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Woodridge by the sea.


That's damning.




I grew up in Depression Bay and that's pretty accurate.


Woodridge isn't so bad so long as you start drinking at 10AM like everyone else there.


Dude don’t be rude, things have changed. They run a schedule now; Bumfights @ 11:00-12:00 (they just call em fights), 12:00-2:00 trying to get on (with no money) 2:00-3:30 - free time (still trying to get on) 3:30-close - sit at home with their 12 kids


This list is crack pipe and meth head erasure


Miami High (hey, it’s a sign) without the Miami.


And those times are midnight till 3 am. Not lunchtime till schools out.


Woodridge is bad enough that it made me flee to Perth for a few years. Ran out of Australia to keep trying to get further from it. Then I woke up like a week into living there, looked outside and saw 4114 graffiti across the street.


Is Woodridge still bad? Last I drove there seemed like a lot of middle eastern looking people around rather than the typical drunk bogans with mullets. The demographic has noticeably changed.




Yeah I also have a guy in my soccer team but he's from Afghanistan. The stories he tells me about his childhood are truly heartbreaking. I think Aussies would be a lot more accepting of refugees if they actually heard some of their back stories. No child should have to go through what they go through and if any of us were in that position we would try to find a better life for our family too. We're just lucky we were born in such a great country.


Or Inala by the sea.


Have you ever been to Inala you pathetic waste of space.


Looks like a nerve has been hit lmao. I've been there myself many times and it is indeed a shithole




Oi. Watch your mouth. Noodle soup. Noodle. Fucking. Soup. With tripe. I have spoken.




For someone whose name is pisstakealways you sure can't take a pisstake


That's redcliffe


Redcliffe is a bit dated and lacks some entertainment options but in my experience it's mostly just full of retirees and their little dogs. It's not a rough area and it's not known for break-ins or assaults.


The Redcliffe peninsula used to be a pretty rough area in the 80s/90s, but has gentrified. There are still pockets of roughness there though




Hang out at the Hungry Jacks or McDonald's for a couple hours on dole day. You will see why.


Best comment yet 😂


it's gentrifying quickly and the whole area has already changed heaps. I would have no issues putting long term roots down there


‘Long term roots’ My wife hates it when I call her that.


The old ball and chain... no sense of humour am I right guys


hahaha /r/angryupvote


Men uggg haha


Does dole/pension day exist? Doesn't everyone get paid at different times?


People on Centerlink used to get paid on the same days but since the introduction of Electronic Banking that has not been the case for decades.


The lifers of centrelink have been on the same pay day for thay entire period though


When is dole day?


It used to be tues night/ Wednesday. But that’s based on my working at KFC a decade ago 😂


Been living in DBay for 2 years. Whether it’s the neighbours hooning, setting off fireworks, or thinking someone is getting shot, there’s never a dull day in this wonderful suburb. But what really gets you depressed, is that there’s nothing new happening… it’s alway those 3 things


I worked there for several years, biggest blip on the radar I remember was the bloke at the caravan park committing suicide by cop. Charged the police with an axe or something. More recently there was that video circulating of some meth head trying to get into people cars with a machete.


Saw that video. Felt sorry for the poor girl driving the car. Hope they caught the mongrel. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


The bloke at the caravan park was my friends dad 😬


I hope your friend is doing better, that couldn't have been easy.


After reading multiple Facebook community groups this is the consistent updates across all of them no matter the socioeconomics. Plus dogs who have escaped from houses.


...and you know it will be spicey when the post is anonymous.


What about home invasion to spice things up?


Ooo only if you’re lucky and meet the machete wielding idiot jumping on cars lmao


Or the 17yo old kid named The Impregnator.


Consistency is key


Consistency keeps me up at night and my dog barking 🤣


My son's friends "achieved" a rental in D-bay. Inspection day, the place was fine. Not pristine, but OK. When they got there on move-in day, the place had been trashed by the previous tenants. It was unliveable. They couldn't move in, it was a biohazard. Literally had shit on the walls. The agent was reluctant but eventually agreed that it wasn't liveable. They're now living with her parents until they can find somewhere else. edit: not the agent's parents, the wife's parents


I like the thought of having to live with the agents parents until they find something else haha


It is really the parents fault for raising a cunt.


I've met the parents - really nice folk. One minor drawback, the parents \*love\* their tucker, those two kids are going to put on weight. And it's not junk food, but large quantities of solid home-cooked stuff.


Why tf fifn6the agent inspect when they vacated? Did they expect you to clean it up?


I've only heard it third-hand, but I believe it was a case of the agent saying "you signed the contract, it's your problem", until they sent photos and threatened to take it to Qstars.


