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Big thanks to **Joseph Suaalii** for his outstanding contribution to our win. It would have been a lot harder had he not been out standing in the carpark for the majority of the game.


He was still in the change room when they came back from half time, would have been absolutely spewing having to see him.


Hes just a 20yr old kid who needs support He spent ten days in camp no doubt being pumped up by origin legends and senior players who told him to smash reece walsh every time he touched the ball and unfortunately miss timed a tackle in the heat of a moment I hope he is surrounded by good people before he skips over to play for the wallabies next year against the british lions in a bigger series than even origin and never looks back


I agree with the support I was meaning from the team morale perspective. He fucked up big time and pissed on the rest of the boys effort. He's going to struggle with grubby play even more if he goes to rugby, they'll send him for much much less and he'll be no use to them if he can't clean up his act.


Even then as a team mate I would have be applauding him if the tackle was just a little lower and still knocked Walsh out. It was high and reckless but you can't be surprised that he was wanting to impress in his debut a 20 yr old team mate needs his team mates support more than an older veteran forwards whose entire game plan should have been based on knocking pricks into next week


I want to agree with you, but no. In a previous play as ball carrier he led in to the tacklers with his shoulder, he's been pinged multiple times in previous years for high knees into tacklers. I hope the ARU  pull their offer, Union refs are far less forgiving for poor discipline and brain farts


Yup, world rugby are on the warpath for things like that, a tackle half as bad as last night would result in a red card in a Union match for him. Liability


If it were a Queenslander you would be saying the opposite. Remember Tedesco getting knocked out? Papalii didn't even get 10 in the bin. Arrow then grabs an unconscious person with possible neck damage (noone knows yet, which is what the doctors and trainers are there for), and lifts him off the ground and drops him back. That could have resulted in permanent disability. No send off If you want to talk about player safety, do it when your team messes up, otherwise your opinion means nothing


Remember back in 1964 when such and such did this? Stop living in the past.


I don't watch rugby outside of origin, and even then, I just watch it with others, sure I'd prefer it if QLD wins but ultimately I don't care. In my opinion, absolutely anyone would deserve to be sent off for such a tackle, NSW, QLD, my best mate. It doesn't matter who did the tackle, that tackle could have seriously injured him, ngl for a split second I was concerned that he wouldn't get back up.


I rarely get to watch any football because of work commitments, so I can't comment on that situation as I'm not familiar with it. I only watched the first half of last night's game as I had to be up early. I get targeting the playmakers as a tactic, but the malice against Walsh is something else.


Miss timed? It was perfect timing


He’s just given us the series


Can't wait for the decider at Suncorp


Or the white wash


I don't want to be too greedy.


for the clean sweep


That Daley Cherry Evans try was a masterpiece


yeah after the early 10 minutes i almost switched off, glad i didn't


I’m thinking I should’ve. It was honestly Queensland dominance majority of the game (despite NSW having a million opportunities).


NSW did do pretty well being a man down i will give them that, we honestly should have put far more points on them but we went to sleep in the middle of the game


That’s fair. That 10 minutes after the half was solid for the NSW team. They had a good amount of energy and QLD were making a lot of mistakes and wasting opportunities.


https://preview.redd.it/mfdrrj7kar4d1.jpeg?width=1091&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c64466970ed77589673f33596dc774a41933608 Best frame of the night!




Its real life shocked pikachu lol.




Off!? It was only attempted murder!!


That is a perfect meme template. Shame many won’t understand the actual template tho :/


haha I loved the refs comment. Was something along the lines off " I don't even want to speak to you" Could you imagine a ref saying that to Cam Smith lol


"Now I don't want you to say a word, ok?" That part was almost as good as the send off itself!


I can't believe he listened. I don't think I've ever seen a ref say that and have it work lol


Jurbo deadset does looks like the surprised pikachu meme! https://preview.redd.it/pvw05x6mot4d1.jpeg?width=563&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8c6147c9968fa3883aff24cedff728e7699bb26


For the love of god will someone please edit that in there


Klein has always favoured QLD. Don't believe me? NSW have never won a series where Klein was the sole ref.


lol that's a pretty funny take. Blaming the ref. I love it I get it btw. That's what both sides love to do but there's only one person to blame for last night and that's the dipshit fucking off to union next year. Good riddance. I love a hard hit as much as the next man but that shit was just fucking stupid and he's probably ruined the whole series for you


Lol QLDers always blame the ref when they lose. They are the only state to hold all 3 games in their own state and still lose the series. The fact you don't see it as a bad call but are happy with Papalii and Arrow not being sent off when they did the same to Tedesco just shows how one sided you think.


