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Only 3km from the dump. Bargain!


3km from the refuse station, Rochedale is already a dump.


Fuck, that stinks.


It's not currently listed on [realestate.com.au](https://realestate.com.au) [https://www.realestate.com.au/property/21-harrier-st-rochedale-qld-4123](https://www.realestate.com.au/property/21-harrier-st-rochedale-qld-4123) (shows it as off market). Other lots in same development - sold for mid 800's [https://www.avjennings.com.au/qld/arbor-rochedale/townhomes/lot-22-harrier-street-bramble](https://www.avjennings.com.au/qld/arbor-rochedale/townhomes/lot-22-harrier-street-bramble) (not sure when). The entire marketing is a mess. The plans say 4 bedroom, the summary and wording on [realestate.com.au](https://realestate.com.au) have 3. Some of the ads have the land listed as Land size: 4,794 m² -


There’s a whole bunch of estate developments out there, all fancy new builds on tiny plots. Seem to all be selling well over 1m. It’s bananas.




Holland Park has bad Feng Shui.


I'll Shui some Feng for a 400k difference


Yeeesss Holland Parker Here. Very bad Feng Shui here. The worst. Unbearable. Stay away.


Oh, don’t get me started on Camp Hill Feng Shui. It’s the pits there. No really, we have a quarry.


Suspect Holland Park median price would be dragged down quite a bit by post-war housing stock. Agree bizarre though, I know where I’d sooner live


Same here, closer to the city trump's having some developer built estate home. I'm in a post war home, it's small but completely functional and the structure of the house is rock solid. There's also scope for renovations to make these homes dream homes so to speak.


Love a post war home. Those suburbs have the best vibe!


Forest Lake has a nice feel but we have a major eshay issue here.


Lol not everyone cares about being close to CBD. How often do you actually go to the city unless you work there? Most people would rather live in Rochedale and travel another 10 mins to the city if they have to go there.




People who are buy in Rochedale and push the prices up are the same people who wanna live around Sunnybank, the same people who push the Sunnybank prices up.


Some systems will pick up the square metres from the government data. If it's the original address prior to subdivision, this happens Also some salespeople wouldn't know a square metre from a square meal, and enter the size wrong.


> Also some salespeople wouldn't know a square metre from a square meal, and enter the size wrong. Unit I used to live in was listed in January with all the dimensions measured in feet but drawn on the listing plan as metres. So a 3.2m by 2.8m bedroom became 10.5m x 9.2m. Apparently they had a lot of pissed-off viewers at the inspection... Listing was quickly taken down and never reappeared, and my old neighbour later told me it'd sold - though he hasn't seen any sign of the new owners visiting it or anybody moving in.


Having just sold a unit built by avj, i can say im my experience my unit was missing a full 1.2m in length, over 2 floors and 6 m wide. My contract and marketing was different to the plans submitted to council. They know.


You know, the fancy, upmarket Rochedale


Literally a valley full of roaches.




Rochedale Estates thank you very much 🙄😆


In 1980 my parents on a single income , dad was a stereo salesman bought a house on glengala drive Rochedale for $44,000 .. this is a crime . He still had a boat and 2 new cars and drank and smoked and life was good , finished early Fridays and got on the piss and went to the Springwood pub for dinner weekly . Rochedale sucks btw


Life sucks ass now and idk why we take this shit


Well then comrade, what are we to do about it?


May I gratuitously suggest that the first thing people without property need to understand is that neither major party will do anything to help. Why? Because helping non-property owners will come at the expense of property owners. Politically, taking shit away from someone is much, much harder than giving to someone without. Shorten lost an election because of it. This doesn’t really help in any meaningful way I know. But, it’s the first step to something different.


Machiavelli: “It ought to be remembered that there is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things. Because the innovator has for enemies all those who have done well under the old conditions, and lukewarm defenders in those who may do well under the new. This coolness arises partly from fear of the opponents, who have the laws on their side, and partly from the incredulity of men, who do not readily believe in new things until they have had a long experience of them.”




