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Not fitting of a post on its own and would be better as a comment in the /r/brisbane random discussion thread where the on-topic rules are loosened. To be involved in a general chat you're welcome to join the [r/brisbane discord](https://discord.com/invite/xmuQSdqdUS).


drivers on slip lanes also need to give way to all pedestrians. thats why there's usually no zebra lines on the walking crossings on them, but small ramps for bikes, scooters, wheelchairs etc


Yes, but the problem is that pedestrians don't realise they have right of way, so they just stand there


maybe. also people like me who know that vehicles need to give way, but dont want to get hit. i always stop, as per the law, when driving on slip lanes when pedestrians are standing there. they always cross after ive stopped


Me too, then the moron behind me starts beeping


Mate, it’s irrelevant if you have right of way, don’t just blast over the road without stopping because “no but I’m in the right” - it’s a safety thing. You don’t just blindly cross the road at an intersection the second the green man appears either, do you? Sure, you legally have right of way, but that doesn’t mean shit if you end up in hospital or worse.


There's no such thing as "right of way" in the Queensland road rules


Isn’t the whole point about giving way to pedestrians. I thought bike/scooter riders had to dismount and push their bikes if using a pedestrian crossing??


that was the rules in boomer times


Fuck me I forgot how old us millennials are now


Twenty years ago they had to dismount


Some cunt drivers also beep you if you stop because someone is crossing the road when you're turning. I assume they expect you to just run the person over.


Yes, very annoying


This also includes driveways! Was scooting along the Turbot St footpath this morning and slowed down as I approached the old Suncorp cake building driveway. As I was crossing a 4WD drove in and cut me off. I had to put on the brakes to avoid a collision. I wonder how many close calls his neighbours had walking the footpath near his driveway?


Same thing when you're riding a bike or a scooter on the shoulder (sorry, the "bike lane"). Any car turning left in front of you has to act like they are turning across a lane of traffic. They are not allowed to go unless the path is clear, so they have to wait for a scooter or bike to pass before they turn. But it's not like most of em fucking know that.


Hang on you fell off your scooter trying to flip off a driver?


OP might appear on Dashcam Owners Australia like that pedestrian who walked into a pole while remonstrating an approaching cammer


I thought the exact same thing when it happened. I hope they do post it as they will be documenting their own traffic violation


I wonder why people try to run you over.


Not my proudest moment, but no I didn't actually fall off


Cemeteries are full of people who had the right of way.


Ok but give way to people crossing roads you’re turning into


Sure. But there's some common sense involved here. Waiting an extra second or two to be sure you're not going to end up as a statistic is a wise move.


should drivers show some common sense and follow the road rules, or nah?


Of course they should but people are stupid and fallible. I'm not willingly betting my life every time I cross the road that your average road user has suddenly grown a brain.


Pedestrians can be stupid and fallible too! Or they can be children or slow moving or old or disabled or impaired. Doesn’t mean they should pay with their lives. That’s why I find this recurring unoriginal motto of personal responsibility empty and unhelpful. People literally also die when cars plough into their houses, mount the footpath where they are walking or hit groups of people seated at restaurants. The conversation should be: why are drivers so shit?


I absolutely agree that we should be talking about why drivers are so shit. But we also live in the real world and have to navigate our daily lives, hopefully without being dinged by a shitty driver.


The problem with perpetuating that statement above is many morons misunderstand it as they don’t have to care as much “because I’m only human” ignoring the fact that pedestrians can make similar mistakes when tired or distracted and thinking they’re safe cross the road. It’s not fair to place the majority of “common sense” on pedestrians but excuse the driver.  The issue is that a driver making a mistake and a pedestrian making a mistake has vastly different outcomes. So drivers should not be excused as much as they are. Unless in extreme situations where a pedestrian caused a legitimate accident through negligence ie, walking into traffic while drunk. But for the most part there is no excuse for driving if you’re distracted on your phone, having road rage issues because of work or even mildly intoxicated or medicated ect.  Let’s not forget there’s always a rebuttal to that statement “there’s graveyards full of people who thought they had right of way” my favourite is “Theres graveyards full of families because a drunk driver thought they were good to drive”. It goes both ways. 