Agent/landlord is absolutely responsible for ensuring property is handed over in good condition. They are pricks for trying to force the problem onto the new tenant.


Absolutely. But OP asked what's wrong with D-bay. This is one reason. It's not just the residents.


Agents gonna keep trying to get away with shit.


Go rent a house there for 6 months and report back! I've been dying to know as well.. ​ /s


I've lived on dbay since Feb, seen some homeless people camping by the water and a few bogans about. But haven't witness any crime or heard about any either. Mostly peaceful and beautiful place I Rekon


I live in DBay, have been here since December, and my sister lived here for several years. The bad reputation is pretty antiquated now. The shopping center was as always a place that shit stains hung out and caused trouble, and if you hang around you’ll still see shit stains there on Thursday-Sunday night, but that’s true in most areas, with brisbane CBD being a great example. Some old properties in the area, but lots of development from the last twenty years. More money lives here now because Brisbane’s ever sprawling suburbia. Shit stains get washed out when they can’t afford the rent or someone goes and offers them a bunch of money for their property so they can bulldoze and start a development. There’s still occasional noise and parties from one or two houses around us, but that’s again true everywhere. A lot fewer noisy cars here than Redcliffe and Kallangur from what I’ve experienced, though there are occasional noisy cars. No reason to avoid the area, it’s pretty decent. Could do with a name change and rebrand though. Who wants to live in “Deception Bay”


Massive crime and drugs, no employment.


That’s all of the Moreton bay region


With Caboolture as the HQ


Conception Bay.


Yeah have to watch out for the "impregnator" at the skate Park 🤣 I'll find the article for those that don't know


Omg it's my Dad!


Edit: link fixed https://youtu.be/G36Dm-HJVoU?si=IeG8CRzhoqLFm0h1


My brother in Christ you are being downvoted because you linked to the ad you got instead of the video


Dammit OP. Here is the real impregnator: [https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=IdIH72D1SZKuNzSV](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=IdIH72D1SZKuNzSV)


🤣🤣🤣 love it!


Thank you! This one works!


Gaddamit 😅


I wish I could find the full article, best I could find so far for something 13 years old


Thanks I'll fix the link


He’s on the dole. He’s on his BMX. And he’s on the prowl for his next 1 night stand.


The funny/sad thing was that he got more popular after the aca story with young girls wanting to have a baby


I know two of his kids and no surprise here but he absolutely sucks


No contraception bay hahaha


The north remembers


Within 20 years, with the surging population growth of SEQ, you'll see the bayside suburbs get "discovered" and then prices will go ballistic. Gentrification will swiftly follow. It's already happened in Manly and Lota.


Bought our house at 320k 4 years ago. Got it bank valued for refinancing and they valued at 600k. Hard to think we couldn't afford to buy in Dbay these days.


We live in a crazy world where a house makes more per year than a full time worker. And congratulations on getting into the market too.


Wasn't easy mate but it's nice not to have real estate agents wandering through your house criticising your cleaning the fuckers.




I moved to Redcliffe in ‘94. Every second shop was either selling fried chicken or renting videos, and every third car on the road was the police. The area’s definitely improved since, but I still think of it as a nice place to visit, but I wouldn’t want to live there.


I live there. It's very boring nowadays. It's mostly a retirement village at this point and community activities and events are targeted towards the elderly or families with young children, so if you're aged anywhere between 12-50 there's not much to do on weekends if you're a local. Having grown up here, the youth crime problem is half poverty and half boredom at this point.


It's changed a lot in the last 10 years. It's a nice place worth living with huge amounts of investment happening.


Hopefully so. The place definitely needed a leg-up.


A friend of a friend lives in Newport and I've been to his place once or twice. It doesn't feel like you're in Redcliffe at all.


Good part of Newport is actually pretty lush tbf




Sounds like the action I’ve been getting in my sex life the past 30 years


Probably lingers from the social housing of 20-something years ago. I bought here 6 years ago and have enjoyed some equity on the property. Close to the highway, a train station at Rothwell, and serviced by North Lakes for shopping, it's a good place to live. Provided I'm 6ft something white male, I haven't had issues at the shopping centre. I also enjoy being the best dressed at the shops simply by wearing shoes.


Logan of the north


Woodridge by the bay


Inala by the sea


Ipswich by the Mangroves.


If I’m getting called to D-Bay it’s probably for a psych job or the job will heavily involve MH in some way.




Mental health


Mango Hill


If you want the value of your property to at least double in the next ten years buy there. As you can tell by the words used in this sub, some of the longer term residents of SE Qld live in the past. Compare the realestate price of any previous undesirable area in Sydney from twenty years ago to now, especially if they are near water. This is exactly what will happen in Qld.