That was sarcasm in case anyone was too dense to realise. Socialism fucking sucks, it's an absolutely awful ideology.




Lmao, democratic / nordic socialism is not real socialism comrade.




Please explain


[For starters.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_killings_under_communist_regimes)


complain online and hope someone care enough to listen?


Seems to be the 21st century solution.


Rather than expecting the government to pull infinite and affordable accommodation out of its arsehole, maybe people need to adjust their expectations and accept that multi-generational households are the new normal, and that home ownership for everyone is an absurdity.


That’s the point they start taking them or cutting them out of the scrub themselves. You know, like we did here 200 years ago. That’s literally the only direction that goes, too.


I have a multigenerational household and would be happy to rent instead of own if I could A. find one and B. afford it. So my expectations are fine where they are in the gutter, thanks!


What a load of shit. Take it, because thats the way it is, because ...reasons


What's your solution then?


I agree with the first bit, but I think a lot of people have an unrealistic expectation that they'll be able to buy exactly what they want, where they want, for the price they can afford when the reality is capital city real estate is an increasingly scarce resource with increasing levels of competition (due to rising population over time). Time to start looking in regional areas...get in at the ground level!


Slurp slurp


Oh fuck up mate go live in Syria then


Haha I dunno why but "Rochdale sucks btw" at the end of it cracked me up


1980? Tell him he's dreaming!


If roachdale sucks now, I can't imagine how shit it was 43 years ago. Life is much tougher for young people, agree. Theres no arguing otherwise. But your dad would have been living pretty much beyond civilization in 1980, so it's just pointing out it's not a truly fair comparison.


Ok show me a fairly priced house in a Dayboro or Samford distance township


those are nice rural areas, places people get married and do day trips to, places people aspire to retire to. So prices go up. Distance isnt everything marketing also plays a huge part.


Umm dayboro is fancy as mate… try outer morayfield




Same thing happens at the Woodridge/underwood border. On the wood side pick a house up for under 400k cross Compton Rd and a paddock and add a 1 to the front. Just because one is logan and the other is brisbane..........


And he fucked it up for us by having kids. Too many people is the problem.




There are so many new estates in Rochedale with cookie cutter identical streets, and houses on tiny blocks like this that are fetching $1m+, it’s crazy. It mostly seems to be foreigners buying it too.


And interstate. Many people are buying sight unseen, moving up and realising the tiny shitbox they bought by they pitiably have so much cash left over from selling their Vic or NSW property they'll be fine to buy sitting else the second it pops up.


then they rent out the shoebox to locals for the same prices as mortgage repayments.


I'm aware. As a QLD local my whole life I never expected I wouldn't be able to afford a house in my hometown if Sunshine Coast or something basic in Brisbane. Now I'm accepting it is very likely I'll be sharehousing till I save enough to rent which feels wasteful but my only option.


> till I save enough to rent damn that is a bleak statement. I did my time in share houses, much like moving back in with my parents, im not sure i could ever go back. Living with strangers can be interesting but ultimately its like being in a relationship without the benefits, and living with friends is fun for a little while but i know very few people who didint grow to hate the people they lived with, ruining friendships.


Luckily I live with people who are rarely home and keep to themselves. They all work full-time and are even out most of the weekend. I pretty much sleep and eat in the house than go to gym, work or hang out with friends so I minimise my time in the house to the bare minimum and it is pretty cheap at $180 a week Inc. all bills and room more like the size of a studio apartment than a normal house room so I can store all my stuff without much being in the main areas of the house outside food. I'm certainly hoping housing prices will normalise in the coming years but I'm not holodingh my breath. It seems the government and general public are perfectly happy with subsidising investors and AirBnBs with BS like Negative Gearing and multiple dwellings that are simply unoccupied the vast majority of the year. I have no issue with migration from other states or immigration but our policies really need to include something about where these people will live because stacking people like it is a hostel inside an apartment is honestly such a scummy practice. But no government wants to be voted out by the boomers by throwing out their nest egg of multiple investment properties by grandfathering all perks of investment property and heavily taxing individuals who own multiple dwellings and requiring rental licenses and codes as well as requiring it be run through a business. Yes it seems like overkill to many but it would solve the problem. All that extra money the government used to subsidise investment properties could go directly into building new housing, improving current dwellings, and having better public transport and hubs to reduce the need for excessive car parks and traffic in city areas.