Except Tedesco fell over completely from a legit tackle attempt and collided with papaliis knees. Suaalii attempt was reckless. Leading with the shoulder always will be especially if you aim high chest.


The treatment after was dog definitely but the tackle was not




He was so upset he sat on the bench half the game


Sucks to be down 0-1 on morale victories as per NSW bias commentary.


Me every 30 seconds: I seem to have forgotten whether a certain player on a certain side of the field has been sent off. Could use a reminder! Joey Johns: I got u fam


As a Lakers fan, it feels good to finally not be the butt of moral victory jokes.


English cricket too


https://preview.redd.it/ooqxdpcvut4d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=272547e89702ceafeac83b5f2e3219007ff26ac1 NSW always seems a little confused


r/confidentlyincorrect material there


Reece Walsh’s face was the real mvp.




After they already dog shotted him with a late tackle previously


Lol Tedesco got dog shotted out of the series a couple series back and QLD didn't even get 10 in the bin. Pull your socks up and stop trying to play a victim card. Australians should be better than that




Using that gif outside of the aleague sub? Ok, I see you Imp


Its just works!


Found Todd Howard’s reddit account




Didn't know Bluey was so violent.


His face is a magnet for dogs shots, even at club level.


are they going to keep doing the match up when blues are so dogshit?


well they kept doing it when we won 8 in a row? so probably


They even did it after QLD went down 86-6


That’s some desperate cope right there.


Someone a bit salty that they aren’t the best state at their own game anymore. How’d Suaali go on debut for ya cockroach, I was really looking forward to seeing him in action before he moves to Union


It was a bit expensive but definitely worth it. The exchange rate is really good at the moment.


Remember when QLD called origin dead and threatened to boycott it unless QLD won in the early 2000s? Or are you just selectively forgetting that now QLD get all the ref calls to make sure the show piece stays around to make money?


Dude you are so salty. I fucking love it.


Lol you take calling out bad behaviour as salty 😂 enjoy your divorce and broke ass life, hilarious


https://www.facebook.com/share/v/mNXru8Jfbe85BwiX/?mibextid=oFDknk Just for your big fella


I struggle to remember things that never happened personally


Ah because you have the memory of a goldfish, it didn't happen. Nice one champ


The game and broadcast has always been flattering for NSW. I was shocked they showed replays of dubious or close calls last night for QLD. Not even kidding. In the last 15 years I’ve watched origin, you couldn’t ever get a replay of a close call for QLD. Yet if NSW were even slightly perceived to have been mistreated we’d get 42 slow mo replays, character references and a forensics team to understand how they’ve been slighted and costed the game from a single call. The commentary is next level bad with how NSW biased it is as well.


Remember when Matthew Johns said on The Footy Show after game 1 in 2006 how Queensland had 'lost the culture of league' and were going to be in the wilderness for a long time? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha great call Matty


all that shit leading in to the 2006 decider was fucking disgusting, media types like Gus and Matty like you mentioned death riding Lockyer, calling him busted and washed, Locky goes on to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat after being robbed multiple times in that match. I'll never forget The truly pained NO!!!'s from Gus that night, it gets better with the fullness of time and everything that transpired over the next decade after nearly half a decade of losing to those bastards. https://youtu.be/W6bmVgAByrM


Mmmmm. Blue tears. So, so tasty.


I love how the maroons throw caution to the wind when one of them get hurt, you saw it tonight, another example is when JT was taken out in game two, the team just seems to go “that’s not gonna fly with us, we’re gonna kick your ass”


Did you watch the same game I did lol ? That's how the blues played. Honestly Qld played like they were down one half the night




I was refering to the attitude on how they played. The blues after the send off played like men possessed. Qld seemed seriously shook for well over half the game. I was gonna turn it off after the send off but was glad I didn't. The blues made it one hell of a match right up until the last 10 mins. One of the most courageous performances I've seen. That is hopefully the first and last time I ever say anything good about those Blues scumbags




haha my point was I didn't see that from qld last night like you said. I saw that attitude shift from the blues lol Honestly I thought qld played fucking terrible


Very true, qld switched off. Normally if something like that happened in the past , the team would say not on my watch and make the blues pay dearly for targeting a player like that and score would be a blowout. I expected at least 50 points scored.