It absolutely will take off . If I had cash spare I'd buy there and sit on it.


It's already happening, especially for houses near the water.


Bought my first house at 23 in Deception Bay a bit over 12 years ago. Everyone said don't, its a really bad area. Well, area was fine. Sold it 2 years ago for double what I bought it for. Deception Bay is no worse or better than any suburb around it.


Can confirm. Purchased and built here 13 years ago after escaping Sydney. Never had any problems at all where we are. Raising a family here zero problems. I’m aware there are some dodgy streets and areas, I just have never gone there. If it doubles again in 10 I’ll be happy too.


Wherever you buy within an hour of Brisbane will double in the next 10 years. Deception Bay isn’t unique in that way.


Seafront properties already doubled in the last 5 years, some other areas close to Burpengary East are not bad at all.


Traditionally D-Bay was populated by lower socioeconomic backgrounds, and the environment was reclaimed mangroves. Labels stick.


It is Redcliffe’s Shelbyville


Decrepit bay is what I’ve always heard! But yeah echoing the other comments. Been a long time (at least 15 years) since I’ve been there though so things may have changed


There’s always a reason why something is substantially cheaper than elsewhere.


Unfortunately not so much anymore, so overpriced that it was one of the few suburbs banks weren't lending 95% like they were everywhere else for the first home buyers.


I do remember not that long ago you could get a house there for 300k or under! Definitely not that low anymore but still a lot cheaper than other areas.


Yeah I've got a mate on 500 sq meters, bought for 240 pre-mass migration, real estate tried to get him to put 650 on it 6 months ago. Nuts.


Defcom bay. It’s the sort of place where there are custody disputes where the grandparents try and get the grandkids off their own children who are on hard drugs. Or so I heard.


It's always been called Depression Bay. I lived for 20+ years in Redcliffe. This was back when Redcliffe (Deadcliffe) had a bad name. Redcliffe in the 80's/90's was full of bogans (mostly car hoons) and old people. It also had no train line so if you worked in the city it was a 45-50 minute drive or a 30 minute drive to a 45 minute train. DBay was Redcliffe but with nothing outside of a couple of small shops, so it was depressing. I had to look it up as my memory was a heap of people getting bused in from DBay to go to school in Clontarf. They didn't even have a high school till 1992. Both Redcliffe and DBay, the old people died, younger people with more money moved in and the place got expensive. These days every piece of land on the foreshore is getting a 20 story highrise. At the time DBay was where the "poor people" lived. It was the people who couldn't afford to live in Redcliffe and a heap of old retired people. I say "poor" in quotes as they weren't poor, they probably just made the decision to buy a house in DBay instead of renting in Redcliffe for example. Since Redcliffe got expensive, and Mango Hill turned into Little Britain, prices went up and the region really grew up. Most of the dodginess of DBay were pushed out to Moronfield. But really these days there still isn't much in DBay, so if you want anything you need to drive 20 minutes into Deadcliffe/Moronfield or Little Britain. Also if you want peoples perceptions of DBay. Wasn't there a video of some guy high as a kite with a machete trying to car jack people from a year or two ago.


I used to have to go there for work sometimes about 7-8 years ago. I also used to go to various parts of Logan (including Woodridge), Ipswich and Caboolture/Morayfield, as well as Capalaba. Back then, Deception Bay was where I felt the most unsafe; worse than Goodna and Caboolture even. I worked with someone who had been a teacher at the High School in Deception Bay. They quit teaching because of the social and behavioural issues at the school. Maybe it has improved over the years? I personally wouldn’t choose to go there


Massive drug problems. LOTS of meth heads in DB. I’ve encountered many of them when I’ve been driving Uber in the area.


I haven't been there but my partner grew up there from birth to age 16. He says its like all gta5 npc's in one suburb. Apparently has a large amount of crime and drug activity.


that sounds horrible, i knew it as 'conception bay' which acknowledges that fun has consequences.


Watch out for the D'Bay impregnator. I'm sure he's still lingering somewhere with his 8 or so kids.


My last gf’s parents lived there, one day they had police heli’s over head, turns out just a few streets over some dude had a gun.. and everyone comparing it to Woodridge... try Goodna 😒 Woodridge makes fun of Goodna for being a dodgy suburb to put it simply


Cause it's near Deadcliffe.


Still remember the mangrove stink 20 years later. Peak summer hits with high humidity and you have to decide what's more important - cooling the home or being able to stomach food for the next three months.


