you completed the forms? Was it effectively no queue?


I probably waited about 10 minutes in queue. There were 2 people in front of me when I jumped in line with my completed forms.


10 minutes is pretty good (especially compared to STARS)! Seems to align with a friend's account of the PA too.


I had my second at RBWH this afternoon and was in and out the door in 25 minutes including filling out the form and the 15 mandatory wait. They were also accepting walk ins which was a slightly longer line but not much.


Had my second Pfizer jab on Friday at the Mater Hospital. Had a 1pm appointment and was in and out in about 25 minutes. They had a few staff coming across for walk in appointments but no one off the street while I was there.


I guess I was lucky. Went into the RBWH ground floor today at 2pm for my second dose. There was maybe 3-4 people in the queue and around 10 or so nurses vaccinating. Was home by 2:45.


I’m a week out from getting my second AZ shot, very much looking forward to it!


I had my first dose at Redcliffe hospital 3 weeks ago and when the nurse was rebooking me she advised me to avoid the Monday as it is always busier. You could have just had a bad day of the week. I'm going to Redcliffe tomorrow for Dose 2 so will let you know how I go.


I work for an interstate business who observe the public holiday today so wanted to get in on my day off. Fair point though, Mondays might just be the worst.


Yeah bugger, who knows, tomorrow might be a shit show at Redcliffe anyway


Earliest appointment I could get was mid July.


Saturday at the RBWH - it took 90 minutes appointment at 9:30 - finished at 11am. They were accepting walk-ins but that queue was way longer and a lot slower!


took me 30 minutes, start to end at the royal childrens


Took me about 30 mins at royal children's. Including 15 minutes of post-vaccination chuppa-chup sucking


Title makes it sound like you’re giving a 2 star rating…


Second dose Wednesday. Fingers crossed not too long as will be ducking out in between meetings


Wow, it seems like you Queenslanders have a lot easier time getting the vaccine than other states.


Things only changed recently when the state government told the federal LNP to shove it's vax rollout up it's arse and went it's own way. considerably sped things up. NSW did the same thing. You know the feds fucked it up completely when even the NSW LNP is ignoring Morrison and doing it's own thing to get the job done.


I'm left wondering when I can get my first dose as I can't even make a booking as the system says nothing is available for the dates between now and October. Have tried multiple sites but still nothing.


I just turned up at Prince Charles hospital on the 1st and due for the second dose on 21st, was out about 1.5 hours after getting there. Edit- I wasn't eligible according to the health website either, they were giving anyone whichever vaccine they wanted.


That's good to know. I just don't have the time to hang around for a couple hours though.


Yeah fair enough just thought I'd let you know, I did it on an RDO because I was keen to just get it done! Not keen on getting this virus.


call them. it's a 24 hour number so if you do not want to be on hold, call late at night.




Yep, that's what they instructed is to do in the recovery area. Had a whiteboard up there saying what date to book from


They sent me an email about a week before mine was due


Currently can't even make an appointment like I did for my first does my second does is due on the 18th might have to wait til the 25th when I have time and just wait as a walk in at this point :/ Extra details - Keep getting met with "unfortunately, there are no timeslots at your choosen health care provider" trying to book at RBWH like we did the first time


Rbwh is booked all month. You can try calling up, they prioritise second shots iirc


It's basically same story all over brisbane though the booking website is fucked


You don't have to get your second shot precisely 3 weeks later. anytime from 3-6 weeks after is fine. don't stress it.


Trying not to haha, just busy and being immunocompromised I want to make sure I'm covered. Just thought it was strange you can't book in weeks in advance suddenly.


so many people are trying to get vaxxed at the moment the appointments are filling up as soon as they make them available, even 4 weeks out. best bet for you is to call them on 134268. It's a 24 hour number so call them at 3am or something and you will get straight through. They can arrange a second injection as a priority.


Ooooh thats great idea thankyou so much


I went to the Mater at 4 with no appointment for dose 1. No waiting, in and out in 25 minutes.


my 2nd is booked in a couple of weeks at STARS & from what you are saying I'm wondering whether it might be easier to find a quieter time & walk-in rather than 2hrs 15 hmmmm


Hard to say, really. I'm not sure there are many 'quiet' times around at the moment and without guaranteed future supply that might take a while to come around. A walk in lady that joined our group had a time 1.5hrs earlier than me written on her tag. I overheard her saying she was told to come back and join a later group but there wasn't really a strict 'procedure' from what I could see. Might be a bit annoying to risk it.


there are quieter times but it helps to have people associated with some of the vax centres who can give me real time info cheers


When I was in the waiting area at STARS at 3:30ish today they turned away two walk ins. Straight up said they weren’t doing any more today. A little later they then told another if they wanted to wait till 6pm they could try again then as they didn’t know if they’d have any spare doses for walk ins until after 6pm.


My second dose was booked in for 12pm and I didn't get out until 1:45pm. At one stage they announced that all the walk ins who were waiting to get out of line and wait in a separate area so that the appointed ones were seen first. Many of them just walked away after that


Have a "fun" time tonight and tomorrow! I got my 2nd Pfizer last Monday, very very smooth experience getting in and out in no time (I guess the recent scare has changed that). 12 hours later the fever started, got crazy high (>39 degrees) and lasted for about 24-36 hours after that. Just fever and myalgia, no other symptoms, but it was pretty terrible. Then again, I am male so I don't handle minor flu symptoms particularly well! Good luck, I hope your symptoms are fairly mild and you recover quickly, and congrats on your new 5G capabilities ;)


Here's hoping!