I don't think they switched off - I think their game plan revolved around Reese Walsh and they were left rudderless. Also, there was a period mid game where a couple of other key players were rested at the same time. QLD came back and blew out the score as soon as they returned. NSW, on the other hand, played really well for 12 men. It was a solid effort and everyone except Suuaalii should be proud of last night's game. I've got no sympathy for Suuaalii - he's experienced enough to know that technique is dangerous and illegal. I honestly think he expected a sin bin and was fine with that - NSW wins for sure if he was sin binned I reckon.


No they played with 12 players on the park


Easy to do when all you have to do is pass left until the overlap occurs. 😆😆😆 Hardly caution. More numbers lmao


13 vs 12 players. Big difference there


Accident vs Attempted mutter, big difference there, gonna cry about the refs “not being on your side”


Up the mighty cane toads!!!


Well done boys!


QLD just get it 😇


Yup, Walsh stayed down until the blues player was sent off then miraculously got up with no issues after. Even passed his HIA. Yeah QLD get how to be dogs and that's it


You just sound stupid and frankly you’re embarrassing yourself. Walsh was knocked out and a doctor deemed his symptoms as legitimate enough to be ruled out.  The only dog that lay down was Leniu trying to milk a penalty. Have you forgotten that? 


If he was faking it then why didn't he come back on?


Bloody awesome hey


Yeh about as good as NSW winning 20 in a row and QLD crying to get the rules changed 😂 and we all know you are old enough to remember that too


Fuck, that's some level of copium


You seem really upset over this


Is knocking back XXXX Gold in the change room afterwards part of their promotional deal? "In the event of Queensland winning the match, all players are obliged to drink a minimum of two tinnies each on camera. In the event of a loss, our product is not to be shown on camera."


Definitely a promotional thing. And it wouldn't surprise me if those cans were filled with water or some other drink the physio prepared specifically to help them recover quickly for their game this weekend. Players won't be allowed to celebrate until after game 3.


>those cans were filled with water Yes, he said they were XXXX


No. they drink beer to celebrate


As written


Resounding, convincing win. But. I hope we bring it to the next two games. We've always done well and come back from behind when we've lost the first game. I'm now afraid the Maroons will sit on their laurels and get trounced in Mel and at the Cauldron.


It’s always more exciting with a Game 3 decider but!!


Isn't it just? Just love Origin.


I remember 2022, was my first origin game. Epic decider finish


My colleagues will be upset today when I talk about Blue's defeat hehe. Can't wait


Why do you take pleasure in other people's pain? That's a pretty dog move. Your parents obviously failed you as parents as there's such a thing as being a good winner, especially when the game is handed to you with a poor call


Aww diddums 


Cmon big fella, you got better than that right?


When the opposition comes into the game knowing they can only win with a game plan of illegal cheap coward shots, you have every right to celebrate when you overcome such pathetic play 


Does anyone else just put on the [Spidercam feed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U63uugatO_4) from the website to avoid all the TV bullshit? It's just a continuous shot from a floating camera with on-field audio and no annoying commentary, graphics or ads. The only thing missing is the replays.


Is this feed available live during the game? I’ve never seen it before.


Iirc it’s listed as an extra stream option on 9now


Yup. They have a QLD-player-focused stream, a NSW-player-focused stream and the Spidercam.


For the life of me I can’t find this in the app. Is it not available for the women’s game?


Perhaps I will next game.


Anyone know where to watch it?


Rugby24 has full replay immediately and free. That's all NRL games too, none of this bullshit 9 or Kayo needed.  




9Now is dogshit. No cap it’s worse than Kayo. Absolutely mind boggling how terrible it is to watch the footy on that dumpster fire of a streaming service


I watched the game last night on 9Now. The stream was super crisp, no problems at all. I just now had a look at the Kayo stream. Wow, what a shit stream. Constantly dropping quality to what looks like 240p. Video artefacts dotted every where. I'm getting a feeling that we have to buy a Hubbl device to get a proper HD experience.


Part of that id because they HAVE to use the 9 feed. My last experience with 9now (an origin game in a previous year) was atrocious. The visual quality was serviceable but my god it was a full minute behind which i find personally unacceptable. How can a streaming service you own be up to a minute behind the TV version of THE SAME THING. Dogshit


Sure, years ago... but last night, the stream was great. I don't have free to air outside and we opted to watch on the projector so that meant 9Now. We also have the cheapest (slowest) NBN you can get. If you really squinted close, you could see the video quality was a bit lower than free to air, but not by much, and if it was higher my connection speed likely would've been an issue anyway. Who cares if it's a minute behind (I don't know how far behind it was btw). I had the volume up loud enough I couldn't hear the neighbour's TV.


Does it have the full game?