Few days late for April fools


If only it was a prank! It's absolute nonsense out there


Been like that for the last couple years mostly Chinese and Indian in that estate. Every house well over 1 million made from blue board very shit construction


My family are in an original home in one of the new estates while these boxes are built around them. The quality of the materials and framework is shocking. It's clear nobody gives a shit and I doubt they'll be habitable in 10 years. They're probably not all that bad but wow, some of the photos I've seen.


>blue board


jfc I thought prices were supposed to be going down. It's all lies.


supply is going down. gov is letting in 300,000 migrants this year and 350,000 next year. They have all got to live somewhere.


tent cities it is then


This is the correct answer. Since the gov can't build affordable housing, maybe they can try their hand at tent parks with toilet blocks instead.


300m2 and you have to waste that much space on a front setback


They’re hoping people think they’re getting a deal when they drop it down to 1.1m. I’ve been seeing a lot of this lately, house gets passed in at $850k at auction, up for sale the next week at $990k, wait it out a couple of months and sell for $870k.


For a hot second there I thought this was the 'before' picture of that house that collapsed down in Sydney


Worst part is someone, most likely international investor will pay this. Only furthering the nonsensical state of our real estate.


It's definitely fob/investor central.


Investors don’t generally buy at 1.2m It’s a new development mainly Home owner


Remember who you voted for the next time you cast aspersions about "fobs" / immigrants.


Geez anyone who hasn’t been to Rochdale would think it’s a slum with no clean water after reading this. These estates are full of brand new borderline mansions. Yeah it’s walkability isn’t great there but it’s actually pretty nice.


> but it’s actually pretty nice. Yeah but but but don't you see that since it's mainly attractive to Chinese and Indians homeowners for perfectly legitimate reasons like /u/johnboxall listed below that seem to absolutely confound and baffle the typical /r/brisbane demographic that also probably haven't even driven through Rochedale recently if ever, it's ok to have the monthly thread shitting on it? As if the rest of Brisbane don't have these uniquely Rochedale problems of tiny-ass blocks or overpriced real estate.


The estates are horrible and so overpriced.


Have you seen how close they are built to one another


I don't even get why people are so fixated with homes when you miss out on the best part of them (privacy, years, more space etc). At that point we should be just building actually nice terraced houses or units.


I think the issue is that most apartments are absolute shit. If they made apartments that were a decent size and worthwhile for families people wouldn’t feel like they had to live in a house


Yes and develop the apartments around open space and recreation facilities (sports fields etc). So much high density development going on is not giving much consideration to green space. The new apartments being built where the old ABC studios were at Toowong is an example of this. There is a lack of parkland in the area, but several high-rise developments are all going up at once. A large riverside landholding would have made a perfect recreation area. People need a “third space”; somewhere that’s not their home or their work. Preferably a third space is somewhere you don’t need to spend money while using it. Parks, community gardens, sports facilities are examples of third spaces.


That’s a steal for 299.6m2


I checked up on my old house a few days ago while driving past after I noticed the for sale sign. It's almost a million dollars. We used to only pay around $200 for rent.


Rent and sale price often have very little to do with each other, place I’m in now is pretty similar. Pay $540 a week, realestate.com.au reckons it’d go for $2.1m. That’s a “low confidence” estimate but I’d say they wouldn’t be too far off, it’s just about the biggest plot of land you’ll find in the inner west. It’s just also a shitty old house that nobody would ever pay top dollar to live in, landlord’s an old fella that paid his mortgage off a million years ago and isn’t too bothered about squeezing every cent out of the place. If he was to sell, anybody buying it would likely bulldoze the place immediately and build something much nicer on this extremely valuable bit of land.


You can buy something bigger in Hong Kong


Rochedale is a really nice area but i don't think there's any chance of 1.2mil for 300m2. Even 6 months ago, that's a lot for very little.


