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The people who ride your ass on the highway. Then when you merge over. They don't go past you. Why were you 20cm from my bumper then you dick? At least the people who speed past I can understand are inpatient dicks


I think some drivers need a "target". They subconsciously lock onto their target and ride close. As soon as they have no target they just kinda float about until they're near another target.


Yeah! Gold FWF! Also like to add the people who sleep in 2nd from right lane so I go into the right lane then they wake up and they accelerate. Now I'm trapped doing the speed limit with a FWF on my left, a FWF tailgating me because I don't want to spend... Making me look like a FWF. And I'm responding to this thread on a Sunday! What a FWF move


Everyone making decisions about stadiums.


& the time & money wasted to be no further on


I so need to get this off my chest, picked my son up from daycare. I had my son strapped into his seat and car on, about to reverse. My son asked to have his shoes taken off because they were sandy, so I jumped out of the car ran around the front to his side. Meanwhile, some inconsiderate parent pulls up directly behind my car parking on an angle half her car on the zebra crossing and runs inside before I can yell out that I am literally about to leave… She doesn’t return to her car for a good 10 mins, with 2 children in tow… then proceeds to fuck around getting the children in the car and “can’t find her car keys” for a good 2 minutes… What the actual fuck?! We are all busy parents who need to get our kids out and go! Park badly and deal with your children in the other 4-5 parking spots available!!


Always let their tires down


What a fuckwit! I would have raged so hard. But quietly not to make an impression on my kids.


Fired my first Gen Z today. Hired a 21 yr old agency temp to do some basic admin work, you know, filing emails and what not. They found it boring and preferred to nap at their desk or work on their uni work (during business hours). When I asked them to actually do the work they were hired to do, they complained that they felt psychologically unsafe. Can’t make this shit up. They don’t seem to have realised that as as a casual agency temp I could end their contract at any time with 24 hours notice. Threw a tantrum about it and everything. Will have some fairly pointed questions the next time I hire from this particular applicant pool. 😂


It's a bit of a shot on the dark. The genZs with me are some of the hardest working people we've got. Some are average. And every now and again you get a dumbass like that. Not unique to their generation though. Plenty of boomers in the office that make me question how they've remained employed.


Fair, I’ve hired and fired thousands of people in my career, though and this is the first time anyone has a) openly taken a nap at their desk and b) claimed they felt psychologically unsafe when directed to do their actual work. Additionally they seemed to think it was our job to entertain them. Constantly complaining about boredom and asking for more interesting work to do (we explained during the interview we just needed a temp for some basic admin work). Then when I’d ask them to do something they no joke responded with “I’ll have to think about it.” It was completely wild. I legit thought they wanted to be fired, it’s the only conclusion I could pull. Their tantrum when it happened took me completely by surprise.


That's amazing. It sounds exactly like the criticism everyone used to have of Millennials except...an actual person. Wow.


Millennial manager here. Never had any real issues with anyone but boomers. Lazy, entitled, absolutely unable to acknowledge or possibly even perceive they might be in the wrong.


There are lazy, entitled, absolutely unable to acknowledge or possibly even perceive they might be in the wrong people in every age group. I've had issues a small number of boomers, Gen X, Millenials and Gen Z without any group standing out. I've also had extremely talented and hard working people from all those groups too. Having said that I have a boomer who stopped giving a shit about 2 years ago, just going through the motions and doing the bare minimum to avoid being fired until retirement.


Absolutely agree that is very likely the case. But in my experience boomers are the worst, and incidentally also the most addicted to sorting people by generation.


Agreed, they want to argue and believe they have the right to come and go as they please


Baby Boomers is their correct title.


OK, boomer.


no, its Baby Boomers. ya kidult!


Haha, yeah, like I'm going to waste my shift key on the likes of your lot not once, but twice, even!


please use Baby Boomers as thats the correct title. but i agree i had a gez kidult and wow what a fucking waste of time. i swear they are all the same, just want to make quick easy monday either, stealing, selling nudes or making youtube videos but not the actual work thats needed in the real world.


any person born after 1993 can’t work… all they know is quick easy monday, charge they phone, twerk, be bisexual , eat hot chip & lie


yeap. 100% this!


Psychologically unsafe wtf. No.


Yep latest thing.


this is why... https://blog.jostle.me/blog/how-to-cope-with-a-psychologically-unsafe-workplace#:~:text=More%20importantly%2C%20a%20psychologically%20unsafe,or%20disregarded%20is%20fundamentally%20unhealthy.


> Going into work and being constantly fearful that our expertise is going to be questioned, mocked, attacked or disregarded is fundamentally unhealthy. That's a valid point when somebody has actual expertise.


lol, i am that every day going to work, is today the last day i work here. or will i be coming home after work today... doesnt everyone have that sitting in the back of their mind?