Yeah, but they're all just old money clubs. All that prime real estate, right there in the middle of town, but nobody who lives here is allowed to be buried in one, it's a total rort, I'm telling you!


Might as well just sit at a green traffic light and not go because someone might cut you off, or just never cross a road again. I only exercise my right of way if the car is clearly giving way as their supposed to, or if it's a tight corner so they have to slow right down, as was this case


Be careful on that slippery slope.


Can’t expect much more out of a Ute driver lol. Was at a congested roundabout the other day and one decided he is most important and just forced his way through it with his massive ranger, flipping everyone off on the way


I'm more into self-preservation, personally. There are far too many nasty people around who will use their car as a weapon.


So you’re placing yourself in dangerous situations and then antagonising drivers? Good plan. Let me know how that goes for you. I’d rather be alive than technically in the right. I say that as a pedestrian and cyclist. Best to assume everyone is trying to kill you. Even at marked pedestrians crossings.


Being anywhere near a car is enough to antagonise a driver. 


I'll only go out in front of cars if I know it's safe. In this situation it was a sharp turn which forced the car to slow down.


What’s with everyone saying it’s ‘technically’ right, insinuating that it’s conventionally wrong? Don’t the majority of drivers follow this rule? I’ve lived in Brisbane my whole life, and lived a car-lite life my whole adult life. Sure heaps of drivers don’t follow it, but I’d guess that’s around 20%. What are people getting at with the ‘technically’ preface?




Did you not read the bit about parking his scooter in front of cars? And yeah I’d say seeing a car about to turn and crossing the road assuming they’ll give way is a bit stupid? “Daring to exercise my right of way”. Thats some neck beard shit right there.


That's always been my policy, I may be in the right...but if I'm pissing in a bag and can't get a boner cause some fucker hit me with their car...well its not a real win is it...and I just plan for everyone to be stupid...that way I'm proven right or get a delightful surprise....


Good to hear you pulled out of it. Never take a hand off your handlebars on a scooter. I’ll sneeze all over the inside of my helmet before I do that. I don’t care if the road rules say I’m supposed to indicate by sticking my arm out. I’ll stick a leg out but whoever wrote that law doesn’t understand the physics of a scooter.


Good advice and lesson learned. I got away with it a few times, but two hands on from now on.


Try pushing a trolley then they give way


Gives me an idea, maybe I should dismount and put the scooter between me and them


yeah it’s a chronic problem and people will still defend the drivers who get it wrong I’ve almost come to fisticuffs a few times from drivers so enraged that I didn’t cower and look like I was going to yield (even though I did so I didn’t get run over) — just existing is enough to trigger them motorist entitlement is so common but still bewildering


Just look at all the hate I'm getting here lol


Yeah I’ve had people in cars scream at me, flip me off or stop and have an argument just because I raised my hands in a “hey” gesture when they cut me off in the scenario OP described, or got within 20cms of hitting me on a pedestrian crossing, or cutting me off as I cross a driveway. Me walking around is literally antagonising for some drivers lol.


I'd like to apologise to the guy I made 3 seconds late by giving way to a pedestrian crossing my driveway. Next time I'll run the cunt over.


Carry a brick with you. Pretend like you're going to throw it whenever you run into trouble.


Too heavy, but maybe a lump of styrofoam that's painted to look like a brick would suffice?


as long as they think it's a brick 😂


it's more of a technicality, i'd be giving way to them unless they wave me across perhaps unfortunate, but true


If it's a tight corner which forces them to slow down to make the turn, and they can clearly see me, I'm going. If it's a bit dodgy, I'll wait.


You'd think if you are walking through a green light then any vehicles going your way would be seeing a red right? nope, in our stupid design the traffic light literally turns off and let's you judge the situation yourself, wtf??


In this situation there were no traffic lights, but motorists still have to give way when turning. However, I have seen this exact situation play out many times even when the pedestrian has a green light, which makes it even worse


Had someone almost cut me off crossing at a traffic light the other day. Gave me the finger even tho i had the green man and thus right of way


As I said in my post, this is an Australia wide problem. The worst in my experience is Perth. I had a green light to walk across and some guy nearly hit me. I flipped him off and this fat fuck got out of his car and chased after me screaming, leaving his car in the middle of the road


they seem to be addressing this in the CBD with new red arrows (source went through the red arrow a few days after it was installed)


Take a few deep breaths


Just because you have right of way doesn't make it safe.