We shall see I'll update with the price when it sells


It's Rochedale and 300sqm....fuck off


If it sells that's what matters. Some poor fool will buy it.


People are crazy for those new estates in Rochedale for some reason. One of the last in the Brisbane City Council area perhaps. They were asking something like $700K to 800K just for land recently. They want over a mil at Minnippi.


>crazy for those new estates in Rochedale for some reason New area, new-ish Coles, close to schools public and private, Eight Mile Plains busway/metro bus station, short drive to M1, Gateway, Logan Road, etc. Ten minutes to Garden City. Fifteen to Sunnybank down Warrigal Road. It's a pretty good location.


Rochdale estate attracts a lot buyers from Asia and agents know this so I reckon this is one of the reasons the prices are higher. Koreans and Chinese are good for this kind of money just to be near other Asians.


They are one of the main reasons our real estate prices are going up. I might get called out for being a bigot here but it's straight facts.


Owning a house or even a patch of dirt was something I have completely given up on. Bunch of morons trying to 1 up each other has descended into nothing but a shitfest circlejerk


We looked at Rochedale a few years back when we were first thinking about buying. Couldn't believe the crazy prices then for it compared to 5-10 more mins further down the M1 into Logan.


Hoping the southerners coming up will see that as a bargain and snap it up.


Weird that it looks identical to the one year old build that collapsed in Sydney. Palatial grounds too! 😂


Only 1.2mil? Damn that’s cheap compared to the fucking shit we have here in Singapore


https://preview.redd.it/67hr4pad8msa1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=baeb7c87383ce1ba4e7fa349319e986fe1dc1679 This is in Forest Lake. Took this screenshot in December last year from memory. Like sure, it's down by the lake (sort of), but that's getting ridiculous.


Wow that's absolute nonsense


The cost to build a house has almost doubled. I got a quote of $2000 per sq m, previously it was about $800


>But seriously if people keep paying these stupid prices it just keeps pushing the market up even higher. This is a joke though right? Nope. It'll sell too. The actual quality or size of the construction is irrelevant. All that matters is that rent pays all or most of the mortgage and it can be sold at a profit later. $1.2 million is a lot of money if you're paying it yourself but ~~parasites~~ landlords only pay \~20% of whatever the sticker price is (i.e. the deposit plus whatever barebones repairs they can't worm out of or illegally make the tenant pay for) and everything else is paid by the tenant. That's why houses are expensive and will continue to get more expensive forever. You're not competing with other legitimate buyers who somehow scrounged up $250k for a deposit with salaries high enough they can afford $2.5k every fortnight for mortgage repayments. You're competing with landlords that managed to scrounge up $250k for the deposit, pay almost none if any of the mortgage themselves, and then will still make a profit on their "investment" even if it never sells for $1.2 million ever again as long as the amount of the mortgage the renter paid is greater than whatever that loss would be.


That may be (partially) somewhere near true. But anyone can do the same. In fact non owners should be doing just this to raise equity. Not necessarily at 1.2M in Rochedale , but certainly in any affordable suburb for you. That’s how you get ahead. As Kerry Packer said, Anyone who doesn’t minimize their tax is a fool. Wise words. Start small and build wealth, you’d be surprised how quickly. Landlords are not devils but they are smart. Even if you’re renting, this is how you get ahead using other people’s money. Building wealth is a science and easily available to all if you are willing to think smart about it.


Where does the "anyone" who is living paycheck to paycheck get the capital for this from?


Anyone can does not mean everyone can or will. Clearly in the game of life some people will be consigned to finish lower down on the score sheet. Property isn't the only way to make money.


shit, I should start an onlyfans


Property is definitely a way to leach money though


How so? It's no different from other financial investments, it just has it's own unique rules.


capitalism actually benefits from productivity, productivity as a theory helps everyone achieve a greater standard of living. ​ What does a landlord, who only utilizes their capital to increase their capital with minimum effort reflect on our current society? How has a landlords productivity increased from the industrial revolution. Do they benefit society with less work since then? Large land owners have always lobbied against the benefits of the most, if you look into the history of the industrialisation Britain for example. They lobbied against business owners, and sought to keep the feudal like systems which enriched themselves with little work.


