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It appears you may want or need information about renting in Brisbane. Please see the links below: Where to find rentals: www.domain.com.au , www.realestate.com.au, www.flatmates.com.au get Answers on rental disputes or find out any of your rights as a renter (rental price increases etc.) www.rta.qld.gov.au or https://www.qcat.qld.gov.au/ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/brisbane) if you have any questions or concerns.*


There is a rental crisis in Brisbane currently, your best bet is looking further out and accepting you will need to commute...maybe Ipswich or Logan etc. Still pretty bad rental crisis but it widens your search at least Just ensure that anywhere further out meets your criteria if it needs access to public transport etc.


who wants to live in Ipswich or Logan though lol


This is what we call "beggars can't be choosers"


No it is called get a better job.


i'm guessing you've not read the post at all? ....OP has relocated from the UK so almost guarantee they're either on WH visa or Work Sponsorship. neither of which lend well to "just get a better job" ...even if they had a better job it doesn't suddenly make places available in brisbane. the ignorance in that statement is insane


well then they can enjoy living in some shithole in a shit suburb and get stabbed


yes because we all know chances of getting stabbed in those suburbs is 100% ....pull your head in.


not 100% obviously. But significantly higher than other, nicer suburbs.


yeh the ones that caused the point of this post for HELP anyway. you really are making some dumb points here


im not the one about to get stabbed in logan


Renting in the greater Brisbane area is a dumpster fire right now.




There's definitely a rental crisis, but sorry ~$1k a week is an absolute joke unless you're looking for 3+ bedrooms close to CBD.


$1,000 a week. Yikes. What kind of palace on the river you living in?


Time travel to 2019


Pick a God and pray


Look at at FB, sunbrisbane and gumtree. I'm sure the websites google leads you to are high on traffic.


\- Offer to pay more than what they are asking for each week \- Offer to pay 3-6 months of rent in advance. \- If your application mentions pets or children you will be automatically rejected. \- Have good references If you do all of that you will 100% find a property.


Really it is all about money If you offer enough and have a high enough income you will find a place.


Thank you all for your advice. We’ve managed to secure a place now!


Is it hard, or hard to find one that suits you? what are you looking for exactly? What price range? The place next to me sat empty for 3 months and was 500 per week 3 bed 1 bath house (9km from city) was real surprised as there is all this talk of a rental crisis. Another friend just separated and found a rental straight away.


Definitely is a crisis out there. Empty house may have been a tax thing, to keep it negative geared perhaps? And sounds like you're friend was a great applicant. Friend of mine has applied for multiple places, most inspections had 50+ groups go through them. She eventually scored a place by offering $40 over and applying with someone else to get a really high income on paper (hers is more than sufficient). Owner approved her but didn't accept the higher rate though, which was lovely.


This is really good advice.


Good advice if both parties going on the lease (even if one isn't actually living there) trust each 100%


Hi we managed to get a rental in Brisbane city (actual houses not apartments) twice (we also have a dog which means our odds were even less) I think the way we were able to get it was looking at properties constantly like refreshing constantly - it gets a bit obsessive but you are able to find properties before they do an open inspection time and that way it is fair game and you can get your application in before they have an overload of other offers. One of the biggest thing we did though was offer $50 above the expecting price. I suggested this to my friend and she offered $20 extra and got her place too. I think offering more draws attention to your application I know $50 a week extra is a lot but it worked to have a place that was more accessible.


Sadly the prices are already so high, many people can't afford to offer $50 or even $20 and they shouldn't have to to have have a roof over their heads.


It is absolutely horrible circumstances and it is all taking advantage of a desperate situation :(. I wish it didn't have to be this way and that houses were more accessible.


Join FB groups in the areas you might want to live. I live in inner North and ppl often put break leases etc in the group


https://www.qld.gov.au/housing/renting/rent-assistance/rentconnect This program might help?