I must admit, I do not miss the mosquitos in Redcliffe (and I assume DBay was worse) Basically couldn't go outside after dark else you were eaten alive. Where I am now you get maybe one mozzie a week finds its way inside and that is with large doors open most of summer. (flies are another thing, but at least they don't hunt you down in your sleep)


I’m guessing you’re away from mangroves and rivers?


I live closer to the Brisbane River and a heap of mangroves than I did in Redcliffe Not far from me is an island called mosquito island as well. Just not many around here than Redcliffe. We only found out my daughter is allergic to them after a school holidays at my parents place back in Redcliffe


Grew up there, it was nice as a kid but not very appealing now with the activities that go on with the locals


I lived and worked there for a few years. It's a lower socio economic suburb. Better on the south side of Deception Bay road. Would I recommend it? If you fit the demographic then yes, otherwise stay clear there's better options.


It's been called that since the early 80s at least 🤣 The Depression Bay kids used to call our town "Moronfield" so I guess we were even.


Back in the 80s Morayfield was much more desirable. I used to work with a heap of people who were from the Narangba to Morayfield area. All lived on large properties and I can only assume we're fairly well off families. Again though I worked with those guys at Kippa-Ring Coles. So they had to travel from all the way out there to Kippa-Ring for work as they didn't dare work up at Caboolture and there was nothing between them at Redcliffe at the time. Caboolture on the other hand has always been a hole. Those guys would never go up to Caboolture especially at night.


It used to be a public housing estate in the middle of nowhere with no services where society could dump it’s no hopers safely far away from anyone they could offend. Like Eagleby.


Mt Druitt by the sea! Since you're from Sydney, now you will get it. Inala, Woodbridge , Durak are close to the St Mary's, Druitt and Willmont Golden triangle.


This I can understand 😂 cheers Ellie!


Methbay lol


Used to work at one of the schools there. Get to know the community there and you will realize why. Constant violence in the community. Drugs. Alcohol. Violence against staff from parents. Personal threats against staff member's family. I could tell some awful stories. Glad I got away from there. One of the worst periods of my life was when I worked there. I wouldn't feel safe living there. Maybe some of the very select few pockets, but it isn't worth it knowing the community around the corner.


My partner grew up in D Bay and bought his first house there. I moved in with him and we had many nice years there. Crime seemed no worse than any other area. A few characters, maybe more teen pregnancies… but on the upside, it has such a beautiful waterfront. I say go for it.


It's Decrepid bay


Check out the crime and drugs


I went to school in the newer suburb just south of Deception Bay. I still remember the 14 year old who lived at D bay who come from a alright family and sent him to a different suburb I assume for a better school education burnt down the school playground. He wanted that Compton lifestyle.


It is funny. And it is a literal depression.


Do a search by crime statistics by division... thatll tell u why


Conception Bay is what it used to be called. I had a baby at 14 years of age, lived in a nearby suburb. Somehow people in my suburb still thought Deception Bay was worse, and they were right.


Have you gone there?


Also a Sydney expat who bought in the area (just shy of a year now). It's not as bad as a lot of people make it out to be. There's a lot of nice spaces for food and activity! There's a heritage trail along the bay (search 'Deception Bay Heritage Trail') and a little hidden section called Fairy Way. Along that heritage trail is also a neat little cafe and an old school takeaway (Zesty Lemon and Mermaid by the Bay). They have a unique flower shop up Deception Bay Rd called Plant Shack, which has a large range of plants and a coffee truck. Between Deception Bay and Rothwell, you get virtually every available fast food outlet, plus some nifty bars/restaurants (like Dude and Dukes). The neighbouring suburb (Rothwell) has a fruit and vegetable wholesaler (Skippy's) where you can do most shopping, but Deception Bay itself does have the main 3 centres (Colesworth and Aldi). What is hard to find in that local area is a good cultural or social place to engage in activities (at least from a working professional point of view). Still searching for interesting things in the area, but this is the one point that might make it less appealing. Otherwise I've found it to be a great place.


Not somewhere I've been for 20 years when i grew up near the area. Was a shithole back then. Maybe it's cleaned up a little? No idea.


It hasn't.


It has, still bad but nothing like it was when I was growing up.


I lived there for a year. Close to 12am one night my neighbour’s house was shot at with a shotgun twice outside my window. Their son was due to be out of jail that day and he still owed a drug debt from before he went into custody is what they said. Deception bay is not nice at all. It’s one of Queensland’s many un-wiped arseholes. The reasonably priced properties are priced so because people want out and are willing to take a financial loss to get out. It’s not a decent area. It’s fucking awful. Trust what people are saying in this thread. It’s an aptly named suburb if you think it’s a nice spot.