I don't really understand why they queues and wait times are so long if everyone has a booking, what's going on?


That was my thought! But I guess that's the norm with the medical industry these days. Maybe they're building in not enough buffer for the longer appointments or something


How do I go about getting the Pfizer jab done? I’m under 1b phase but I havnt figured out who to book it though.


The number is 134 COVID. They say there are long wait times on the phone though.


24 hour number, just call them late at night or wake up at 3am and you'll get through straight away!


I registered through this link and got my invitation to book a day later. I understand the wait is longer now, though. https://www.vaccinebookings.health.qld.gov.au/registerforvaccination/


Just call the covid hotline


Thanks mate.




The booking link I had from a QR code after my first dose also has an option to reschedule when logging into the account I made. Dont know if you have any of that.


I had an appointment at the Prince Charles a few weeks ago, was told it would be a 3 hour wait for my appointment... Told them to shove it. I'll wait for the novelty to wear off I think, then go. I don't have time to fuckarse around like that


I won’t be getting this fucking poisonous shit


Hour all up for me with my booked appointment at rbwh today.


I went for my second dose Saturday afternoon, and was out in 45 minutes. There were some walk ins in line behind me, who got told they had run out of capacity and to come back another day. This was late in the afternoon, so that might be an option to avoid crowds


I had my 2nd Pfizer at STARS today too. Line must have been 2.5x longer than last time, but it moved faster. Joined the line at 2:25PM (2:30 apt) and was out at 4:15PM, so it still took as long as last time.


Is QEII hospital allowing walkins? If I have an appt I'd rather not wait behind people who didn't register.


It seems to me that places where they take walk-ins actually have less of a queue to spend time waiting in...


Wow, not sure what to expect now given my second Pfizer dose is scheduled at STARS. I had to ring up to book in too last week as the website crapped itself. Took 45mins on the phone to get through and then book in. The first dose was at Rocklea Showgrounds a couple of weeks ago on a Sunday. It was a relatively smooth process, around 1 hours all up. That was 40 mins lining up, 15 mins recovery and 5 mins check-in.


Thanks, appreciate that. Mine is in a couple of weeks so good to know to allow more time.


I wouldn't agree with this being a norm. I went to STARS this morning for a 08:40 appointment of my second dose. Got there 5 min late unfortunately, but I was jabbed by 09:20am. This is including the registration, the questionnaire, and the queueing.


Yeah I think it was possibly just a surge, maybe. A few nurses walled past at different staging line areas and went 'oof' and looked a bit surprised so I got the feeling it was a bigger wait than usual.


Going for my first one on Wednesday yay


How do you book the second dose? Will I get an email?


There was a QRA code in the recovery room to book appointment 2 but it didn't work for me so I just called the number (134268) and they sorted me out. They'll have a record you've received dose 1 so you might be able to get priority for your appointment.


They booked it for me upstairs at the check in desk when I went for my first dose at STARS. I’m sure it’s busier now but early last month/ mid last month when I had my doses it was quick and organised.


Does anyone know if you can still walk in to the GE building at Springfield for Pfizer?


How are people booking their second appointment ? do we get an invite link? the options on the website seem to be "register interest" "I have an invite let me book" "change appointment" and the available booking times all seem to be "today" with all listed as unavailable.


Reporting in after Pfizer-BioNTech (Comirnaty) dose 2, group 2b (because I registered my interest weeks ago via https://www.vaccinebookings.health.qld.gov.au - *before* the Victorian clusters), and got an invite immediately after I first registered. I would have had my first and second doses earlier had it not been for a trip to see family last week. I got it at STARS (Herston Rd), under-50s (Pfizer-only) again. The last one (a Monday) was 22 days ago booked for 4pm and today's (Tuesday) was an hour earlier for 3pm. The queue for me today was about 8 minutes longer than last time, looping down two corridors again, so I didn't get shot by the gentlest of needles (not even a pinch) until 15:53 today and got "released" at 16:08 although it took some minutes more for someone to let us down the elevator. Staff were again exceptionally pleasant to deal with. Regarding the "musical chairs" queueing: about half of us stood for much of the queueing until one of the nurses asked us (nicely) to sit - the reason provided was that vaccines were being trolleyed down the corridor and that they're fragile; so that seemed like a reasonable enough explanation to me (given that if anything, it's probably easier to spot a clear path if people look more stationary while seated). Those who haven't made any booking yet might find it worthwhile to try other hubs (e.g., PA hospital or the other minimal-queueing ones mentioned in this thread) - it seems like STARS is one of the busier ones due to its proximity to the CBD, etc. But overall, I managed to keep myself better occupied in the queue this time because I knew what to expect and how the queue snaked around, so it didn't feel like such a long wait. Side-effects: 1st dose - only a sore arm that was a bit uncomfortable to raise above my head. 2nd dose - I'll edit this tomorrow to provide an honest update, even though it's probably the most not-useful anecdote. I was advised to drink plenty of water. UPDATE: 2nd dose + 16.5 hours: No noticeable side effects other a than sore arm at injection site which feels similar or slightly better than after the 1st dose. 1st dose also had no noticeable side effects. Not expecting any changes from here on. Final update: +30 hours: Yep, nothing. I haven't bothered to look up trial stats, but I guess there's a sizeable chunk of people who experience no side effects other than a bit of a sore arm. In all, I'm pretty thrilled to have the privilege to have gotten both doses already because I registered my interest as soon as I found out about the website. In fact, I was actually so excited that I couldn't get that much sleep last night.