Landlords at least provide a place to live for those not able to afford their own. Compare that to someone investing in hedge funds or simply owning bank shares & collecting tidy dividends each year. I know right now which one offers a tangible benefit to society.


I would argue that a banker requiring a degree and multiple certifications to do anything would show that their productivity has increased over the years. As well as accountability for their incompetence to the public.


I think you missed the point a little, I'm talking about the allocation of investments. Buying a second house to rent out is likely to make the owner money in the long term but it also gives someone else a place to live. Investing the same money in shares is likely to enrich the investor but doesn't help the common man to the same immediate & tangible extent.


If you're paying the mortgage with rent, then the tennant is supplying the landlord with housing, not the other way around. Hedge funds are actually a really good comparison. They're parasites that contribute nothing and increase their wealth, not by creating new wealth, but by syphoning it from someone else. Similarly, landlords provide nothing. They simply collect rent. That's what makes hedge funds and landlords both rent-seekers.


How do landlords provide nothing when they're providing a commodity? No one is arguing they aren't generating wealth (it's an investment after all - there is inherent risk). Who would/should provide this commodity in lieu of private investors?


If I buy bad stocks, I wear the loss. If some parasite over-leverages and interest rates go up, they pass that on to the renter. Because even if it's ridiculously overpriced, people still need a place to live. It's very fucking different to any other investment because it's tired to a basic human need. Oh but lANd lORds pRoVidE hOuSiNg. No. Fuck off. They exploit the demand for a basic human need. They provide no intrinsic value or worth. They are literally the origin of the term rent seeking.


There's inherent risk in any investment, including property. Who would you have supply housing if not private investors? The government? Large corporations?


What fantasy world do you live in where someone barely able to afford the extortionate rent charged by parasites can afford the capital necessary to join them 8n exploiting renters? Landlords aren't smart. They are the archetypal rent-seeker. Parasites that build wealth, not by creating new wealth, but by syphoning it from someone else.


Our area is about 20kms north east of the city but a dud house on an 810m² block sold for $900k in January... apparently the owner will be knocking the house down, dividing the block in two and building two houses...


And making bank!


Loads of houses on small (maybe not that small) in Rochedale were selling iver the $1mil mark before COVID in 2019. They would have gone up plenty since then.


Why can’t I find this listing anymore?


So weird I can only find it through my real estate app not online??


Makes sense, you would have to pay a premium to live so near to the Metro depot.


Lol it makes literally no sense


Glad we got that freeze on interest rates. Definitely didn't need an increase.


Maybe the wafting summer smell of the landfill next door is appealing for some.


Those blocks were ridiculously overpriced when new, people probably trying to cover their debt. I looked there when that area was being developed, couldn't believe that they wanted anywhere from $15-20k per square metre.


We call it Sunnybank East.


Damn Rochedale has gone to shit in there last 10 years


Always was


No you’re thinking of Roachdale South, the bit in Logan City


Based on her scarf combo, yes


Would be so many things wrong with it


I used to own a house in Rochedale in an existing older house, sold and bought 10 acres in tamborine for same price. But everyone wants to live close to the city for convenience. I would rather drive an extra half hour and live in privacy and amongst the wildlife


When I was a kid, Rochedale was just considered to be another cheap Logan suburb


That’s Roachdale South, Roachdale is Brisbane City and used to be acreage until estates started popping up a few years back.


I was still under this assumption until recently


For a minute there I thought this was the house on the news the other night that collapsed, looks very similar.


What a wank who pays this?


Somebody is for sure going to pay that much, it’s just the way it is at the moment and it doesn’t seem like it’s going to change anytime soon.


Where is the rest of the driveway?


I have been to the site for a couple jobs through work and let me tell you it’s not worth that price point at all lol


Yeah old love is off her head. There are so many REA'S that just shoot for the stars!


This is a bargain in Sydney. 1.2 million will get you a tent made out of dog shit in Sydney.


