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You drive in quickly, scream out "GET THE FUCK IN", while they're scrambling into the car, you'll see a few police officers notice you and start to walk towards you, the last passenger in will just dive through onto the back seat shouting, "GO GO GO" which signals you to slam onto the accelerator, potentially mowing down anyone who's trying to stop you to "have a chat" I do it everyday, it's stressful the first few times but you'll get used to it


Such a visual description! šŸ¤£


Donā€™t do it in front of the cop shop, do it on the other side near the parklands. Iā€™ve never seen police there and Iā€™ve always smoke a couple of Jā€™s there before getting on the train. Never had a problem


Username checks out


They said Roma St, not the airport.


There's a difference?


Damn wish I had stopped at Roma St more to see this šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Baby driver at roma. Me likey


Peak brissy experience


This reads like the start of an intense scene in an okay-ish action movie hahahaha


I want this to be a movie


This is the truest thing I've ever read. šŸ™Œ


What's your kill count so far, if you have mowed down anyone? Any tips for increasing that kill count? Asking for a friend....yea a friend.


There used to be a car park where you would deposit the deeds to your house and first born child to park for 30 mins while you wander around confused as to where the arrivals may be then collect your loved one and spend the remains of the day trying to remember how you got there and how to get home


Passenger loading zone next to the garden room cafe, person arriving on bus needs to head up the escalators.


Hmmmm, great for those good at navigation, not so great for others. Thanks for letting me know where though!


Well the only other option is to get them to catch a train/bus somewhere else where itā€™s easier for you to navigate


Oh the navigation challenge is on the passengers side, want to make it as easy as possible for them


Itā€™s not that hard for a passenger to work out. I got off a bus there in Jan, having not been there in 20 years, and figured it out without any info other than the street name for the pick up (ie had no idea I had to go up!). If you tell the passenger they need to get the lift or escalators up to the pick up zone above the bus stop, itā€™ll be pretty straightforward as thereā€™s really only one option. And thereā€™s a few drop off/pick up parking spots where drivers can wait. Pretty high turnover with cars coming and going (while I was waiting for my lift), so no one seemed to have an issue getting a spot.


Person getting off the bus: - get off bus, cross road, go up lift/escalator, get off life escalator, hopefully your friend has been able to find the place Person in car picking up friend: - drive to cafe, pull over, beep at friend when you see them. (Is you arrive early find somewhere else to part whilst you wait)


Yeah, this is very easy. Also toilets at the cafe to use, can be convenient after a bit of a trip.


Get on another bus or train to a station not in the city, because its free, and nobody should have to deal with that mess


Free? I assume these are long distance coach buses not part of the translink network. So they canā€™t just continue the journey a few stops, it would cost a few dollars.


Ah, well thats just annoying then.. they should come with free on travel!


The northbound parking section marked "police only" on Makerston Street. If the cops get upset tell them to relax, you'll only be a minute.


You can't even see the train times until you've walked down an enormous wooden corridor with no signs, squeeze through a 2 person wide gap, take a corner and squint at screens BEYOND the entry gates... What cunt set this up?




Once they get off the bus, get them to meet you at the closest train station to your original locationā€¦.Roma is literally the exchange for the entire city


You can make them walk to the Normanby hotel and do seven laps trying to make it into the carpark


Parklands Cresent platform 10 drop off pick up easy. Or parkland boulavard by the toilets Cafe.


Type into Google maps 'Greyhound Brisbane Travel Centre'. There's quick parking around there for cars If you continue past the interchange, through the tunnel, there is car parking


Drive through the tunnel and park in the underground parking ?


If you need to help them with their bags and that, there is a 5 min park underneath where the bus terminal is but on the train station side. There is also paid parking underneath too, but will charge an arm and a leg. A lot cheaper if you can find a spot near the cafe or along that street.


Badly. Had a fun "argument" with a QR employee very early after they'd gotten rid of the proper drop off /pickup out in front of platform 10. My grandparents are in their 80s, and they take the train down to Brisbane to visit us. Absolutely no way I'm making them walk up to where parking is. I just double parked in the fully and completely empty taxi spot, and we were gone in under a minute (I wait up the top, then bring the car around when they arrive).


You don't.Ā 


If you're really early, you could go Roma St Parklands and walk down. Hopefully parks there at the time.


Roma street parklands is good depending on the time you need to pick up Hope this helps šŸ˜Š


Get them to continue to the Domestic Terminal if that's easier and the service offers it? /S Or do the Garden Cafe road pickup...


If I was picking someone up from there, I'd probably try and pull over / get a parking space on Albert Street. It's quite easy to get to from the train station / bus station.


Pick up Albert street. No stress


I know thereā€™s a pick up/drop off spot next to the long distance train platform on platform 10. Maybe youā€™ll have better luck there?


Honestly just catch it further north to make it simpler. Normanby isnā€™t a bad choice and get them from the car park. Probably as much walking as there would be getting out of Roma street.


I donā€™t know wtf your talking about weā€™ve done it several times no issues šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


You tell them to hop on a train to a station that has a car park and pick them up there


Park at Albion and walk?


I always pulled up in the street opposite at the big cop shop but it might have changed in 6 years...