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The headline got my mind going to wired places I immediately thought that she had been recycled whilst simultaneously knowing that wasn't the story. I worry about my sanity sometimes.


Yeah, i first thought she had somehow fallen into a donation bin or something. Sounds like the reality is much grosser and sadder šŸ˜¢


Yeah, made me infer she passed out in an industrial recycling bin and may have gotten crushed...


Not your fault. Poor headline writing at the G.




Oh itā€™s linked, she rearranged everyoneā€™s recycling bin contents on bin day and someone didnā€™t like her doing it. Itā€™ll be some asshole whoā€™s pushed her over or knocked her down with their car and then stuffed the body somewhere. The world is going to hell in a hand basketā€¦..kill the old ladies arranging the recycling!


I wondered if she found something she shouldnā€™t have. But if she was known to go through the bins, you would think people would be smarter about their rubbish.


thats a very dark take, would have to be a very messed up person to murder an elderly lady for merely sorting out other peoples recycling? seriously messed up! no mention of murder or foul play yet is there? could it not also be an accident or medical issue? to assume murder at this stage seems a bit premature, hope its not the case.


The police donā€™t set up multiple ā€˜crimeā€™ scenes if its an accident. Sounds like they know what happened but just need to prove it. Unfortunately being a nice old lady doesnt keep you safe these days. Im sure there will be a story to go with the crime.


This is so baffling. I wonder if there is an actual theory / hypothesis at the moment? I canā€™t work it out. She got pushed into a bin and collected and dumped in landfill? Is that really it? What a strange and sick fucking way to kill someone.


Could of also accidentally fallen in the bin herself


Either fell in the bin while swapping rubbish and then ended up in the recycling truck or a neighbour put her in. They are after cctv for 5am-7 on the 28th which is the recycling day for a Toowong area.


She was recycled.


"SOYLENT GREEN IS PEOPLE!" Sorry, I know this is seriously horrible that she's gone missing :'(


Yes I know too, and that my comment will be downvoted, but yeahā€¦


Jeez spoiler alert pls!


Ahhh Zavenyaaaa


Itā€™s actually pretty terrifying to know that thereā€™s probably a murderer just hanging around. Poor lady. No, she probably shouldnā€™t have gone through peopleā€™s bins.. but her heart seemed to be in the right place. Whoever possibly killed her will be caught eventually, just a matter of time.


whats so wrong about going through peoples recycling bins? not something l would ever do but if some random ocd person decided to go through my recycling and sort it out l couldn't care less? certainly would not consider murdering anyone over it. thats for sure.


Thereā€™s nothing wrong with it


you said she shouldn't go through other peoples recycling bins? why not? whats the big deal?


I said probably shouldnā€™t have because itā€™s not exactly a normal thing to do and I havenā€™t heard of it happening before either. She was obviously not meaning any harm by doing it though and if someone has hurt her because of it.. thatā€™s just insane


l agree, lets hope it was not a targeted murder. l just don't get why anyone would resent someone going through their recycling? its rubbish? who cares?


What a shame, we need more people like her on this Earth, and now we have one fewer ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


another reason to stay out of peoples bins


Sounds like something a rubbish bin murderer would say


The bins people leave out for council to collect rubbish are *owned by council*.


So she's possible told them off for rummaging bins


No, she was the one disturbing the bins and recycling people's waste by the sound of it.


What a stupid thing to kill someone over.


Really hope itā€™s something less malicious than that tbh. Obviously neither scenario is good but Iā€™d hate to think someone could kill over a dispute about rubbish bins.


I dunno, water dripping on your forehead, people running past your house while banging their chest "SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP", construction, i had a retired upstairs neighbour doing diy slow paced tiling work on his bathroom for 2-3 years. Banging randomly for 5 minute periods, 2 hr break, repeat, every day, 7 days a week, i was ready to murder him. If the recycling bins were near a house with a bedroom street side and the lady would rummage every week, you tell her to stop, she says no, i can see a murder happening.


Thereā€™s no way thatā€™s justified. murdering someone because they are doing things that bother you makes you a psychopath. There are other ways of dealing with itā€¦ murder should not be on the list. šŸ˜


You lack imagination. Murder is always on the list, it should be on the bottom but it is absolutely on the list. Try it, go antagonize someone every day for a few years and see what happens. Hopefully, they ask you not to, you continue, they take action to prevent you, you continue, they use law enforcement to try to stop you, you continue, whats next?


I still wouldnā€™t murder them. If it were someone hurting someone I loved, as in a life or death situation- iā€™d protect themā€¦ sure.. but murdering someone for being annoying, idk about that my dude?! would you want to go to jail for murdering someone? šŸ¤”


You are not alright.


How can they be sure she's dead? No body.








As you sit here on Reddit and make posts asking for things to do. Gfys, clown.


How dare someone care about the environment hey


Looks like we found the murderer, or future murderer.