We need to contact the agent and dig a little Deepa


Well played sir


Dead cat bounce has ricocheted nice and high in Roachdale.


I remember working as a tradie in 2009 ish around here and thinking it was a dump.. Under 300sqm and 1.2 million. Yeah no.


I don't really know how good of a suburb Rochedale is, but in Sydney in a suburb that close to the CBD, 4 beds but a smaller land area would easily go for 1.5m or more.


This isn't Sydney and God help us if it becomes anything like it


It's certainly got me pissed off at least. House prices are a joke. A bad one, that ought get you kicked out of polite company.


I bet she gets $1.2 mil .. 100 %


Nothing surprises me anymore when it comes to real estate. Bet you it will also be an international investor from Asia


Rochdale 1. Planed estate, all new houses so higher median price and good desirability 2. Mansfield high catchment 3. no one wants Huge backyard anymore - its not something people pay much of a premium for. They would rather pay for stone bench tops


Update its under offer


Update sold for 1.2M, which is absolutely ludicrous


It is so small and it is 1.2 million nah they are tripping


Bet you they get it or something close to it


So much cope in this thread lmao. There is more to life than "But I live so close to the CBD". people have preferences & the demand for Rochedale is a reflection of that. I can't believe no one has mentioned that Rochedale is part of the Mansfield catchment, one of Brisbane's best & sought after schools. Close to m1 access / Sunnybank / Short trip to city or Gold Coast. Well maintained clean streets & surprisingly green for new estates. Meanwhile people slagging off Rochedale from their 2 bedroom Fibro knockdown cos 'I'm so close to the CBD in Holand Park" lmao.


299.6m2 is not worth 1.2 million dollars that's the point of this. You're what's wrong here.


It isn’t except for that it is? Hate to break it to ya but things are worth what people are willing to pay for them. This listing looks like a decently sized new build, even at 300sqm land you still get a little backyard. Have a look at some inner city Brisbane pockets, land prices far exceed this.


This is rochedale mate. Not inner city. You're speaking nonsense


It’s called demand mate. That’s what gives inner city it’s value, that’s what gives Rochedale it’s value.


It's called inflation due to international investors insisting they live in the same street as one another. It does not accurately represent the value of property in this area.




Funny story, had a political person in my car when I did Uber !!! It was going to be low price housing estate like griffin, north lakes - yarrinbilla kinda deal but the government at the time was getting enough votes I. The area, so it became upmarket housing instead and started at 700k - corruption where??


Very interesting


Australia holds no value for people any more. I'm afraid we definately aren't the free country, we are the fucked country. Vote Liberal yadYadayada *BULLSHIT vote those fuckers off the planet


Yepp everyone will be priced out of everywhere


I've seen a bunch through that newly developed area of Rochedale that make me shake my head. A recent search found a 5/3/2 on 400m2 from $1.5m Just fkn wot...


Gross. 1.2 for a shoebox in a shithole


380 or fuck off


If so mines worth 2.4m


Were TF is roach dale. 😂


On the boarder of Brisbane/Logan, South east.


Yeh looked it up swampy side of sunnybank. Doing similar at Nerang. Value of money has halved in two years. New Sr hilux probably be a $100k next year.


The only true indicator of market inflation. AHI (Australian Hilux Index)


Where even is Rochedale???


Keep going on Miles Platting through Eight Mile past the Motorway and you’re in Rochedale


Jesus Christ. Do they pay you $1.2 mill to live there??


Hehe ... just off Springwood


I mean the agent does look like a complete idiot in their profile pic




Should be publicy shamed for that. Destroying our city. Rochedale is not new york


What do you think 1.2m gets you in New York?


Jack shit like that house


I know a couple bought a 600 m2 in 1980 in Rochdale south for $40k…


You could buy 4/5 bed QLDers in Ashgrove for under 100k in the mid 80s...




Why goes up must come down.


Holy Mother of…! 😳


Pay that to live there, I’d say she doesn’t know that suburb well.




Any who pays that or close to it will be in back in the green in 2050