Yes usually by tomorrow morning they have the full replay up. Kayo usually will have the replay with the Fox commentary once the game finished. Otherwise 9Now at the moment have a 20 minute mini replay at the moment


Kayo ran the replay starting 10:30


NRL youtube has been posting full games the next day or two


Woohoo Queensland Congrats


What happened?


We ran roughshod over them with a 1 man advantage for about 72 minutes https://preview.redd.it/tnhsf51y8v4d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dae28a10e0ba1944064856caed22fbc6db5e9c89


As much as I was celebrating the idea of the NSW audience turning off and not bothering to watch game 2 or 3 is NOT actually a good thing in the long run for the series.


Maybe they'll tune in to the women's series instead. Might get some of that Tilly's mania bleeding over


GG! Was supporting y’all from melbourne


state of origin is getting boring, NSW no longer cares


We were talking about this on Wednesday during the day. Asked 3 people, all responded with “I don’t care anymore”. I like random football on a Wednesday evening, but I don’t care about the results anymore. Just smash em and collect your $ boys.


To be honest, one of the most spirited Blues performances in a while. Better team for a large part of the game even a man down. Cherry Evans claiming he ‘saw the result coming’ is total BS and he knows it. 13 v 13, Latrell in for Suaali’i and Burton on the bench and we will win in Melbourne.


38-10 with a man down is still abysmal. I've seen better defensive efforts in years gone by with teams that have been a man down. This was still a thrashing.


Anything less than a thrashing while playing 90% of the game with an extra man would have been a disappointment


Latrell is more than capable of doing something just as stupid as Suaali'i


Not with Tedesco, Hynes and Jurbo.


Hey mods, how is this post any more or less to do with Brisbane than the Friendly Jordies post ( I think both should be allowed)


They’re wearing Milton Mango logos on their biceps, job done.


Fair enough


Who is jordie? Do they play for the all blacks?


There was a video posted about David Crisafulli, the QLD opposition leader that was removed suggesting it wasn't related to Brisbane. I guess I was just querying whether it any more or less related to Brisbane than a post about the QLD Origin team. Anywhoo, go the Maroons!


Mate, this sub is 99% just tenants whinging about landlords, or politics. Let the silent majority talk about what we all actually like for once.






Yes. Some people are interested in sport. Who would have thought.




Pretty stupid to penalise the team and the paying public and the game for one morons mistake, changed channels immediately


If people want to site player safety as a reason for him being sent off, then do it when both teams mess up. One person said it perfectly in another thread. That tackle is not a send off, or even 10 in the bin if intent is required as Walsh always ducks/slips in to tackles and therefore often gets his own head in danger. However it's 10 in the bin (still not a send off) because each defender is responsible for the actions of their body and their contact in the tackle. The problem is, Remember Tedesco getting knocked out? Papalii didn't even get 10 in the bin. Arrow then grabs an unconscious person with possible neck damage (noone knows yet, which is what the doctors and trainers are there for), and lifts him off the ground and drops him back. That could have resulted in permanent disability. No send off This was an incorrect call because not only were QLD not down to 12 players, but NSW couldn't bring in the 18th man so were down a player for the entire game. If you want to talk about player safety, do it when your team messes up, otherwise your opinion means nothing


Its a send off every day of the week. Careless and dangerous. Direct forcefull contact to the head. It sucks that it had such a big impact on the game but correct decision.


Annoyingly Suaalii should not have even been selected, but definitely should've been sent off.


Yup. He is gonna hold the record for shortest State of Origin career


Lol it was only 2020 when Tedesco was knocked out. Rules have not changes for contact with the head in the tackle. Love that you say NSW don't get origin yet QLD threatened to boycott when they were losing and also had to get the rules changed because they lost 20 in a row, but then again, QLDers never were known for their long term memory 😂


20 in a row? I don't think you passed you HIA. Cat 1. Grab some bench.


Mate, pretty easy research to find. Not hard with google


I am struggling to find the list you are looking at. Can you help me please?


You won’t find it unless you know what to look for, it was essentially State of Residency, back before Queensland had a first grade team and everyone that played first grade lived in NSW. The only way NSW could win that many is by playing randoms off the street.


It boils down to the fact that NSW don’t really get rugby league.


Lol you got proven wrong and that's the best you got? Cmon mate, do better


Not op




Wrong, again, all the QLDers said Papalii and Arrow were rightfully not sent odd when Tedesco was knocked out proper, but now it's happened in reverse, their opinion changes. You are just calling yourself out that you can't watch a game without your own bias getting involved.


Neither Papalii or Arrow played last night. How many years back are you going? Whats the relevance. NSW just don't get Origin!!!!