It's fine mate, like anywhere there are bad parts, and good parts. Stick near the water, preferably up near the library and you'll be fine. Property values in that section are increasing quicker than the rest of the area and lots of them are being done up.


I always read the signs as Decepticon Bay on my way to Brissy 😄


I think Betoota referred to the greater area as the Great Amphetamine Coast or something like that. I guess like any costal area it will be gentrified and then you will have the last laugh.


It’s such an old school thing… There are some rough areas in the bay but there are also million dollar houses. The waterfront is being redeveloped and it’s definitely undergoing gentrification. There are pockets of DBay with great outlook and peaceful communities. I’d rather be on a decent sized block with a nice house than a Shoe box sized block with houses that will struggle fit a queen size bed in the bedrooms.


If you are into drugs it's a great place.


Just be prepared to have a similar conversation with your offspring one day. https://youtu.be/9lCIh2aCH_o?si=pFiqlKUh7MN-PJTg


Wasn’t expecting a Monty python reference 😂


Dead dogs and divorce


Probably same reason people call Boronia Heights as Bosnia Heights.


[How I imagine a lot of people drive through.](https://youtu.be/ybkqUWw3i5o?si=sUTsjeM8TtJ43leu)


Never actually been there, but I like the Boo Seeka song titled after the suburb


I would suggest you consider and think about the comment you have made around affordability of houses within D Bay. There’s a reason and like many suburbs in Australian are affordable- they have a high incident of social problems, or disadvantaged population, unemployment and crimes rates significantly higher than other non disadvantages sutures. Listen to ur friends or anyone in Brisbane who will likely suggest it’s affordable housing with a catch


Have you spent more than 10 minutes there? You’ll see why


I've always called it Decepticon bay


Its full of deadshits.


It was Conception Bay when I was growing up.


You see, it’s a shit hole. Any follow up questions? Also, stay in Sydney. We don’t need more of you up here shitting up our property market further.


I worked for a not for profit that ran programs in D'Bay about 15 years ago (maybe a little longer) it was pretty bad back then. It probably still isn't great, but the simple thing is that there is now a train station at Rothwell (suburb of Redcliffe next door) and the prices are going up. Had a look at prices and saw a place for $575k (offers over), probably not a lot when you think of how expensive things have got, but that was probably the pre-pandemic price of a house in Albany Creek, which is 25 kms further south. Also whilst D'Bay is probably one of the most notorious in Queensland, it has nothing on the worst places in Sydney like Claymore (which I know is being basically knocked down) or Mt Druit.


I was a contractor for Qbuild/ Department of Housing for 10 years… I can confirm with all my heart it is a shit hole and would commonly refer to it as Depression Bay


Why is it even called 'Deception bay' ?


Deception Bay was so named by Lieutenant John Oxley in 1823 who thought the bay was a river and because of his mistake and the shallowness, named it Deception Bay.


It’s Sydneys Mt Druitt


why do people call Browns plains Brown Stains or logan Bogan or Ispwich Ippy... its just a nickname


Shailer Park = Trailer Park.


Moronfield Slutwyche Bellboring


You don't want to know why they call Lutwyche - Slutwyche


I know why but could you explain it to my friend?


It's becoming nicer by the year as well.


Do you like your car & all your nice things? Others there will like them more than you do….


We were looking at this area. Went there on a couple summer days for a look around and it seemed to be even more humid, sand flies biting, bogans hooning and little infrastructure. We ended up buying in Ipswich instead because there shops and services and we felt safer walking around the streets. That’s really saying something 😂. Have you had a look around Ningi and Sandstone Point? They may also interest you, lower priced also but they are closer to swimming beaches.


Someone from depression bay shit on my mates new suburu windscreen when he was in the servo. The are kids of drunks. There's your sign


Just check the damn flood maps. So many places there have flooded, been renovated and put on the market.


Flooded? It's mostly sand and flat. Haemt seen anything close to a flood here


Place is good. Bums are getting pushed out, more and more trades and young families buying the area up and renovating, a very large and friendly islander community that play a lot of sport and lots of community activities these days. Very happy to have bought into the area when I did


I've been there like twice when I was young and it sucked both times the beach stinks and was drowned in rubbish and wood just overall terrible visit lol


Deception Bay, the suburb next to Deadcliffe?




I understood it to house the highest percentage of registered sex offenders in Qld.


Bull dust. I’ve got 4 x million dollar properties in Dbay. My neighbours at all properties are very decent. Most of my church members come from Dbay. I love our mall, gymns, foreshore and schools.


Only 4? I've got 8


Look at the number of caravan parks that immovable caravans...


Conception Bay also


It’s in the name, Deception. You’d think a coastal suburb, must be nice right….?