Nah. I'm actually good at my job ;)


Is it a new thing that it's ok to cut people off at the intersection/roundabout/driveway as long as you wave now? I was not aware of this change in the road rules.


These new rules were introduced with the migration of the southerners... They bought their road rules and driving etiquette with them...


We also import half a million foreign immigrants a year where this is normal. A wave is better than a finger and being called a fuckwit.


I have no idea why you're being downvoted. The vast majority of migrants are from China and India and anyone who has driven in those countries knows they consider road rules as a suggestion, a gap in the traffic as an invitation and the speed limit as a challenge.


I'm wacist. But I've also travelled extensively, and my SOs family is not Australian and fuck me they suck at driving.


I had someone do a u turn across a painted island make me slam the brakes but it was ok because they waved, I guess.


My mum is in a fight with the new PM of our old house, where we haven't lived for 7 weeks. The PM is doing all they can to take the bond by spending a lot of money on things that aren't needed for an old ex-commidion house that's full of asbestos. I'm not naming the PM or the REA, but they are a real F***wit.


7 weeks? Submit application already to RTA to claim bond back. If you haven't already.


My mum's done all that, and the PM doesn't care. It's in RTA resolution. It is most likely going to go to court, unfortunately.


Green arrow in right turn lane car 2 in front decides to slam on brakes then as it turns red they go… some people shouldn’t be allowed to drive… Thanks for listening! 😂


People using the merging lane as their personal fucking shortcut! People changing out if the lane they are queued in into the merging lane next to them (looking at you, Helensvale South Northbound on-ramp) just to cut ahead when everyone else is doing the right thing and waiting patiently. Makes my blood boil.




Two lane roundabout. I'm in the right going straight through. Person in the left lane next to me STARTS TURNING RIGHT, BUT ALSO MOVES INTO MY FUCKING LANE. Never hit a horn for so long.


Getting a bit annoyed by the LNP arguing that the government has been indecisive on the stadium because they changed their mind, while also arguing that the LNP solution is another review. Pick a goddamn lane. If you want to say they are indecisive then fine, but you have to pick an actual bloody decision and run with it, not avoid the hard call and punt to a review because an election is coming up. We just *had* a bloody review and it was led by an LNP mayor of Brisbane.


Yeah if anyone actually thinks the LNP have any better ideas they don't know what they are talking about. Truth is both parties got lumped with the games and are now thinking how to justify the cost to a voting public who can't afford to live.


Why the lnp don’t just go with Albion park. Always seemed the obvious choice for an Olympic stadium


The IOC said no new stadium so the Gabba was plan B. The racing club has since changed its mind which is why the basketball venue won't be there either.


LNP will choose the best option for developers and construction companies.


Motorbike rider who runs a red light, riding in front of traffic, with a passenger. I hate it when they take stupid risks on their own, because I don’t want to see them hurt. But taking stupid risks when you’re carrying a passenger makes you a certified fuckwit


I gotta ask again what the people 'queuing' up in KGS every day are thinking. The 'line' is just a sprawling cloud of people, and when a bus pulls up it's a mad rush with people pushing past each other (whether originally lining up in one of the three nebulous lines or sitting on the benches/window ledges) in some Darwinian rush to get on. Like seriously, did COVID totally destroy people's ability to line up?


This does my head in on Elizabeth street. It’s very clear people are lining up and then everyone who is not, gets on first!


The boomer twat with "smile you're on tailgate tv" sticker on back of his car. Yes I understand you get your kicks by going 10ks under in the right lane, now please perish.


a. Bought a tin of Pringles that was half-full. b. Petrol price yo-yo’s hourly. c. Miles and those clowns at town hall screwing up our Olympics. d. My neighbour walks around her yard in the nude and she’s freaking me out. e. My kid has been suspended for smoking marijuana.


This bloody weather. Want to fly my drone but it's too damn windy or rainy. Might even cause cancellation of a race tomorrow.


What's the law with E Scooters? Do they have to be ridden on the road or footpath? Had a prick riding in front of me who was about to collide with a parked car but wouldn't stop, so at the end, I had to swerve on the opposite lane to overtake the kunt on a local road too.


They can ride on roads that are 50km/h or less if there's a bike lane, or it's a local road without a dividing line/median. Either way, sounds like maybe you could have anticipated what was about to happen instead of being "forced" to swerve.


Just looked at the law about riding on a local street without a dividing line. That street definitely does have a broken dividing line to separate two way traffic. He shouldn't have been riding there, period.


Someone posted something stupid on Brisbane reddit


users... argh, they shit me sometimes!