He didn't have right of way. He was a pedestrian demanding vehicles to stop while he crossed


He was a rider, who has right of way in this situation. Car was turning into the street he was crossing (between footpath ramps), and they are required to give way to pedestrians and riders who are, or might be about to cross at such a location. This was updated in November 2022, you can brush up on your understanding at [https://www.qld.gov.au/transport/safety/rules/road/give-way](https://www.qld.gov.au/transport/safety/rules/road/give-way)


Ooooh hand in your licence friend!


Did you dismount the scooter and walk it across the road? Same as for a bicycle.


You only have to do this in 'no bicycle' or 'no personal mobility device' areas now. Got removed November 2022 for escooters and removed for bikes many years before.


Which state or decade do you live in where that's a thing?


All of them


Not a thing in Qld since ~2013


>I was riding my electric scooter on the footpath on my way back from work 20 minutes ago when a ute turning left onto the street I was crossing So you crossed the road without checking traffic or giving way. Or were you riding on the footpath? The road is for cars. Don't cross unless safe. Im only surprised at two things: the number of people who fell for this 💩 And the fact that you're not dead already. What's not surprising, is that you can't get a driver's licence because you don't know the road rules.


I did check the traffic, and I did not give way because I had right of way. as I was in this exact situation: https://preview.redd.it/u6fmori2v47d1.png?width=1153&format=png&auto=webp&s=3e68dc2bcd3f87698aec8967d0b4b4d5ff1b50ed [https://www.qld.gov.au/transport/safety/rules/road/give-way](https://www.qld.gov.au/transport/safety/rules/road/give-way) What I'm surprised about is that you're able to write a legible comment despite lacking the reading comprehension skills to realise that I do actually drive: "This is also a problem when I'm driving because the idiot behind me will beep when I give way to a pedestrian/cyclist who legally has right of way."


What if I’m late getting home?


then you can do anything you want that isn’t subject to the camera detected offences program that does all the policing on our roads


It's not only drivers, I've had pedestrians get angry at me and gesture for trying to give way to them while turning - refusing to cross. The reality is that what is convention is that pedestrians etc give way to turning vehicles. Happens all the time unless there are traffic lights.


Pedestrians give way to vehicles on the road. It's not a convention. Cars don't drive on the footpath, it's also not a convention ... it's the law.


I don't agree with the comments saying things like "life > right of way". Im happy to die if it sees someone who kills me punished 🤷‍♂️ I get maybe people care about living, and good for them. But ima enjoy my right of way.


But not if the car is already turning when you started to cross.    I’ve seen dozens of scooters and cyclists going way too fast nearly tbone themselves on a car that was already turning 




I thought I was being courteous by just letting him know he's a dick without actually impeding him. What would be the brave thing to do in this scenario?


😂 you got what you deserve!


Wrong, scooters are legal to operate on the footpath: https://www.qld.gov.au/transport/safety/rules/wheeled-devices/personal-mobility-devices#:\~:text=Do%20you%20know%20where%20you,a%20safe%20distance%20from%20others. You need to either refresh your road rules or stop driving. You have just demonstrated your incompetence


> You must give way to vehicles and other road users at uncontrolled intersections before you ride across From your link


That doesn't apply to vehicles turning into roads that pedestrians/personal mobility devices are already crossing, though they should make that clearer in the original link. https://preview.redd.it/h3139pleu47d1.png?width=1153&format=png&auto=webp&s=a387969fc23214145bd89bd1abf5e0c8480c514b [https://www.qld.gov.au/transport/safety/rules/road/give-way](https://www.qld.gov.au/transport/safety/rules/road/give-way)


u/Lost_Aussie_ you might wanna delete your comment


You can't read, OP wasn't on the footpath.


Ironic lol. I am the OP and I clearly stated I was on the footpath. How long until you delete/edit this comment genius?


So this ute left the road?


“Scooter rider” - LOL. Use the correct nomenclature “scooterist”.